You guys have about 1-2-3 hours more to buy in.

Other urls found in this thread:

Or not even that, I just put in MA lines and even the 200 value line is at the bottom price right now. Prepare for lift off when chinks wake up and australians.

How sure are you of this user?

he's not. notice the 5 mana threads that popped up. there is your shill force.

Yeah I thought it was kinda strange that there were suddenly so many about this particular shitcoin. Thanks for the heads up

Decentraland virtual auction opens at 10pm gmt, they burning all the coins used to buy the land

What app is that

This has literally nothing to do with shilling. Million of tokens are getting burned in the auction. Just an obvious value increase is incoming.

there were more than 5 XRP threads popping up before it mooned.

Well if you don't believe in meme lines then don't go for it. If you know anything about TA, then you should be jerking off right now.

But the chart can be of course broken, so if the chart pattern breaks, be sure to sell before you lose 5%.

I'ts bittrex

maybe one of my favorite white papers too, probably because I am a NEET VR Futurist.

If this shit can hit $1 I'll have more money than I've ever had in my life.

Please be legit, Veeky Forums

the auction is legit, buring 11 million dollars worth of tokens. how much this affects the price tho, who knows.

Somebody should know, or has something like this never happened before?

>definitely not a pump and dump

Do you need TA for previous 'pump and dumps'?

This is an obvious pattern since beginning of december. New ATH in the next days.

Burning will start today too and on top of that shit Decentraland will be the new cryptokittis times 10

It'll moon up to 1.5k then drop back to this 600sat range, which is the actual value of the coin.

So the burning of 140 million coins has such a big influence on the price of a krypto with 2,8 billion supply?

Why would this be actual value of the coin? I think this will pump to 1500-2000 today but drop to 900-1000, then slowly increase to 4000-5000 next week.

when today?
or at least an estimate?
this is hard to believe...
too easy... money...

no the pump in because people THINK it will have a big influence. it being 600sats is the result of the burning, as you say, the amount which will be burned is already known, people can not add more to their auction pots, the amounts are already set and what it has been for the last few days is the result.

This thing already increased in value to what it's worth over the last week or two.

Here's another analysis for this fucking retard who said pump and dump.

Actually this graph is better on coingy, the gren circle is circa 4-5 hours away. I couldn't do such a precise graph on bittrex.

Why do you think that? what you're speculating on now is the success of the auction, the mindshare that gives the product and therefore the ongoing success of the product. What makes you think this'll be a success specifically? What makes it a better proposition than other virtual worlds to the point that millions of people will want to spend real money on it?

$17 Million now

this is happening rn

this whole project is vaporware, dead in the water

the team hardly communicates, there's almost no community to speak of, and no platform for a community to gather upon. they can't coordinate their times or, at least, don't have the presence of mind to realize that not everyone lives where they do. the team has really botched this so far.

1. they closed district auctioning without tweeting about it, and with a quick mention in the chat that it was closing a day early. did they think that was enough? one message, buried within minutes of continued discussion?
2. they run shitty bloated webapps that make their UI and site service slow as can be. they didn't need to throw down React for this.
3. they released their auction in a test beta but failed to put any indication of that on the applet itself. a mess of users have been panicking trying to buy land and losing their minds because they think it's legit and then going into a frenzy when the devs close it down (without announcement).
3. it's a team of like eight core developers who have very little actual experience in any of this. they sat down to start the development of the visualizer engine and then realized that they couldn't do what they planned because they didn't do any research at all. they're likely using three.js as their core and white labeling a-frame on top of it. it's going to be really, really messy. and they aren't experienced enough to pull of webGL well, it's going to run like garbage.

for the life of the coin, things arent looking good either. there's supposed to be an actual use for the coins, but nobody is buying them. that doesn't bode well for the life of the simulation at all. decentraland cannot function without heavy diversity of property ownership. the districts are cool in concept, but they will be completely controlled by the vision and interests of a handful of project managers per area. if mclargecorp ltd. buys up a buttload of the rest of the land, cntd-->

Actually that's basically $18 million, my bad :^ )

people interested in the creative aspect of the game will be entirely turned off, because they'll lose their chance to make something. later, when the sim exists and normies start to infest it, they're going to log into the world, walk around the districts a little, then wander off to 'explore' the world only to find that it's all janky garbage being squatted on by some chinese government backed corporate entity.

i guess i'm mostly mad because if there was a plot limit, there would ultimately be more to do. Im waiting for someone else to come along and do it right. decentraland is btc, we need ether.

Nah, still got few hours before it happens given the graph. Bottom is at 595 or something like that.

I don't really know what MANA is about desu. However, I can read what market is doing and what happened under exactly the same circumstances previously.

I could care less if this solves cancer or w/e. I know it's about buying land in some game, but that's about it.

