Old Thread - Odd cards you want to find a place for... edition.


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

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Not even the most interesting spike card man

Which is OBJECTIVELY the WORST commander you can play?

I have a friend who swears its picture related. Personally I would guess if we were to narrow it down it would be a vanilla creature from legends with a high cmc..

>tfw just bought one for 22€

Why is this thing so expensive? does it see play in other formats too?

>Why is this thing so expensive?

Anything that enables fast mana that easily are always gonna be pricy.


I always want to run pic related for the art and I always try to see if i could cram it in my mono-green edh. Too bad my usual playgroup isn't friendly to casual decks.

Cause it's a small drop artifact creature that ramps ridiculously fast in an artifact edh. This guy can drop a blightsteel colossus in the first few turns of the game. I still don't understand why this guy got unbanned. He's that good.

Both Vintage and Legacy

I'm designing a Zedruu deck built primarily around exchanging control of permanents. I'm sitting at 115 cards. Help me sort it out?

Haakon. You can't actually cast it. Vanilla legends you can cast as dudes. Phage can be put into play with some trickery and is amazing to hit someone with. Haakon just doesn't do *anything*.

The Myojin are on the short list too, for being vanilla fat guys that cost a million mana. Infinite Rage comes to mind as especially bad.

Okay bros, I need some opinions on this Emmy deck. I'm nearly finished buying it (only really the more expensive stuff to go) so I figure now is probably the best time to tune things.


Is there a non-oppressive Narset build?


Great commander against Doran.
I know the feel. I really wanted to build a standard deck featuring the cute Jhessian Thief, but I guess cute and powerful don't go hand in hand in MtG.
You could make one, but people will still hesitate to play against you, and will still play 3vs1 for a while.

Is EDH the most autistic format? Magic players in general are pretty degenerate but there's a special derp factor among commander players.

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

Command Beacon + 30 tutors deck is a totally viable haakon strategy.

>not Legacy/Vintage players who will search far and wide for certain printings of cards, including basic lands


Ye, jeskai control?

Nah, Phage is fun. Getting her onto the battlefield is half the joy in the deck.

You have to go out of your way to do that.

>Tfw you want to jerk yourself off with infinite combat steps but your group is too casual to allow the deck to be played

>got a marath precon and an atraxa precon for Christmas
>atraxa is becoming Ghave +1/+1 counter degeneracy
>not too sure what to make marath
Any suggestions? I think Ghave is going to be a token combo weenies deck where you tutor up Mazirek, then instantly win, but marath is harder. Mayel seems fun, but I know it's a pretty linear and hate worthy build, and the other option is new avacyn. Any suggestions would be nice, I have a binder full of staples and supporting jank.

I've been intentionally NOT doing timewalk effects, extra combat steps and so on. The only extra combat step is Aggravated Assault, because it requires mana to activate, is an easily destroyed card in my play group (everyone has white) and seems kinda "fair".

Basically, I'd be using Narset to get planeswalkers and manarocks in play, and then I have a few shuffle effects and burn spells. So I'll tutor for spy network or other cards that let me manipulate the top of my deck, enlightened tutor, tutor for elixir of immortality, attack with Narset, cast all the spells, use elixir of immortality and shuffle all that shit back in. I'm using Dovin Baan, Jace Beleren,l and Daretti scrap savant for my planeswalkers for card draw. I have Ajani Vengeant for locking down important cards and Saheeli for scries and making copies of mana rocks.

It doesn't feel degenerate. But it's definitely gay.

Creatures only

>just got pieces for my krond deck
>was sitting there wondering what to put in.
>remember presence of Gond combo.

The first time I pull this off will be juicy

And how do you do that?

What the fuck is with mtgo's deck randomization, I'm so sick of drawing 17 out of my 37 lands for the whole start of the game

Im going to do blue red landshifting as a deck with a clone subtheme. Does landshifting seem degenerate?

random distribution is not even distribution

Torpor orb, sundial of the infinite, platinum angel, command beacon, ect

Hakkon, Stromgald Scourge.

