Looking for Volo's guide playable races
Character art thread
Requesting attractive hobgoblin women for some NPCs. Bonus points if one looks regal.
Have a Firbolg.
closest I can find is this thicc hobgoblin
Looking for human male spellslingers / gunmages. Preferably with a flintlock pistol of some sort.
Bonus points for wearing a red outfit of some sort.
Can't say I have anything regal.
this is very specific, but could people post pictures of elfs in armor + a bow? so no leather, bow, and breastplates and whatnot. bonus points for religious iconography and ranger motifs.
Playing a Ranger with a Guard Drake companion who's a devout follower of Not-Islam in a campaign where dragons are considered to be extremely holy creatures
I'll post as close as i have, just in case you don't find better.
Hmm guess i'm really light on archers in general.
Requesting anything with bipedal reptile men who look like snakes in terms of the head shape
Requesting yuan ti pure blood male casters, preferably a wizard or sorcerer. Or yuan ti pure blood nobility.
I need art for a potential Myrmidon character I'm making for an upcoming Fire Emblem style game.
Posting what (little) I got.
Thanks anyway. I can use both of these; I'll keep looking for my princess.
probably an obscure call, I'm looking for some decent artwork of Fist Wizard
the Old Veeky Forums meme of I CAST FIST.
one of the characters I want to make is literally the guy from the comic. in universe and everything.
Male or female?
Either or, friend. Post what you have and I'll be eternally grateful.
Should be enough for you to get some good ideas for their characterization.
De ja vue?