VeloCITY - The Wind in Your Hair

Merry Christmas, folks. This is Mr. Blue Sky, lead developer for VeloCITY: The Wind in Your Hair, the Jet Set Radio-inspired homebrew about flying through the air with the greatest of ease, turning anything you see into a flying trapeze.

Hope you guys are enjoying your holiday break. I don't have a new update this month, and you can credit that to last month's update. I'm reposting it here for those who may have missed the big update to the game, as it's a monster of a change. Version 1.3 has the most substantial changes to the rules yet, so I want to make sure everyone is on the same page. To recap, here's the short version of the big core change, which has rammifications across the entire document:
>Strength, Agility, Balance and Grit are now known as movement stats and are directly tied and synchronized to their respective core stat (Body, Speed, Mind, and Soul respectively). Upgrading the core stat automatically upgrades the movement stat.
>With the new substat vacancies, there are four new substats to take their place.
>>BODY - Resilience: The damage resistance stat, separate from Stamina
>>BODY - Brawl: The dedicated melee to-hit stat, separate from Coordination
>>SPEED - Stealth: Self-explanatory
>>SPEED - Larceny: Less-than-legal skills, like breaking-and-entering, pickpocketing, sleight-of-hand, etc.

On top of the change above, other changes have been made to both reflect the new statline and to make the rules cleaner and more specific overall.

There was another thread around here talking about a tabletop adaptation of Warframe (), and a mod of VeloCITY was one of the most talked-about options, since it's been done in the past. For those who are curious about the system, here is your opportunity to learn all you want about it. Any characters, stories, logs, suggestions, questions, or mods to the game are all welcome. Enjoy the game, and happy holidays!

Other urls found in this thread:

And I post this after realizing there were a couple errant mentions of Stamina where Resilience should be. I'll make sure that's properly in order for the next update.

For the record, in mentioning that Warframe thread in the OP, this is how one user described how they modded VeloCITY to handle Warframe, a video game about biomechanical space super ninjas who are warrior-monks and one-man armies of destruction across the solar system. Note that this game was run a couple years ago, so it doesn't fully reflect the current rules, although you can still apply everything here.

>Assuming you mean how we used the system. Blue Sky was also skeptical when I said the system worked pretty much as-is.

>The stats pretty much cover everything a Tenno would need, except for computers and hacking. We ended up rolling it into Acumen, because as it's presented by the game it's a rapid-paced puzzle, and we weren't sure much how to use it otherwise. Still not sure about the validity of that from a balance/design point of view.

>For Movement and stuff like that, rather than giving Tenno ridiculous numbers and risk breaking the system, we gave everyone else really low numbers, and just accepted in our mental pictures that the scale was simply different.

>Finally, where guns are concerned, on page 61 it says:
>>(except for guns and the like – those attacks not influenced directly by stats will have a flat result value attached to them instead of a stat to roll)
>Sooo we just statted out the guns everyone built against a baseline damage (which we typically gave to the enemies). And then as it says in Equipment you just give them Perks and Penalties, like a machine gun having really low damage but every consecutive round it ramps up significantly.

Yo, quoted user here with a little bit of an aside I wish I mentioned earlier.

I checked the new rulebook, and it's page 39 now, not 61. My book, obviously, was old.

Anyway, Blue Sky, is there a page I'm not finding here where you statted out said static-damage weapons like guns? I understand they should probably be fuck-you powerful in the base setting, and as a GM I can always just make it up, but it's useful to have a developer-decided base to work off.

There's actually no mention of guns or similar weapons being specifically statted out. There's only the one sample listed in the combat writeup that's similar to the line you posted. I know there should be at least cursory mention of similar weapons, like a pistol or a taser or even some mace. It's just that guns come up so rarely that the option didn't seem to warrant excess elaboration. As long as the rule is in place that guns and the like use a flat result value instead of a dice roll for the base damage dealt, that would be fine. For example, I imagine for a couple nonlethal weapons, you could stat it like --
>Taser: Deals 15 electric damage and forces a Stamina 25 test; if the target fails, they are momentarily paralyzed and forced prone. The damage ignores armor resistance.
>Mace: Deals 5 damage and renders the target blind. Requires a Coordination vs. Reaction test to hit. Target makes a Willpower 15 test to avoid being incapacitated momentarily.

The current line that addresses this, for the record, goes as follows:
>The aggressor rolls his damaging stat; for virtually all melee attacks and most ranged attacks (except for guns and the like – those attacks not influenced directly by stats will have a flat result value attached to them instead of a stat to roll, like a gunshot doing 30 damage), that stat is Strength.

