so i just finished reading Master of Mankind (was a really good read) and in the Authors note ADB talks about how chaos has won and the entire setting is basically everyone fighting a losing war against them. now correct me if im wrong but before wasn't GW keeping an open end "yeah its all grimdark and stuff but your faction has a chance at winning and we will keep it on that threshold" state to the setting, whereas now its shaping up to be The End Times IN SPAAAAAAACE (they even released a new giant evil wizard model)
does anyone else feel like it's gearing towards another End Times scenario? your thoughts on a 40K end times scenario? Also thoughts on an Emperor mini
It's because they're edgelords, okay? GW made the mistake YES I SAID IT MOTHERFUCKERS, IT WAS A MISTAKE decades ago of marketing to metalheads and putting out some really good Chaos books, and ever since there's been a feedback loop of new hires being chaosfags, grimderping the setting harder, thus attracting more chaosfags and so on. They really want Chaos to win as it's the edgefaggiest outcome, so they're constantly pushing toward that resolution as much as they can, against corporate's obvious desire to still have a product to sell. In a weird way I think they were happy when WHFB's sales started to flag so they could have Chaos win canonically once and for all.
Otherwise they would've retconned the Emperor to be slowly healing circa 2002.
Joseph Green
This thread is going to be full of butthurt Taufags that want to win 40k.
Jordan Allen
But the Orks won already.
Eli Phillips
Chaos can be slated to win and yet not actually win because the setting is kept in a stasis of sorts.
There isn't going to be a 40k End Times simply because GW has nothing to gain from it. Regardless of how the fans felt, GW must have ultimately judged that they could cut themselves loose of most of Fantasy's trappings and still rely on 40k. If they cut 40k then they have nothing to fall back on.
Chaos winning is arguably the most fitting choice for a bad end because it's the most depressing and most meaningful. The galaxy continuing to exist except with some xeno species replacing humanity as dominant doesn't have as much impact as the laws of the universe anything resembling reason being thrown out the window by the embodiment of humanity's worst aspects.
Aiden Martin
These "end times" threads have been the worst 40k lore threads in memory
Noah Butler
Thematically and mechanically it is appropriate for the slow spiral into the ultimate victory of the Dark Gods. How do you actually prevail against something not constrained by time? Ultimately though, it is only one viewpoint of many, many authors that have their own views and would drag the setting in the direction they want to.
And yeah, 13th Black Crusade Redux: This Time for Serious really feels like End Times. GW doesn't have any reason to reboot the series this time around so they are probably going to push the clock from one minute to one second to midnight. Just to boost sales.
Benjamin Jackson
Why have they been anyway? They start out okay then it turns into shitfling central.
Is the 40k appeal dieing on Veeky Forums?
Austin Bennett
>something not constrained by time?
Why do people keep saying this?
Christopher Williams
They turn into "shit flinging central" as you put it because people are invested in the setting and in the armies they play. I play an imperium army. I like my army. I have spent a lot of money on my army and a lot of time to build them. I am understandably upset that some jackass has decided that i have no chance of victory whatsoever. Even if they advance to second from midnight without ending the scenario all the smug chaos fags are gonna piss me off. So yes, i'll probably pop into one of these threads even though i know all it's gonna do is piss me off and ruin my night to express my displeasure. And some chaos fag is gonna get in my face about his inevitable victory and how kewl chaos is and how the imperium is a dying shit hole, and i'll be irritated and i'll probably respond unkindly. Multiply this by a dozen other posters each with a different army who are slotted not to win and a dozen choas fanboys who won't shut up about it, and we get the circle jerks that are these threads. Where we post the same damn things over and over and nothing really gets done, but everyone leaves angrier than they were when they came in. And then we wait a bit and cool down, and then some fucker starts the thread again and we go back to square one.
John Myers
Because they're basically just bullshit arguments with no real meaningful ways of concluding. One person likes Chaos and think they should win, another likes one of the Xenos races and think they should, etc. They're also filled with people dumb enough to believe that GW is going to kill their golden goose because they chopped the neck off of the goose that stopped laying golden eggs years ago.
Colton Mitchell
Because its been repeated over and over again that the Warp is unbound by time? That's how spaceships get lost for thousands of years or pop out before they even went into the Warp at all. Also, Slaanesh existed before its corresponding moment in real space and had a hand in The Fall that ultimately gave birth to it. Time is of the physical.
