Hey guys, implyng that the majority of RPG players are male, have you ever run across some alsort of incident or weird situation when there is a women playng with you? How are your experience with only male tables when comparing with table with females? Ever ran across some kind of sutuation where a female player ( not the PC) had and advantage or disadcantage for beign a girl? In general how are your experience when playng with a girl on the group?
Table with girls
Haven't ever played male only (in fact, my first group was 3 girls and me).
Kinda? We're doing the 40krpgs now, and the only girl in that group didn't want me to bend canon and allow female space marines. Then again, no one but me wanted to be a space marine either.
Fine. They do this thing were they royal their voice up a lot, and talk kinda haughty no matter what character they play, but I've never seen anyone play a character who didn't think they were hot shit, so I'm pretty sure that's just them projecting confidence.
Am a girl, and it only ever got weird when someone else made it get weird.
Which was depressingly often, but thankfully not 100% of the time.
I play with girls all the time. There are no clear patterns of difference between them and male players. There are good ones, there are bad ones, you filter out the latter until you have good groups you enjoy playing with.
I guess one thing I've noticed is that female players are more often artists than male players, so we often get group artwork when playing with one.
This isn't universal, but I've noticed female players seem to have alot more fun and are better roleplayers in rules-lite games where they can just improvise and roleplay without having to worry about alot of rules and mechanics.
In rules-heavy games (Pathfinder, DnD, Shadowrun, ect), my experience with female players has been that they often become frustrated with the rules and either get away with bending/ignoring them alot, or lose interest in the game quickly because the rules get in the way of them being able to just roleplay.
Again, not a universal thing, just my own personal experiences.
Of course. What am I, a socially inept basement dweller?
I honestly don't think there's a real difference. The only thing I've never seen in females is a great stomach for rollplaying, to use something of a buzzword: they tend to ignore longer scenes of numbers unalligned with the fiction.
No. At the very most I've seen groups in which the same bullshit (being late/don't say you'll not make) was dealt with a tiny bit differently: females were given a little more slack, but basically just in the sense that words were a tiny bit more nuanced.
It's better. Not really because males are gonna make broparties of killing and whoring (though that happens, and isn't even necessarily a bad thing) but because it permits a somewhat broader choice of games, considering what males-only will never choose: basically games with a lot of romance.
The only physical at-table example I have is when a girl joined my old Pathfinder group. One of the players, unfortunately enough, starting talking loudly and enthusiastically about a book he was reading wherein the main character rapes some girl for like... no reason. Needless to say, the girl was unimpressed, and the group disbanded shortly after for a multitude of reasons.
The only real difference is that in most cases, female players mean female characters. That's literally it.
I dunno, I've met alot of guys that only play female characters too, despite swearing up and down that they do a 50/50 split.
Then again, I also used to play Pathfinder, which everyone knows is Anime-Waifu General now.
True. Though oddly enough I did encounter a girl who only played male characters.
That's why I said "in most cases". In similar fashion, in most cases male players mean male characters. Not a rule, but with sufficiently high probability to be considered absolutely normal and expectable.
We had the GM's girlfriend as one of our party members in a PF campaign.
She was pretty chill during sessions, but they would frequently fight during the week over the group chat and then the GM would tell us he's ending the campaign and going into depression and having an existential crisis until they un-breakup two hours later and its almost as if nothing happened
>Because he adores this chick above all else and he's either head over heels for her or wanting to legit suicide, no inbetween.
shes actually a pretty decent person, and shes a very good player in both crunch and RP, but holy fuck the amount of drama this has caused
In my games, I always specifically ask each player if they want to play a male or female character, to leave the option open. Nearly always, they choose to play a character of the same gender.
What this does mean however is that I keep getting my pronouns wrong when one of them does end up playing a differently gendered character.
I am still of the opinion that adding female players to an otherwise completely male group ruins its player dynamics and therefore should be avoided. The MonMusu girls however would probably be a fun group to play with.
>Miia would play some magical pretty girl sorceress that charms her way out of anything and acts as the party face
>Papi would play a MALE HUMAN FIGHTER because it requires the least memorization of difficult rules (until someone suggests she should grapple the otherworldly monstrosity they're fighting)
>Centorea would play a noble paladin of truth, justice and chivalry who never once steps off his steed. No, not even to bathe or sleep.
