Mtg Modern General

Magic the Gathering: Modern General

Post your decks, share your spice, discuss your tech, and be good to eachother!

>MM2017 reprint predictions
>January bans/unbans hopes and dreams
>On a scale of 1-10, what do you think of the current Modern environment now that it is about over? 10 being the best. #WOTCstaff

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R8 my modern deck TG

How do you like Blade Splicers? I'm running a similar build, but cutting the Birds for Bolts. It plays similar to a Naya version of Jund, but obv not as good.

My list for ref:

I don't really care about low print product.

>January bans/unbans
A CoCo ban would make me laugh my ass off, but it would be undeserved. I play rogue decks, so I don't really care about bans or unbans. Preordain would be cool, I guess.

>0-10 the current environment
7. In my LGS players are starting to get fed up with Modern, so they attend events to try their brews and have fun. There are still way too many tryhards taking their Jund or Infect to FNM's and such tho.

Also, what do you think about delay? Better or worse than Remand?
>Buys you more time
>Doesn't cantrip

It's the payoff good enough?

what's the deal with Esper playing this all of a sudden? Did I miss something?

I have considered it in place of Remand (or in addition to, as Remands #5&6) in TimeWarp.dec since any card draw spells tend to make Temporal Mastery worse, but having gone down to 2 copies of the miracle card I like the cantrip Remand offers more. If you run 4 Temporals though I would highly consider a playset of Delay. In this 1cmc-jammin meta Remand feels a little weak, so it's definitely worth playtesting. The flavor is also pretty sweet.

Blade Splicer is super nice and really hard to answer cleanly. Even if your oppoment Kcommands it and the golem token, they still spent 3 mana answering your 3 mana, so it's still a net trade.

I've been thinking a lot about Porcelain Legionaire in Evo decks and it seems criminally underplayed. Turn 2 Legionaire, turn 3 Evo into a 5cmc like Sigarda. Can be hit off CoCo, or cast without lifeloss on turn 2 off Birds too. Seems neat at the very least.

>>MM2017 reprint predictions
liliana and snapcaster
>>January bans/unbans
jace unban, prob ban
6. I think theres a good amount of deck variety but the consensus at fnm is that people are tired of all the eldrazi/hand disruption with aggro

>it's a spirit too
I have never known why Swans was so good, but it shows up in whacky sideboards from time to time, so I think it's one of those cards where its power is relative to the situation. Is it because you can Electrolyze it? (If so then why Esper?) Is it because it's hard to kill? (If so then diestodoomblade.mp3)

One of these days I'll get my shit pushed in by Swans and I'll finally understand.

that sideboard need a little fix IMO
also i found those lightning bolt redundant

coco and evo shouldn't be in the same list to begin with.
I like splicer so much more and thats why I'm playing it as a 3 of. Its so good against most eevrything, and you can still evo it into sigarda on turn three if you lead off with birds.

>jace unban

you guys can check my post on the kiki chord primer for more info on the decisions on my list (not OP by the way)

What would you recommend for the sideboard? Regarding the bolts, they've definitely kept me in games, especially in my meta, since Infect and Affinity are quite rampant.

I've visited that forum a lot. I'm still waffling back and forth on whether to abandon Evo's and go for Chords. I definitely like Evo a lot, and I am certain that it will be a deck someday, but that time isn't now.

I don't really see whats wrong with evo to be honest. it sucks against blue but is great against everything else. I just side out all my evo vs blue and my deck can still win at that point.

Agreed on the Coco part, the anti-synergy is real, but I feel like you could tune a list that doesn't mind running a certain number of both.

Far-fetched, sure, and the Coco whiffs would happen a lot, but it's a small 'upside' to consider on Legionaire.

I really really like Selfless Spirit in toolbox decks, especially since Anger of the Gods is running rampant lately

anafenza, the foremost and melira are almost must have.
stony silence can help against lantern...
i would add 1 more engineered explosives

If he was 10-15$ would you still oppose a Jace unban? Or is it his powerlevel you don't like?

the power level off course
jace is literally a gingantic no-drawback card for four fucking mana....