William Russell
>Is the 40k appeal dieing on Veeky Forums? >on Veeky Forums
Jacob Hill
I doubt it since most 40k threads are still posted outside the general.
Is the 40k general that shit for this reason?
Asher Hughes
It is.
Why do you think people still post 40k threads? The general is just straight up terribad but the RPG general is aight.
Ryder Perez
These threads are just shit with the "age of emperor memers" and some other shit.
My bet GW doesnt do anything but the skub faggots take shit to far.
Joshua Ramirez
That just makes them seem even more incapable of winning. Normally they would have had 10,000+ years to beat the other factions in, but if they can go all nonlineartimeLOL then they've had all of history from the beginning of time on out to work with, and still haven't won yet. Either they're constrained somehow so that time travel is not easy and useful, in which case bringing that up is pointless because it doesn't actually matter, or they really suck at accomplishing anything.
Lincoln Sanchez
I'm not sure what purpose the 40k general even serves other than as an easy compilation of resources. I don't think 40k in recent times as ever reached the point where it has drowned out all other discussion.
Ryan Brooks
I just go there to grab stuff out of the mega files myself. Occasionally ask about a list or for some advice if i'm feeling brave.
Adrian Hall
are you the "curze is coming back as a demon primarch" shithead from the 40k generals?
Austin Butler
>going on generals
Elijah Edwards
The Horus Heresy made modern 40k lore enjoyable in alot of regards and The Beast Arises
That or modern BL shitheads I mean fuck where are all those good space marine short stories? Or Ciaphas Cain adventures, or that good eldar book?
Now its muh marines with daddy issues and dumb ass power levels as fans continue to suck primarch cock.
Colton Miller
Xavier Kelly
>The Horus Heresy made modern 40k lore enjoyable in alot of regards What the entire fuck I've seen some shit on these boards, but you are one sick bastard
Carson Lee
That was a close one user
Aiden Scott
They are always fighting each other too remember? The Great Game is played just as much Dark God versus Dark God as it is Dark God versus Mortals. And why the fuck would you count "not having won YET" as them when yet is a meaningless construct to them? Comparatively that would be like telling an opponent in an arm wrestling match that has the lead that they haven't beaten you in Canada yet. Its a non sequitur. A meaningless distinction from their point of view.
Jaxon Torres
Master of Mankind has done a lot to paint the Primarchs as fucking dumb. The Emperor never intended for them to look at him like a father. He finds the entire concept as uncomfortable and undesirable and he only tolerates their delusion because it doesn't compromise their usefulness to him.
I think that is really great. ADB has essentially made the Emperor's stance "You are all a bunch of grown ass men! Stop asking me to wipe your asses and kiss your boo boos better!"
Jeremiah Bell
It seems to me if they can go back in time then the other factions ought to have been fucked before they got off the ground, infighting or no. Like why weren't any of the Shamans that would eventually have created the Emperor corrupted or attacked? That seems like a lot of juicy targets all split up and you could eliminate the guy before he exists. But the warp was calm back then, even though tha Chaos gods all totally existed.
It's all self-contradictory and doesn't make any sense.
>inb4 that's because CHAOS!
Brayden Perez
It still doesnt change my opinion on that shit book series
Adam Peterson
Weren't the chaos gods only properly manifested after the creation of the big E? They existed but only as aspects of the calm warp, it was only once mankind had built itself up and the eldar has murder raped their way through all the kittens that the gods really formed up as distinguishable aspects of the emotional spectrum of the many races. (This may be bullshit....)
Ryan Lopez
If chaos winning leads to the destruction of the empire which leads to humanity being unable to defend itself from xeno threats which leads to MASSIVE dieoffs of humanity won' that lead to weakened chaos powers as they have then only a minute .001 percentage of the floopy mental energies they used to get? ORKS WIN
Connor Wood
Chaos to me more has time on its side because it doesn't entirely have to worry about attrition. The CSM that have been around since the Great Crusade or Horus Heresy don't have to worry about dying from old age. Daemons are impossible or extremely hard to permanently be rid of. There will always be droves of people who can be tempted to serve as hordes.
I don't recall anything saying that Chaos itself can time travel, only that time travel has happened to certain individuals as a result of warp travel.
40k has seemingly always been Marines, Guard, or Chaos. Honestly the only Eldar stuff I can remember is all relatively recent and the majority of it likely by Thorpe. If Guard has suffered a decrease is possibly because the gamut of what can be done with them has been run.