Fair. In that case, if you're looking for market predictions, it'll probably still sleep for a couple more weeks, jumping between 9 and 13 cents. It won't start shooting up until they drop the avatar chat stuff in a couple months.

So you don't think it'll pump in a few hours?

I think he means that this won't fully take off to the moon until a few weeks from now on.

Trading wise, this is a nobrainer right now.

What are you TA's saying? When moon?

in about 5 hours.

You'll have to wait for the game to come out and be established a little better for the moon to come. If they're auctioning land later this month in-game using MANA, and they burn like they're supposed to, expect a ton of NEETs to come gobble up the coins at high ass prices

What kind of performance you expecting? x2?

So we have an option for a short term pump and even more in the long term? Sounds good.

five years from now when crypto has imploded this will be one of those idiot joke stories from the time period.

>>hurr durr, i bought digital land in an undeeloped videogame using ethereum that then went up 10x later on.

If you're ballsy, you can buy in low now, dump at the first hype pump, buy back in after it dumps a little, and then HODL.

Conservative would be to all in now and HODL through everything until the demand starts to ramp up as more and more people get into Decentraland. It's like a Second Life cryptokitties scheme, and if you weren't born yesterday, you know people blow fucking stacks on that dumb shit.

>thread about MANA
>one mention of VR
yeah this is a pnd

>when crypto has imploded

As I've said, this is about trading not 10x mooning.

It's not my problem if you are too retarded to understand indicatorus such as MACD, RSI, Boolinger Bands and form your own opnion. And make few lines of resistance and support.

I don't care about what the technology does, but I see where market is going given all the tools that YOU TOO CAN USE AND MAKE YOUR OWN ASSUMPTIONS.

> hurr durr i buy early access on steam but this is somewhat different

It'll pump a little bit in the next few hours. But not much. At this point, anyone who's interesting in bidding has already procured their mana and locked in their stake (you have to have your mana locked in before the auction starts, you can't buy it up and add it as you need it). So, nobody is doing much buying or selling at the moment. Maybe a few last minute peeps. Here's how this is going to go for the next few months.

At 3pm est today, you're going to see a drop in demand for the coin. Price will stagnate or decline. Things will be up and down for the next week, depending on the confidence of individual users following their auctions.

In the next week, if there is a highly diverse buyer base (everyone gets some land to own) expect the price to skyrocket, as every land owner is going to tell everyone and their mom about this project. If some big whales buy up the majority of the land, expect a significant drop off in interest among general populous and for price to stay roughly the same. Nobody will want to play a sim being owned squatted on by whales. Price will stay the same or decline.

In two or three months, they're going to drop their avatar chat multiplayer prototype and detail plans for user generated content. If it's passable as a proof of concept (which is more likely than not), this is when it will start to rumble the internet. Interest will quietly build. Some ear to the ground tech pages will report on it. Price will slightly increase from here.

On March 30th-ish at the absolutely latest, expect news reports on DCL to be entering normie spheres. Ready Player One releases that day, and DCL dev staff are likely going to use that for PR. They will likely have a demo of some kind. If it's good, this is where R****t will enter. Price will rise very quickly.

Following that, as things become more concrete, we'll see normies start to become more aware of it. This is where things get cntd-->

dude, don't even bother arguing with these faggots. They could literally 2x their money with 4 20% trades and yet they're too fucking ignorant to do so. This is the easiest fucking market to make money and you don't even need to use leverage yet these idiots will squander the precious time we have before regulations come into play.

dicey. Odds are, we'll see a big price jump for mana within six months of release, this will likely be its ATH. This is heavily based on the availability of goods, services, and experiences in the sim. Economic theory will dictate that the mana-usd link become very, very solid so it can act as a reliable currency within the game and allow companies to engage in advertisement and sale within the sim.

Make hay while the sun shines. Hoard your mana.

good info. many thanks user

I'm going to continue based off what you said and say what I said in in a little better detail: the FUD and volatility of MANA will be based on how well this project all comes together, but even in its current beginning stages of dividing up land plots and everything, there is no downside to holding MANA if you're not a pussy bitch with weak hands, because if you aren't holding by the time this picks up, whales are gonna gobble your shit up and you're gonna be Pink Wojaking up and down the board when everyone who is holding has the ability to sell their coins at 10x because some Chinese millionaire wants to build a virtual mansion and doesn't have the coin for it.

I'm confident in this coin for the longterm, that's why I'm holding, if only for minor gains. While the coin may be divided amongst millions of holders, when people start to sell, you're going to see a lot of accumulation by whales who are presumably then burning them in building, buying, developing whatever they want in-game. I think the biggest thing is hoping that this burn isn't coupled with more prints next year. If this takes off faster than the devs can keep up with market cap, I would not be surprised to see an overnight 3x.
This auction system is actually very intuitive.

