Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Under used monsters edition.

When was the last time you used a maralith, /pfg/? What other monsters should be used more but aren't?

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Well if we're posting monsters.

Friendly reminder that 2hu should be banned from the Molthune game and all future /pfg/ games for being an asshole.

The way is blocked by [Flaming Skeleton]

One of my characters attempted diplomacy with one in our planetrotting Hell adventures campaign. She agreed to forgo hostilities, but unfortunately did not succumb to our teenage heroine's sexual advances.

Would you fuck a marilith /pfg/?

Veeky Forums won't let me post the pic:

I want you to know that you're really making me sad with your insistence on not being excellent.

2hu thinks you can just go up to a fort of veterans, give an inspiring speech, and then lolololol they all surrender.

That's dumb as fuck no matter how high your Bluff/Diplo/Intimidate is.

Fuck you.
You don't know what it's like to talk to 2hu and get shat all over by his autism.

You sound 2hu switched tactics and is overselling his part so the DM takes his char just to spite you.

i'd rather post interesting armor and clothes ideas for magic items.

Stat them /pfg/!

I really am sorry that you feel so strongly about a person that you have to devote your time just to bad mouthing them. I hope things work out for you.

Light armor that lets you glide?

i would totally have that as a quirky band of fighters that the party has to fight.

i actually really like this Marlith design. And how the legs make up a cobra's hood.

Mariliths are not underused. They are grossly over-CRed.

Weapon enchantment - Executioner
You can now use Coup de grace regardless if they are helpless or not

man I have not seen such dedication to shitposting from this witch hunt user since the days I spent in lolg

>How to break any semblance of encounter balance

>those constant fort saves

oh man. That better be like a +4/5 enchantment

Hmmm yeah
How about...
"You can now use Coup de grace on prone enemies too"

That lazy dog is cute! CUTE!

Absolutely, user, but only a cute one with six arms like OP, not a dreadful weeb "lamia" abomination.

Ehh, i'd have it work like a combat manuver. a combat manuver that you dont have the specific feat for and provokes.

Coup de grace in battle is cancer.
It means the GM has to either settle for any enemy being potentially oneshot or make everything important immune to CDG.

I'm going to try to start up a new Roll20 /pfg/ game. It'll be a planehopping game!

But first, what setting should it be? Vote now!

You can play all the big titty anime girls you want in this game!

Hey look, another game that's not actually going to be run.

RotJR GM, please don't!

This snek is best snek.

You've have the capability of thicc squeezable thighs and full on coil hug bodies at the same time.


Why not do the best of both worlds? Force a matrilineal marriage as soon as she's old enough, spend a lifetime with that knight bearing their children and loving them with all your giant dragon heart... And then, when he dies of old age, you fly off to find a Silver you can have little shimmering dragon children with.

You're a goddamn dragon, dear. You could spend 400 years fucking humans and you'll still be hardly a young adult by dragon standards.

And 2hu's immortal shota trap will still outlive her.

>people good at diplomacy can convince people of unlikely things!

Orator is just Linguistics for Bluff/Diplomacy/Intimidate.

If you want to build a strong unarmed PoW character without using Broken Blade, what's the best way to do it? A mix of Thrashing Dragon, Fool's Errand and Riven Hourglass?

Play an unchained monk.

Are Dire Bats considered Quadrupedal or Bipedal for their weight capacity adjustments?

You think that'd be better than the strikes? I'm honestly asking.

Steelfist commando for the class, probably.

Well... It would play better. You also get cool abilities. Most of PoW is just numbers that are 50% bigger than they should be.

>previous threads
So someone is going full-liberal-art's-feminisim levels of triggered over a character's high skills?


And why has this been going on for at least two threads?

Fool's Errand mainly.
Steelfist Commando and Aurora Soul are obvious good choices, but so is Brutal Slayer Stalker. Harbinger too if you want less damage and more Lock.

Really, any discipline that can work with unarmed is fine, just go with what fits the style you want.

>diplomacy is mind control

It is when you combine it with Bluff and Intimidate.

>you can't change people's mind without magic
>Japanese cartoon image

Honestly, depending on what sort of social leverage you have, it could work.

Veterans are not fanatics, after all and it's not like there isn't an existing account of a guy successfully defending a fortress purely by making it look like he had a super secret plan and everyone believed it and didn't attack.

