Custom playmats for MTG any good pics guys?
Suggest pictures for my custom mat plz/thx
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My playmat suggestion: that goblin surrounded by hot girls that was supposed to be an official MTG playmat but that Wizbro got mad at and had scrapped at the last minute.
I know just the pic for you
something tasteful by Nanashi
You seriously need to read this if you think that's appropriate for a Magic tournament.
>So if you see a friend packing up his red “Make America Great” hat or a “Build the Wall” playmat, take that person aside and explain to them the way that image is going to be seen by women, people of color, the LGBTQ community, immigrants, and basically everyone who thinks that the problems facing our country and our world are complex in their causes and solutions. Explain to them that this is like giving the middle finger to your fellow Magic players.
>Explain to them that this is like giving the middle finger to your fellow Magic players.
This is a feature, not a bug.
>Explain to them that this is like giving the middle finger to your fellow Magic players.
I fail to see the problem here.
Grand Prix Indianapolis.
I want it.
What type of scum reads this shit?.
Wizards of the Coast for one.
The current Magic community is cancer. They deserve the middle finger. MAGA, brothers.
Agree but my country isn't America. Wat do?
Don't give a shit, or play with buddies and tell them to shill their shit elsewhere.
Make your country great, too.
What to start though? My country is Britain.
You already started.
Do what we're doing, no more refugees and (Re)build the wall
Start by getting a playmat with this glorious bastard on it
True but it's not like we have a government that wants that unlike you now. I mean the PM backed Remain and just this week we had the UN vote.
Fingers crossed.
[Phyrexians booing]
No, I don't think all will be one after all.
Even that the thread will be a /pol/ retards shitposting fest I will post some pics for op to use because I am nice.
Last one for now.
Great, now we can get back to the discussion.
anyone remember this guy?
I am sure everyone wants to get back to talk about your love for black cocks
If any of them are folded differently to others surely it would count as marked cards.
>implying I'm /pol/
>implying you can't be right-wing and love black dicks
Being right-wing and loving black cock goes hand and hand.
Anyway back to post a few more pics
The key difference is that unlike the left you love them regardless of color.
Milo please go.
So you agree that /pol/ faggots like black cock?
This would make a cute playmat for merfolk but the proportions are out.
>national socialism
>anything to do with the right
/pol/ morons think so as they love Hitler so much.
I guess that pic could be better. I am picking pics at random from a huge folder.
Real men use YGO stuff for MtG playmats.
Is anything I posted helpful op?
Good for merfolk again.
Artifacts, but also wrong proportions.
Yeah and Hitler was a national socialist too. Nothing to do with right-wingers, everything to do with fellow leftists. Notice how his rhetoric was no different from communist rhetoric or leftist rhetoric today, just with different outgroups and ingroups. For example communists didn't base their groups on race as much as fascists and leftists parties now.
>based zock
I need to make custom sleeves with this for my memnarch edh deck
Express yourself, faggot
t. actual, real-life cocksucker
Is that guy being ironic or is it real? I can't tell anymore...
Americans are fucking crazy.
I get you can't bring a sexually suggestive playmat or sleeves since, you know, kids play the game, but political ones? Is WotC againts those ones? I guess someone would be mad if I use a Hitler or an ISIS playmat but I don't know, you Americans are fucking weird.
I would like to have a 9/11 playmat just to see people's reactions.
It doesn't matter, as a frogposter anything you choose will be awful.
Said every faggot ever
Fascism is authoritarian-right (you) nimrod, but (you) knew that didn't (you)? (You) just want some attention, and I can respect that. Everyone needs some attention now and then, even (you).
On-topic, OP get a playmat with this magnificent bastard on it.
>you were born to early for the memory of WW2 and the Holocaust to be faded enough for you to openly appreciate the incredible AESTHETICS of Nazism.
I want of this ride
>the LGBTQ community
Us faggots hate the sjws and muslims just as much if not more than the stereotypical white christian man.
Wear your hat and use your Trump mat. Play wall themed decks if you are so inclined.
Don't you know SJW's speak for us?
>called racist for criticizing Islam
>Literally raised Muslim
Solid color with a border design. Playmate images make the cards less legible, and they're pretty much always awful.
I am a hateful sexist cock sucker. I make it a point to mention to sjws that they are making us a minority in our own communities.
I would use this as a mat to trigger insecure people.
Only thing that triggers me with is Feb wearing a Santa hat... Seriously wtf
Charmer OVA when?
Take that shit off and see a doctor!
I think those are ear muffs and a red wool cap.
Holy FUCK sauce
Damn it user, I told you not to open that book. It's going to be a bitch to close again.
/mu/tant detected.
March is a little slut. Brilliant.
Artist is sima naoteng
I...wh-what? I've spent my fair share of time on /pol/ and I've never seen this before.
The funniest part is I immediately know who Jeb is, he's the one crying like a bitch. Lol, Jebra.
Jesus christ november, did you have your organs pulled out by egyptians?
Who needs organs when you have lichdom and glamour?
I'm actually surprised how little politicians wear glasses.
>Summer in May-August
Triggered. Northern Hemisphere supremacist. Southern Hemisphere seasons matter!
Posted on /co/ as tumblr_nssui9UGI91tqaqcbo1_500.jpg
That's all I can find.
>Fascism is authoritarian-right
How exactly do you figure this?
>Us faggots hate the sjws and muslims just as much if not more than the stereotypical white christian man.
>hating the stereotypical white christian man
>not having him as your straight crush
For what purpose?
Does this work when printed?
With a good printer I think so, the movement is in the head of the viewer.
What is she wearing?
Would be hot if not for her pose.
Really? I don't see manhands, wide shoulders, bulge, any of the giveaways.
What is he wearing?
>Explain to them that this is like giving the middle finger to your fellow Magic players.
That's the raison d'etre of such a mat, tho
I remember him saying in the thread that those are all proxies and am wondering why that's that's not in the screencap just so people think it's real.
Anyone who feels that way about it deserves the finger.
>trying to make people upset
>it works
>get mad at them for being upset
It seems p obvious that deep down you hate yourself most of all
That was a lucky guess and beside the point entirely.