I've had Melira in my sb before, but I've heard it's bad sideboarding, since Melira is specifically for Infect and she serves no purpose in any other MU. Anafenza, I like a lot more, since I can run that against Dredge obv, but it has utility against Snapcaster decks and Living End.

Stony Silence has been iffy. With Evo, I'd want creatures I can tutor out, which brought me to Kataki, Rec Sage, and the Gearhulk.

The third Lightning Helix was a third EE. I opted for LH because it's faster and easier to regrowth and play with E Witness. There would also be a nonbo with Stony Silence and EE.

and as this guy statedselfless spirit would be good

goyf is literally a gigantic no-drawback card for two fucking mana....

i hope you're the only one believing that

Not the guy you responded to, but without a black splash I'd say Ana is a no-go. Melira seems great though.

I think an extra creature card akin to Kataki/RecSage would be be better vs ensnaringbridge.dec (Acidic Slime?) but Stony is always a nice card.
Stony Silence on a stick when, WotC?!

He's certainly powerful, but is that a bad thing? A deck jamming 4 Jaces still needs 56 other cards and a reliable way to get UU, a reliable way to survive until Jace builds up value (he's a 4 mana Brainstorm or Unsummon off the bat, but can do it consecutively)

Being outgrinded by Jace the Wallet Sculptor, arguably, should be a viable tactic in a turn3-4 format where speed is currently key.

>wasting your Electrolyze on Swans
>not turning your bolts into Ancestral Recalls
>not casting a single Blasphemous Act with it out and all but guaranteeing you'll win the game
>synergizes well with those fancy new vehicle cards

You're not thinking with Swans.

>Shivan Meteoring your own swans

At last I truly see.

It's a decent beater though, 4 power flyer for 4 is as stronk as it gets iirc

I've only ever seen this played in U/R Skred where you just Skred it to draw cards

Is Esper draw-go the best esper deck in modern? I know the color combo isn't super good in Modern but I still wanna play it because I pray every night for Baleful Strix to be modern legal

Strix would be nice in Esper decks, Wall of Omens already does its job but if you have access to both UB and W, Strix would be a very minor "upgrade" in most situations. Would be neat to have it in Modern.

Now Tezzerator on the other hand, that could definitely use some Baleful dankness.

>want to get some more Modern decks
>MTG all but dead around my area because of how hard Wizards is eating shit

I think Modern is probably the best format to brew in.

By the way, there are 7 active mtg threads on this board atm, why doesn't Veeky Forums have its own /mtg/? 8 does, though it's dead af.

I want a place to edgelord circlejerk over mtg, without the 40k and d&d traffic pushing cool threads into oblivion before they get rad enough to be archived.

Anyway speaking of sad robot, what do you guys think about Solemn Simulacrum in Modern? Valakut and Tron are rampy, though they're more like combo-ramp.

Also if they ever bring out a monogreen sacrifice engine alternative to Viscera Seer, the Melira+Kitchen Finks combo could be run entirely in mono green.

Wall of Omens got me thinking about Resto Angel, which got me thinking about if there was anything in black that makes an Esper Flash deck any better than Jeskai

I have a quick question about priority/the stack. I'm not sure where exactly to ask this question, so I'll ask here:

Player A declares Ghost Council of Orzhova as an attacker. In response, Player B casts Devouring Light. Player A then uses Council's ability to exile, escaping the Devouring Light.
Could Player B then use, let's say Rebuke to destroy Council BEFORE it can be exiled? Or could Player A just be able to activate Council's ability again?

>On a scale of 1-10, what do you think of the current Modern environment

>MM2017 reprint predictions
Damnation at mythic. Bolt at rare.

There is more creature removal then planeswalker removal.

Personally, I like to use Islands for that sort of thing.

I'll break down what happens for you.

