/bgg/ - Traditional Games Are Cool Too
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Which traditional board game do you play the most?
/bgg/ - Traditional Games Are Cool Too
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Which traditional board game do you play the most?
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Anyone here has some experience with Bookdepository when they are restocking FFG items?
I want to buy Descent / Cosmic Incursion of them and both items are now "on the boat" in the FFG upcoming section.
Does anyone know how long it takes for stuff that are in stores to hit book depo?
Your best bet would be to email them directly and ask.
Are there any additional, fanmade or whatever, campaigns or quests for pic related? It's a good game,soon to die the death of negligence. ;_;
I just want more dungeon material.
FFG's on the boat usually means a month or two before reaching stores.
If I wanted Abed El-Naser to copy and paste a "we don't know when this product will be in stock" I'd just go find the closest Mosk and ask.
Why is space hulk death angel going OOP?
I've been thinking of trying to convert the Vermintide campaign straight off to the WHQ card game.
There's a lot of different missions/scenarios to use as templates for quest cards, having an Ubersreik urban setting will make for a nice backdrop and you can make additional skaven monsters and use the orc/goblin monsters as placeholders for them.
>No Markus Kruber character in WHQcg
Because FFG broke the license with GW
are the expansions actually worth anything? (gameplay wise)
From what I understood, they are nice bonuses, but just not worth it and don't make or break the game, just nice extras and a good freshener when you played the game to death.
As is right now just buy the base game for the 15$~20$ its worth and enjoy a great game before it wont be available anymore.
well i have it from years ago, but only managed to play with with my brother 1 time before we forgot about it.
same with chaos of the old world, though we played that like a dozen times
horned rat though. :
Chaos never struck me as a good game, its nice and has a cool theme if you are into that, but there are so many better games that fill the same niche
better answer than you'll get here shithead
Do any of you guys use any interesting house rules with any games?
I find letting people choose between different types of dice in classic "move around the board" games can add a strong element of strategy to normally more shallow games like Monopoly.
Sup /bgg/
Local store having a sale, been eyeing Allies and axis and twilight imperuim.
which of the two should i pick up and if i go for allies and axis should i go for first or second edition.
better idea to skip Monopoly altogether
What an original opinion. Thanks for your input.
Any one of you guys played aggrevation before?
Has anyone ever tried playing pic related?
no prob. If you have other games you'd like to be told are bad, go right ahead. I'm feeling very helpful today
Here's the christmas haul, spoiled steev is spoiled.
>Which traditional board game do you play the most?
Chess with the dad. He still kicks my trash, used to play tournaments when he was young.
Twilight imperium, hands down. Axis and Allies is very nearly as long with the same playercount, and nowhere near as interesting a game.
Thoughts on Dark Darker Darkest? It's on sale right now on Amazon for $17
I've never heard of it but it seems to generate mixed feelings based on reviews from amazon (which is surprising, it seems like amazon reviewers love everything) and board game geek. You may want to read some of those reviews but seeing as how amazon has knocked off $35 I'd be tempted to snag it anyway
Good games don't cost $17 unless they're just, like, a deck of cards.
>17 for a deck of cards
do you live in Australia or something
Strong Hold 2nd Ed - YES! And I'm still going to Ninja my way over to your house (but I'm totally NOT stalking you or anything) and steal Santorini. (So jelly!) I looked at Inis recently but didn't snag it, same with New Angeles. Still haven't seen a copy of Secret Hitler around.
My game swag included Quartermaster General and the Air Marshal expansion. I'm so looking forward to those.
Is there anywhere where the SJW cancer doesn't spread?
The hell? What even was the comment?
But I think the OP post is an interesting discussion topic
> This is the only answer in the thread that has triggered me, so far.
Well not my game (it my friend's) but for me the most overrated game is Cosmic Encounters. Though, upon more thought it only highlights problem with the genre.
No I've been on this board long enough to know that your list of "good" games will be a bunch of historically themed resource-management snorefests and glorified children's trading card games.
It's fucking Reddit. What did you even expect?
Yeah Dark Darker Darkest appears to have polarized people. Seems like the first iteration of the rules was real crappy, and after tons of critique and feedback, the author released a revised ruleset that allegedly fixed most of the problems the game had. A guy in that thread even said it went from a 5/10 to a 9.5/10. Guess I'll go for it, I could do worse for $17 bucks. Hell it might actually be good, and just got stuck with the bad rep.
Not much.
I've been trimming the list of subscribed subreddits I'm on since ages. It's mostly down to hobby related ones because other ones are retard-ridden. 4
Let me know how you like it user
>Children's card games
Yugioh is generally disliked here though, and pokemon isn't discussed at all.