Ok, I seemed to have sorted it out for myself:

Thoughts? Should be fun enough for kitchen table.
Had to toss out all the coin flip cards because they don't work on Xmage.

>tfw playing Ashiling and warp world into my Caged Sun and Gauntlet and 8 mountains

With the new tuck rule, do you still play cards like Unexpectedly Absent and Chronostutter?

The first, yes but Chronostutter is just bad.

It sucks but the art is really good


how do i maximize on valakut?

>Naya degeneracy

Gahiji+ramp+evasive beaters

Mix some token stuff in too for early game

marath is so generic that no one cares, my man

gruul btw

by playing thespian stage and vesuva and copying it

Is general tazri 5c allies any fun?

>mfw I have a foil one
Right next to foil Emancipation Angel and Floodbringer for cardfus

Alright folks, I think I'll try to build a Haakon deck. this seems like a fun challenge.

Cockatrice, here we come!

Even if it isn't, I'd love to see a list.

Its basically bad slivers, if they had ally "lords" tazri wouldn't be too bad, most of the decks I've seen of her is maze's end.

>new tuck rule
What changed about it this time?

my sister got me a FTV Vesuva for xmas :)

>bad silvers
well, when you put it that way it sounds pretty fun :^)

I'm not debating that it could be fun, but only a handful of the allies are particularly useful, could also add in changelings and those enchantments that change creature type

Vesuva, Thespian Stage, Pic Related + Scapeshift / Splendid Reclamation

In the deck that I usually kill people with Valakut, Rings of Brighthearth helps me do so.

>Valakut + Vesuva'd Valakut in play
>Crack fetch, pay 2
>get two mountains
>deal 12 damage
>sac burnished hart, pay 2 more
>deal 24 damage

So, /EDHG/ I am trying to make a morph deck work, any suggestions?

some of the allies are absolutely nuts. Like the one that lets you get free thoughtsiezes

>that one guy who brings his full competition maelstrom wanderer deck to a multiplayer match

whats everybody's opinion on the new commander pre cons?

Don't. If you must just do a Brine Elemental, Cloudstone Curio, Ixidor lock.

But god damn I hate morph decks. They are useless. Before you call me a spike I have a bunch of useless decks. I run Ben-Ben and Ramses Overdark for fuck's sake.

A friend tried to build a morph deck and ended up making a custom general for it. One which are playgroup doesn't allow because it's stupid busted and honestly who would allow a custom card to be played in a normal game?

maelstrom wanderer is trash in duel commander, so that makes perfect sense.

I'm tired of everyone playing fucking Atraxa

Animar makes for a real fun commander for morph tribal

Just don't forget your Muraganda Petroglyphs

There's only one card that you can run that will allow you play your general.

You know this, right?

>that guy who tutors for the same wincon every game and gets upset when people refuse to play with him anymore
That's what you deserve for being faggot, Wornell.

>I'm tired of everyone playing fucking Atraxa

Wish I knew this feel, the only atraxa player in my group has not modified it at all. Yidris is more common for me

fortunately black has a ton of tutors.

I'm only tired of atraxa superfriends. That build bores me

I've seen versions that focus on proliferating counters on cards with unique counter types that other cards don't have. that one was fun.

Hell, even the simic plus BW builds are okay

>Brought Yidris storm to edh night at lgs.
>combo'd off on turn 4 after a 15 minute turn.

Its what happens when a commander has an appeal to ultra casuals though. Always 1 or 2 commanders in the whatever gen precons are played constantly the minute they are released. Give it 6 months and people will stop playing it.

Why does your greentext in particular seem like a bigger lie than all others?

how do you even do that? everyone tells me about the crazy yidris shitthey do but i always sit there doing nothing with that deck

At least Atraxa lets me play the game

Fucking meren gravepact decks

Atraxa proliferating Divinity counters for the various Myojin is also annoying to go against. Thankfully, I only know one person who runs that build.