That being said, I will most likely go back and provide a bit more to work with when it comes to ranged weapons.


merry christmas mr. big sky!!

At least get my pseudonym right.

Merry Christmas, Mr. Red Sun.

Whoa, hang on, don't die on me


Pistol does 30 damage.
Rifle or shotgun does 40 damage.
Taser and mace are mentioned in .
Bow-and-arrow is one of those Strength-goverend ranged weapons, but like all weapons, it provides its own dice bonus to the damage roll, depending on quality and arrow used. It would also have a maximum Strength rating that it would accept (for example, a bow could only allow you to use 4 Strength in the damage roll, on top of the bow's own damage dice; better bows let you use more of your Strength).

Any other ranged weapons worth mentioning?

One of the old pregens. He gimmick was her bow and arrows she toted around.





I should get around to restarting some old characters.





>A Duchess Marianne Prep High School "princess" secretly recruits the PCs, clearly below her class-wise, to help uncover a plot within the school that may put her at risk
>PCs have to spy on other prep kids and occasionally sabotage their efforts
>The princess, after hanging out with the party long enough, decides to join them and go "street"
>Turns out she's not that bad
What other plots could you do or are trying?




Maybe stick some extra formulas at the bottom for easy reference.
>Momentum: Stores extra result score from test for later use in the scene, lost at scene end
>Style: Stores excess degrees of success to be used in a later test in that scene, holds a max of (Soul x 2) degrees, lost at scene end
>Energy: Can spend a max of (Body + Stamina) points per test to augment a result score
>If Health or Energy are fully depleted, gain a -1 modifier to all tests

Or you can make small footnotes next to the stat header, like (max Body + Stamina per test) next to Energy or (max Soul x 2) next to Style. I'm not sure how to make those look neat.



That character sheet is no longer good, what with the new stats and all.






Don't go yet


post character concepts

Here's an old concept character I did, updated for the new stats.

>Name: Cassandra Delacroix
>Street Name: "Isis," after the Egyptian goddess of magic
>18, 5'7", 150 lbs., O-
>Born American, full-blooded French by heritage

>High Concept: Young Magician, Heir to the Legacy
>Distinguishing Marks: Small golden fleur-de-lis tattoo atop her left shoulder
>Appearance: Variety of normal girlish clothes when a mundane person; when it's "showtime," dons her magician regalia; notably fit and trim
>Personality: Generally chipper and upbeat, a real goof and source of humor. In front of a crowd, she becomes a natural showman, becoming more ostentatious in her mannerisms. Around close friends, she's humble and embarrassed when her "skills" are brought up.
>History: He was a moderately famous stage magician. She was an aloof showgirl and mystic who practiced "real" magic: fortune telling, tarot cards, speaking with spirits, etc. They fell in love, wed, moved to America a few years later, and had Cassandra. It helped that she was absolutely fascinated by her parents' magic skills, and she took to the craft pretty handily while growing up, to the point where schoolmates would ask her to tell their fortune and other parlor tricks. Eventually, the family relocated to Velo City to start again, after a string of disappointing shows. Her mother still holds to the mystic arts and is regularly teaching Cassandra when she's not being aloof and mysterious. The image of a normal girl and of a "weirdo who does cheap tricks" tend to clash.

>Style: Boarder
>Board design: A pin-up of a fiery-haired woman in a desert wearing a slight robe, admiring a small fireball floating conjured in her left hand

BODY/Strength: 3
>Stamina: 1
>Coordination: 2

SPEED/Agility: 3
>Reaction: 2
>Stealth: 1
>Larceny: 3

MIND/Balance: 3
>Academics: 1
>Acumen: 3

SOUL/Grit: 4
>Art: 2
>Awareness: 3
>Charisma: 4
>Willpower: 3

>Health: 60
>Energy: 70

[P] Nothing Up My Sleeves: +2 towards sleight-of-hand checks (Larceny)
[P] I Can Read Your Mind: +2 towards Awareness checks when reading a person's body language to discern their true nature
[P] "It's Showtime!": Isis can almost instantly quickchange her clothes into her full magician's regalia, regardless of what she's currently wearing. Costs a standard action as part of a turn. NOTE: her magician's regalia doesn't currently provide any particular benefit; it's just for show.

