Veeky Forums Books

I occasionally see posts about Veeky Forums vidya, but what about books? Not necessarily rulebooks or supplements, but works of fiction or actual stories.

Other urls found in this thread:

Black Company, if ya feeling low fantasy.
Garret the detective, if wanna fancy shmancy urban fantasy.
Also Conan. Man I fucking love Conan

The Book of the New Sun, by Gene Wolfe

Codex Alera
Dresden Files
The First Law Trilogy
Lies of Locke Lamora

Sharpe novels,
Hornblower novels
Malazan Book of the Fallen (it losses its touch somewhere midway through the books)

I like reading conan and arthurian tales.

I find that ancient heroic literature is generally great. My favorite examples include greeks like hercules and achilles, but also old-english-language and germanic stuff like beowulf or that Irish cu-culain guy. 90% of the time I read those, I think "wait, this is exactly the sort of thing I'd expect to happen in a roleplaying game". It helped me realize that TRPGs tend to encourage players to emulate the kind of decision-making of these ancient heroes, and do so pretty successfully.

Lovecraft's good for it. I felt particularly inspired by his dream-quest of unknown kadath.

You already have an image of Judge Dredd. Even if works involving him are not directly applicable to a fantasy game you like, they still do an excellent job at a kind of tone and humor appropriate for quite dark gonzo roleplaying.

I think elfcomics are close to being a fantasy roleplaying essential. I recommend going through the whole webcomic. Warning: contains small quantities of nudity.

Oglaf's comics are also great. They get posted on here all the damn time, so you might as well check it out.

Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser series is a classic.

If you haven't read it then you are no true nerd.

Amber. Lord of Light. Startide Rising.(professionally-done hfy) Dune. Conan. Dresden Files/Laundry Files. The Lost Fleet. MYTH INC series. A Phule and his Money. A Stainless Steel Rat. Starship Troopers. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Ringworld. Destroyermen. Enchanted Forest Chronicles. That LotR precursor I can't spell on my phone.

I believe "The Deed of Paksenarion" by Elizabeth Moon was based on a table top campaign.

Anyone read Ken Liu's fantasy novels ? Thougths on them ?

>That LotR precursor I can't spell on my phone.
The Hobbler?

>The Hobbler?
The Silver Million mate

Got it in two.

For Cyberpuk, the book Hard Wired by Walter John Williams is a forgotten classic. The setting described within sounds like it would be a lot of fun to run a game in.

In fact, R. Talsorian published a stand-alone setting book for Hard Wired in the 80's. Pity it's Cyberpunk First Edition though converting it to a new system shouldn't be hard.

When the FUCK you will all finally learn to use this:

Forgot my pic.

Probably never, even if the lists out there are actually pretty good.

Now that's a page I didn't saw for a while...
... and which neo/tg/ never heard about at all

Also, bump, so burgers can shit out some ridiculously bad books overnight and everyone will be able to have a good laugh in the morning.

Britfag here, just started on the Foundation series by Asimov, and have the Robot books lined up after that. I also love me some China Mieville, but think Lovecraft is sorely overrated. How bad is my taste?

And everyone and their dog knows that Lovecraft as a whole is overhyped and overrated... but still produced few gems, coincidently all of them in the end of his career.

If you want good Lovecraft, just go chronologically with stuff published (not written, PUBLISHED) after At the Mountains of Madness, including AtMoM. That's just handful of stories, but they are all the ones that made him famous

>I occasionally see posts about Veeky Forums vidya, but what about books? Not necessarily rulebooks or supplements, but works of fiction or actual stories.

Not seeing this question asked at least twice a week.

Fucking casual

> he doesn't get a voice mail of his computer text-to-speech-ing the OP every time a new thread is created
Step it up.

>dredd 2 never
>2000AD tabletop never
how do i come to terms with this

I feel your pain. Maybe adapt Space Hulk into 2kAD universe? Arbites vs Krool? It wouldn't work well if you just had one storyline adapted, combine that shit. Johnny Alpha vs Dredd? Pure gold. Slaine vs Nikolai Dante? Fuck yeah. Sinister Dexter vs Rogue Trooper? Count me in.

