>tfw no Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor gf
Tfw no Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor gf
>tfw no Inquisitor gf
>tfw no Cathar gf
>tfw no Lawful Good gf
>tfw not a holy union of machine and flesh
>tfw no redeemed succubus gf
>tfw no gf
I know jackshit about MTG but I'm fairly certain someone read French history there.
yes Innistrad language and aesthetic is based on germanic and a bit of french history. it's pretty neat
>tfw women don't exist and are just made up by sjws in 1923 to put doubt into the minds of christians
>tfw no gf
>tfw no f
>tfw you're here because it's the closest simulation you have to having f.
>mfw my family name is based on the Cathar ideology
>Supposedly family is descended from the high and mighty kind of Cathars, the "Bonshommes" (Good men, litteraly)
Still a filthy heretic in ye olde Christianity though.
>tfw no TITAN gf
>tfw no giant robot gf
Well I can feel envious of Ciaphas Cain.
Though the Inquisitor in question is Ordo Xenos.
Cain fucked a Tech priestess too
I can only imagine what ever happens if he ran into regular eldar.
Its probally the reason why he only ever faces ork and necrons.
Amberly purposely sends him to fight the aggressive xenos because she knows Cain when given the chance will fuck a space elf.
Wait... what are all the vagina weilders in the world then?
>ywn live in a world purely populated by men who have ascended beyond their sexuality and libido, with the human population kept alove through genetic engineering and artificial wombs
Apotheosis of Man when?
>tfw actually have a Nurgle cultist gf
Why the Tzeentch tattoo?
It's Cultist-Chan nurglified. She's usually Undivided in the same way Abadon is (chosen by all 4), but that picture's part of a series where the artist depicts her after fully committing to one of the Four. No idea why they left all the marks, you'd have to ask them yourself.