Ever play a game where monsters are the good guys, opposing human tyranny? How would you slap such a thing together?
That dullahan a cute.
They've lost their head user.
The bjs, man.
It wasn't that monsters were good guys and humans were tyrants. It was that monsters were civilized, while humans were laboring under a curse that destroyed their own society and turned them into a bunch of Mad Max wannabes.
Dey wuz gud orcs! Dey dindu nuffin!
Thats what it's going to boil down to.
Fuck Orcs.
I want Banshees and Black Dogs.
No. Stop having fun incorrectly.
The second you do that, they stop being monsters.
Monster in form, not spirit.
Not if the monsters are still monsters
It's just a monster's alliance against the human hegemony. Think a nature vs civilization kind of game
My friend was DMing for a group that was encroaching on an epic-level druid's territory, and wanted me to "act" the part for him.
Basically, he would tell me what the PCs were up to, and I would act accordingly. It was actually really cool, being a druid who was trying to protect his grove from a village of lumberjacks with an egotistical mayor. Eventually, the PCs got tired of the druid cockblocking their attempts at conquest in clearly guarded territory and headed off into the mountains. Like, this druid sent emissaries and everything to make his modest borders clear to the lumberjacks, but those damn humans just HAVE to have everything to themselves.
I guess it boils down to how you handle it, really.
Is there more of this? Does she have pubes made of little eyestalks? That's adorable and hot and I want it.
I kind of like the clash of POVs it could bring.
When you put a predatory almost-animal, an immortal statue, a soul eating demon and whatever else in a room, magic can happen.
There's nothing below the neck, silly. It's just a regular Beholder sitting on a suit of animated armor.
Are you sure? Her face is already more human-shaped than regular Beholders, and I don't think they can telepathically manipulate armor.
look through the 1E dnd monster manual; you'd be surprised.
No no no, you misunderstood me. It's a regular, independent animated armor that happens to be friends with the Beholder. She has no idea how to fight so she mostly just makes bluff checks while the armor does it's thing to make it look like she's in control.
Oh, that's adorable. I'd still smooch her, and her armor pal can do what she can't.
Look, user, you can't fuck a suit of animated armour with a beholder perched on top.
You can fuck the beholder though.
You can fuck it good.
Are you going to stop me? I've jerked off to the moon before, don't tell me what I can't do!
>I've jerked off to the moon before
Please don't cum on moon, moon rabbits live there.
I imagined the full moon as the ass of a luminescent goddess literally mooning the population of Earth and jerked off looking at it.
Sokka, is that you?
sauce for pic?
No, but I'm kicking myself for never making that connection before.
If you were to ply in a game like this what's your ideal monster/character concept you would want to play with?
I want to be a lich. It's the reason I got into tabletop. Imagine my disappointment when I learned you can only do this at the end of an epic level campaign in D&D 3.5, after spending most of the adventure as a boring human caster. You can't even play a skeleton mage and pretend in most games--without using homebrew, at least, which always feels...inauthentic.
You can do it with just about any system where there are playable "monster" races, or you can make your own monster races. Then just homebrew a campaign where you can only be xyz... races and humanoids are the bad people.
It's time-consuming, sure, but not that difficult, and far from impossible.
Seems like this thread should quit while it's ahead.
Seriously though, I've wanted to run a campaign with that kind of idea. It feels like a Fantasy Black Crusade style campaign, though you could easily make them the good guys by having the humans be slave keeping racist assholes that you want to light on fire rather than save.
She totally gonna carry a bunch of lvl 1 mooks
That's a nice piece of revisionist post-truth history there bud. It was the monsters that were the slavers and the tyrants. But when their empires collapsed and humans gained ascendancy, they just picked up the bad habits of their former lords. If only you had been nicer to humans while you had the chance, huh? Karma's a bitch.
Jerking to it myself right now, thanks user
Anytime, lad.
>I imagined the full moon as the ass of a luminescent goddess literally mooning the population of Earth and jerked off looking at it.
>Jerking to it myself right now, thanks user
Well not exactly good, but yeah we've played monster games before, and weren't overtly evil.
gonna do this next time there's a nice moon out
>"...should we tell her humans don't have eye beams?"
So do the tides do anything for you? Does it have to be a full moon? Would a new moon essentially be full nudity?
>the entire party knows from the beginning that she's actually a beholder, but plays along to be nice and because the eye beams are useful
>every NPC notices the odd parts, but assumes that it's simply a very deformed human because the rest of the party apparently don't think it's a beholder
No because Undertale is such garbage, holy shit.