You, sir, have had an officially great idea.

Regarding mbof; it does indeed turn into a slog for several books. And then you read the last book, and it changes the interpretations of almost everything you just read. And you want to read it all again but fuck that shit, it's ten books long. I am tempted to run it (abridged) as a campaign as none of my players are readers.

Black company is also worthwhile, I disagree on it being low fantasy though, lots of magic is worked and old gods get involved.
Both series are campaigns that got chronicled and turned into books.
Malazan was a gurps campaign.

Red wall novels are YA, but good and solid fantasy. Non magical other than all the characters are talking rodents. And birds.

I strongly recommend 'the iron dragon's daughter' for a different flavor of fey child swapping and industrial fantasy.

Have you read much Ursula K LeGuin? Did "a wizard of earth sea". Take a look at her short stories "the wind's twelve quarters" for a mix of sci-fi and fantasy.

I pretty much recommended this everytime I post in a book recommendation thread.

I think there should be anchored thread with links to 1d4chan lists. Because all the people constantly posting the same threads asking for approved media and getting the same replies are really counter-productive.

One day soon I'm going to get round to writing an Approved Comics page, because it constantly surprises me that we don't have one. Maybe even this Thursday or Friday if I can get time off work.

user, here is a clue:
We don't have one for a reason. If you are going to post cape-shit, fuck off already. And while I can think about a lot of Veeky Forums related or thematically related comics, pretty much ALL of them are Franco-Belgian, Italian, Swedish and Argentinian. Most of them without English translation. So kinda-sorta unaccessable for average fa/tg/uy, not to mention hard to get by if you don't happen to be Euro and fluent in French and/or Italian.

There's a Rogue Trooper wargame and a Dredd skirmish level game you know. Quite a few minis for most of the classic heroes and villains too.

Maybe because there is no such thing like Veeky Forums's approved comics, you fucking gimp

First Law and Lies of Locke Lamora are based af

Why is there no comics category?

Anyway (those are eurocomics, at least partly translated into English):
Black Moon Chronicles: IIRC, it's inspired from one of the author's D&D campaign. Completely over the top after a few volumes.
The Metabarons: Also over the top, but for scifi
Lone Sloane: The adventures of an Elric-like tormented hero in an absurd future galaxy. Druillet's Gothic aesthetic may have influenced Games Workshop when they created WH 40k.
The stuff done by Moebius, mostly scifi, not necessarily Veeky Forums related, but it had an important influence on comics and films
Dungeon: started as a parody of RPG, as you're following the life of a dungeon as a business: adventurers go to die here so you amass their riches. Becomes much more after that.
Lanfeust of Troy: good old "poor-orphan-is-the-chosen-one" fantasy.

>Why is there no comics category?
Because not everyone is filthy burger man-animal. And setting up comics category is literally asking for a flood of cape shit.

In fact, the category was REMOVED due to flood of cape shit.

>No really good stuff
>No quality stuff
>No interesting stuff
>Just some 3rd-rate shit made for export
And here you have the answer why there is no comics category, even if we focus on euro stuff

Americans just suck when it comes to comics choices.

Sorry, my bad, I didn't notice Giraud in this flood of crap.


>Sharpe novels

These. I could not believe how hilariously ripped off Gaunt's Ghost's is. Though that said, if you switch out the muskets and long-guns with lasguns you basically have an IG Regiment.

>Sharpe: Gimme a pick-lock, Cooper.
>Cooper: Pick-lock, sir? Catch me with a pick-lock!
>Harper: They did, Coop. But when you got out of Newgate >prison, you got another set, and that's the one the officer wants.
>Cooper: Do I get it back, sir?

Sharpe - Gaunt
Harper - Corbec
Cooper - Varl

>Harper: I had an uncle who thought the Faeries were after him.
>Sharpe: What happened to him?
>Harper: Well, sir, they got him.

Pic related, it's Colm Corbec.