Chart is beautiful. Hmm lets see the volume goes up every single day. Thousands of new users a day. Constantly adding new coins and the fastest easiest to use platform out there. Just added more trading tools like stop loss. Support actually answers your tickets unlike Bittrex. They constantly are updating the site and are by far the most professional company in the crypto exchange game. They added the ability to buy other coins with BNB which is a big game changer and also makes the coin more resistant to BTC drops than any other coin because it's valued is tied to so many other coins. They are bringing back ICO's that can be bought with BNB. Saves you a fuck ton on fees and is already way cheaper than competitors. When China gets back into the game they can add even more users. They are on track to be the largest exchange in the world constantly adding new languages. This coin was $3 bucks when the average volume was 65-90 million and they burned a lot of coins then just imagine what will happen now that the volume is 2.4 billion daily..
BNB is it the most undervalued coin out there? Going over 1 billion market cap soon
Agreed. Using them since august
H.k is a good place for crypto
Priced in
How is it priced in? This coin has been sleeping while everyone has been buying up alts on the site the true king is BNB they are reaping massive profits. The coin was $3 when the volume was 22 x less .. 3x22 ... True value of this coin is around $60
I like how this thread gets no replies meanwhile the price keeps going up the chart shows true organic growth and not a pump and dump and there is legit profits and numbers backing this coin not just hype like every single other crypto coin which has failed to produce a single penny of profits.
Why would I buy BNB now when I can just buy it as I need it?
Uh.. So you can sell it for profit?
I can’t deal with this normie influx on biz anymore.
strong retard. The price of BNB will continue to increase meaning if you want to save on fees the price you pay for the BNB will be higher not to mention the coin now can be used to buy other coins so the higher BNB goes the more buying power against other coins. Filthy casual.
My point is, what pressure is there for the price to go up?
You fucking newfags to Veeky Forums don't know how to evaluate value in any of your fucking investments and it's really fucking annoying.
Wow 60 dollars huh? how much yellow chink cock are you sucking guy. This scam coin isnt worth more than 50 pennies.
binance shill fuck off
your money isnt safe with the ching chongs. pump and dump manipulated coin traded on 2 chink exchanges. Scam.
Why will it go up? From what I can see, you can use Binance to buy other tokens and trade for cheaper.
There's very little upward pressure on the price. Even COSS or the fucking KuCoin token has more upward pressure on its price.
If i'm a margin trader and I want to trade on Binance, im going to buy BNB as I need it. I don't see a reason to hold large quantities unless Binance is doing their 0% fee promotion for BNB pairings.
Shut the fuck up newfag. Not everything outside your frame of reference is a scam.
You forgot to mention the thousands of sell order bots
Binance is awesome and all that but gtfo with your shill shit
er what? its a steady gain because people like you buy it as you need it. no ones saying its gonna do a moon mission
You dumb fucks have no idea. When BNB is cruising past 10 you are gonna be like "whats the purpose of this token besides fees".. hmm lets see you can buy into ICO's and other token pairings with it. BNB price increases strengthen its price against other pairings one day you will be able to buy 1 LTC for 1 BNB
My point is arguing your insinuation that it's the most undervalued token out there.
Saying it's undervalued- sure. Almost every token out there with some kind of future is.
But suggesting BNB is the most undervalued coin out there- this is disingenuous clickbait emotive shit that doesn't belong on Veeky Forums
It suggests you've not a single clue what you're talking about as you're talking out of your ass.
Lurk more.
its a scam, Have you any idea how fucked Binance is going to be after they go down for supporting tether? The US Gov. is not going to let the chinks circumvent the regulations for using U.S. dollar by offering a fake tether coin. No KYC/AML. serving u.s. and international customers.
Binance is scammy and they wont last long, be careful anyone who keeps money with the chinks. Remember the CEO still controlled by the china law man.
lol so many dumbasses in this thread. stay poor and enjoy washing my lambo. Every single coin is begging to be listed on Binance now. Everytime they list a coin they also pull in additional revenue from the listing fee which is now like 60k USD
Tether isn't legally redeemable by any USD.
Tether is a scam, agreed.
Thinking the US will try to strongarm China on a shanghai based business is laughable at best.
>BNB is the most undervalued token out there?
>Why would it be the MOST undervalued?
>Lol stay poor haha people will want it
You fucking newfags treat your investments like they're a sports team. Nobody fucking cares about your emotive arguments- your hopes and dreams won't increase the price.
I've already agreed it's undervalued because of Binance's growth. I've been following Binance since before its inception fuckstick- back when they were on, what was it, Kik? I deleted the app once they moved to Slack.
I repeat, suggesting BNB is the most undervalued token available on the market is bonkers and you're talking out of your ass if you cannot back up your claim.
back up my claim? The trade volume went from 60 million to 2.3 billion and over 1 million new users were added which is growing daily. Meanwhile the coin price never increased. Just watch you filthy casual
Your fucking claim that it's
>A supply chain solution for a 1.2tril+ pharma industry
>Can save them up to or over 60% on all of their shipments (which they have to regulate due to EU regulations).
>Patented tech
>Co-founder was a former bigwig at Novartis (one of the top 5 pharma entities in the world worth over 200bil)
>Pays quarterly dividends
>Commercial release Q1 2018
This is a token that's undervalued. But even then, it's not the MOST undervalued token despite having legitimate reasons for its price to go up.
If you can't back up why BNB is the
then im done with this moronic conversation in this moronic thread.
BNB is undervalued, but not
fucking newfag.