>[No idea what Suu would play to be honest]
>Mero would play a princess turned priestess who has a horrible, dramatic backstory that's 12 pages long and involves everyone she ever knew dying
>Rachnera would play a sultry, unpredictable rogue with a heart of gold
>Together, they fight crime
And darling is the damsel in disstres
Personally, I've never been in a group nor have I known anyone in a group where there were only males. I get that they're groups out there made only of dudes but I've never seen one myself.
The real question is why you way to know, OP. Is this just another attempt to stir up shit on Veeky Forums? Do you have a girl in your group, or know there is one in some other group, and you feel she has changed the game or that the game is bending around her in some way? Are you curious to see how a group may accept you? (Implying)
Out with it, child, we haven't got all day.
>>[No idea what Suu would play to be honest]
Reminds me of this
>Anime-Waifu General
Oh yes, it totally is. Proof:
I had female GMs.
It helps a lot that the hobby doesn't have so many negative assiciations in my culture as it does in western one.
>It helps a lot that the hobby doesn't have so many negative assiciations in my culture as it does in western one.
You can't just say this without saying where you're from.
I've played with women many times. The only thing they've had in common is that they've all been extremely sheepish with RP.
Nobody has ever been given an advantage or disadvantage because of it either.
my three best players were two girls and a gay, so yeah, according to my experience, girls just enhance all the party. But I mainly dm heavy rp CoC...
Never played without a girl.
She was kinda randum but so were the rest of us.
Also she had a magical realm roughly the size of the observable universe.
>forgetting Lala
>only male tables
never had that, we're split nearly 50:50
from my experience girls are better at roleplaying but are limited to a few concepts while the guys can play far more different characters but aren't as good at them than the girls are with their few.
Well, depends. That's true if the males are subhumans, basically.
Suu would be the best GM ever.
I'm of the opinion that starting a game with girls and guys usually works, barring extreme social incompetence on the part of one or more players.
On the other hand, adding a girl mid-way through a campaign to a male-only girl will go wrong more likely than not. Now, that might just be because a girl added mid-way through a campaign is likely to have been invited because she's in a relationship with one of the players, or it might be because the male-only group is used to working a certain way and has trouble adjusting on the fly. Whatever might be the case, it might work in some cases, but I've never seen it actually work in practice.
>a male-only girl
Tell me more about this girl (male).
>I am still of the opinion that adding female players to an otherwise completely male group ruins its player dynamics and therefore should be avoided
Not sure if baiting or for real, but given this is a Veeky Forums, I will give you a bit of doubt and assume it's genuine....
Holy fuck, get a grip of yourself, you fucking basement dweller! Unless you are playing with ultimate manchildren that can't held a basic human interaction, there is nothing wrong with having females in your group, or a single female. The real question is how the girl in question feels about playing with 4-5 other guys.
Not him, bu TTRPG is a "oldfag hobby" in Poland, mostly associated with people who were teens around the fall of communism/early 90s. After that period, the hobby faded into near total obscurity, but because it's full of oldfags and never "importet" the stupid stereotypes, it's perfectly normal to have female players and/or GMs. Also, the games are mostly played among students when it comes to "fresh blood" (and that's the "age" when most players are introduced to the hobby), thus you are dealing with much older and at least nominally more mature people.
Well, that's what I get for posting at 4 am, I guess.
Unlike adding a girl to a male-only group, adding a girl to a male-only girl usually works out fine.
Well, I've seen it, so honestly, different experiences and all.
*university students
Said that, I'm running games in local youth centre each Wednesday and Saturday and my players are around 13-15. Only ONE fits the bill for stereotypical nerd, the rest being kids from poor/broken families looking for some shit to do with free time. Gender is absolutely not a factor here. In fact, the groups are most of the time predominately female.
Nope, because I've never played with irredeemable douches/spergburgers.
Groups have generally been 25-50% grill.
>Not wanting a female player in your group makes you a basementdwelling manbaby, because both genders are 100% the same and adding in a woman won't change how men -even married men- act
>A female player not wanting to join a group of 4-5 men is perfectly normal because she's a girl and men and women aren't the same
Pick one.
>Creating false dichotomies
>Using smug anime faces
user, try harder.