Player A moves their turn from the Main Phase into the Beginning of Combat Phase.
Both Player A and B pass priority and move to Player A's Attack Phase.

Player A assigns Ghost Council as an attacker during the Declare Attacker Step which is at the start of the Attack Phase. No player has priority to add anything to the stack in this moment.

Ghost Council is now declared as an attacking creature, the Declare Attackers Step is passed and we are firmly in the Attack Phase. Active player (Player A in this case) has priority to add to the stack, and other players can respond as normal.
After Player A passes priority, which allows Player B to put something onto the stack.

Player B puts Devouring Light onto the stack.
Player A puts Ghost Council's ability onto the stack.
Player B puts Rebuke onto the stack.
Player A puts another instance of Ghost Council's ability onto the stack.

This can go on as long as either player has mana/cards to keep the dance going.
Assuming Ghost Council can use its ability one last time over all of player B's attempts to kill it, barring something like Sudden Death, which has split second, then Ghost Council will remove itself as an object on the battlefield and all spells/abilities on the stack that required it as a target to function will fizzle.

You're basically 'trying to get the last word in' as each player. If player B managed to be the last to put something onto the stack to kill Ghost Council, then Ghost Council would indeed die.

That makes sense. Thanks for the in-depth breakdown, I appreciate it!

What would be a way to kind of ensure Ghost Council's death without having it's ability activated (assuming there's enough mana/enough creatures to use it a few times)? I know you suggested a split second card, but is there anything else that might affect this ability?

Perhaps not limited to just Ghost Council but something like Acrobatic Maneuver?

I guess you could Arrest it then Rebuke it, preventing it from exiling itself then destroying it. But is there anything faster?

>Is Esper draw-go the best esper deck in modern?
imo, yes

It's really a UW deck with a splash of black, though

Hallowed Moonlight would be your best bet.

Sideboarding that will also give you some game against dredge and a surprising number of other strategies.

maybe pontiff?
I'm sure there's some good etb value creatures in black aside from sculler/brainmaggot. maybe some wasteland strangler/flickerwisp action

Pic related, but unfortunately not CoCo-able. On the plus side it's a lot more difficult to remove. That's a good thing to loom out for though, if only Noose Constrictor was sacrifice instead of discard.

Why would you purposefully make your deck terrible, what kinda masochist are you?

forgot pic oops

Yeah I considered Greater Good but if you're infinite looping you're also going to be decking yourself :|

Greater Good itself could really do with a reprint too. New art/context like Nissa feeding one of her Elf goons to sustain her a-gendered lesbian lover Yahenni's existence. Probably.

You'd need to have a reshuffler in your deck like Kozilek or something, I think at least, so long as the number of cards remaining is divisible by 3. Pretty silly shit though all things considered, waiting for them to print a green creature sac engine seems better.

Guys I have a weird idea
It's 1 mana and can generate a ton of value. Get the undying green creatures, add in the new Oath of Ajani and Scales and you can generate a ton of value.
Probably a shitty idea but I just saw the card and it seemed like it had potential, it's super cheap with a cheap, repeatable effect.

Saw a soul sisters deck with this. Soul sister plus the creature that gets +1+1 when you gain life and the artifact was like thopter sword

I think it would work if you had 3 Eldrazi Titans to repeatedly loop, but holy fuck that is some do not want for the opening hand.

I also think it would be cool to have it blend into a mono green stompy strategy. A couple of oozes and Hydras come close to what's needed but it's not quite there yet.

Brewing requires patience with wotc, but the new block structure release cycle is nice.
More new mechanics being pushed out.
Also, commenting on Shadows over Innistrad Block MaRo has said they want to push fewer mechanics per block out. In particular he said in retrospect they would have put the investigate mechanic in Eldritch Moon.

That makes me optimistic, since I always get bummed when I see only a shallow design space explored for a certain mechanic in the first set only to see it get scrapped before the second set. I get all "...Mother-fucker!"

