Bad mtg art

I want some bad mtg art!

That is the greatest mtg art what are you talking about


I'd take the worst art from Tempest block over the bland, conformist CG art direction that WotC has been mandating for the last half a decade any day.

what's bad about it kid?

MTG is the game that has no bad art

I think he's upset that it doesn't fit the style of most of the other (especially recent) cards. It's cartoony rather than "epic."
Even so, I'm with you guys, that card's not bad at all.

>It's bad because it has different style

Where are those idiots come from?

True, plain old "bad" doesn't even begin do describe the graphical atrocity that is the Foglios.

Please, Foglio cards look bad even within their own sets.

Why the Folgio's get held in the same esteem as great classic Magic artists like Brom, Hoover, DiTerlizzi, and rk post is fucking baffling.

It's not bad, just art doesn't fit into the title

>Foglio cards look bad
Pleb with no taste


Folio appreciation thread?

I always preferred the Ice Age Swords to the ABU version, good choice

All Steve Argyle art.

Man, alot of older cards suck huge dick. Did mtg become popular on accident?

I like this card joust lock how happy she is fliyng away from all her crap, can you protect her smile?

Phil Foglio fucking sucks and I'm glad WotC dropped him.

Don't you mean Claymore J. Flapdoodle?

Remember, A/B/U was the time five mana could get you: a 3/5 (Ironroot Treefolk), a 5/4 (Water Elemental), a 4/4 Flying (Air Elemental), or a 4/4 Flying Vigilance (Serra Angel). It was also the time that a one-mana instant would either deal three damage, heal 3 life/prevent 3 damage, get 3 mana, give a creature +3/+3, or draw 3 cards. For that matter, the set that gave us Phelddagrif also gave us pic related, which also has badass art.
Point being, the "problem" with old-school Magic is that balance was all over the place. But that's fine if you're just playing with friends, which is what made the game popular.

I got a foil swamp from Kaladesh that looks like shit. It's dark and you can't really see anything.

>It's dark and you can't really see anything.
well it's a swamp you dummy what did you expect?

The Foglios are hot garbage who produced terrible artwork, and REALLY cringey lewds, and are mostly worshipped because of a terrible webcomic these days.

Fuck 'em. Phil in particular is known for spreading lies and drama whenever things go poorly with his books being published because he can't into reading contracts or hiring lawyers.

Where is this stupid frog from?

FFVII random enemy.

Flapdoodle's work resembles, but is legally distinct from, Foglio's.

>people who like things I don't are stupid and wrong

>also implying lawyers aren't assholes
>and implying you shouldn't get mad when someone screws you over with a contract

Thank you user. I could tell it was some PSX/PS2/DC era RPG enemy but it wasn't too distinctive.

>unironically white-knighting Foglio

That Hippo is an EDH powerhouse.
A 4/4 for 4 isn't too bad (survives Bolt), and it has a bunch of good keywords on top on that. His power comes from politics; pay UUU, target player draws 3 cards. Someone close to dead? Medic-hippo to the rescue. Instant-speed chumpblockers or sacrifice fodder for all your bros.

Not only that, but having a Bant coloured commander that doesn't advance your boardstate, but rather others, makes you a lot less of a threat than someone with a Narset for a commander.

>Still going at it
People are allowed to like different things kid, nobody's going to think you're a puss if you just agree to disagree.

I'm not talking about you liking his art, kid. I'm talking about you defending him regarding the lawyers shit.



I'll take Foglio's art over the bland shit consistent to magic over the past decade any day.

try turning on the light

Foglio an shit

So just because you hate his art, it means that it's okay for him to get fucked over by greedy kikes?

Okay kid, don't cut yourself on that edge I guess.


That shit is fucking baaaad

>elf hitler in the gas chamber
Art's terrible, but the irony's delicious.

>elf hitler
I thought she stopped being that when they rebooted all the characters ?

Anyway, what could we do to make this card art better? A different angle is certainly needed, but what? And should we see it just as it is going off in the picture or just before it's sprung?