>acting like EDH in general isnt built for ultra casuals

EDH is basically the hearth stone of MTG formats

Good luck.

Angelwaifu can be just as oppressive, if not more, and is typically harder to blow out than your run of the mill graveyard archetype

>Want to build voltron Atraxa
>Get all sort of charge counter equipment going on
>Decide to check edhrec for things I may have missed
>Everyone is building superfriends.dec

I dropped the idea then and there. Fuckin super friends is so boring

>build mazirek since I love playing BG and don't want to be that guy who uses meren at all
>end up putting meren in the 99 after testing her out and see how well she performs with the deck

If I only had crucible of worlds I could dismantle it all and make gitgud

Never played hearth stone cause it looked dumb and I uses to play YGO well into synchro bullshit

T3 Yidris
T4 Connect with Yidris and from there it's pretty easy.

I sometimes wish YGO had a commander equivalent.

But YGO doesn't do things like "formats," alas.

I'm trying to build my first commander deck, and I'm realizing the question is 'what cards do I want to play?'

>mfw I play legacy goblins with all the cheaper more unappealing arts except full art basics

I didn't realize people actually get distracted by the art of cards

I make sure to get plenty of white border cards so I can mix them with black borders.

Especially new card frame white border.

Nothing compared to the 93/94 crowd.

google "mtg MUD"

Real talk, why does that bother people? I couldn't give less of a shit, I play with promo dragon broodmother and it gets people riled

There's apparently some sick combos you can pull off with her and allies, but I don't think they protect each other like slivers giving each other shroud/indestructible

Kek that sounds hilarious.
I would buy yugioh cards again if they had an edh variant.

I always go for some white border basic lands in every deck

Why, Blue Eyes, Red Eyes and Dark Magician would all be shit commanders. Why even live.

new... white border card frame?

Play animar. Doit.
You are going to get an unimaginable amount of hate when people first see, but the feeling of dropping a hand of morphs into play t4 cannot be equaled.
Run only the morphs that flip to do usefull things, countering spells, bouncing dudes, willbender, and just do your best to controll the board while you beat everyone to deaths with an army of 2/2's and your huge animar.
Run ways to refill your hand. Edric, bident of thassa, prime speaker.
Run stuff to bounce your own creatures. Crystal shard or cloudstone curio, if you are willing to play fair.
Get a set of translucent sleeves and put a morph token on the back of every card in the deck. Doit.

Er, not the M15 frame, but the one before that.

>he doesn't know about the Blue-Eyes archetype that tore the meta a new asshole for a while recently

Gitrog is great even without Crucible. I used to run Splendid Reclamation and Drownyard Temple and it was still fucking good. It draws enough cards that you'll be able to do shit. My current deck also has Loam and Dakmor Salvage which are all-stars. You don't even need to blow the money on Crucible to ride the 'rog

I know of both, run both and gitrog in mazirek, but I just don't feel right doing it unless I have crucible. Loam has dropped a bit in price so I may get one and try it out

Goblin Sharpshooter
Ordeal of Nylea

I'm kinda confused about Mizzix.

If I play X cost spells, that increases my experience counters because it's CMC becomes what I play it for. It's cost + whatever X ends up being. Does that also count for buyback, flashback? I don't think it does, but I want to calculate possible fun levels.

>Building decks around "cute" cards
fucking really?


Buyback is an additional cost which I believe mizzix's ability does affect, and yes to flashback as well.

What's fun about it? I'm honestly interested

I know it affects it, but does it increase my Experience Counters.

I want to know how I can ramp as fast as possible to the soft cap.

I don't know I'm not a fag.

my stoned ass decided I should elaborate in case of further confusion.

Let's say I have 2 experience Counters. I play seething song for 1 red, the CMC is 3 so I have 3 experience counters. Now if I play reiterate, and pay the 2R 1 and buy it back for free, does the buyback make it "6 cmc" or is it "3 CMC". Same with Flashback. I only ask because they're additional costs.