tgaming cringe

>Boardgames? Oh, like monopoly?!
>I Play Magic: The Gathering
>I play Standard and go to FNM
>I browse Veeky Forums but don't go into /bgg/ threads
>D20 is the best die

Quality post my dude

Wait, are you saying there are people who post on /tg, but AREN't a pain to be around?


Thank you.

>Players: "This is too complicated, let's just play Pathfinder instead."
Fucking damnit, I've been running this shitty system for 3 years now, and I'm so very desperate to play ANYTHING else, but even 5e is too different for the people in my group.

Inb4 retards go "find a different group" like everyone on the planet plays traditional games.

If you're the DM, you have the power to insist upon change

Remember, it's hard for you to find another group, but it's just as hard for them. Make it so that they either have to accept change or suffer through the process of finding a new DM

>"Can I use my homebrew-"
NO! Shut the fuck up. 99% of homebrew is complete and utter shit and your stuff is NOT the 1% exception.

>This thread

I bet he wants to have his super TOTALLY NOT ANIME character with wings that is half demon half angel half god half everything and has wings and it's too fast for you HEH NOTHING PERSONEL KID

>Hey GM, sorry I can't come this week, something came up.
>Hey GM, sorry I can't come this week, I had to go do something
>Hey GM, sorry I can't come this week, my girlfriend needed me.
>Hey GM, sorry I can't come this week, I have better things to do.
>Alright, I'm going to drop you because you can't show up regularly and it's making it unfun for everyone else.
>Stop being a jerk GM

Happened to me FIVE. TIMES.

Especially since he's the DM. Also Bad Gaming is worse than No Gaming because at least with No Gaming you can do something else even if it is just shitposting on Veeky Forums.

>People still using alignments in 2016/2017


If someone misses two games without a good reason, they do not get to come back for the rest of the campaign. I have met way too many people that think they can just drop in and out like it is a video game.

Because they're usually people who have never had a full-time job or any real responsibility in life because middle-class mommy and daddy have always let them coast through life.

this thread is full of the worst people on Veeky Forums, it seems.

And now that's us, too.
Well played, OP.

I literally don't care

ask the person what the reason is

or they're people with a full time job and/or family who, unlike you, realise sometimes real fucking important shit gets in the way of games, and probably aren't happy themselves they have to work late/fix the plumbing/whatever the fuck needs doing

Yeah, you know, FIVE TIMES IN A ROW.

Quit being an assblasted millennial.

Ok. So they should understand the concept of responsibility and thus not act like little manbabies when they get kicked out of the group.

Sorry you have to work 7 days a week, but that shouldn't stop everyone else from having fun.

lel, upboat, rebbit silber tier

You usually have to deal with things besides RPGs more than 4 times in a day. It can happen.

Ok, so as an adult you should realize that you don't have times for children's games and respect the guy's wishes that you leave the group since you've bailed so many times.

>I'm backing the new Kingdom Death Kickstarter

I plan around this stuff and when the Flake will be joining the campaign I make sure my players know we won't be waiting on him, and to make sure their characters won't rely on him. I don't give the Flake any good tier magic items so when he doesn't show up the players aren't missing that much power, and I am very upfront about this to the Flake himself. I obviously don't let him know I call him Flake, but I do let him know that these are monthly games and we will play with or without him. He understands.

It was a couple excuses before radio silence, haven't talked to him in months. He used to be a really good friend, but things change I guess.

>talking about holding down a steady hardworking job, family, house etc
>cautioning that personal responsibility sadly comes ahead of hobbies far too often in adult life

u fuckin wot m8

perhaps because i'm a socially functional human my attitude as GM has always been "cancel the game if too few people are about, reschedule if possible, otherwise deal with absences"

it's a fucking game, I don't punish people for having unavoidable shit happen. Most of my group have jobs, often shift based, and/or families

those are more important than games sometimes, I accept that, they accept that, they generally give me good notice if they can't attend so nobody is inconvenienced

they come back, rejoin the group, level up if needed and we play on

no bad feeling

I know one millennial who fits the stereotype your referring to

Have you tried something conductive to an open table?
