Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Be excellent, kind, and caring to everyone! We've got a Molthuni knights game up here with lots of applicants:
DON'T talk about which ones you love or hate. Instead, offer advice to specific applicants on how to improve their backstories.
Whether it's Arehera's fluffy tail kitsune tactician in high heels or 2hu's immortal shapeshifting shota trap wizard, give players feedback!

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Is there room for a Bard (Negotiator) from Druma interested in viniculture, cattle and the production of fine textiles?

Sounds comfy, user, but is he cute?

>but is he cute?

I've got some ideas, but I'm all ears if you've got some cute pictures that could work for a comfy growth-oriented landowner!

Paul Mounet was pretty hot.


I can't unsee it anymore

Paul Mounet *is* pretty hot, but I was thinking of using character art!

Let's give advice to the big name folks.

Alister, Diana, Di, and Kurat.

What about their applications do you hate? What do you like? What criteria do you generally rate it on?

Oh my god is this going to happen every time someone posts a game that's never going to get run?

Once the big name ones choose players or get canceled people will become jaded enough not to care.

Though honestly we ARE talking about the setting. It's better when it isn't a lewd game so we don't talk about fetishes as much.

I want feedback, give it to me, how do I become a better imouto?

>It's better when it isn't a lewd game so we don't talk about fetishes as much.
I don't believe you.

Start off by calling him Aniki.

Shouldn't NOT the big names be the ones that need advice?

The fetishes were kind of fun though.

the words are"assface" or"monkeybutt" or "creep"

No, you stop that right now.

The big names don't actually get any advice, just memes shouted at them. No one gets much if any advice.


Let's talk about how Solid Snake needs to DEDICATE to their gimmick. They need to go all out with it, have an attendant named Otakarn who loves tian drawings, makes balloons to steal enemy soldiers, and demands we buy him a base in the middle of the ocean for no reason.

No they weren't. Get your shit and go.

What makes them the big name folks?

Formally he's "Brother", informally he's "Al". I still haven't decided on how to insult him when he gets out of line. I'm considering "dire pig" if he gets gross.

Wining the vote.

Diana was 1st
Alister was 2nd
Di and Kurat were tied for 3rd

We can do what was done before. Roll on a list, excluding 2hu and Staypuft.

People remember they exist. That's pretty big here.

>What are you doing?
>Trying to stick this in my head
>That's... that's jagged shrapnel?
>You think we should adopt a dog?

So the vote decides who gets into the game?

Doesn't that mean 2hu just barely gets into the game?

Why would you assume the DM would listen to /pfg/s vote? Not that there's anything wrong with 2hu anyways.

>We can do what was done before. Roll on a list, excluding 2hu and Staypuft.
Why exclude 2hu and Staypuft?

>getting Alastor's name wrong
The poor man has been completely eclipsed by his sister.

Because they want to be jerks and bully people..

>And this is my attendant who meows
>Yeah, that's all he does.
>And this dude missing half his limbs.
>He's gonna be really helpful.
>You think we could invite some nearly naked chick by to shoot things?
> know, I wasn't with you before, but I can get on board here.

most applicants have been completely eclipsed

Rolled 1 (1d15)

We'll all pick apart the character we roll. I'll reply to this post with their sheet and their backstory in a pastebin.

1. Di, the Fox of Fort Ramgate
2. Helvisia Talan, Knight of Molthune
3. "One-Eyed" Jack Thompson
4. Sir Emeric Silva, Owl Knight
5. Sir Adalbern Sigurdsson
6. Elio Scutari
7. Sir Darius of Wydwood
8. Sir Kurat Maar
9. Len Gleamgaze, the Halfling Lord
10. Lady Chara Teswind
11. Alastor 'Twiceborn' Vales
12. Diana Blutham, the Huntress
13. Prince Aeron Bastion the Third
14. Maximus Brightblade, The Scarlet Skirmisher
15. Lady Liviana Montanari of Molthune

>excluding 2hu and Staypuft

Please no bully.

Rolled 15 (1d15)

let's see.

Looks like it's time to talk about fluffy tails!

Name: Di, the Fox of Fort Ramgate
Race: Kitsune (Yokai)
Class: Unchained Rogue (Hidden Blade/Kitsune Trickster)
Age: 68
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

>Character Sheet

>Back Story

Pic related is her character art.

One thing I am confused about is the following:
>is 68
>doesn't seem to have age penalties

'Tis merely Lord Johnathan Wick

Coincidentally, this is how I Slayer

You excluded 2hu and Staypuft, you big bully.

How can you improve upon a min maxed shota trap wizard? How the fuck do you build upon perfection?