ADB's interpretation feels like the one that makes the most sense when you look at the Emperor's actions with regards to the Primarchs and how he doesn't give a shit about their personal problems and gets mad when they don't do what he wants.
This could have possibly been why Chaos scattered the Primarchs in the first place. By doing so the majority were able to grow up akin to actual humans and develop their own personalities and values instead of just being the Emperor's souless tools.
Caleb Wilson
IG have gone down in popularity
We need new blood possibly not a commissar this time maybe a new named Catachan character
Nolan Anderson
Technically Necrons win. Orks are weak as shit and get fucked over by everyone. Necrons are Tyranids are least affected by Chaos fuckery. Chaos kills itself by suceeding,
So that leaves Necrons vs Tyranids. Necrons have as large as empire as Man but far superior technology and don't have any biomass for the Nids to eat.
Only way Necrons lose is if they fail to deploy their anti-Chaos magitech and get fucked up by the whole galaxy going Eye of Terror style.
Leo Lewis
>Weren't the chaos gods only properly manifested after the creation of the big E?
Yeah, that's what I though, but this guy's talking like they exist entirely outside of time, and thus once they are created, then they've always been there and can act at any point, even before they existed. It sounds pretty unlikely to me. I mean, time shenanigans can happen, according to lots of stuff, but it doesn't look to me like Chaos can really use it intentionally for any purpose.
>I don't recall anything saying that Chaos itself can time travel, only that time travel has happened to certain individuals as a result of warp travel.
That's what I thought, but the guy upthread was making it sound like chaos had a time-travel "I win" button.
Camden Morris
A Catachan commissar? Sure thing
Isaiah Rodriguez
Okay, let's all agree that the Necron Codex was a mistake and the whole "the warp was calm back then" thing was a load of counter to the canon bullshit. Its either that, or for some reason the Dark Gods came to a decision that they couldn't fuck with anybody back then. It makes a certain kind of sense that they would ensure their own existence.
And stop framing it as going back in time. Going back in time is a concept only to things that exist within time. As beings that exist out of time they are perfectly aware of all points they exist. They don't have to go back to the past. They already exist in the past. They still enter the Warp at a particular point in space and time and expand backwards, forwards and sideways. That point still needs to be protected and even coaxed into being. So Slaanesh for example has to keep the conditions of its birth protected for it to exist. If it ever failed to protect its birth, it would from our perspective never be. Meaning that Slaanesh successfully keeps the timeline up to the point of The Fall exactly how it needs to be born.
Jonathan Edwards
no, yer right - chaos is not a timetravelling uber bad. chaos loses just as hard as every other faction. Enslavers rule, as they always have.
Christian Watson
Listen mate you can't just disregard canon like that, any more than we can disregard stuff in the chaos dexs and say its bullshit. If it doesn't make sense or it doesn't support your claim, well thats just too bad. It's canon. Furthermore where in the hell are you pulling this timeless stuff from. I see you or someone like you in all the threads pushing this, but i've never seen the dex and page that says it. I request that you provide me your source.
Parker Bell
>he doesn't know that tyranids 'eat' everything
Ethan Gomez
don't be dumb
Justin Stewart
But they explicitly don't.
Luke Ross
A Catachan commissar sounds badass
Angel Sanchez
I thought necron metal bugs infected non-necrons when necon-non-meat was ingested?
Asher Brown
I think the timeless claim is based on the general idea that gods existing in an alternate dimension might not have to obey linear time. The warp can cause time travel by accident because time moves differently there, but we have no proof that it is navigable. On top of that remember that whilst the warp is the gods, the gods are also the warp, and so in the same why I can manipulate carbon to a certain degree, I don't control it entirely and I am still forced to submit to it's rules. (fucking carbon, always acting like it's the fucking boss of me!)
I thought I was but I wasn't sure if that had been changed.
Ryder Hall
Since Commissars never serve with a regiment from their home world what kind of regiment should he serve with?
Andrew Russell
Wasn't there a fluff segment about a tyranid bio ship absorbing necron metal and the marines trying desperately to destroy it before it made it back to the hive fleet proper to ensure that the evolution wasn't carried throughout the race? The tyranids had been trying to absorb the necrons but failing over and over and over again but this one bioship did manage it.
I can't remember if the ship managed to pass it's evolution on to the hive fleet.
Colton Bell
>And stop framing it as going back in time
Doesn't matter how you frame it, it adds up to the same thing. I'm with the other guy, sources or gtfo.
