Are there any wargames that have an electronic warfare element? It's something I've had the privilege of learning about a lot over the past year and plays a huge part in warfare but I only have really played Flames of War and dabbled in 40K. FoW's setting doesn't really allow for it and 40K doesn't seem to actually know what it is. Is there anything out there for me?
Juan Nelson
Fuck you you EW/PVO fuckers, stop lighting up my SPO-15 all the time.
Samuel Jones
There's a little bit in Battletech, but it mostly just means you have a unit with ECM Suite or Active Probe.
Parker Moore
Heavy Gear had some if I remember properly.
Gavin Williams
Infinity has hackers, but they are basically just a glorified buff or token choice for their specialist status, from what I understand. Never played the game.
If the Shadowrun wargame ever gets made it could possibly feature something like that. It's gonna be 80s hacking though, not realistic in any way form or shape.
Benjamin Powell
How much EW takes place at a tactical level?
Luke Jones
Way more on weapons platforms than infantry. EW wouldn't work in skrimish games, you need a game with hardware involved.
Noah Wright
Infinity has some, but it's hollywood hacking.
Good luck. I dream of a nautical rpg in a modern setting, with correct radiocommunications and detection systems, but it's seems to be pretty niche taste.
Owen Bell
I wouldn't mind making a wargame based around Electronic Warfare. Might do it in space or something.
Samuel White
Tau have EW and photonic warfare. So far, the only representation on the tabletop is the Ghostkeel.
Austin Taylor
In actual, current conflict: jamming, electronic counter measures(stuff that presents radio and cell detonated IEDs), and electronic counter counter measures (spread frequency and frequency hopping radios). But yeah, it's more common for vehicle platforms and such.
Isaiah Ward
The new space wargame, Dropfleet Commander, has Emissions Control and some E-War type units. Emissions control is a core mechanic (simplified in a signature size + signature spike + sensor quality stat combo to determine accurate targeting ranges)
Jackson Martin
It happens in 40k when dealing with Imperium vs. Imperium or Imperium vs. Tau, but this is almost exclusively constrained to the RPGs and does not make itself present on the wargame proper. a shame, as it sounds like something the AdMech could do to give them additional flavor.
Ryan Hill
Harpoon 4 has it, in spades
Levi Hall
Diaspora has EW as part of space combat. It's resolved through a pure opposed roll, with the loser taking (Electronic) damage regardless of who initiated the attack.
Owen Hernandez
Heavy Gear Blitz has a sizable Electronic Warfare component.
David Walker
Oliver James
Firestorm Armada has cyberwarfare weapons for certain ships, and those basically follow the normal gunnery rules, but instead of doing damage on a hit, they roll on the critical disable chart depending on what subsystem the hacking was targeting, so you have things like venting crew into space and turning off the guns.
Asher Edwards
Star Fleet Battles has it in troves...
Carter Gray
Bump for EWAR
Angel Clark
ewar takes a bunch of calculating and is kind of difficult to include in a wargame, unless completely about ewar.
Daniel Lopez
tactical level ECM/ECCM is all passive there's no field hacker guy with the patrol dicking around with the ECM (not like we'd carry that shit on foot, its a huge box thats mounted in the vehicles) or changing the hop range on the radios