Why the fuck are there so many? And more importantly, why do DMs keep inviting them? Don't get me wrong, every game I've seen them in looks like a trainwreck but who is stupid enough to let these people in their game? It's like begging for it to be ruined before it even starts.
Furries on Roll20
Other urls found in this thread:
Isn't it mostly Pathfinder and /pfg/'s players who try to shove in their fetish kitsune?
> About to say "Stop playing Pathfinder"
> Remember that Volo's guide to monsters added khajiit and argonians.
Who gives a shit, really?
Here's an idea
How about you play tabletop with real people that you know
>who is stupid enough to let these people in their game?
A lot of DM's are attentionwhore or needlessly servile in an effort to keep/attract players, without realizing that the best way to get a good group is to be a total nazi.
Letting people play their special snowflake race/class or get away with not showing up is how you lose the kind of player you actually want in your group and end up with a bunch of awkward fucks that can't get a proper group.
Most online DMs should focus more on making sure everyone is on time and focused on the role-playing instead of goofing off or constantly making new characters.
Found the furries.
Why do furries feel the need to insert their fetish into everything? Instead of forcing your disgusting and cringeworthy catsona into a game of D&D go find some yiff-core game to play instead.
The one recommending playing with real people doesn't really fit the bill
I imagine on some level they probably think you playing with an elf is the same as them playing as a cat-man, but the real problem is the latter just doesn't really have a place in most games without derailing shit (and worse they rarely hide how much it's a sexual thing for them)
They're incredibly insecure about them, and by constantly bringing it up they think they're getting positive reinforcement when people don't reject them, while in reality the people around them are deeply unsettled but too polite to let it show.
Hahahah, look guys, I made a sexy fox character... again!
>Oh boy they are letting me play it, my peers are supportive of my fetishes.
Meanwhile, the moment they leave the room everyone goes
>jesus fuck why do we keep inviting him again?" Oh right, it's his basement.
For a moment there I thought I was looking at a photo of myself, holy shit.
>Hahahah, look guys, I made a sexy fox character... again!
Isn't this /pfg/ in a nutshell?
Yes, that's Veeky Forums's quarantine zone
Don't talk shit about lizardmen!
>I'll make my corpsechewing lizardman rogue one day goddamnit
This. 100 times this.
I am a GM in Roll20 and when I decide to do an Adventure Path my polizy is go full ultra nazi. Thanks to that I did manage to make an Iron Gods campaign become a very enjoyable experience.
I've been pretty lucky on that front. I've had one furry player but he thankfully fucked off when I didn't let him do his shit.
Overall I've had 2,5 that guys out of 30-ish Well technically 1 that guy and 2 guys that just didn't mix well with me.
Friendly reminder that the openly furry retards make it super easy for the rest of them to infiltrate your games because you assume that all of them are as bad as the worst of them.
If a furry doesn't tell anyone s/he's a furry, then no harm is done. Hell, they can even make furry characters in rpgs with no harm done as long as they aren't obvious that it's for fetish purposes.
And it is always painfully obvious when a character has been made for fetish purposes
One of Veeky Forums's quarantine zones.
You're telling me that the place made for people too autistic and unpleasant to interact with people in a real game is full of degenerates?
It's okay, I will just kick them out the moment they display even the slightest hint that they might be a furry.
>Long time ago...
>Doctorate candidate
>Looking for players among the postgraf community in my uni
>Meet this affable good looking woman.
>Master in asian studies
>Teaches japanese and english
>Offers me to join her group
>Healthy looking people who are also cultured
>The game they want me to join is Iron Claw/Jade Claw
>In my ignorance thought it was a bootleg Mouseguard or Redwall setting
>Slim good looking jap teavher reveals her PC
>Is an anthro canine noblewoman.
>Opera singer.
>I nod and smile
>She is morbidly obese, slobby and suffer of extreme aerophagia
>My loyalist senses are tingling
>Other players expose more casual characters
>Only exception is opposum thief
>"I am Scatman! " implied in its background.
>Play first session
>Everything seems find
I'm not sure how your experience is supposed to change so much just because you or another player is one sort of fantastical race instead of another.
If someone's being obnoxious about it or making it about getting their rocks off that would be the problem, not being hairy while also having a dumb animal face.
>The Emperor protects.
>Decide to do some research on jap teacher character's art.