I think Khans block was the worst offender in recent memory. But hey that's the last of the 3 set block paradigm, so good riddance :)

This is what I've been running for the last few weeks. Pretty happy with it, prized the last 2 weeks as well. The meta here is incredibly control heavy, with most people on various versions of jeskai.

Other meta decks are 1 Tron, 2 Jund, 1 Junk, 2-3 Lantern Control, 1 Kiki Chord, and 1 person who switches between Affinity and Dredge randomly.

I need to put some more money into the sideboard, but any suggestions/comments are always handy.


Engineered Explosives


Ponder at rare


Around 7, local meta is probably closer to 8.

Pontiff would probably be good, maybe even Ghost Council or Obzedat as 2-of Resto targets? Esper would definitely have to be more midrange/hand disruptive than Jeskai would be

Maybe even Atheros despite his not-quite-good status

And the art is gorgeous

>MM2017 reprint predictions

>Cavern of Souls
>Crucible of Worlds
>Linvala, Keeper of Silence
>Consecrated Sphinx
>Liliana of the Veil
>Thundermaw Hellkite
>Craterhoof Behemoth
>the five Praetors

>Restoration Angel
>Snapcaster Mage
>Goblin Guide
>Scavenging Ooze

>Lingering Souls
>Sleight of Hand
>Go for the Throat
>Young Pyromancer
>Might of Old Krosa

You may screencap this.

Still not CoCo-able, but an alternative wincon with Melira and Finks.

Snapcaster is probably going to be mythic too. Look at eternal masters, most of the stuff that was over 20$ got shifted to mythic.

>Snap at rare

Nope, he's too expensive now. Gotta put him at mythic. :^)

>>Lingering Souls
>>Sleight of Hand
>>Go for the Throat
>>Young Pyromancer
>>Might of Old Krosa
These cards are too powerful for uncommon, user, we must think of the limited environment first :^)

>tfw Maro considers commons still "too complex" for new players
>tfw Maro thinks Gaywatch is a success


Most of the stuff that got shifted, was printed in an era without mythic rarity.

Two words. Noble. Hierach.


Noble slipped through the cracks we won't let that happen again.

Also, Snap would warp muh Limited.

t. Jews

The five Praetors sounds likely

Doubts about rare Snapcaster, then again I'm hopeful for engineered explosives and/or Chalice of the Void

Yeah it's just a bit odd when you don't have much else with it.

I've been working on an esper control deck for a while now and was hoping to get some possible suggestions, here's my list at the moment:

If you're gonna use Rev for your endgame you want 26 lands

3 Ghost Quarters alongside 2 filter lands is probably too many colorless lands

Remand and Clique are weak in this aggro/bolt meta

Condemn and Blessed Alliance are better than Smother

2 Grave Titan is overkill, I recommend a 1/1 split of Zenith and Elspeth

You should be playing 4 Supreme Verdict, it's critical in so many matchups

Thoughtseizes and Surgicals are the best defense against Dredge/Tron/AdNaus/Lantern, I would run them over RiPs and Stonys

SB Leylines are usually not worth it. If you absolutely have to beat burn, 2 BA, 1 Timely, 2 Baneslayer should do it. Dispel is good, too. You already have BAs main.

user, all that Value at mythic is insane. You are insane.

I like it, no matter how improbable.

Well, it defeats the purpose of going mono-G, but you can CoCo into pic related to tutor up the Station.

Question; how do you feel about Blessed Alliance vs Timely Reinforcements? I realize that TR is sorcery speed, but it does in 99% of a burn matchup provide both tokens and life, along with other matchups like aggro.

BA is a much better card overall. Timely is basically a hedge against Burn and other "fair" aggro decks. I would only run it after you've included the other options somewhere in the 75.

So I have been testing this deck out in mtgo the past month or so. It's put up some surprising results against the meta. The downside is the tron and dredge mu is dire. Dredge being pretty easy g2+3 but Tron is almost always a nightmare.

What do you guys think? My list is near identical to this list besides I run Elspeth over Sorin,. Tar pits over nade and I've traded the 4th esper charm for anguished unmaking.