Custom made character art.

This, 2hu's character is perfect, no need to include him.

Meanwhile Staypuft seems like a legitimate troll and is beyond saving otherwise.

You can improve backstory!

>mfw you'll never have an artist in your group
>mfw they'll never draw the party

That would require me to read the backstory of posters here. I've better things to do with my time like drink myself to death.

Yokai Kitsune don't take aging penalties until they're... 200? 300? Somewhere around there. She's practically a babby.

Di should have a cuter personality, as is I'm afraid she won't let Diana brush her fur and that bothers me deeply.

Drawthread is a start, it's where I got mine.(Still waiting to see if anybody wants to color it)

If you don't want to read backstory, then you'll never give good feedback.

Read Di's backstory, read 2hu's too, and then give some feedback. Be excellent to each other!

>drawthread is a start

now that I think about it, I should probably go see if the drawthread who did mine was actually done with it or not
and weep because I now get to realize I'll never actually use it in a game

Alright, so we have games in Cheliax, Varisia-into-TianXia, Molthune, and previously /pfg/ memed about a Land of the Linnorm Kings game ages back.

What are some other locales in the Golarion/MainPF setting you would love to go on adventures in?

Because I have nothing to do right now, and a copy of the ISWG in front of me, so if anyone wants info for potential campagins in different regions, I may be able to look stuff up and give info on potential campaign stuff.

As for me personally, I wouldn't terribly mind if I were to someday be in a Thornkeep game

Well of course, that's why I don't give feedback. I just whine about the posts instead.

>Not Galt
>Not learning the beauty of HON

drawfriend, even, fug

Well, at first glance this is the least heavy-handed lesbians-made-kids I've ever read related to pathfinder. It's not even detailed.

The story doesn't seem too nasty - there's far less comfy up there - and is somewhat more reasonable given it's existing nobles trying to get themselves acknowledged.

The character has 24 skill points, which is odd given 10 int and 4+INT with background (background is 2/lv isn't it?). There's one or two other character sheets in the list with abnormal skill numbers. Otherwise it seems mechanically sound; a sphere skald is relatively straightforward and not too weak or too powerful.

Seem normal enough.

Taldor and Brevoy would be the next ones. Kingmaker doesn't count as Brevoy because it's barely in there.

So here is some criticism. Her life seems to have about 50 years of dicking around. Nothing really happens in those 50 years, she's commander of the irregulars, but there are no characters or connections there, just the name,

marry her maybe, but coloring forget it; I draw like doctors handwrite.

>Brevoy Campaign
>Glory of Taldor Campaign
>Blanda Upp in Sargava
>Magical Romp through the River Kingdoms as mercenaries and later conquerors
>Help Roland Drumpf get elected in Andoran. Make Andoran Great Again (MAGA!)

Rolled 15 (1d15)

will do one. just one. I'm bored but not that bored.

Well, there's one common thread people keep bringing up about the backstory. Most of it is so dark and uncomfy. It sure gets comfy at the end but a lot of people think the rest of it is too heavy.

Maybe some good advice would be to lighten the rest of it up, no need to go that hard on the horrors of war aspect.

Also, maybe he should minmax so fucking much, that might help too.

last I checked, Drumans follow incredibly strict dietary restrictions that would make Jews and Mormons blush

Rolled 6 (1d15)

did I do this right?

>Nothing really happens in those 50 years, she's commander of the irregulars, but there are no characters or connections there, just the name,

Adding to this as an observer, but people really don't appreciate just how much can happen in a single year, let alone 10 or in this case 50.

Throwing numbers at the screen may seem like a good way to make your character seem old, but most people don't do a lot to emphasize just how packed those years are.

So I can't really see a reason she was given a village. She "finished with distinction", she needs a bit more than that. Especially as a former Nirmathan.

>Because I have nothing to do right now, and a copy of the ISWG in front of me, so if anyone wants info for potential campagins in different regions, I may be able to look stuff up and give info on potential campaign stuff.

Give us a dump on Brevoy!

Tell us what makes that kingdom tick and why we should give a heck about it.

Rolled 8 (1d17)

If I roll myself I'll spend an hour contemplating ways to improve my character.

I'd be a little interested in un-fucking Galt, but the "JE SUIS MONTE!"-friends can be awful.

Let's examine the other old character's backstory. Contrast the two in that regard.

It's Kurat's, the old spy.

I got bored, decided to have a bit of fun and gave up.

Alright, I'm gonna get to those pages, read up on them and post a brief lore synopses on the place.