>Find her profile on both F-list and FA
>Her fursona is black folf monarch
>Hard vore, slob, body weight gain.
>Is like a Nurglite had been converted to Slaanesh
>Invicto Imperator you know I am a virtuous man.
>Decide to drop the bomb next game session
I'm sure user will deliver.
>Join the furfags on second session
>I decide to see how the game evolves.
>Things seem to be fair normal.
>Decide to not bring what I found
>Tell them that because of doctorate duties I csn't keep playing
Still today I am horrified about finding such dark secret from an apparent nice persons.
This is like a joke with no punchline.
You should have called her out on being a disgusting subhuman creature, to be quite honest.
wow thanks for nothing...
what do you mean? the punchlines is here:
Furries have enormously more of an online presence than they do face to face.
As for your second game, probably because Roll20 DMs are desperate and can't get enough people to host a real game.
>This is like a joke with no punchline.
That's exactly what I thought.
>I played with roleplayers who had weird fetishes
>then I quit
>the end
What are the others?
Everyone has kinks, dude.
All the fucking video game generals like the WoW, Elder Scrolls, and Shitstain 13 ones.
filename threads
M-m-muh ss13
Furfag logic: "There's too much swearing in porn, there could be kids looking at this."
Not me
>Second game session.
>I printed some of the art.
>Hid them on my Pathfinder corebook
>The jap teacher and her boyfriend showed interest towards the idea of me GMing Rise of the Runelords
>Before session starts hand them the book
>Tell them the sheets are bookmarks to the gear chapter
>She goes pale when opens the book
>"What is the meaning of this? "
>"You don't recognize this as your fursonna?"
>She starts tearing
>Boyfriend is not around
>She almost haves a nervous breakdown explaining that is only a sexual fantasy that she only engages in fiction
>"And here. We. Go"
Makes me think of that one image filled with bizarre hentai textbox quotes
Is it still furry if you play a genuinely cute and fuzzy mascot thing that brightens people's day just because?
That is not furry.
As long as you never take the step too far, your existence will be tolerated by the imperium of man.
Sever all contact.
>Obliterate her phalacies
>Warn her that I have enough proof for make a call to the dean and put her on psychiatric supervision.
>The others are about to leave the room
>"Don't even dare to fucking leave! "
>Tell them that they will be also under investigation if I make that call.
>Boyfriend still not around
>She begs me to not make the denounce
>The other two also try to convince me
>" Delete all your porn in all your furry media accounts. If I see agaim anything slightly gore or dealing with scat on them I swear by Heisenberg I am going to drop the names and the art to the dean. I am not fucking kidding. I'll be watching every single day."
>The may be insane but realize I have them by the genitals
>After that day all these four now only commission tame and cute art of their character.
>I send them privates every day to remind them what happened that evening.
Good never happened.
Or is this that guy from before?
>Everyone has kinks, dude.
Yes, but not everyone is such a failure in life that they have to invent kinks that are so far removed from having a successful sexual relationship with an actual person that they can crawl up into their own little imaginary fucked up safespace with like-minded weirdos, or obsessively put tits on things from their hobby, just because that's the only thing they have going for them.
>Hnnng, ohyeah, my little ponies, nnnngggh, pikachu with boobs, awwwyeaaaahhhh talking cartoon animals fucking.
Whoa, sick dude, can't believe that actually happened.
Oh right, it didn't.
>whines about made up pretend shit
>on the pretend game section of a filipino stick trading mailing list
>All this Anime Smut.
>Half of /co/ that seems to pile in here.
>People into futa
>people into little-magical-girls
>How neck beards talks about women in general or act around them
>Abundant Veeky Forums cat-girl fetish. Or stuff like towregirls
>People into furries
Like... what fucking ever. What I will NEVER understand is why people give a shit over this more over other things.
It's an identity thing. Furries are just like bronies or /pol/ posters or WH40k fans. They have nothing else going for them, no other hobbies, and no other defining characteristics. Without that one thing they're obsessed with, they are nothing and they have nothing, so they try to force it into everything they talk about and everything they do. They look at the world through the lens of that thing.
The things that you mention are all equally objectionable.
But you don't see those people proudly labeling themselves "futies" or "pedos" and mentioning it in polite company like a bunch of crossfitters.
If they did, they'd get spat on just as much.
It didn't happen because I was a softie, even it was blatant that those people were mentally ill and teaching in a high education institution.