Also, if you can't contain yourself because there is female sitting next to you, that's a perfect reason to be called a manchild. An unadjusted adult human being that never matured in terms of psychology and social activities.
Similar here. Never played nor run for an all-male group. There was always at least a single grill. Usually two, either to make the "token female" feel more comfortable OR the girl in question herself bringing a friend because the game was fun.
>Le genders are different
Yes, and?
Please explain us how this affects tabletop performance. We are all curious. Because the military argument is usually used, not fucking role-playing, you stupid neckbearder. Show us on the doll where evil matriarchy hurt you.
>Also, if you can't contain yourself because there is female sitting next to you
The user is arguing that he doesn't like the fact that he has to contain himself when a female is present, not that he has any problems containing himself.
On that point alone, I agree with him. Some things that are acceptable in an all-male group would not be acceptable if a female was present in that group. You can argue that the change in dynamics is good or bad, or whatever, but you'll find it really hard to argue that all-male groups have identical dynamics to groups with females in them.
For a quick and dirty example, male-only groups will usually have a lot more rape jokes or sexist jokes in general than the same group with female presence (I am assuming here that the males have some social grace).
>Please explain us how this affects tabletop performance.
It doesn't, because there is no "performance". It's all about fun, and anyone who has ever been outside knows that when men are among themselves they act differently compared to when there are women among them. The exact same applies to women, but the only difference is that if women want a "no boys allowed" space nobody complains.
>You can argue that the change in dynamics is good or bad, or whatever, but you'll find it really hard to argue that all-male groups have identical dynamics to groups with females in them.
Pretty much this. If a group is mixed from the very start then it can (in theory) work. But if you have an all-male group and add even a single woman to it, that group is changed for as long as the woman is present. Usually for the worse.
Come on user. Bait harder.
Or, in the case you seriously can't roleplay a fucking elf shooting arrows becasue someone with a vagina sits next to you, kill yourself.
(and yes, a girl with the same perception about men should kill herself as well)
Honestly, I wouldn't sit with guys joking about rape nonchalantly. Ok, now and then, maybe.
Sexist jokes are somewhat acceptable - it's not like female players I play with don't do them (in regards to men).
>Le girls are girly and guys are manly memery
If you came from Bumfuck, Nowhere, then maybe that's how things are going there.
>Honestly, I wouldn't sit with guys joking about rape nonchalantly
I probably wouldn't either, but that's really beside the point.
If that user enjoys the atmosphere of a male-only group, then more power to him, really, I see nothing wrong with that.
>For a quick and dirty example, male-only groups will usually have a lot more rape jokes or sexist jokes in general than the same group with female presence (I am assuming here that the males have some social grace).
The level of implied information and suggestion, rather than (jmpossible to) cited facts is just plain amazing.
user, have you ever played with females? I mean as far as I'm concerned, most of grills for past 12 years of my "career" as GM and player were butch, lesbian, butch lesbian and also a vast majority of perfectly average females. All of them were also well-adjusted and understood group dynamics.
Also, rape jokes are fun when you are 15, and we were talking about manchildren already, so...
His original point wasn't about enjoying male-only groups, but inability to behave in presence of female player.
It really wasn't. His original point was that male-only groups have a different atmosphere than mixed groups, although he said it a bit harshly and maybe condescendingly, by using the word "ruins". The people arguing with him twisted it to the "inability to behave in the presence of female player" because that's way easier to argue against and provides an easy avenue to call him names.
Only ever had one girl in one of the group. Picked the token cute race and then proceeded to make him (yes, she played a guy) the manliest and most macho specimen of that race she could, obsessed with becoming the strongest warrior in the world, despite being three feet tall.
She was actually a decent player... for the two sessions she were in the group, before scheduling conflicts hit.
>Defending eternat virgins
Get out, this is Chad board now.
I don't know any woman that plays 40k.
I very much doubt that they even exist.
I'm playing Song of Ice and Fire with a 50/50 group. It seems it's easier to get women interested in stuff like that which takes place in a world they already know from books/movies/TV.
They're all pretty average players, just like the dudes.
>i have never talked to a female but am afraid of them
>ps. anime anime mango waifus uguu shit
Do you even see how stereotypical you are?