>Tar pits over nade
Haven't seen the list yet, but this is almost surely a mistake

Thanks for the feedback.

In the matches that I've played I've not been running into too many problems with the filter lands although I will take that into consideration.

You're right about remand and clique, I mostly only run them maindeck because my meta is filled with tron and scapeshift players and those two seem to do the job.

I love the art on smother, it will be a true shame to cut it but you're definitely right there.

Grave Titan ended up being my wincon because it was the only thing I had access to when I was putting the deck together, since then I've tried using zenith and elspeth and they seem a lot better.

As mentioned before, I've never run into a situation where I've particularly needed verdict (apart from like 2 burn decks that popped up recently) so I've only just started experimenting with it.

That sideboard is just something I came up with to make the deck look more complete when I posted it. lol.

I will change it in future.

>I've never run into a situation where I've particularly needed verdict (apart from like 2 burn decks that popped up recently) so I've only just started experimenting with it
It's really important against tribal decks, Lingering Souls, and most of the non-rock green decks. It's situationally powerful against rock decks, Zooicide/Infect, and control mirrors.

Yeah I'll keep it in mind, I'm hoping to take this to a GP coming up, is there anything else you'd recommend to make this deck a tiny bit more competitive?

When you build your sideboard I would try to focus cards into 4 main categories
>anti-aggro cards
>anti-combo and anti-control cards
>bombs for grindy matchups
>answers to nonland permanents that will cause you to lose if you cannot answer them
Some cards will cover more than one category

The reason you have to be broad is because modern has a huge variety of decks and you need to answer everything. There's really no "disrupt and beat down" back door like there is with URx control decks. Between the 4 categories you will have something to sideboard against almost every deck. You can't afford any sideboard cards that only hose one deck.

This is my sideboard, for example:
>anti-aggro cards
2 Blessed Alliance
2 Engineered Explosives
2 Dispel (Burn, Infect, Suicide Zoo/Bloo only)
1 Gideon Jura
1 Elspeth, Sun's Champion
>anti-combo and anti-control cards
3 Thoughtseize
3 Extirpate
2 Dispel
>bombs for grindy matchups
1 Gideon Jura
1 Elspeth, Sun's Champion
>answers to nonland permanents that will cause you to lose if you cannot answer them
2 Engineered Explosives
1 Anguished Unmaking

>I always get bummed when I see only a shallow design space explored for a certain mechanic in the first set only to see it get scrapped before the second set. I get all "...Mother-fucker!"
>I think Khans block was the worst offender in recent memory. But hey that's the last of the 3 set block paradigm, so good riddance :)

Sigh.. manifest, we hardly knew ye. So much unexplored space.

Honestly including one or two hosers for Affinity or Dredge are a must imo. Artifact removal can also help against Lantern Control as well. Grave hate hurts a few decks as well.

>Also, Snap would warp muh Limited.
Not really, It'd need equally powerful spells to flashback. It just means we won't be seeing lightning bolt in MM17

My friend told me that the best way to get into Magic is by going to booster drafts? Is this accurate?

I haven't played magic since I was a wee lad and want to get back into it.

Drafts will cost about $20 a week and will (slowly) build up your cardbase over the course of years. Drafts are fun for spending a night on, depending on the format, and will teach you general principles on how to play the game, but it's definitely a very different format than any constructed deckbuilding.

That being said, the current set we're on is sorta mediocre. Not the worst ever but it's fairly bland and top-heavy. For the past few years, a lot of drafting has come down to "who opens and draws their bomb rares first", which takes away a lot of the fun. Last good set that wasn't just seeing who got luckier was probably Khans drafting.

But I'm digressing - if you want to get back in magic, drafts are probably the easiest way. If you still have your old collection, you could build an EDH deck and have fun with that as well, people usually bring EDH to play while dicking around at their LGS.

Alright thanks. Drafts it is I guess, until I decide I want to drop more money on the game.

