So if you are running a setting where pillage and rape are a fact of life how do you portray rape victim? Would they be traumatized like women of today? Would they think nothing of it since it hapens often? I can't imagine any peasant to hold her virtue in high regars in these circumstances
So if you are running a setting where pillage and rape are a fact of life how do you portray rape victim...
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It can give you the oportunity to crate a lot of thing. Lets say a more inocent women or a woman of a higher class. You can make then traumatized ptsd victims or a character that learned that the real world can be a bad place in the worst way possible. Or you can make them more realist about this thing, it was bad. . but life go on. This depends also of who the characters was and what impacts rape would ocur in a character of that mindset( there is a diference on what would ocurr in the mind of a young female cleric and in and tavern wench)
Really make sure rape needs to be there. If you put rape in there and it does nothing to enhance the character it's kinda pointless and sick-minded. If there is a trait that can be gained without rape I would chose that. However if I were to make a villain I would have him rape no doubt.
Self-pity is the ugliest of emotions. Grow up.
Whew, lad. I think rape storylines might be above your pay grade. Maybe google some victims stories from the third world instead of trusting the /pol/ and /d/ crossposts you will get here.
Assuming by a miracle that this isn't yet another bait thread, it depends on the individual.
Different people will have different reactions based on their experiences. A peasant woman in the hinterlands can't be expected to react the same as a mollycoddled noble brat in a stone keep.
As much as I hate to give a non answer, it really depends on individual and situation. And as everyone else is saying, use rape sparingly and for best effect. Make sure this is definitely a detail that must be added, and for fucks sake, don't be all "heehee rape".
But then how is he supposed to feed his confirmation bias?
Dont worry. There is a big chance tjat the little bastard will die within before his second aniversary. Give more food to tour legitme kids to tip the balance towards their favor. 2 out of six will reach adulthood.
is sound advice.
I remember a newpaper article from the early 60s where some african prime minister welcomed a french navy battlegroup, saying that "every house in the country is open for them" and inviting them to help repopulate the country. It was quite surreal.
There are plenty of stories from the medieval and even ancient world where women commit suicide after being raped, or killing themselves and their children so they don't have to live through the pillaging.
"Rape is bad and leaves permanent scars" is not just some invention of modern western culture.
Some people survive and get on with their lives. Some don't. Pretty much all victims will have lasting psychological issues. That's true today, it was true in 10th century England, 5th century India, 1st century Rome, 5th century BC China, 10th century BC Egypt, etc.
I did Nazi that coming.
Yes, I also remember this thread. Had this picture in OP. Made me discover Marcel Dyf, so that's cool.
But pretty much anwsered the question. You can all sage thread.
Rape a bathing maiden
This is a relevant question since I am going to be DMing a game set in the Witcherverse.
Responses to trauma will vary based on character. Some people may be able to completely suppress memories of the attack, others may not do so well.
One of the NPCs I'm working on is an Scoiatael commander who tried to integrate into human society only to get gang-raped during a pogrom. As a result, she takes her absolute hatred of Humans (especially men) to such a degree that even other Elves are telling her to dial it back.
How rare are virgins in the Witcherverse?
They're a dying breed.
The majority of psychological issues are caused by people making mountains out of molehills to where women are made to feel bad for not feeling bad about being raped.
t. Child molestation victim
No sweet village girls marrying their sweetheart?
This looks tragic and depressing as fuck.
Is it any good?
JESUS CHRIST, I just looked it up and realized it's set in 1400's Bohemia AND inspired by the old Bohemian Girl War myth. How have I never heard of this shit?
>Would they think nothing of it since it hapens often?
You are now imagining a setting where rape is so common place it's not even seen as particularly bad, just annoying and time consuming.
"Wh- oh for fucks sake, apparently it's rape-o-clock again. Anndd he's fucking me. La la la. Like I don't have better fucking things to do. Ugh, better pretend to be into it. Eek, no, stop, choke, sob. Fucking loser... I wonder what moms making for dinner? it better not be meatbread again. that shit is disgusting. Oh, feels like he's finishing up. Anndd a clench... frantic kicking. 'OH NO, I'M RUINED FOR MARRIAGE!' Great, that's it, fuck off. Jesus, thank god he's a quickshot. Now wheres my goddamned rape-rag..."
That's the whole point behind unicorns.
>Would they be traumatized like women of today?
no. It might suck, but trauma is heavily culturally dependent. Like death and war, people were not only mentally tougher and more used to the events, but also considered them less important than moderns.
Though regarding peasant virtue, early sex and lots of it was the norm for a long period.
Waiting for marriage wasn't a problem when everyone is fucking at 14 and marrying the first one with a swollen belly.
I chuckled. Also made me wonder how it is to be the loyal wife of a man of your typical barbarian warrior society.