And isn't Monopoly a children's game?
Name em
I got a $50 amazon gift card, what board game should I buy? So far I'm looking a time fury of Dracula, Imperial assault, descent, dead of winter or legends of andor. These were recommended by a friend but he's kind of hit or miss in the past. Advice?
No but I'm always up to try a game which lists "vagina (2)" on its components list
Pokemons current standard is actually the best out of all the major tcg's.
Still sucks it can't do draft though.
Dracula. Even if you don't like it (which you should because it's excellent) the price is going to skyrocket in coming months because it's going out of print indefinitely.
Thanks I was leaning that way but this confirms it
In Flashpoint: Fire Rescue, I have toyed with the idea of nerfing the driver slightly. Gonna try one of them next time I play.
Outside of that, not really. I however do love modular games. Modular games like Galaxy Trucker and Millennium Blades are great. A good modular game fills the purpose house ruling would without having to bring your own questionable judgement into the equation.
>fury of Dracula
If you like 1 vs. all games and hidden movement
>Imperial assault
If you want to buy into a miniature skirmish game and sink money into it
If you want a light-RPG dungeon-crawler
>dead of winter
If you like zombies and semi-cooperative aspects with possible betrayers
>Legends of andor
If you want a puzzly cooperative game that is much less about killing and much more about tracking movement and being strategic
Thoughts on Arkham Horror?
If you're thinking of Dead of Winter, look at the 2nd Game 'Long Night' as it fixes a few issues that were a problem in the first game.
DotP: Shadows over Innistrad is $9 right now.
>inb4 good games
Sometimes overproduction shaves prices harder than quality. The game is good but can be found by the dozens at every Wal Mart and Target across the nation which is absolutely millions more than the current audience for a Heroscape clone, WotC didn't learn their lesson at all.
Shame is reddit actually spews into real life unlike tumblr or Veeky Forums. Shit's full of normies not smart enough to keep their hot opinions online.
Which one should I get?
As a psychologist I applaud how much these faggots improve the necessity for my practice.
Most fun: Dominant Species
Easiest to get played: Evolution
My choice: BIOS Genesis
>Which one should I get first?
There, much better.
Is Stronghold good? It looks cool but the fact that it's only for 2 players makes me hesitate. Also, how's the variety? What factors make it so every play isn't the same?
Got another play in with Kemet+Ta Seti. Dumpstered my friends with a wierd blue/red/black build focusing on defensive upgrades, they couldn't get me out of the temples to save their lives. Wound up something like 12vp to 7/6/6. Sodium levels at maximum.
No idea yet, haven't gotten a game in, but I'll try and have some thoughts after a couple runs. But much of the setup for both sides seems to be variable, and there's some hidden information in interesting spots, so it shouldn't be too rote.
>tumblr doesn't spew into real life
Nigga you high or something?
Interestingly enough, there's some links that should help answer your questions...
Review: Geeks vs Games - looks at pros & cons
Rodney Smith - How to play (Good learning tool.)
Most recent rule book PDF (You'll need a BGG user account to download)
It doesn't spew into rea-real life. If you throw that shit down in the street or an industrial enviroment you get chewed to death.
It has taken hold of journalism and entertainment because /pol/ is right about jew nepotism and at universities because teachers are the greatest victim-complex faggots there are.
Do you like Theodore Darlymple?
BIOS: Genesis
Played Kemet Ta-Seti first time today.
Started off with what I thought was a good idea of getting Legion and Mercenaries in round 1, and later Serpent and open gates on rounds 2.
Couldn't sustain the actually building an army on top of keeping up with upgrades and ended up with something like 2 battle VP at the end of the game.
Is there an official ruling on how does Initiative interact with priests? The player who got Initiative removed priests as his action on every attack.
Also I wonder how the item that blocks the skill interacts with Legion.
Yes, and I don't actually enjoy the damage trigger warnings do unto phobics and PTSD sufferers, I was being misanthropic for teh lulz.
Yeah understood you were being sarcastic. Can't remember the exact article of his but I remember Dalrymple writing about the damage that "PTSD" and trigger warnings does and I thought you might enjoy his writings.
Yes, I deal with fear a lot and am very fond of anyone who thinks coddling walks the fine line between bullshit and medical negligence.
The funniest part of trigger warnings is that "trigger warning" itself is a distresser. And oftentimes encourages exposure because it shines a fucking spotlight over what it pretends to "shelter" people from.
Yeah, I always thought trigger warnings predispose self-diagnosed "PTSD sufferers" to feel offended or vulnerable for shit no one would give shit about if the trigger warnings weren't there, while encouraging them to keep watching/reading for morbid confirmation of their own supposed ailment.