In a way I felt like the Van Helsing parody from that Polansky horror comedy. Could had stopped them before they earned reputation and contacts in the academic world. Now is too late.
that happened $200%
>implying any dean is going to give a shit about their teachers weird fetishes as long as they don't bring them into the classroom
holy shit I know nothing on Veeky Forums is true but you went full retard
Here's what happens
>user A - Man furries are kind of obnoxious
>user B - Yeah sort of
...wanna yiffy? :3
ERP is still RP. It makes sense some would try their hand at it.
Maybe is some minor public university in which a degree haves the same value as toilet paper but user stated that this crazy bitch was into serious disturbed material which if made public could perfectly harm the reputation of the institution.
Psychiatric profiles are serious business.
>Maybe is some minor public university
Slav detected.
Maybe in Russia being a furry professor will get you sent to the gulag.
That's not true in the slightest. I haven't had all that much experience with real life furries, but I've known plenty of 40K fans, bronies, and whatever you'd call real life /pol/acks, and many of them had their own hobbies and lives outside of whatever shared interest I met them through. Perhaps if you'd ventured out your front door more often, you'd meet people like that.
Then the furries, 40kids, bronies, and /pol/acks you've met have been much better and well-rounded people compared to the ones I've met.
He is lying user.
Sure he is now on F-chat's Veeky Forums channel.
Yes. There is a channel in the furry ERP Mecca.
Dude, you are a pussy. I almost prefer the retard user alternate ending that the canon one.
god that channel's so full of fucking cancer, it's like they took everyone's high school image of what Veeky Forums was and applied it to a room full of PAY ATTENTION TO ME tripfags
/pol/ itself is split between two factions
"Anything other than reading philosophy and non-fiction in your spare time is degenerate"
"Don't tread on my free time reeee"
So you're both about half right.
>Literally nazis getting invaded by libertarians
I still don't understand why this is so fucking funny to me.
It's a great time to be alive.
But how much do they hate each other?
I hope it's a lot.
>furry professor will get you sent to the gulag.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
No, I'm not. Have you ever considered the idea that people who like things that you don't like aren't all indefensible creeps? That mabye some of them are perhaps well-adjusted?
>Black furred folf monarch
>Slob, hyper fat and vore
Are you talking about Aurelina? She even haves a podcast.
>"roads reeeee" ancaps
>literal, unironic, national socialist "the holocaust didnt happen, but it should have" stormfags
I wonder.
Well adjusted my ass.
You can't be a real human and civilized citizen if you jerk off at gore porn about an anthropomorphic beimg consuming an innocent children and rejoicing about the act in the most insulting sadistic way possible.
fuck, that's some nice art. Sauce?
We won't need roads where we're going
>bitcoin will pave the way to the future
But if not roads, what will my gang of gasoline pirates drive on with our heavily modded murdermachines?
>Why the fuck are there so many?
>not violating the NAP just to sustain yourself
pick one
James Jacobs is a furry. His fuesonna is a fat Tyrannosaur called Arceli or similar.
You mostly just sound like a cunt desu
For real?
haha reminds me of me man smart nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor LUL xd
He even uses that specific dino as his avatar in the official forums.
And the name of the fursonna is Macrocelli.
Holy fucking this. Had one of my best groups split because of the DM always bending over backwards to let certain players play as their snowflakes.
It'll definitely get you sent to the gulag. Just like anything else you do.
For real
Asking about the gulag? To the gulag with you.
This one?
H-how l-lewd...
>Played Pathfinder for years
>See what's up with the general
>Kill me
No wonder this board embraced 5e so fast.
Such is life is the Soviet Bloc
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know I was talking to an unreasonable fuckwit. Acting like the minority of a certain group of people represents the entirety of the group is illogical. I'm not denying those people exist, becasue they do, I am denying that they are all the same. Of course, you're so blinded by your own biases that the whole concept of "logic" goes right out the window when your poor, poor feelings and worthless opinions come into play.
The general is absolute cancer. I hate it so much. I have learned much from it, as I don't have a ton of experience in TTRPG, but it's so full of fluffy tails trap shota shit.
He's just baiting you brony. Don't worry about it and just don't give him anymore (you)s.
>Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know I was talking to an unreasonable fuckwit.
>Expecting a reasonable post on Veeky Forums
Danny devito is my fursona.
My body is ready for that sauce if you please