>Honey, you are back! I'm so glad that you are alive!
Yes, my dear love, alive and victories! We took the city!
>I'm so glad. Did you kill many enemies?
Indeed, I collected a lot of heads this day.
>You are making me so proud. And did you plunder much?
The slaves are unloading gold, food, clothes, more than you could imagine!
>Wonderful! And, be honest... how much did you rape?
Not today wife, I'm tired and wounded...
>No, I want to know how many girls you raped today! How many girls did you ravish in favor of your beloved and faithful wife!
You allowed me three girls and that's it.
>Was it only three girls?
... and one boy.
I recall a historical document I read that detailed a rape case in the 12th century, it was extremely surreal in how contemporary it felt.
The noblewoman got raped by a squire while her husband was away, she kept quiet about it out of shame, and when her husband came home and she accused the squire, he said she asked for it and nobody could get a solid verdict so it went to Trial by Combat. The squire lost.
Non-twist: it was an affair, she got caught, and he white-knighted for her.
Now that's contemporary.
TFW your farm-hand life is so boring that all you have to look forward to is being bummed by ravaging barbarians.
>Violent attacks are only traumatizing because society said so.
For example War now is worse for PTSD and the like not because people are mentally weaker, but because the Battlefield has changed so that thedeath risk of death can be so sudden. Your at risk of you and your friends dying to unseen Snipers, Artillery, bombs, etc. This is something that's hard to prepare for, while in the Middle Ages the risk of death came from the guy charging at you with a sword or archers firing in noticeable volleys, which is much easier to mentally prepare for thanks to the adrenaline that comes from fighting for your life. By removing the 'face to face' combat the brain can be argued to be 'wired' for, War is way more traumatizing now.
But Rape has however remained basically the same, it's still a horrible experience and always has been.
For the record, that manga mixes two completely unrelated events of Czech history.
Hussite movement - the band of badass guerilla heretics wrecking faces with weaponry most GMs would turn down as "unrealistic".
And Dívčí Válka - proto-feminist movement that turned into generic hentai plot halfway through.
>And Dívčí Válka - proto-feminist movement that turned into generic hentai plot halfway through
Keep explaining.
So: first of all: Dívčí Válka is not a historical event: it's an old myth, about as historical as the tales of Atlantida.
Second of all, the story really does not mix those two elements: it takes place in a very clearly defined historical settings, the Hussite wars which were in no way "guerilla wars", it was an all out open warfare predominantly fought and won by classic medieval nobility (although it did see some rather interesting technological and strategic inovations for it's time): the themes of "Dívčí Válka" are really just allegorical in this manga and largely inconsequential.
Third of all, calling the legend of "Dívčí válka" proto-feminist movement is like calling the alleged actions of Chinese Yellow Emperor proto-communism.
Myths of gender wars as part of ancient history are actually pretty common among most most societies, and there is absolutely nothing "feminist" about it. It's just a classical tragic tale of conflict, unexpected love conquering hatered, and tragical conclusion with in it's sadness eventually united people again.
See above.
Name of it?
Not a female dolphin. It's business as usual for them.
>you call this brutal rape?
>your penises aren't even prehensile!
>and none of them are anywhere near my blowhole!
>I'm not sure if I'm insulted or just bored.
Look up the history of Mongolia.
Otome Sensou aka Dívčí Válka aka Girl's War. It's in the file name of the picture, and since I'm generous, here is a link to english translation. It's worth mentioning that the translation was apparently done by Czech dude (or someone well versed in Czech History, but not so much in translations, apparently the guy used French version of the manga and translated it with a heavy use of google translate, using his knowledge of the history and his own imagination to fill in the blanks.
Also, I should warn you: outside of weirdly specific boner for Czech History and the Hussite Movement, it's kinda shit.
>defending your own wife's honour is whiteknighting
Man, you are dedicated to your narrative. I will say that.
>Would they be traumatized like women of today?
Nothing ever changes. Everything is always the same. Grow the fuck up you retarded /pol/ faggot and read a history book. Or just go to a fucking museum for old art and look how many paintings are about the suicide of a rape victim.
>So if you are running a setting where pillage and rape are a fact of life how do you portray rape victim?
Funny you should mention that.
In my current setting; rape victims occasionally pray to Echidna -fertility god(dess) of chaos, monsters, and mother to all Gorgons- for protection and salvation.
She(?) benefits them with the ability to cast a miracle that temporarily turns the caster's vagina/penis into a venomous snake.
It can still happen, but that sweet village girl has probably slept with half the men in the village before she got hooked.
She's no longer sweet then.
The 'rape' in rape and pillage doesn't actually mean sexual assault, it means to displace people from their homes usually to take as slaves. Soldiers would rarely sexually assault someone in the middle of a raid, they would take them as a slave and fuck them later.
>implying dudes don't get raped all the time too