Superhero setting

>Superhero setting
>Destructive battle in paris.
>The players destroy accidentally the Eiffel Tower

How much do the French like the Eiffel Tower?

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Not at all, as French are now a mix of Middle-Eastern and African people who have no attachment to it nor any of the monuments of France.

>France is just going to have to live with the destruction of their national monuments.


Don't try and garlic butter my arse, you capitulating failure of a nation.

Only the cities are brown, the whites all left for the countryside.

So the outrage will be delayed

What are they going to do, surrender at you?

I heard there were black people in France

Is this true or is it like the US where there really aren't that many but they're on TV a lot so everyone thinks they're taking over

>Don't try and garlic butter my arse

Enough to built it back.

A 2nd napoleon arises as a new villain.
>a transient psychological disorder exhibited by some individuals when visiting or vacationing to Paris, as a result of extreme shock resulting from their finding out that Paris is not what they had expected it to be

They'll rebuild it so they can light it up for the next time Germany gets ISIS'd.

That is almost exclusively suffered by the Japs and their prison-like conditioning to their own idea of service, social interaction and etiquette.

It's more saying about Japanese than Paris, really.
That and the sheer volume of fucking tourists that visit Paris. Seriously there is way too many tourists.

Surely you mean a third Napoleon.
Well it would be called the fourth but whatever.

Parisians would be about as mad as new yorkers would be if someone blew up one of their iconic monuments, if you can imagine that.

Following your link, I saw Jerusalem has it worse. 100 a year against 20, for half the number of tourists. I guess it make sense but still.
Not that either are statistically significant though.

> 4. Preparation, often with the aid of hotel bed-linen, of a long, ankle-length, toga-like gown, which is always white.
Classy and comfy.

Well, within a Superhero setting, they'll probably be more used to this sort of thing.

"Oh, the Eiffel Tower got destroyed?" Boo hoo, guys, see the White House I'm in?" Said the President.
"Um, no, because..."
"Yeah, I'm not in the White House, because FUCKING DOCTOR DOOM BLEW IT UP AGAIN."
"DOOM said he was sorry!"

%20 1st gen immigrant population in paris. Its high, but not so high people will stop eating baguette.

Eiffel Tower is tourist bait, French don't give a shit besides for the obvious economical benefits of having a tourist bait.

On the other hand, is some harm or, god forbid, outright destruction were to befell Notre-Dame everyone would flip their shit like it's 1789. Which might as well happen in foreseeable future, because

You mean a new hero

But Napoleon was not French.

I hope they do, it would entertain me.
And maybe get rid of the pussy Frenchman stereotype with the old blood and war one

To be fair, they probably got nanomachine and stuff to reconstruct easily, not to mention time travel to take measures.
>Huh, what are you guys all doing here.
>Taking some samples, the castle will be destroyed next week by the Hulk, we're trying to find the same wood to redo the panels.
>Also, you might want to take a vacation.

On a sidenote, the french historical monuments center (CMN) have been using FARO scanners for a while, to make accurate 3D models of the buildings.

The housing must be a nightmare in a cape setting. Half the city and infrastructure getting destroyed each week, it's a wonder people don't leave for rural areas.

Seriously, fuck off. I see this so often that I'm starting to think there are actually people moronic enough to honestly believe this.

>Ius soli
He was born on French soil. Not only that, his own father actually collaborated to make Corsica French (which is why this nobody from a backwater of metropolitan France was allowed to study in Paris in the first place: a reward for his father's cooperation). He was French.

>Ius sanguis
By blood he was... a citizen of the republic of Corsica. Pro-tip: by the time he was born, that republic was already defunct, it perished by the hands of the French. Napoleon was French.

>B-But he spoke French with an accent
This was the eve of the Revolution. Only 25% of France at best spoke any form of French. The fact that Napoleon fluently spoke French in the first place makes him a lot more French than most Picards of the time, whose Frenchness is never doubted (because it would lead to the downright retarded conclusion that 75% of France wasn't French).

>B-But he never valued France
The Emperor of the French never valued France? Explain his dying words: "France, army, Josephine". Especially notice how he puts France before the woman he loved.

And let's not forget a very important fact: Italy did not exist before Napoleon created it. You'd have to be quite impressive to be Italian before Italy even existed (until then Italy was only a geographical definition much like Scandinavia today. A geographical definition that only referred to the peninsula and therefore excluded Corsica (even in Roman times the province Corsica et Sardinia was separate from the province of Italia)).

Napoleon is less "Italian" than Washington was British. Yet calling Washington British exposes you as a retard in the eyes of pretty much everyone.

Pretending to be retarded isn't trolling.

The Frenchmen who fought and died in WWII were far from pussies, but their children and grandchildren certainly are

>>Ius soli
>>Ius sanguis
By that logic Gandhi would be a Brit.

Indeed. And nobody calls Ghandi a Brit, despite the fact that the case for calling him a Brit is stronger than the case for calling Napoleon an Italian. That makes the logical conclusion....?

You're saying the exact same thing as I am, you're just switching around Ghandi and Washington.

Well, in his youngest years it seems he thought he could be someone important in an independent Corsica.
But Paoli (the most important dude in Corsica) didn't trust him (since his father played a role in the France takeover of Corsica) and he got nowhere. He then chose France.
He ultimately end up hating Corsica by the way. I think we have a citation of him from his personal mail that is basically "If Corsica could sunk Atlantean way, the world would be a better place."

So there was a time when he didn't feel very French, but it changed and it didn't make him any less French.

>Only the cities are brown, the whites all left for the countryside.
>only the cities
>the cities are 75% of the population

Thanks, so very comforting.