>"Fire Sage" Skateboard
>Telescoping cane
>Tarot card deck
>Wooden acoustic violin (w/ case)
>$230 USD

Other Notes
>Speaks perfect English and French
>Favorite musical genres: Classical, jazz, ambience/trance
>Plays violin; known to play "drive-by concertos" while rolling past on her skateboard or longboard
>Does palm readings and tarot card readings upon request
>Signature tags: A light-blue shooting star; a super-deformed wizard with the stereotypical bushy beard, large hat, robe and cane


Now that's a Rosenkrantz if I ever saw one.




Awfully quiet for this thread.

Happy new years eve


He calls himself assassin

>He calls himself assassin

But nobody else does.

He's a hopelessly edgy twenty-something with way too much time on his hands.

Fortunately for him though, he is pretty decent at parkour.


Need more clowns

Has anyone run the new rules yet?

Not that I've seen.

Not yet, to my knowledge. The new rules have been out for a month.


Happy new year.




Someone should do something about that




Inspirational music to be found at

Pshh, get with the times.




Campaign ideas

A couple were bandied about earlier in the thread. Much of VeloCITY is about character dramas, though, so if your players give you enough to work with, use that.

For a second I thought her nickname was bladder

Does it have larger song listing?

Rolled 20 (1d20)



The user who created that sample character was explicitly inspired by Serra Angel from MtG. Hence her name being Sarah "Angel" Kleinwald.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, I can't believe I hadn't seen this thread until today. I described this idea to my friends, they thought of Air Gear, which I guess is actually an inspiration for this system. First thoughts went to video games like Mirror's Edge, or more supernaturally, like inFamous. Warframe would be interesting as well, my friends have all been playing that for years. I'll take a look at the foundations of the system this evening.

Air Gear and Mirror's Edge are the more immediate inspirations for the game, although the single biggest inspiration is Jet Set Radio, as has been mentioned numerous times. As you've seen earlier in the thread, the system has been modded in the past to accomodate Warframe, and it works very well. Take a read, and let me know what you think.




Cat would be a lot cleaner to stat with the new statline, now that there's proper Stealth and Larceny substats.

Pic related is her old statline. This is how I'd put her together in the new statline.

BODY/Strength: 3
>Stamina: 1
>Coordination: 2
SPEED/Agility: 5
>Reaction: 3
>Aim: 3
>Stealth: 5
>Larceny: 5
MIND/Balance: 2
>Streetwise: 2
SOUL/Grit: 3
>Awareness: 2
>Charisma: 2

>[P] On the Prowl: +1 to Stealth checks towards moving silently
>[A, 5 EN] Claw-like Grip: +1 to Grit tests when climbing or balancing on ledges
Her third perk can be one of the following:
>[A, 10 EN] Nine Lives: When falling and after failing the first Coordination check, Cat can immediately make a second Coordination check to grab a handhold, using her Agility score as a bonus
>[P] Sticky Fingers: +1 to Larceny checks involving pickpocketing or lockpicking

Of course, she can always get a fourth perk later and buy up the one she didn't get.



Maybe a back-page or our second page which is just a small cheat sheet for things players tend to forget our have to look up often.

Do not underestimate the power of a good cheat sheet for rolls. Helpful recommendation and example.

Would tag your freshly painted newsletter.

Would Hot Blooded Fighting Schools be within the cultural jive of Velo City?

The River City Ransom type of academy specific themegangs for instance.

>Would Hot Blooded Fighting Schools be within the cultural jive of Velo City?
>The River City Ransom type of academy specific themegangs for instance.
Could be.

Anyone in this thread who has actually run a game of this, what where some things that you belive would be good to have in a small cheat sheet?

Gonna give character creation a whirl, see if I've got this right.


Don't forget to post what you got

Kind of a silly question, but do you have anything against people using your setting or the premise of your setting to make a CYOA? This is, pretty interesting, and I like the motifs or sources that you've drawn on.

The thought hasn't come up before, so I couldn't tell you.

Not him, so I have no attachment to the setting, but he can't stop you. Just be nice and plug his game on occasion so that it may possibly increase in popularity

Well it's just something for consideration I guess. Generally with settings in communities like these it's better if the core author is at least aware and agreeing to some extent.

I don't know though, since right now it's just an idea that popped into my head for the moment. We do have...a fairly large community of CYOA makers here on Veeky Forums.

Well if he's not comfortable with it I'm not going to go through with it, that's really all there is to it.

Depends on how you pull it off. I'm curious.