>First time GM, have a few sessions with players
>Spend Christmas away on family's farm with no internet
>See family I hadn't seen in nearly two decades, one of the largest reunions of my family
>Gifts, dinners and fun aplenty
>Come back yesterday, have a 500 miles drive in me, decide to GM my players anyway even if I'm not sure I have enough material ready or if I'm in the right mindset
>My players love it and compliment me
>Somehow this felt better to me than my entire vacations despite it being an online game with people I've never met

I don't know if I should be feeling this way but it feels warm

>convincing a group of people to surrender is mind control!
Call me a fucking wizard if you like but I've convinced people to do things for me in the past.
I mean shit, in the most recent session of a game I'm in I convinced a bunch of bandits to jack their leader in the back and join me for booty, bounty and the glory of bullshit, I didn't realize I was playing the game wrong, thanks for correcting me, autistic internet superhero.

>after all and it's not like there isn't an existing account of a guy successfully defending a fortress purely by making it look like he had a super secret plan and everyone believed it and didn't attack.
Purely apocryphal.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms isn't a historical source.

It is not because the GM explicitly said so when asked. being good with words won't allow you to mind control people. Convincing a fort that a siege is meaningless and that they have a better chance of surrendering could still be possible, especially if you go for the comfy feel where people are generally reasonable and opportunies to avoid violence should be pursed.

Veteran fort defenders are not bandits.

Is Carcassone throwing a pig over a wall a nat 20 diplomacy check?

Is the Trojan horse a nat 1 perception check combined with a nat 20 diplo check?

But that's not what happened. This shonen shit happened.
>The wizard strode towards the fort in the mystical disguise of a dashing colonel in gleaming plate armor. In a voice that boomed like deafening thunder, he gave an ultimatum: give up the fort immediately, or be slaughtered to the last man before midnight. He exaggerated the capacities of the Molthuni unit with great flair, making them out to be a legion of hardened killers. Lynn struck fear into the Nirmathi with threats so chilling that the sweat on the defenders' brows could have frozen. Most of all, he established a rapport, convincing them that Molthune and Nirmathas alike were comprised of humane, mortal men who all wished for nothing more than safe homes, steady food, and peaceful days. Molthune was in need of many good men, and if the defenders were to defect or surrender, Lynn swore that they would be given respect and auspicious new lives.

Only a loser with no friends thinks that you can't change people's mind with charisma.

...just reading that makes me want to punch someone

>giving up a fort just because someone said to

You should take anger management classes then.

Sounds about right. What is your problem? And shat is shonen?

That's 2hu in a nutshell for you.

I said account, not a historical account.

Not like D&D is a more realistic depiction of the world.

The Trojan Horse is basically the epitome of 'Failed a Sense Motive Roll'

>GM: It seems legit.
>Trojans: Sweet, cool horse statue!

Fukin why?

Honestly, that's pretty good. A bit overdone for my liking but you can't expect players to give the actual speech itself and it does more to get the mannerisms/gist over.

Not like they are just saying 'I roll diplomacy'

You aren't fooling anyone.

And? The only difference is how much booty, bounty and bullshit you have to feed them.
If it was a single zealot or a group that had more fanatical ideology uniting them, I'd be tempted to agree, but veteran soldiers are still human and are still just fighting for some asshole that hardly ever turns up to inspect their belt straps before fucking off home to go pound some rich noble cunt in the courts.

>Join us or die horribly, I mean Christ fuck, we're going to kill the women, rape the houses and pillage the defenders unless you put hands skywards right now.
That's pretty much how you convince someone to do something for you mate.
You don't convince people by going 'Give in or get fucked' you give them the whole 'Look, I know you're a nice guy just trying to make ends meet so I'm going to offer you a chance to not get savagely sword-fucked by my friend here, as a favor to a legit ass nigga who reminds me of a younger, less handsome version of myself, so give in now and we're good, if not...well, its your choice'
How is that not a perfectly valid way of convincing people around, you massive fruit?
If he'd been wanking on about friendship and the value of human life and wouldn't it be saaaaaaaaaaad if we fought, then I'd agree with you.

>Incredible man with impossibly high charisma stats does things deemed impossible to mortals

desu I think I'm jaded if I see nothing wrong with this


And the defenders couldn't just call bullshit... why?

Still not +48 or whatever that NToRacle was getting.

That's what a bluff is. You can call bullshit and bite the bullet... if you are willing to take that risk. That shota is a master of not only diplomacy but intimidation too and backstory supports that. The defenders were scared shitless.

NToRacle had only like +16 all day.
2hu has +27 ALL DAY so he can do a Bluff check then a Diplo check then an Intimidate check. And he can buff that more with spells and d20 rerolls. And get a +10 with the pendant 1/day.