This may take a while to type up, but I hope ya'll get yourself ready for Kurwa and Shashka Twirling

(4 (skald) +2 (background) +1 (human) +1 (fcb)) x3 =24 skill points

The kids were for having a noble line without having to work a husband in and/or having Liviana tied down due to pregnancy. I figured that Molthune would want everyone with legitimate title that they can get, considering the socio-political situation. Any suggestions for making her claim/reward stronger?

You should've told me, I have a transparent version which is what I've got up on the drawthread.

Need help /pfg/ Regarding Sphere's of Power I thought I saw something written that let you cast a spell while concentrating on another. (Something you normally can't do in Pathfinder) It's not "easy focus", that just lets you concentrate as a move action. I searched the PDF but I can't find it, am I missing it or just misremembering?

Nope, too late. Gave up. It was literally just mspaint with the bucket tool. Fun distraction, though.

>but I hope ya'll get yourself ready for Kurwa and Shashka Twirling

>mfw Brevoy is one bullshit excuse and gestalt away from letting us make Witchers

I know, I know, but I was afraid that I would be making it too long if I started detailing things. It was a broad strokes thing. I'm a bit pressed for time, but I'm trying to sit down and work on it.

Elio Scutari: Character Sheet:

Bio Copypaste:

It's kinda short. Noble boy grows up, becomes a squire then knight, doesn't participate in the war. No big heroics that would justify earning any kind of land and title so his family having a village doesn't make any sense. He doesn't mechanically get any powers from the land, so that part doesn't make sense either. Way, way too young to be level 3 and no waifu potential.

sorry, the "not even detailed" was in reference to the "how that was done" beyond "transmutation, done".

It was actually meant as a compliment.

Since Kurat's children are around the same age as most of the PCs would it be reasonable to marry them to join the families? His eldest and heir is unmarried.

Maybe you should give her an excuse to leave the military? What's stopping Di from falling for a man and deciding to spend a decade or two as a wife, working logistics and as a boot camp instructor while raising the kids!

10-15 years in active service, 20 years as a mom/drill instructor, and then the Molthune government comes to her door and gives her the whole, "you've done us a great service" speech that ends with an offer of knighthood.

>would it be reasonable to marry them to join the families?

That's been a suggested strategy since Kitsune Matriarch, user.

If you give your character a lot of children than you could easily custom-tailor some as marriage bait.

I'm somewhat partial to Osirion myself, but a Hold of Belkzen, Irrisen, or even Realm of the Mammoth Lords campaign could be nice.

Alternatively, you could do a campaign at sea, sailing toward Arcadia for glory, the gods, and gold!

What you want is 4th one down.

No I mean a PC marry one of their children. Not marrying children off to each other.

>No I mean a PC marry one of their children.

That's... That's what I was saying, user. If your PC has a lot of children at the start of the campaign, than you could use those children as marriage bait for other PCs.

Do any characters have marriage bait kids currently?

>glory, gods, and gold exploration campaign
That sounds great! Can it be set during the height of Taldor?

Ah! I knew I saw it somewhere, thanks!

>Do any characters have marriage bait kids currently?

Have you missed the entire threads of us gushing over Kurat's snowflake daughter?

That depends, did Taldor have a Virginia Company analog?

It's a possibility, but I was trying to get across that she was incredibly dedicated to the Irregulars.

Maybe they should boot her for refusing promotion too many times? She retreats to the middle of nowhere, they come to try and tempt her back into service.

Didn't the Molthune GM say he DIDN'T want players designing their families in such a way as to get benefits out of it?

>Family stays at home. You can have them if you want but they should stay some place safe. Dont have any more family then the number of followers you will have. You wont be starting in grand palaces so they will packed if you have a lot of them. You also cannot use them as followers. They will just be fluff pieces, I wont even consider them to have levels so dont try anything funny with them.

Bunny outfit kitsune?

What, and then a Molthune officer in full regalia rides up to her log cabin in the woods and confronts her while Di's chopping firewood?

>Dammit Di, you were the best, and your country needs you one last time!

So let's say I want to start off my campaign with a festival full of things for my Level 2 characters to test their skills at in a competitive sense, what would you all suggest as fun, productive feeling activities that they can participate in that will also show off what they can do to the townsfolk?

I'm only aware as of yet about what a couple of the characters are going to be, so I'd like as many ideas as possible to cover my bases.

You can't unfuck galt, it's a land of eternal revolution driven by the faceless pharaoh.

And she refuses, but chases him down when she sees a picture of herself with the Irregulars, reminding her of her duty to her country.

It's cliche as fuck, but probably better than what I've got right now. Doesn't quite feel comfy though, I'm gonna think.