Fifteen years ago it set the bar for production values.
Today, it's a pretty face with utterly trash mechanics.
color is random
>Click link
>It's Chess, not Go.
chess then, I can't play go
Has anyone played Duel Fighters?
Why do you think it never took off?
What is that?
A boardgame
A 75mm competitive game that's somewhere between skirmish and programming.
I guess the 75mm is too much for hobbyists, 1v1 too little for wargamers and the programming aspects too hard for casual 1v1 strategy players.
Why is FoD going out of print?
Because corporations are full of faggots who like power gaming more than money.
What are some good horror themed board games
I hear Mr. Jack is pretty intense.
Initiative can't snipe preists, neither can anything else unless priests are all that's left.
Skill blocking prevents forming legion-sized forces, but doesn't mess up pre-existing ones.
Damn kickstarter. I have it pre ordered at my FLGS but sounds like I'm waiting a good couple months for that. I need a new filler easy to teach abstract strategy so that I'm not always relying on Onitama. Don't care much for The Duke.
Betrayal at house on the hill?
how do you guys store your board games? I feel most shelves are to shallow to store most games
Check out Quantum and Raptor.
Ikea kallax or equivalent are the standard.
Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space is the only actually scary horror themed board game I can think of.
>actually scary
I've just accepted that there's going to be a certain amount of the box hanging out. As long as 70% of the box is on the shelf, it's fine. Some people recommend the cube shelves but I don't like those for longer boxes. I prefer old fashion book shelves, $10 each at a thrift store. No need to spend an absurd amount displaying my games, as long as we can grab them easily.
Found the guy with no imagination
What's your opinion on that game? I've been considering buying it myself
Twilight though me and my gaming group hate the game. It's a good game just not what we expected.
What are the states with the best board gaming communities and places that play modern boardgames and not the same old shit like magic and such?
How is Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan? I've been eye balling it as a beginners war game that I could get people interested in the genre with. I've seen it for 45 and wondering if it's worth the price or even just worth buy.
I'm 5 games in. I don't think it's as anywhere near as bad as I've been hearing, but I don't want to praise it too highly either. The legacy aspect is great and much more significantly alters the game than Pandemic Legacy did. The downtime and rules confusions Dice Tower seemed so upset at didn't seem at all like a problem to us. They mentioned Enmity being one of the things they had to keep going back in the rules for and I didn't have that issue. Similarly, they mentioned 3 to 3.5 hour games but my group has been burning through them in 2 hours a session. I will admit there's a couple times that we looked online for a quick answer to a question and that's probably something that wasn't well documented at the time.
All in all, I'm excited to play it some more and see what's next. The story book simplistic and objectives a little too game ending, but they serve their purpose of making the game less dry. We've been having fun naming everything and making up dumb stories about our characters and the islands. There is also a significant amount of stuff you improve on over time. That being said, I haven't been as badly burned on the objective train as some have and I can see where being left out of that would hurt the game for you. Objectives are loaded with permanent upgrades for yourself and it would be super depressing to go for one and then have it stolen from you.
I hope all the faggots whining about the princess in Conan counting as an object when you rescue her and are carrying her to safety, would die in a hostage situation.
I just ordered Kemet last week, would you say the expansion is a must have? or should I get it after the game gets a bit stale to freshen it up?
For anyone who might be tempted by Maydays used car salesman crokinole, check out their latest viceroy update. The first part is the epitome of Mayday.
Yeah when shopping with them you have to remember they're not a game producer, they're really only a components company. Their premium sleeves are decent and they make a lot of sizes the best companies don't (French tarot for Iello's card games comes to mind). Replacement wood pieces for stuff like TtR, Agricola, Catan are all hard to fuck up and cheaper than anywhere else. They've got the Korean import hookup, though those boxes are shitty corrugated cardboard. Swipe/buy one of their mousepads if you ever get a chance at a con, but NEVER EVER buy a game from them that requires the components be good.
I have, what do you want to know user?
Florida is pretty legit since cool stuff and dice tower are located there.
>everything you said
pls no.
I live in Minnesota and am working on building the community. We have Fantasy Flight HQ, which even if you're a tin foil hat "Asmodee will bring about the end times!" type, will still work as a great place to play. There's 2 other gamestores close by, and one of them offers pretty close to online prices, but they're focused on magic when it comes to their game space. Only at the FF Game Center will you really consistently see people playing boardgames.
Dungeon Command was another good skirmish game that died almost instantly.
Why is WotC so shit to it's costumers?