Bentley Roberts
Either one of those rich kid regiments or some urban one.
Basically he has a normal commissar design with Catachan touches and his red bandanna visibly tied on right shoulder
Gabriel Campbell
>because it's the most depressing and most meaningful.
More like most stupid.
Chaos destroying the Imperium is a valid outcome. The Emperor dying - the entire universe EXPLODES because reasons is just lazy, stupid as fuck writing.
The universe got along just fine without the Emperor before his creation, and if we are being honest the Emperor was never all that powerful. He is, like, 20 moderately psychic dudes from earth's prehistory added together. Get 10 Eldar in a room and you have the psychic powers of the emperor at your disposal.
Alpha plus psykers have already performed feats of psychic power far beyond anything the emperor ever did. The Emperor's best stuff was all science and genetics and whatnot. If he was on par with an alpha-plus psyker, he wouldn't have NEEDED the Thunder Warriors or the space marines, he could have taken over planets singlehandedly with his mind. He didn't, because he COULDN'T. That means there are a handful of psykers alive right now in 40k who are more powerful than the Emperor ever was.
The Emperor dying destroying the universe is asinine, and only makes sense as something cultists tell their kids as a bedtime story.
Easton Flores
Okay, well that's not unreasonable, but that's not source material. We can apply logic to 40k and get many many different outcomes. That's the beauty of interpretation. I could point out that sci-fi writers generally have a terrible grasp of scale, and that logically the Imperiums armies should be much larger than they are, and if they were as large as they should be logically then they really should just steam roll the shit out of everything, but everyone would call bullshit. The only thing that provides anything we should be able to agree on is canon (saddly sometimes people are unhappy with canon. I am often unhappy with it. But this isn't a fan fic, its a discussion of lore, and in a discussion of lore we should stick to the actual lore), otherwise it's nothing but our conflicting suppositions. Therefore no argument or claim should be made without a source.
Ayden Ross
That'd be cool. A Tyranid ship successfully absorbs necron material and in doing so is twisted into something neither 'cron nor nid. A rogue grey goo deified by defiled techpriests
Michael Phillips
Also, the Well of Eternity exists, and Kairos was sent there because even Tzeentch can't tell with perfect accuracy the future. (And whatever was there can frak up a daemon really bad)
Jack Robinson
Hmmm so the Firstborn are an option. We could stick him with Armageddon Steel Legionaries or Kriegers. For maximum giggles stick him with that stuck up not!french regiment from the rpg books that canonically hates Catachans.
Camden Rodriguez
Also uses a power fist and plasma pistol.
You never see those 2 weapons on the other OG commissars
Jack Bennett
Time is wonky in the warp, but the chaos gods DO NOT get a say in that wonkiness. They feed on the emotions of living things. That means they are directly impacted by the events of a linear universe in a linear fashion.
Much in the same way that I live on a planet that has weather, the chaos gods exist in a universe where time is occasionally screwy. But I am not a tidal wave who controls volcanos. Likewise, the Chaos gods can't actually control time and bend that power to their whim.
As proof, I submit the fact that the entire chaos space marines army is NOT a literally infinite number of copies of 'powered up by all four chaos gods' Warmaster Horus, each one ripped from a separate instant of the time stream. Because Chaos can't DO that.
Jayden Adams
So how does this Catachan commissar come to be?
Charles Ward
necromunda spiders? Bringing in his jungle warfare techniques into the urban jungle of the underhive? engaging in long drawn out guerrilla campaigns in the build up to the "liberation" of a rogue planet?
Or counter, A hive ganger who blagged his way to commisar but gets stationed with the catachans due to his superiors really not liking his dirty blue collar origins. After he pulls some gang style shiv murder on a squad member who tries to assassinate him the men begrudgingly accept him and he goes on to lead them through a number of death world missions whilst using his position as a nobody in a seemingly insignificant regiment to subvert the aspirations of his superiors who tried to get him murdered. Maybe he fights with the knife of his would be assassin as a sign of his acceptance and eventually he goes down fighting with it, missing an arm and screaming catachan curses.
Parker Richardson
Daemon Codex. I don't know which edition. Sorry man. I think there is also some mention of it in the most recent Dark Eldar book but my memories aren't reliable on that one. All I remember is that the Daemon codex makes the point of saying that the Fall birthing Slaanesh is a construct of limited mortal perspective.
