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First for Rey is Awesome as fuck

First for superior Imperial Fleet!

RIP Carrie Fisher. Fuck...

Third for Glorious Imperial Fleet and Victory-class destroyers are cute!

To me, she'll always be royalty.

She's not dead yet, apparently it's a hoax

apparently the source is her daughter. If that's a hoax that's fucked up as hell

I think Princess Leia was the first girl I ever had a crush on, and we all know Queen Amidala was a pale imitation. She'll always be royalty.


Wait what! Oh thank goodness, they jumped the gun and got hoaxed.

I mean... They could be lying abut having spoken to her daughter.

Right? ...Right?

She's "stable". Given that she was apparently on CPR for quite a while, that's quite likely to be "stable vegetable" until her family gets to the acceptance stage of the grief handling and tell the doctors to take her off life support.

Princess down.


Can somebody post the Cross-Sections from the Rogue One Visual Guide?

There was Krennics Delta T3-C Shuttle, U-Wing, Hovertank (actually a treaded tank) and the big Rogue One.

He will be the first kill of 2017.

>He is the Carrion Lord of the Geekdom for whom a hundred celebrities are sacrificed every year, so that he may never truly die.

I'm sad now.


Carrie Fisher, Star Wars actress, dies aged 60

Legit? Rest in peace Princess

There is no death, there is the Force.

the force shall set me free

CPR is usually if done right okay at making people not vegetables I thought. So much for that.

Unless her Daughter's publicist REALLY wanted to commit career suicide she's gone.

Wasn't my first crush, but she was one for sure :(

Fuck 2016, just be over already

do not blame the first responders. It happened in the air. IIRC they said it was something like 15 minutes before she could get to a hospital. CPR is rarely effective for that long. She stopped breathing ON the plane.

She's one with the Force user. She lives on in all of us.


15 minutes before they landed and then another 15 minutes to wait for the ambulance

Thanks for the correction. There is NO WAY she was going to make it.

FUCK 2016 homies.


I think I like /tv/'s mod's choice of the sad but hopeful music from ESB.


CPR doesn't actually have a super high success rate. Somewhere around 20% if I remember right.

It's mostly used because it's better than nothing.




Man if mark hamill ain't got no words what the fuck are we supposed to say?

>JJ Abrams demands a near 60 year old woman go on crash diet with nutritionist and work out so she can look how he wants for his movie.
>Movie is just a retreat of first movie anyways so mostly pointless.
>Shockingly, a near 60 year old woman crash dieting develops heart trouble and dies.

What a waste.


superior version by far

Oh leave the blame until a doctor tells you thats why, and you can't blame jj, he didn't pay her for it, disney did.

I have no love for JJ or Disney but it's a bit early to start pointing fingers

huge faggot, its a blood stone or whatever it is called in english that can develop really easily in anyone taking a plane and cause this. Most people dying because of this have 20-30years old because they take very long long flight without moving.

If you dont have the special socks that compressed the blood in your leg, you HAVE to walk every 2 hours on your plane flight

Anyone with a basic grasp of first aid and human anatomy knew days ago that she was never going to make it.

>Director decides what things in movie looks like
>Can't blame him.

Um, unless there's proof of some producer demands, yes, we totally can.

Also we know she had cardiac arrest four days ago. She'd had health problem before but I'm certain doing the intense dieting she did at her age with her existing health problems was a disaster waiting to happen.

But the main thing now is the loss...

>implying it wasn't all the fucking cocaine in her twenties catching up with her
You always pay for it somewhere down the line.

Eh. At least we got something.

they're call DVT, Deep Vein Thrombosis, and they have shared no medical information as of yet.

Yeah, she was probably on a tightrope as is.

Fuck off back to /co/ or /tv/. We don't need this shit right now.

Is it shallow to hope Episodes VIII and IX won't suck because of story changes following her death?

I mean it's not like I'm not sad. She was an icon and an amazing person.

I'm not mostly concerned with blaming people. Mostly just sad. Its way too soon for someone I would have liked to see around for so much longer. Maybe still shock.

Then don't blame mourn and blame when and if they release what killed her aside the from heart damage itself.

Fair enough. Fuck 2016.

Fucking F

Thank you friend, and yes also FUCK 2016.

Fuck. I'm so tired.


I'm not to broken to keep from telling you to go fuck yourself, however.


VIII is already done so I doubt it will affect it in any way. They might throw in a reference to it however.


FUCK 2016.



Yeah, usually just called a clot or Deep Vein Thrombosis, usually it's NOT severe if someones'g got first class legroom and moves around so I don't think it was DVT.

Has anyone statted out the ships in Rogue One yet like the U-Wing?

