Best D6 dice pool system for fantasy?
Best D6 dice pool system for fantasy?
3d6 roll low
Yes you said pool. 3d6 still the best.
ayy, what game uses 3d6 roll low? i wonder
D6 Fantasy, obviously.
Please stop shitting up threads like this. And I say that as somebody who likes GURPS. Just stop it.
Some one of you is samefagging
Why is d6 fantasy the best?
self bump of shame
Yes. I am both
And D6 Fantasy is the best for OP's needs because it uses the West End Games D6 system, which is dice pool-based (the old D6 Star Wars game used it and that's still a great one), and has a Fantasy-specific release of the rulesset. It's quick, intuitive, and fits OP's parameters perfectly. There is also D6 Space and D6 Adventure for futuristic and modern age stuff, respectively. You can also mix and match between each of the three, as they're essentially the same game tailored to different focuses.
The downside is that the provided magic system is very obtuse and fiddly, but it's fairly flexible too, so there's that.
That is the problem i dont like about D6 Fantasy, the magic systems seems meh
In that case, you might be a little SOL unless you use the Psychic system from Space or whatever in its place (which I don't even remember being very different anyway).
Other options: GURPS is often a good choice but as a generic system you will have some prep to do to tailor it to your liking, and it lacks dice pools as such; Reign is a good choice that is already fit to run fantasy out of the box with dice pools, but uses D10s not D6's. Also has an interesting/bizarre default setting.
I have been thinking that GURPS is the equivalent of god, everytime you enter in despair, he appears and shows you a solution,but you keep saying "nah i dont have time for you"
Mini Six is also fairly well-suited for fantasy and comes with a handful of pre-made spells. Even if you don't use it, the static defenses of the simple combat system are probably the best thing to backport to D6 Fantasy.
Kinda, yeah. Very worth it when you make time for it, but it's not for everyone.
Yeah, Mini Six is also good and you can tack on stuff from the "full" D6 systems too with fairly little effort if that's how you want to do it.
Apocalypse world.
>Best D6 dice pool system for fantasy?
I played the WEG star wars once, had to throw 20 dice and sum all of them.
No thanks.
20 dice is quite a lot for D6, I'd be curious how that actually happened.
Anyway, regardless, dunno what to tell you man. Not every game is for every person, but OP specifically requested dice pool stuff.
There's an optional die code simplification rule that reduces the number of dice rolled to five plus a modifier depending on the die code (usually 3 per additional die).
Or anything d6 related is good too
Isnt hero quest hard as fuck to get into?
Not in the HQ board game.
IRC you roll a pool of d6. The dice have skulls and shields, but effectively if you're attacking, 4, 5, 6 are successes and each deals 1 pt of damage.
If you are defending only 5 and 6 are successes and each one removes one success from the attacker, thus reducing damage.
Defending monsters only roll a success on a 6 (the black shield).
retro phaze , OVA ,EABA
What about using the D6 Magic one?
what is the difference?
Fantasy Age, it's 3d6, easy as fuck to use and simple to make characters.
its strange how there is a lack of d6 pool games, knowing that open d6 was so popular
>open d6 was so popular
Was it really, or did d6 basically die with WEG Star Wars?
Either way, Shadowrun's the big name in d6 dice pools.
is there a mathematical problem with adicepool> CN
Anything that's rolling more than 2d6 regularly is so consistent that you may as well not even use dice
Burning Wheel, Torchbearer, Mouse Guard. All great for different reasons.
Not true in general, and only if you're totaling rather than counting.
D6/Mini Six can get weird. Like someone with a 3d6 dice pool has very little to no chance of ever beating someone with a 4d6 dice pool, and relying on the Wild Die to try to fill the discrepancy is way too random.
There's a variant of Open D6 that uses counting successes instead of adding up total pips. Can't remember what it was called for the life of me though.
If 3d6 apparently counts then Fuzion is pretty good.
I use 2d6 plus the mechanic of Night Wizard. At the start of the session, all players roll 2d6 to get their critical success/failure values, and are given points based on luck stat to change these values.
Players want their success to be as near as 7 as possible (since it is the average) and their fudge on 2 or 12 as they are unlikely to show up.
Anyone have a .pdf?
is there D6 dice pools, done right?
Yeah, I've played SR, the core mechanic of which involves counting 5s and 6s, not totaling. It has good variation.
Of course, your chance of catastrophic failure goes down a lot when you're actually competent. However, when your character has no idea what he's doing (diepools 6 and under mainly), it's much more likely that he's going to screw up royally.
Get 3 d6 dices of different colors, write 0 at the place of 6.
The first color is first digit, second color is second digit and fourth one is last digit
So basically base 6 version of d%?