Either way it is the logical conclusion based off of what we know of the mechanics of Warp Travel. If we have a bunch of third person omniscient narrator perspectives telling us that Slaanesh was born of The Fall only to be contradicted later by claiming that it is a flaw of mortal perspective than I am willing to say that same thing applies to the third person omniscient narrator claiming that the Warp was calm in the time of the Old Ones. The Dark Gods existing as they do rely on a certain mortal chronology to happen. They are all one great big knot of space and time that rely on each other existing to exist and yet have to fight each other because their fighting each other is what ensures they exist. The rarely mentioned 'minor chaos gods' like out of the 3rd edition codex can be interpreted as Chaos Gods that might have been but were prevented from existing by the machinations of the Great Game. Never existing but sorta existing.
Christopher Russell
But he's from Catachan. The man needs his machete.
Matthew Morales
Nah man, Chaos-influenced Tyranids being lead by Malal.
Zachary Carter
Game over man, game over!
Ayden Bailey
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and not call bullshit, but i am going to have to go read those dexs now once i download them from the general. Eh, whatever. I got my minis and i like them. As long as i and my budies have our dexs and our armies i can deal with whatever happens.
Asher Howard
The Praetorian Guards for maximum comedy
Connor Russell
Or the Tallarn Raiders for Rambo MCMXXVII
Benjamin Cox
So in Catachan lore a regiment of them took down an entire tyranid infestation by covering themselves in tyranid guts and killing the hive tyrant.
The surviving Catachans had to spend 3 years on a decontamination ship our commissar already received his Catachan name and took part in some minor battles this tyranid thing gets him noticed big time. Here comes some head of a scholoa progenium and asks the Catachan if would come with him to a schola and become a commissar. Catachan at first laughs and turns down the deal but here comes some old ass Terran law of "All regiments of the Imperial Guard are requeired to have one being from their home planet be put into a schola and turned into a commissar" they just never tried since alot of the kids on Catachan tend to die.
Chase Stewart
Well as far as i understand the Fluff Commissars are trained in the Schola and then shipped off to join a regiment. So some kid from Catachan was selected for his great faith and ability to go train to be more than just a guardsmen and was chosen to become a Commissar. Then he gets assigned to someone (we still need to iron that out) and he goes around doing his thing with a big honking plasma pistol and a power fist i guess (i still feel like he needs some Catachan esque weapons.)
Ryder Hernandez
>Goes into battle with a power fist. >"looses" it every battle and is forced to use his catachan knife.
David Smith
Oliver Fisher
40k has technically been in the End Times since at least 5th edition.
On a serious note though, GW's facebook page has confirmed that they aren't doing any kind of Warhammer-Fantasy-esque-End-Times-scenario with 40k.
Chase Martinez
GW has always seemingly handled the existence of stuff outside of the Milky Way Galaxy poorly.
The Emperor is likely so important because he both directs the Astronomican, which allows the Imperium to function, and the possibility that he somehow protects human psykers from the full onslaught of Chaos. If the Astronomican goes then you basically have an even worse Age of Strife as all cohesion breaks down and you start having daemons using psykers all across the galaxy as portals. He is also the only thing keeping the Webway portal on Terra closed, if that opens then you'll have daemons pouring out.
I know the Horus Heresy has dabbled with the idea of a second Astronomican of sorts in the eastern part of the galaxy, but I imagine it either was as strong or went to shit for some reason.
I'm also guessing that there is some unique about the Emperor which allows him to direct the Astronomican which other similarly powerful psykers can't duplicate either because it's out of their range of powers or the only one who could teach the mechanics of it is the Emperor himself.
Luis Young
There is that Catachan sword with mercury in it
Asher Gonzalez
Christian Richardson
Now im imagining some super buff teenager in the schola surrounded by kids.
Ryan Clark
>Alpha plus psykers have already performed feats of psychic power far beyond anything the emperor ever did. The Emperor's best stuff was all science and genetics and whatnot. If he was on par with an alpha-plus psyker, he wouldn't have NEEDED the Thunder Warriors or the space marines, he could have taken over planets singlehandedly with his mind. >He didn't, because he COULDN'T. That means there are a handful of psykers alive right now in 40k who are more powerful than the Emperor ever was. See, this is the shit that drives the fans nuts. Geedubs goes out of its way to make the emprah the most uber tuffest eva! But.....then writes shit that COMPLETELY invalidates what they've previously established.
