So what DOESN'T Veeky Forums consider edgy?

So what DOESN'T Veeky Forums consider edgy?

A cloud.
A fluffy cloud.
A fluffy cloud on a nice day, drifting lazily across the sky.


It was nothing I didn't expect.
Surprised I even got a reply.

As long as a character is self-aware about being a shitball, it's not necessarily edgy. Furthermore, a character who gets past their dark background and becomes a likable character isn't edgy.

not being edgy.


I was told my drow character avoids the edge, but then I made a deliberate effort to do so.

That's because it's dull.

Mexicans. Have you ever seen an edgy Mexican? Never, because the Mexican race is constantly under the state of being the comedic sidekick. Same thing applies to Sikhs.

>comedic sidekicks
What? Also, I've thought about becoming a Sikh.

Uggh, you make me sikh

>Same thing applies to Sikhs.

Unless they're Gurkhas, of course.

Deep down inside people want to like edgy things but they cant

The next best thing is grimdark and MAXIMUM SADNESS

Edgyness is weird.
Something that is cool is also very easily edgy.

For instance, the slow walk towards you while carrying a sword. It is super cool when someone like jetstream sam does it.
But when someone who is not as cool as jetstream sam does it, it becomes edgy.

>insert cartel beheadings here

I'll take a stab at defining edginess.

1) Edgy characters are jerks. They're rude, they kill innocent people without much in the way of prodding, and they frequently endorse actions that are conventionally considered unethical, like theft or torture. They are pointlessly cruel or needlessly transgressive.

2) Edgy characters are usually incredible badasses. They're phenomenally skilled, or have special powers, or both. This isn't a strict rule, but it's pretty common.

3) Crucially, qualities 1) and 2) are justified in deeply stupid ways, or just left unsupported. The edgy character may exhibit a wildly implausible degree or form of emotional turmoil, be unsociable to an absurd degree, or have suffered some form of improbable, extreme trauma. These flimsy justifications for badassery and jerkdom suggest that the character was conceived as an antisocial asskicker, with other details tacked on to provide some semblance of humanity.

4) Edgy characters take themselves very seriously and demand that you take them seriously as well.

>Have you ever seen an edgy Mexican?
Does that include ironically edgy?

Fairies (not fey, which Veeky Forums tends to make edgy by default.)

#4 is literally the most important point.

Didn't we have a thread yesterday on how to de-edge a character or otherwise prevent them from becoming edgy?

Wow what an edgelord

Wait, how is Reaper ironically edgy if he is designed to be edge personified?

Ironically probably isn't the right word, but he's supposed to be edgy almost to the point of parody. He's supposed to be so completely balls off the walls grim dark in an otherwise mostly light setting that the contrast just makes him comically stupid.

Because almost no one else on the cast takes him very seriously, if in-game banter is to be believed.

human fighter wielding sword and shield with no skills but how to swing his sword arm

When I wrote the post, I was pretty sure the most important part was 3), but on reflection I think you're probably right.

>Doesn't know how to do anything other than kill things
Sounds pretty edgy bruh.

who cares? people in here are mostly worthless faggots

Spoken like a true edgelord.

thanks, now bow down

A rubber ball has no edges.

Barn owl.

Assume a spherical cow in vacuum...

Reaper is a Mexican?

His name is Reyes and he's brown. That qualifies as mexican in burgerstan.

Anything with consistent tone, justified immorality and without overly gratuitous violence.

I think he's Hispanic American.

Things that aren't done for empty shock value.

Holding hands.

I'm glad someone else recognizes this distinction. I actually hate the term 'fey' or 'fae' because it's just 'I want to use fairies but I don't want to call them fairies because I think it sounds gay'. Go out into the west of Ireland, there's still some older folk out there who will use the term 'fairies' very seriously. Not 'little people' or 'fair folk' or 'fae', just fairies. Hell, those terms existed so people wouldn't accidentally say 'fairy', because apparently that would insult them. Just say fairies in your games, lads.


t. Rogal Dorn

>This man has never seen Machete

For example, Random Cybog mercenary dude number 283 is probably edgy, while Raiden isn't by virtue of point 4 and some of point 3. Not to say he isn't a little bit, but he's also silly (and a wee bit tragic) enough to not be.

What about this particular fairy?

So do villains by nature get a free pass for being edgy?
Because by this (rather agreeable) list many popular ones would be.

Cute girl monsters doing cute girl things.

Villains do get to be edgy. Also they get to ham it up as much as they what. It's part of the benefits of evil, you get to edgelord while at the same time you Shatner the hell out of your dialogue.

I thought about this a little bit. And yeah, the distinction is kind of blurry. Most really edgy characters would look awfully villainous if you put them in a different setting.

In stories, I think the main distinction might be that villains don't get a free pass on their dickery, whereas edgy protagonists (sort of?) do. If the villain bombs a school bus, it's awful and people are upset about it. If the edgy protagonist does it, the schoolchildren had it coming—or it was a necessary sacrifice, or it happened because the protagonist is Tormented By Inner Demons and you should feel sorry for him, or the setting is so grimdark that getting blown up is one of the better things that can happen to you, or the sheeple need to WAKE UP and realize that in the REAL WORLD, you can't SOLVE PROBLEMS without BLOWING UP THE OCCASIONAL SCHOOL BUS. Basically, when edgy protagonists do something an asshole would do, the narrative conspires to make it okay, whereas when villains do it, it is not okay.