Not with that attitude
I haven't been to the sea in a while. No, I could do something with a crescent moon, too; it's like a seductive little peek. A full nudity new moon...yeah, I can work with that, too, thanks for the inspiration!
... ... Thanks Veeky Forums for the new fetish. Any drawfags want to draw this?
on it
>plays along because she could eat the rest of the party in combat
also, beholder girl a cute.
Fursecution Fox approves of this campaign idea.
It's times like these that I remember why I still bother reading this board.
A+, user. A+.
Nice... can we get one from a 'different angle'?
Saved, with my thanks
>Select all images that feel romantic
wtf captcha
>almost didn't open this thread because I thought it would be shit
>almost missed this masterpiece
This is great.
Give yourself a pat on the back, friend.
Enjoy ur three days off, friend :^)
>implying it shows enough skin for a ban
"I've jerked off to fruit, spike and moon! And now I dhall jerk off to you, The Guy!"
Are you the Quest Quest guy????
Well that's s rare sentence
>Does she have pubes made of little eyestalks? That's adorable and hot and I want it.
>Pubes made of little eyestalks
I remeber slapping this together a few years ago
Veeky Forums, what the fuck? I haven't seen shit this weird since Tileman.
The animated suit of armor lost her helmet a long, long time ago, but could never search for it due to not being able to see where she was going. The Beholder always waned to go adventuring, but could never come up with an adequate disguise that would help her fit in with other adventuring types. Together, with the Beholder as the brains and the suit as the brawn, both can achieve their dreams!
>Pubes made of little eyestalks
>Not hot
Your post is an embarrasement to your family
So, we went from a semi-serious thread about monsters and morality to fucking beholders and literal moon-porn in less than eighty posts? Good job, tg.
>Ever play a game where monsters are the good guys, opposing human tyranny? How would you slap such a thing together?
Oh don't please do this OP, you'll just end up like tumbler shit like beast the primordial, where we're suppose identify with the gays, I mean Monsters Who I miss treated by those 'nasty oppressive humans', who unfairly hate monsters because they are prejudice, not because of all that murder we do.
Look if you really want to do the 'mankind as the other' thing go for it, just drop the whole oppressive angle.
Make the humans boogie men not tyrants. Dangerous, yet mysterious and small in number. Think of how the vampire saw the guy in I am legend, or hell even blade.
You can do it at level 11 in 3.5e, it just takes basically all of your WBL though and jumps your ECL up to 15.
It could probably work if it's clear that it's the tyrannical human culture that is the threat rather than something specific to human nature. If all humans are evil by nature then you've just swapped them and the monsters around rather than actually embracing the "what determines who is a monster" theme. Also, you've created a setting that doesn't bare any relation to reality. Anyone who disagrees, and at least one person will, is both wrong and an edgelord. Awards will be given to the edgiest argument against my point.
That point again, for clarity: Humans are not inherently evil.
That's a misuse of that image. You're risking being fined for being a self-congratulating dumbfuck.
You misspelled Crusaders of Centy.
No, but for a while I wanted to run a game about monster slum rat kids trying to con, beg, enterprize, and steal their way through life.
Their starting assets will be a poorly spelled fresh caught meats stand and a variety of recalled extremely dangerousold toys.
Is "human tyranny" a dog whistle for legislation on the owning elven slaves within the union's territories?
I am not up on monster vs human wars.
I am more upfor monstro town being one caravan away, with threats being more mysterious. Or actual, not race based wars
But how did her head get so big?
I don't know about either of you, but having someone stare at my dick the entire time I was fucking someone, even if it's the person I'm fucking doing the staring, would give me performance anxiety.
That sounds super sexy.
Well that's different.
Why would "monsters" come together? Are they some sort of hivemind species or something? I mean really why would Orcs work together with Zombies or Dragons with Vampires?
Tides are the result of water being drawn into the gravitational pull of moon booty.
The entire lunar cycle is, in fact, the goddess of the moon swaying her hips back and forth.
10/10 dude holy shit
Please add me to the screen shot
Now that's science I can believe in.
i am literally retarded and cant understand what everyone finds so funny
dont worry user, i dont get it either
user people are fapping not laughing.
Look, I just wanted to know if there were any good systems that allowed player Dullahans and the like.
I didn't want any of this.
that makes sense i guess
Everything but do-everything systems will require extensive homebrewing if you want to play a balanced anything besides a normal human type race.
It is one of my long running pet peeves, as I feel picking a humanish race is a waste of tabletop time.
It's the man in the moon faggot!
I am working on a kobold game like that and for the bad guys to be good you have to make badder guys. So make the human kingdom chaotic evil or some lawful good dystopia that is like 1984. Somehow the humans have to be worse than the monsters.