I hate 2016.

"Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create...life. He had such a knowledge of the Dark Side, he could even keep the ones he cared about...from dying. He became so powerful, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power...which, eventually of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew. Then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death...but not himself."

Fuck, right now I could be easily swayed to the dark side for that knowledge. RIP

Yeah i know, that's why i'm waiting for Medical news to be released if it will be anyway.
Nah Leia wouldn't want that user, not at all

Just as an added little 'fuck you' to your childhoods, the author of Watership Down died, too.

Leia was kinda what turned me on to sci-fi and fantasy stuff because when I was a kid she showed me that girls could be kickass heroines too (before then I thought that scifi fantasy stuff was a "boys only" thing even though I thought it was kinda cool-looking), so I kinda idolized her a lot when I was younger and when I got older I read her books and stuff.

Such a shitty year.

How easy do you think it'd be to modify this cycle helmet into one similar to the helmets worn by the rebel x wing pilots?

I've never read it but thank you anyway, only 24 here.

Good book.
Pretty violent and disturbing at times for all that it's about bunny rabbits.

It should be relatively simple to make a Star Wars-looking helmet out of it, assuming you have some talent, tools and experience.

Making something close to an exact copy won't be.

If you removed the lower mask and those goggles, and built up a crest, it could be a reasonably good approximation once suitably painted & weathered

>Watership Down
Now there's a whole other magnitude of childhood trauma!

>Hey kids, here's a movie about bunny rabbits
Some hours later, why are all the kids screaming and shit down in the TV room?

Never thought it about it that way, but I guess she could be considered an early feminism icon with how obviously competent and heroic she was.

She's pretty much the definitive heroine of modern pop culture. Ellen Ripley and Sarah Conner are up there too but even they don't hold a candle to the cultural impact of Leia (IMO).

>six of the ten trending topics on Twitter right now are Carrie Fisher related
>seven if #General is a reference to her as well

All the rebel helmet is, is a US APH-6B flight helmet with a vacuformed plastic shell over the top to make it look sci-fi.

You can buy the vacuformed shell from most Starwars prop companies, and attach it to your helmet. Check out Rebel Legion or 501st websites.

She'll always be royalty to me.

>[About the RotJ bikini outfit] “The father who flipped out about it, ‘What am I going to tell my kid about why she’s in that outfit?’ Tell them that a giant slug captured me and forced me to wear that stupid outfit, and then I killed him because I didn’t like it. And then I took it off. Backstage."

, Exactly.
When I get home I'm going to cry a little and then get my bf to fuck me like a twi'lek slave girl until I feel better.

RIP Princess Leia :'(

you never think it will happen till it does..

>get my bf to fuck me like a twi'lek slave girl
Thank you, I think I needed to read something like that.

So I have a fetish or two.
He sure doesn't mind.

Remember when we were all saying Billy Dee Williams would die anyday?

Now he's posting a memoriam to Carrie Fisher.

isnt that the same shitfucks that published an entire article shitting on her physique 5 days before her death ?

>harrison ford is older than palpatine
>lando is WAY older than palpatine
how the fuck

That's the Independent, looks like the BBC

The Independent is far too bleeding-heart for this bleeding-heart. I'm surprised it hasn't died of internal haemorrhaging

Looks like it's legit. RIP Fisher.

Her slave bikini was one of my earliest boners.

Goodbye my general. Goodbye my Queen. May the force be with you. Always.

I simply meant that you made me laugh, silly. And I do needed that. As well as many others,considering the shittiness of what's happening.

2years and 7 years respectively, how is that wayyy older?

Goodbye my general, goodbye my queen, goodbye my crazy fiance with an M-16.

Has Ford posted anything? Hamill and Williams have.

So did Daniels.

I'll check.

The twitter I found had nothing yet, and oddly wasn't authenticated.

They just had a statement from him on CNN.

blues brothers reference?

Damn right.

>Put on CNN
>Nothing except pictures of her in the bikini


>Harrison Ford released a statement about Fisher's death, saying, “Carrie was one-of-a-kind…brilliant, original. Funny and emotionally fearless. She lived her life, bravely…My thoughts are with her daughter Billie, her Mother Debbie, her brother Todd, and her many friends. We will all miss her.”

>Director George Lucas also released a statement, saying, "Carrie and I have been friends most of our adult lives. She was extremely smart; a talented actress, writer and comedienne with a very colorful personality that everyone loved. In Star Wars she was our great and powerful princess -- feisty, wise and full of hope in a role that was more difficult than most people might think. My heart and prayers are with Billie, Debbie and all Carrie's family, friends and fans. She will be missed by all."

Damn I can't believe she's dead.