You guys didn't sell last night, did you?


Other urls found in this thread:

Bought the top (120 sats) sold the bottom (67 sats) this morning

Let them sell, they will miss one of the biggest crypto train and then cry about how nobody warned them.

token burn when? i want my 280k share to moooooooooooon

No, but i feel like I'm being slightly raped

Can someone red pill me on this coin? I've been really interested in Tron.

Cool logo
Cool name
Sick designs and shit
Just buy 100k

It got a little spooky but is holding steady atm, have good feelings about this one

I have $40 worth of TRON, pls don't make fun of me.

>Buy high sell low
imagine actually being this retarded

>Average TRON holder

Good boy

Justin Sun with the founder of Lenovo, Liu Chuanzhi

Alll Lenovo laptops with be preloaded with Tron spyware: Confirmed!

But wat dis coin do?

make you rich

>lll Lenovo laptops with be preloaded with Tron spyware: Confirmed!

I bought 1 million when it was .002 because they have strong business connections. They've got Bitmain, Alibaba, superbadass mainstream investors

I know, everyone should have the chance of getting their favorite coins for cheaper
I also do contrarian arbitrage, if I see a coin more expensive on I e exchange, I buy it there and sell it on the exchange where it's being traded cheaper to balance the price

>to balance the price
works both ways user
dont be such a saint

Dis nigga:

> Have a great news today but so bad I cant share with you because NDA agreement.

He knows how to play the twitter game...

This twink knows how to make money

Him and his little vests.

Probably the most appealing aspect to it imo, but not quite enough for me to favor it as an investment over ripple at the moment.

mouth full or pretending does not take you long way