Adopt a Dreadnought

So for Christmas, one of my gifts was a Furioso Dreadnought. Despite the fact I play codex marines, I find Furiosos to be awesome as hell and he is currently in the process of being built and painted.

However, I have no idea if in lore if any space marine chapter happens across a dreadnought shell either empty or its occupant still alive, and adopt/incorporate them into the chapter. I'd like to have a cool reason to why my chapter has something they would not normally have access to.

Blood ravens It was a gift.

They'd probably want to return it to the Blood Angels or its associated successor Chapter because taking up the arms of dead brothers without intent on returning those relics is poor form.

Sons of Medusa get a lot of crap for that, which shows it's not prohibited, but frowned upon. And who says anything that's frowned upon is not permitted? It adds flavor when your chapter has a black spot against them, they don't have to be perfect and shining paragons and can have a little bit of dirt behind their ears.

Otherwise, it might be a gift for some reason or another, lost to the annals of Chapter history or recorded and legitimized by the Blood Angels or successor chapter for heroic deeds performed.

I would say that the overwhelming majority of Marine chapters would not let a Dread just sit there.

They'd most likely first attempt to return him to his parent Chapter, if it still exists, and THEN attempt to incorporate him into their Chapter should that be impossible/against the Dreads wishes.

Dreads are extremely revered and/or respected, if only because of their age and value. They'd make every effort to return him to his brothers, at bare minimum to ingratiate themselves into the other Chapters good standing.

That's very informative, thank you. Its definately giving me ideas for my latest edition to my army.

What kind of loadout are you planning to run this dreadnought with?

For example, it might make more sense if you built the librarian dreadnought and ran it as a regular or venerable dread with sufficiently fluffy lore and the blood angels icons shaved off. A regular furioso could also work as an ironclad with some modifications.

Fluff-wise an easy one could be the dreadnought chasse (with one one inside it) was awarded to your chapter as a reward for some sufficiently epic deed. Perhaps inside is the sole survivor of a first company vet squad that scarified themselves helping the blood angels (or successor) take out a space hulk and rescue a recruiting world or something.

Death company or regular furioso?

If you've not looted a disabled dread on the battlefield (or were gifted it), the marine inside is still a member of his chapter. The ways I see for him not to be with the BA are :
>Lost and found; original chapter can't be joined
>Chapter exchange (after all, a dread is ancient and therefore very knowledgeable)
>Last survivor of a BA contingent that was fighting alongside your chapter, tagging along until the mission is accomplished.
>Blackshield, he arrived one day for mysterious reasons and hasn't left since.

Following this, the easiest explanation is that the Dread's chapter was eliminated. Maybe they were fighting together with OP's chapter and they sacrificed everything. The Dread then stayed with his allies.

I find this unsettling and awesome

>Blackshield, he arrived one day for mysterious reasons and hasn't left since.
Does a Dread even have the physical dexterity to strike his own colours?

He could always have been part of a squad of blackshields, shere his brothers helped him with that (and maintenance). Or Rub his shoulder against a wall, or take a quick bath in some acid lake.

Lets say the chapter was pacifying an ork infested planet and they come across a crumbling monastery that was lost centuries or even millennia go. Searching the ruins, they happen across a dreadnought still in its deep sleep that for whatever reason, was not activated when the fortress was under attack, let alone discovered by anyone beforehand.

Waking up the Death Company dread, it turns out the massive length being dormant has screwed up his memory something fierce. With most identifying markers for who he was apart of gone, they decide to adopt him into their ranks.

>a black templar and a fleshtearer meet in the dearhwatch.
>become bros, bond over crusading and swords.
>both get injured to dred degree on a mission.
>see this as no reason to end their watch.
>still run around broing it up.

>*dread comes CLANGing up, livery unreadable*
>"My apologies, Venerable Ancient, but I don't believe I called for support."
>*autocannon spins up*
>*fist-sized rounds start turning Eldar into slut-flavored salsa*
>"Should we do something, Sergeant?"
>"Are YOU going to tell him no?"


This shit here


Perhaps your guys did a great service to a Blood Angels successor, and they interned the sole survivor of the group into a Furioso as a gesture of honor and gratitude, a symbol of the lasting bond that now exists between your two chapters.

It also gives a fluffy reason for bringing some sort of detachment or allying with a bro in the future.

I may be crazy, but I believe I'm recalling a scene from an early Horus Heresy novel where a dread used wreckage to deface his legion heraldry, possibly adjacent to the Istvaan III purge.

This has happened IIRC in the canon before. A Crimson Fists Dreadnought was lost, some other Chapter found it alone on a planet and gave him a lift.

Apostasy Gambit book III : The Chaos Commandment had a couple Black Templars dreads guarding the tomb of a major imperial saint, apparently they've been here for 2000 years.

sorry testing

sorry testing

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I find this concept even cooler than the legion of the damned.
Suddently, surprise Dreadnought.

Hu, I didn't know it worked even if you didn't close it.
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