I know few playing Rogue Trader, if that counts
Most of the players in my party are girls. Worse, they are most freshmen in highschool. Ive played with them for 3 years, the only,one that actually,seems intrested in actually playing is a mega weeaboo. Its wierd, one cried when the dm killed a npc for story purposes and had to bring him back. That was three years ago, but stuff like that happens from timw to time. They are very pushy, even when my character is evil im not allowed to do evil acts like executing goblins that tried to kill us, we gave them half our gold and supplies to start a brewery. I also got yelled at for firing a fireball at a high preistess drow who we where hunting, because she was "cool". Girls are a mistake.
There was a period of time where the only RPG group I knew of was DMed by a man, but His wife and a number of other women were the only players. There were no male players. I was shot down from entering the group.
I have been a part of a number of groups with both male and female players, Most have actually been mixed. The only common trends were that:
Female players were way more detached from the game, never bothered learning the rules, never thought things through. Either backing off and waiting until it was their turn to roll the dice to kill something, or lolrandumbing their way through social situations.
"Being able to figure the mechanics out" was pretty uniform distribution around the board, though. The main difference is the guys are saying "Well what if we try doing this..." the girls are saying "What's shiny" and "I attack the envoy"
My all male group of three years invited a few women who now play regularly, nothing about its dynamics changed.
It's almost like women are people too.
Worth noting they wanted to play and weren't wives or girlfriends that just wanted to attend sessions.
>It's almost like women are people too.
I've been DMing going on about 25 years now, and I've had at least one girl in the group in 90% of my games. IRL table games and online ones. I've found that groups of players of mixed genders actually made the game better. And I've not really noticed much of a difference between male and female players.
I tend to run rather Roleplay heavy games with lots of worldbuilding so that might be a factor.
>My group doesn't allow me to do murderhobo things
>Implying this is bad
Besides, this sounds pretty much like pic related
Ebin opinion based on personal exploits.
3/5 of my group are female.
We're all (more or less) functional adults so it isn't a problem.
did you became shareholders of the brewery?, or at least a discount on the beer?
>It's almost like women are people too
Key word here is almost.
You'll notice that your own tale ends with "having been unable to tear the group apart and reform it into a group of betas orbiting her vagina, the woman left of her own accord"
The only issue I've had with girls at the table is when they're one of the player's GF who clearly isn't interested in the game and are only there because their boyfriend.
But that's far less common than just regular shitty players
There are moment when I'm not sure if something is genuine opinion or just blatant trolling
This is one of those moment.
Been running games for quite a while, and I've noticed a fair bit. A mixed group usually ends up having more rewarding/deep interpersonal rp, imo.
That said, has been an issue, and I've noticed that intra-woman dynamics are usually at the root of it, an overriding fear of doing the "wrong" thing and disappointing/angering others. It usually takes a bit of time and encouragement to get them comfortable and voicing their opinions, ideas.
The other big issue has been a clash of how guys will have conduct themselves, compared to girls socially. Guys will freely, ruthlessly bust each others chops, especially over the ridiculous antics in pnp games, and I have yet to see a woman that could jive with it.
I've had to pull players aside and explain to them how the jabs are simply a way of expressing camaraderie over success and failures, it is not a personal attack, and just as often put my foot down when it exceeds patience, or someone gets too riled up because of it. I recently lost a player because I laid down that this group has always conducted itself as such, and no, she will not change that because she is unable to gel with the others, and recommended she step down.
>being the iron beating heart of a game group is hard sometimes
>This works in my specific country, within specific socio-cultural boundaries
Nice you are yet another faggot who doesn't understand shit doesn't have to be "standard" or "obvious" or even "common"
>ITT: Delusional faggots and forever virgins proving why Gender Studies are a thing
The only time I've had problems with female players was in a group where I wasn't already friends with everybody.
In my experience female players tend to be more down to earth and less likely to stir the pot, far from the expectation. This is especially true in a female-prominent group.
In fact, I've only ever encountered male shitlords acting super entitled, now that I think about it. The only actual issue that seems to correlate with lady players is not being as stringent with rulesets, which is more often a boon than a curse.
About what?
The group chop busting?
No, that is how it is, in my group, and how it has always been. The rule is everyone is open game, none moreso than the GM, and if you laugh, you are a valid target. So people do not get in on it, and so are let alone, but she wanted to join in on the laughter and finger pointing, but couldn't take it.
