>The GM wants us to feel bad because we kill monsters.
>But most monsters were portrayed as bloodthirsty and racist beasts.
>We say it to the GM.
>After him, he did nothing wrong.
Why should I feel bad because I killed murderers?
>The GM wants us to feel bad because we kill monsters.
>But most monsters were portrayed as bloodthirsty and racist beasts.
>We say it to the GM.
>After him, he did nothing wrong.
Why should I feel bad because I killed murderers?
because you're batman
> If you don't kill them and stop the monster's reign of murderous terror, who will?
Sounds like you have a shit GM.
Either he wants to do nuance and just isn't skilled enough to do so and doesn't realize it or he DOES realize it and doesn't care.
In any case the idiot here is you for coming on to Veeky Forums and bitching about a game where the logical solution is to just leave the game.
Your DM is a degenerate by my standards.
I think this sort of thing is a weird projection of people's feelings about race where they just not comfortable thinking of a "race" of creatures being inherently bad or evil.
pic related
Not sure if this is the whole story (or even happened) but if so this classic telling and not showing. If your GM makes you want to feel bad he should give you reasons in game to empathize, like say have it be just a wild animal that was tormented by asshole townsfolk, or someone that knows that killing or eating people is wrong and is trying to fight back their baser nature
>autocorrects baser to Vader
>my phone knows me too well
user, it sounds like your GM played Undertale for the first time recently
I'd avoid him for the next few weeks
but user, if you kill the monsters, they win.
I know that feel OP
open borders for mind flayers when?
it's almost not even 2016 already
But user, we are the monsters.
>begin campaign
>attacked by goblins
>kill the goblins
>kill some more goblins
>kill even more goblins
>get accused of being evil because we never hesitate before killing goblins
>clear the goblin lair
>treasure from all the people they murdered
>prisoners which they've been torturing
Give me the chance, and I'll kill even more goblins
In b4 I'm sad.
Id healslut for your your party.
If you kill the monsters, they win.
Fug, 50 minutes too slow. Well, memed friend
I've found, since our games have recently started involving more nonlethal combat, that rewarding us for capturing over killing is often incentive enough. If they're worth more alive than dead, we'll go through the extra trouble. The rest is making enemies that actually do or say something other than "I'mma kill ya!" Some emotion can go a long way. It helps if they're intelligent humanoids. Having a bandit drop their weapon and beg for mercy puts the ball in the player's court. Before, fighting could be easily rationalized as self-defense, but now you have a decision to make. Then that can provide contrast against enemies that are without fear, or without emotion, just the desire to harm you. If a DM wants you to feel bad about the monsters you kill, he needs "not killing" to be a reasonable option in the first place.
Here's why your GM is shit - he's givin you no reason to not want to kill monsters.
If you want players to consider sparing or working with monsters, you have to have the monsters try to parley or surrender, and communicate with the party. And for everyone who doesn't get a boner about doing the right thing, you have to have the monsters offer something - services, information, an alliance or place of saftey. Allow some bargaining - maybe the monsters aren't all good, but are using the PCs, or want a lot in return for little. Even then, you set up a deal being possible at all, but don't make monsters suddenly out of character.
If you're screaming FEEL BAD while giving your players no reason to feel regret, or to actually have considered the not-feel-bad choice, then they aren't going to feel bad.
The psychology of killing and o fbeing a killer makes for some interesting stories with the right group. Check 'The Unforgiven' for a great movie on the subject.
It takes the right group and a skilled gm to make that work, though. Most of us want to play heroes that make piles of corpses without much thought behind it because the corpses were bad guys.
Nothing wrong with that. But if your gm is aiming for something else, everyone should be on board. Ask him... and be prepared to contribute to a positive and constructive discussion rather tha n simply defending what you've done. You may end up finding out there's some fun in what the gm has planned but he just needs some help getting everyone on board.
My gm tries to guilt trip me every time i kill anything remotely intelligent. It's kinda irritating to be honest.
that's why i always play lawful evil or neutral charas if it's hostile you kill it basic self defence if the monsters had family etc it should have not attacked me in the first place
But Batman doesn't kill anybody...
He just spends all his time being emo and crying over his dead parents.
Is this you?
>Party is sneaking into a Quarmallian outpost. The Quarmallians are ruled by Wizards and Warlocks who breed and magically twist slaves into deformed/monstrous creatures.
>Party comes in through tunnel
>Describe some unarmed bat-looking slaves, wearing chains, fetching water and food for some Bat-looking beasts and their pups.
>Party rushes in, I describe the bat-folk as immediately freezing in shock, some of them dropping down meekly
>Cleric immediately orders the Ranger (his rl wife) to start shooting them, and the Rogue to attack.
My players started out a BIT skittish. They have gotten a lot better about not shooting unarmed but ugly civilians, thankfully.
And the beasts were NOT the big ogre looking fellows, but rather some cat-bat types.
The ogre types were immediately and obviously hostile.
I'd say you did that about as well as you possibly could have. I imagine for monstrous creatures it's all about the body language. But, the inclination to just mow everything down is a strong one. Good to hear your players are exercising a bit more judgement now.