God its tanking so hard. I should just hodl right


Yes. And you should buy more. Why the fuck would you buy in and sell at a loss before things have even started? DYOR retard.

I'm retarded, but why would anyone need/want this? I can already spin up a website with in-browser VR where "no one can tell me what to build"

You are going to be holding for next 4-5 hours and see it tanking.

Let me calm you down a little, pic related just happened, so you can start jerking off a little.

You got it, my dude.

I think you're mostly right. It's a long term coin. However, it's critical to remember that the only, only! burn is going to happen when land is purchased. As far as the devs have told us, building an experience on top of it will not require payment, as your mana purchase entitles you to the segment in the blockchain and the ability to edit it.

There is some discussion of using mana bonds to keep pace with diminishing coin supply. The devs do hold a lot of mana, and they are going to have to be very careful about how they move that supply into the population. Though, I don't think it'll come out in a coin offering, it'll be some sort of thing within the simulation.

It's memestuff. The appeal is that it's decentralized. I would maintain healthy skepticism. I've got the money to lose, so I'm alright giving it a spin.

Wish I'd waiting to cash into mana, didn't think it would tank as hard as it is.

thanks user, good to know

2 developers, doomed to fail

they've both got "LEAD" titles too which is funny. In order to be a lead you have to be leading someone.

We'll see. The thing is that, really, the engine they use to visualize the blockchain isn't actually as important as the encoded blockchain itself. What's very, very likely to happen is that they shit out some MVP and then open source it (open sores is their plan, publicly), then some nonprofit dev team with funds, management, experience, talent, and manpower will release a better one in a few weeks following.

Shit, I mean, once the chain's out there, the devs could die and the project would still be viable. Maybe even moreso?

Just like Microsoft

ya, I have some decent experience in the area. but I can't even find out what format the 3d models are in, or how the actual multiplayer networking protocol is going to function. so even if I wanted to build a client for it I couldn't.

>using bittrex to actually trade and view charts
holy shit i didnt realize it was possible to be that autistic.

When does the auction actually end though? Isn't it like 2 weeks long?

Yeah. But like I said, once it's open sores. Then the second generation clients will crop up.

This had a good run but that burn is priced in and it failed. Let it sink back and rebuy.

1 week.

>bought 2k at 767
I got JUSTed
I want to hodl but this seems like a shitcoin that has no future.

Wtf man. If you sell now, you will hate yourself after weekend. ATH is over 900 sats, you really think it's not going past that at least next week?


What's the problem with that?

It hasn't even dropped hard. BTC is on a bull run and every shitcoin is correcting against it.

We will see a new ATH after BTC is stable again and MANA auction ends. And every impatient pajeet should sell now.

Textwall fud. Hope you got paid more than 2 sat pajeet

Its pumping, Faggots! NEXT PBC PICK GET THE FUCK IN!

The question is how high will me moon? And predictions?

mana burn starts in 40 minutes (10pm gmt)

It's just dumping. I put a ton into this hoping it was going to atleast 5x today. It is currently losing me money. Guess I am not buying Christmas gifts for anyone this year. Thanks Veeky Forums

When this shit rockets, the fudsters will crawl back under their rocks. Kek.

10 minutes until auction begins and Manalets are BTFO


It's time


Are you a Manalet, user?

It's a nice idea, but looking at their team doesn't instill the confidence of something like INS (which is doing their ICO but WAY overpriced, though understandably an attempt to raise funds to see through their vision which is a good one) or REQ that has a huge team with Ycombinator behind them... or even BAT, which is dirt cheap, but has the guy from Mozilla behind it so if he figures an integration into firefox instead of his new brave browser it could easily take off.


When moon? And how high?

It’s not going anywhere...

Pajeet shillers
stay away from this shitcoin

Classic money snake pattern

>He bought high and sold low
>Muh scamcoin

Sweet, it's just dropping. Sweet find Veeky Forums, this one's really knocking it out of the ballpark.

Auction just started you twat. Already been outbid on a few blocks. This shit will be crazy for the next 5 days.

I bought at 760 and sold at 795
Figured out it was a pnd shitcoin that is being shilled by pajeets yesterday, good luck holding your bags though.

Quints of doom. Selling my whole MANA stack right now.

Always respect the quint god

I bought this at 680...

Oh poor you, its 620 now.

What the fuck really. Just wait.

I'm done, the moon missions are over. I missed out. It's time to take out my investment and just be a WAGESLAVE. I only made like $200 profit over 3 weeks, and all of that will probably go to transfer fees. This shit sucks, nobody is actually rich here. None of you are paying your mortgages or bills with BTC money.