Unless the campaign has been built around being edgy (or outright evil), you usually won't get this effect from a roleplaying game; when the edgy PC decides that raping the innkeeper's daughter is a great idea, the rest of the world may not put up with it.

This. Edgyness per se is not all about,black coats and dual katana wielding, weaboo super shit powers, chosen ones mary is about wholeheartily believing on it and projecting it on the tabletop.

The thing about reaper is that no one takes him seriously

even in-universe

It begins with an R and ends with an E.

Edgy stuff

>If I personally never experienced X, then X doesn't exist!
No, it just means you have a very limited experience.

I think there's a difference between edgy protagonists and edgy antagonists. If the protagonist is an edgelord, he's almost invariably going to be an anti-hero, someone who still does heroic things despite "breaking a few eggs", or at least limits their violence to "bad guys."

With villains it's different. An antagonist is only truly edgy if, in addition to all the sociopathy, is treated as highly competent, badass, or cool. It's understood that he's doing bad things, but look at how awesome he is you guys! There's no way we can beat someone that cool! And so on.

user, you've must overslept last... 4? 5 years? Being self-aware of being a shitball is THE definition of edgy now, due to being overdone.


Edgy as fuck, to the point of being unintentional self-parody
>The long forgotten leader of the Mexican gang taking care for elderly
Not edgy

I miss the Governor.

I don't. Governor was also edgy as fuck, but at least they didn't run wild with it and made him (somewhat) more complex, rather than riding the "LOOK HOW AWESOMLY COOL THIS EVIL TWISTED FUCK IS!" pony

Governor, even if we skip entirely his comic book version, was an unhinged guy with serious mental problems, which only went worse after his daugther got "double" killed. Then there were his control issues. And how bad he was at facing anyone not respecting his authoritah. Plus he had this nice facade of sleak, organised person for his average followers.

Compared to that, Negan is just "lolsrandom evulz" and you literally can't see why anyone with two brain cells to rub together would follow him and/or not just shoot him on spot to simply usurp him.

I miss the times before the show was about some Villain of the Season type of deal.
Remember how positively good the first season was? And it's not just nostalgia. That was literally the time when the show-runners still gave a fuck.

Somehow W40k is not considered as 2edgy4anyone

>Mexican race
Why do people do this?

Level 1 human fighter with no backstory he's just adventuring because.

5) Edgy characters really like sharp things and dark colours. It's hard to have an edgy character in bright colours.

Pick one

user, your lack of experience is showing.

You can be edgy wearing fucking pink

What the fuck aren't ghurkas buddhist or some shit like that not sikh?

>Holding hands.

you play a drow so you're already irredeemable

It looks more like a happy face to me

Mostly Hindu I reckon. There are some local variations influenced by Hinduism.

Now I have to read about the history of Hinduism and Sikhism just to know the difference proper.

>influenced by Buddhism


The reyes surname is more than enough to be fair, brown, pink or yellow.


Sikhism is an entirely different religion, as close to hinduism as buddhism is.

Nothing. Games are a waste of time. Fuck off and die.

In the words of the great sage Moot

>Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

Is it edgy if I like characters with tragic or fucked up things happening to them in the past, but they generally try to stay positive or happy about things?

Yes. Everything is edgy. Kill yourself.

>everything is edgy

Of course it might be still fucked up by details, but overall concept is not edgy

The Mexican 'race' is constantly under the state of being in a drug war.

Then why aren't I allowed to go full Aztec?

Are you saying that if you played one people wouldn't make excuses for why you're skinning your adopted family members and wearing it?


>he has never seen edgelords all in white with white hair

Because Spain will come back and kick your shit in.

Sure they do, Mcree and the other old guard particularly. Just because they have some pre-fight banter doesn't mean they dismiss him as a threat, a super powered psychopath coming to kill you and your friends is cause for concern after all.


Like he says. Reaper was after all one of the original six and had something akin to what Daddy 76 got pumped with, except this one made him become OC instead of Captain Edgemerica.

He has a Mexican last name, at least, and if he is his mask being owlish makes more sense because owls are associated with death, sickness, and bad luck in mexican superstitions.

I don't think so. Edgelords tend to be a broody lot. Someone that overcomes the bad things in their past and still tries to be a good person who focuses on the positive isn't edgy.

Careful now
Down with that sort of thing

How about someone who's sole aspiration is to get away with a spree shooting? Who takes photos of the people she kills and then masturbates to them later?

Hispanic name, very tan skinned in his human costume, from L.A. in the lore, and has a mariachi alternate skin.

Hope is kryptonite to edginess, any setting with hope where people can really make a difference finds it very difficult to be edgy.
And any character can have the edgiest background in history but as long as they still have some hope in something good and act on that then they won't come across as edgemisters, more likely than not.

>Hope is kryptonite to edginess, any setting with hope where people can really make a difference finds it very difficult to be edgy.

>every single anime ever

>designed ironicaly to be a edge elemental

Because it embraced the edge in full.

Things that would normally be 4edgy5me in most settings is just par for the course in 40k.

People who consider Reaper an edgelord are too young to remember the 90s.