And his bonus?
What level are 'veterans' anyway?

Because he managed to convince them he was legit, you dense fuck.
>I have this massive fuck off army, doncha know, here's the proof
>Bullshit! You don't have a massive fuck off army, despite having convinced me you do
>Yes I do
>No you don't!
And so on and so forth.

That's what the actual roll is for. The fluff is setting up a situation where the die roll matters.

I mean 'X could just call bullshit' applies to literally every bluff in the game.

Yes I do, since I asked him for build advice once and he told me I should play a different class. You know what I did? I ignored him.

>I asked him for build advice once and he told me I should play a different class
Classic 2hu.

Wow, that sounds like every body on here.

>That shota is a master of not only diplomacy but intimidation too and backstory supports that.
And that's kinda Mary Sue for a level 3.

No it's not. Not even heckin' close.

>mary sue

But couldn't the defenders see that the army outside was weakass, the moment the defenders agreed to surrender?

Couldn't the defenders just slaughter the weakass unit outside?

If it was a bluff, why did it work over and over again for FIVE YEARS?

Cassandra and that one Priest knew it was a trap.

One was a Powerless Oracle and the other got eaten by water snakes.

It's overpowered when you have ALL DAY Orator +27.

No, user, that's just minmaxing. It doesn't have anything to do with being a mary sue.

Min-maxed/overpowered is not mary sue.

Yes it is. When you're bending the story over the knee because you're powergamed, that's being a Mary Sue.

>What is a veteran?

Now that's a question, because it ranges from "this badass is level 3! Fear him!" To the "elite" soldiers of a dinky River Kingdom being level 9.

Supposedly level 1 fighters can also be "veterans."

It would seem that you have literally no idea what mary sue means.

The Mary Sue is graduating top of his class at 14, and the reference to how people gave him stuff and everyone liked him because he was just THAT good at talking.

That sounds normal for a diplomancer.

Yeah, there is that. 'I have real person levels' can often be considered a veteran in lower power settings.

Half-elves age normally until age 15 then stop aging until 20.
Elves age normally until age 15 then stop aging until 115.

It's completely retarded any other way.

Refer to

Also the veteran thing.
You can be a veteran and still no better than you started. Being veteran can just mean you survived.

And then you discover the average guardsman in Kasai is a level 15 badass, and the tough expert swordsman ruler of Mivon is level 10.

Paizo never bothered to establish power levels in their own setting!

Just when i think you can't dig your hole any deeper...

>And then you discover the average guardsman in Kasai is a level 15 badass, and the tough expert swordsman ruler of Mivon is level 10.
[citation needed]

Do you know what a fucking Mary Sue is

I am so fucking sick of this general and its flavor of the week shitposting, every fucking thread with this autistic shit. Can you people grow the fuck up?

A first level half-elf wizard should be 23. He graduated at 14, enlisted, and already had access to 2nd level spells. He was a third level wizard at 14.

This is such a stupid thing to complain about.
Age: The simplest way for a young character to reach adulthood is by aging into new age thresholds. Table: Random Young Character Starting Ages includes the age when members of the core races reach adulthood. Once a character reaches that age, she loses the ability score adjustments related to youth and may retrain NPC classes. If you aren't playing a core race, find a race with the lifespan that most closely approximates that of your character's race and work with your GM to create reasonable age benchmarks for youth, adulthood, middle age, and beyond.

Reward: The pace at which characters gain experience varies widely from campaign to campaign. In one campaign, a character might gain multiple levels in a single month of in-game time, while in another a character might spend years at the same level. If adulthood were purely tied to the passage of time in a campaign, a young character might gain extensive adventuring experience but still be restricted to selecting only NPC classes.

A GM may grant a young character the option of passing into the adult age category early after achieving some noteworthy goal. Potential accomplishments include surpassing your instructor's skill, defeating a powerful adult foe, overcoming a threat to your home, or completing a lengthy journey. The completion of a published module or adventure of similar length might warrant a youth advancing to adulthood, or perhaps attaining a certain level in an NPC class (perhaps at 3rd or 5th level). If your GM grants your young character the ability to advance into adulthood early, you may choose when to take advantage of that benefit. Your ability scores do not change to reflect your new age category until you retrain an NPC class level.

Maybe the """"""""""GM"""""""""" rewarded him with PC class shit early in the backstory?

He's legal adult age by the start of the game anyway, doesn't really matter.

We're talking about whether or not he's a Mary Sue. Being a full wizard at 14 isn't Sue?