Carson Mitchell
Don't worry user, I agree with you. If anything, it's the universe itself keeping things "on track"
Hudson Green
>The Devil's Claw, named after the great predator on Catachan, is the longest weapon, up to four feet long. It is closer to a sword than a knife and has achieved status among the Orks who call it 'Da Cutta'. The blade is hollow and half filled with mercury in order to improve swing strength and control, and the design of this weapon has been copied by Catachan regimental officers for use as a power weapon
So the catachan sabre is a hollow sword filled with mercury. The idea is that this mercury is forced to the end of the blade when swung allowing the wielder to put some major force behind the swing even in the tight confines of the jungle.
Maybe he get's posted on an arctic world and is forced to use his sword in a new exciting way as the mercury freezes solid within it.
(god damn i miss my awful catachan all infantry army.)
Mason Sullivan
>Not having a fully fluffed Catachan army with 8 sentinels and no tanks
By god I love this regiment
Joshua Rivera
Okay, dude's got a plasma pistol and a Claw. Now lets decide on a regiment once and for all. So far we have as options
>Necromunda Spiders >Praetorian Guard >Tallarn >Krieg or Armagedon
Unless i missed something.
Levi Miller
erm, mercury freezes at -38 degrees - muscle man gonna be cold already!
Justin Rogers
>Excuse me are you a storm trooper? >nah im your fellow student >By the emperor?! How is that even possible >Well I dont know either >I thought this place killed the rejects if they didnt pass >Rejects? Listen here you little shit when I was your age I was fighting 10 foot tall scorpions >AND THOSE WERENT EVEN THE REAL THREATS >IT WAS THE TOADS YOU GOTTA LOOK FOR
Jacob Parker
did you not see ALL INFANTRY? I remember my first game of apocalypse. I set out my army, lined them up in full regimental formation, and was immediately wiped off the board by turn two.
Isaac Williams
The greatest thing that could help WH40k right now is an integrated and consistent lore, and balanced game mechanics. Instead of mindless expansion (although the Horus Heresy was, in its intent, a good move) GW should just take a step back, take a deep breath and see what needs to be done with the franchise.
Evan Brooks
Armageddon they use tanks a fuckton its something the commissar is not used to
Carter Lee
*balanced armies That's closer to what I intended.
Justin Sanchez
>MFW the Catachan commisar is he who commands the men to drive the tank closer so he can hit them with his sword, because he has no idea what the fuck to do with tanks and just knows how to kill shit in melee with his overgrown death world muscles.
John Brooks
I can't really recall off the top of my head any psykers near the Emperor in power level who were supposedly jacks of all trades besides Magnus and maybe Malcador. 40k is moving more and more towards psyker sort of being really good at one thing in specific and that is it.
Jeremiah Peterson
and then the story of them the Steel legion gets sent to a jungle world the Catachan gets all giddy. In between the fighting his men complain about the conditions and the commissar can only be seen with a large ass smile on his face.
Kevin Barnes
>but I imagine it either was as strong or went to shit for some reason.
It's a Necron artifact. It doesn't quite BAD END+++, but it DOES get ruined like everything else that could potentially diverge from core canon.
Colton Edwards
Magnus and Malcador were the only two people overtly listed as running the Astronomican -- that was Magnus' original purpose, and Malcador takes over while Emps is on the Vengeful Spirit. He also promptly dies from the effort, and he might be the strongest vanilla psyker to have ever lived.
Henry Green
AMEN MY BATTLEBROTHER! Never happen, tho.
Jacob Cox
Underrated post
Camden Perez
third post best post
David Bailey
>thinking you have any ground to judge from when you read 40k fiction
Joseph Garcia
Yeah, that's just stupid. Current gw leadership seems to have taken the line: "...the laughter of thirsting gods," to mean the chaos gods, and that's a wrong interpretation. The 'gods' in that case do not refer to chaos: it refers to us, the players, the 'gods' of our chosen faction of little plastic men. WE are the laughing, thirsting gods for whom war is just a game..... Chaos didn't win: WE won, the players of the game. EVERY faction in 40k loses, and WE win...
Oliver Torres
End times came about because WHFB wasn't selling well so they replaced it with Age of Sigmar. Like it or hate it that's the reason. 40k sells hella more than FB did so there's no reason for it to get End Time'd.
Oliver Flores
True Eldar victory when?
David Evans
>How do you actually prevail against something not constrained by time? By making time itself your bitch.