Instead of a physical "trap" it could have been a force field. Or, you know, not those horrible faces.

She'll always be Elf Hitler in my heart. WotC's revisionism can go fuck itself.

Yeah, that's angry nerds for you.

The weird eyes and metal that looks like smoke gives the golem a stoner-esque vibe I don't really enjoy

I will gift a cheap Steam game to whoever finds an uglier face in Theros

I'll wait


Get on my level, nerds.

This has a classic feeling I really like

That looks awesome, but doesn't really fit the effect or the type imo.

wow, that is truly niggerrific

>be black
>so fast you give other people flash
>pay welfare or things die

Holy shit



These are good you troglodites

Being old isn't an excuse, the original Craw Worm looks like it was drawn with a biro and colouring pencils.



kek, are russians that easy to forget they were on the nazi side for the first half of the war?

There is something about it that still makes it look nice.

That would be fine if they didn't fuck up the bend in upper right, or made it more clear it doesn't connect.







second bug is literally copy-pasted.

That's an equipment, mate. Not relevant to this conversation.


It's a bad mtg art thread.
Where do you think we are?






>on nazi side

u wot m8

Please Wizards end the reserve list JUST so we can get new art for this dated shit.

The card is literally called ancestral recall; it's symbolic.

Jfc. I guess I never saw it like that. My playgroup does teams so "target opponent" wording fucks us. Also, I've been playing almost 4 months so excuse my retardation.

I dont mind the style they use but there needs to be some fucking variety even that excessivly realistic finger was a blessing after several years of every card being in the exact same fucking style.

I will take literal crayon scribbles if it means some fucking variety in the style now.

Keep the planeswalkers all in the house style if you must but otherwise fucking allow a little bit of variation.

No man, Flash art is bad. Sorry.

>can make itself fly
Admitidly at the time it was harder to get the mana

I remember when i opened my first pack i opened a vampire i forget the name of and thought man paying 2 life just to fly for a turn does not seem worth it.

New art isn't often bad, but it is really fucking lame. I would prefer to have some Foglio or Stasis-tier art just so we could have some Hoover and Nielsen.

I don't want MTG art to be "good"
I want it to be memorable, unlike everything in recent sets

>I want it to be memorable, unlike everything in recent sets

>Trans Clan leader
>Female Ghostbuster
>Faggot Kings

MTumblrG is nothing but memorable, art is the least of the worries for the future of the game

>survives bolt


You need to have a talk to someone from Poland

>tfw having literally no idea what any of these are

Justin Hampton is the worst MTG artist.

>Actively took part in the invasion of Poland
>Actively negotiated treaties to split up Eastern Europe
>Worked with and Allied with the Nazis
Nah the USSR was working with the Nazis for a notable chunk of time. True it was for their own self-interest but Stalin did consider Hitler to be an Ally in Europe. Also checked.

that mace has always bothered me but the rest, the style, i like. could use less DSL on mace viking though

I think he means alesha who smiles at death from khans who is trans, the planeswalker from conspiracy 2 being a ghost assasin and the openly gay theros couple from the new commander, seems wizards is riding the lgbtqi+ train lately

>I think he means
>he means
Did you just assume my gender shitlord?

sounds like the "controversy" during Theros prerelease about "nigger greeks" that turned out to be nothing, suppose I'll jump ship after Kaladesh 2 again.

There was also not a single poo in a loo or on the streets in kaladesh

This guy gets it.

I trudged through that awful Zendikar book because Nissa was a jerk-person in a universe of boring people and cartoon villains. Spent years hoping for GB Nissa, or fullHitler Nissa, or reluctant ally Nissa.

We got retcon-hippie Nissa...

There is no such thing as good MtG art. It's managed to do the impossible and be completely unique, uninspired, and bland all at once.

>Keep the planeswalkers all in the house style if you must
I still hope for a Foglio JtMS just so I can drink the tears of the edgelords who will complain that it ruins his dark and mature character.