So I gave her an ultimatum, because it was becoming disruptive and mediation had failed.
Unless you are talking about something else, on top of being a twat.
This. One time, on roll20, did I run into a asshole female player who tried to take over the group by force of personality and general twatitude, even telling me, the GM, that I was doing X things "Wrong". The players voted her out.
As for rules, I've had that from both sides of the fence, and it bothers me enough that everyone gets plopped into the "fucking irritation" jar.
>in my group
There are other groups than yours
There are other peopole than the ones you interact with
Get over it, personal experience is no argument, and that's the only "argument" you keep using
>I have no friends who are women so I think of them as being inherently different from myself
>magical girl anime bullshit
Only girl I ever played with did a one shot with us and she decided to play a merchant.
For the first hour or so, she tried morality policing us, until circumstances forced her to take on about 8 children and turn them into slave labor for her bottom line.
Everyone in this THREAD is using personal observation, user, I don't think you have been reading all that close.
And I clearly said:
>Guys will freely, ruthlessly bust each others chops, especially over the ridiculous antics in pnp games, and I have yet to see a woman that could jive with it
I say it because it has been a repeated thing for the... 15 continuous years my group has been going. Every girl started out offended, and either mellowed out and gave as good as they got, or got fairly angry at someone who simply saw it as part and parcel to their pasttime, and I had to mediate peaceful resolution, however it was achieved.
user, I think you need to chill for a minute.
>There could be just one person arguing with me
How new to anonymous imageboards are you?
Females are horrible and must be purged.
I will not.
>I think rape jokes are funny
>being a player on a 7th grade baseball team
>Shit, guys, we RAPED that wizard!
>These fucking goblins are raping us
It's just cringey. It's almost similar to saying "Adding a black guy to our game will ruin the player dynamic. It's more acceptable for me and my friends to make lynching jokes if he's not at the table. I shouldn't have to suppress myself."
I didn't imagine 2 different people stupid enough to get offended that I told a player that wasn't getting along with the rest of the group to pack their bags, or somehow single me out in a thread entirely based on personal observations, good and ill.
>le genders are the same memery
see i greentexted so that means im right and ur dumb lol
murderhoboing is the only correct way to play, faggot
>It's just cringey.
Then don't join such a group and let the "cringey" guys have their fun. Now you understand the entire point being made: likeminded people have the most fun together.
he's right, i was at your group
So your point is that women will ruin a game being played by cringey immature dudes who haven't evolved their humor past rape jokes? Yeah, sure, I can agree to that.
Girls are fine, I just wish they'd stop treating this shit like tinder. If I wanted a date, I'd go to a bar.
care to elaborate my good user?
>tfw when your players consist of an asian girl (boy), a black girl, a jewish girl, and an indian girl.
>tfw I can casually make Holocaust, Vietnam, curry, and slavery jokes because they all find them funny as shit.
Shit's cash yo.
Tinder is a dating app.
I only play DnD with my friends. Lucky for me, I only have 6 friends, so we have just about the perfect number for sessions if not a little extra.
We're all friends from high school days. There is a girl in our group. She gets the most involved, maybe the second most.
Have had no problems with it. Was this question meant for people who play with randoms and encountered a girl? If so, I probably don't belong in the discussion.
not that part , i would like you to elaborate more the part of ''I just wish they'd stop treating this shit like tinder''. If i understood right you have met females that use RPG as a way to get dates?
>Based on personal exploits
Isn't that what the OP was asking for? Anecdotal information? I don't think anyone has much else to go on.
How? Could you give any examble? Describe what happened?
>have you ever run across some alsort of incident or weird situation when there is a women playng with you?
Some of the off color comments my DM's mom makes in character. She's a pretty good player but has a tendency to inject humor into situations that really don't call for it.
How are your experience with only male tables when comparing with table with females?
Hard to say, the mixed group is with the DM's mom and it was pretty cool compared to the male only group, but that's because the male only group had a shit head DM, a shamless rules lawyer and a guy who was always playing video games in between his turns.
Girls tried to date me and my friends, instead of focusing on the game, so we kicked them.
only ever been someone's girlfriend at the table.
Usually keeping tabs on her guy.
A very few have actually played, badly.
I think the "joining midway" is probably more important than the gender of the person joining.
What was her magical realm?
cuddling little boys