Don't have my old collection so I'm starting completely fresh.

Well that depends
Are you a kitchen table casual who played long ago and mostly remember the rules? draft
are you brand new? prerelease
do you want older cards? singles/commander precons

drafts are easy enough go get into but you wont have a reallly good shot of winning unless youre familiar with how the set plays out. Pre releases give you just as many cards while also removing all that required knowledge with "are you able to make a functional deck from X cards" Of course you could just study up about the set by looking at the spoiler and go to the draft because prereleases dont happen every week.

>tfw bought a playset stoneforge mystics and a jace the mind sculptor

just in case, they will be unbanned in january r..right?
I can play esper cawblade soon right? ;_;

JTMS will never be unbanned solely because of the stigma that card has.

Yeah, sadly. but in a format of turn three kills would he be really that busted?

Probably not, but we'd see idiots trying to jam him into every single deck and the price would skyrocket to $200 instantly.

Been (ab)using Stoneforged Mystic in the Vintage Cube on MTGO, and I gotta say I hope it's unbanned. It's so fun.

You havent lived until you can make infinate colorless mana with krakclan/ashnods, and blink all the equipment from your deck to your hand with eldrazi displacer, thoptersword combo, and sfm.

ugh i mean infinite

Your friend is wrong.

The best way to learn Magic is to buy one of the games on PS, XBox, or PC and play it to learn the rules.

Learning to play through drafting is just throwing your money at better players and the amount you'll learn is useful but not cost-effective. Once you are adept at the game through the video game, you can decide to draft or play with constructed decks.

Accumulating a massive collection is not something to be praised. You should aim for your collection of cards to be mostly in decks; having boxes of loose cards sitting around is useless. Set a limit for yourself - pick out a shoebox; if your collection exceeds the shoebox, then cull your collection or decide for a bigger box.

>have a bunch of junk sitting in boxes
>suddenly becomes expensive because of some off the wall bank won a tournament
Thank goodness I bought in heavy to ColdSnap. Also those 50 copies of Lantern I got are cool too.

Admittedly the latest sets are relatively low powered, so that's going to be a rare deal. 100 copies of Tooth or Scale of Chiss Goria are never going to amount to anything.

I don't promote opening piles of booster boxes like that; it's degenerate and a waste of money and I would never tell a newer player to do it. If you drafted that product then fine, but I'm certain you didn't.

I bought boxes to draft with friends actually. So I suppose I didn't "officially" draft it.

But no that's a terrible idea for a new player.

>6 MM 2015 booster packs for $50

I mean how bad could my luck possibly be?

(Was unsure whether it was better to post here or make a new thread. Just tell me to gtfo if I'm wrong.)

My friends and I want to try out some cooperative gametypes for funsies. So far I've pretty much only found Horde and some weird solitaire masturbation games. Do you guys know of any others? Or have any recommendations?

Have fun with the repacks and draft fodder senpai

This format isn't very good, desu.

I think there aren't enough threads for a /mtg/. Maybe a /tcg/ but I think if that happened that'd kill Veeky Forums.


What is the best hate vs. Kiki Chord?
My friend is a mostly casual player but he plays in a small town meta where a third of the field of competitive decks are Kiki Chord and I want to help him out.
Do I send him a playset of Torpor Orbs or is there something better?

Torpor orb
Grafdiggers cage
Play a fast deck

What deck does he play?

I don't think Kiki Chord really warrants hard counters, just play plenty of removal and boardwipes.

Try the EDH/Commander thread. They'd know more about what you're looking for.

Figured as much, Torpor Orb is all the makes sense for him out of that.

A somewhat budget version of Mana dorks + doubling seasons + planeswalkers, because he already had doubling seasons and wants to use them.
The maindeck doesn't interact against KikiChord well because it runs no removal/board wipes and he is guaranteed to play against the deck every time he goes to FNM.

I say run Dismember and Runed Halo in the board, because those will protect him against Kiki Chord as well as "tall" aggro decks like Zooicide and Infect.