r8 the block
R8 the block
Too diversified for such a small amount of money. Go all in on LTC. Also charge your phone.
No *100 mission for you, but no big crash incoming.
Expect a steady slow increase over the next months.
This is the folio of someone who has hundreds of k's, not suitable for 300 usd. Could be if yiou only aim the 1-5k range.
Too safe IMO, I'm at 85k and have way more risky positions than you.
Absolute : 7/10.
Relative to your worth : 2/10, won't make it.
R8 plz.
Personally, I would drop those NEO bags and pickup REQ. One is going nowehre and the other is poised for launch. Otherwise, it looks solid. Feeling /comfy/ with your ARK staking payments?
R8 plox
Open for suggestions/shills
Yup, staking and I set the faucet as my home page. I'll look into REQ, thanks.
Unironically going to buy a Lamborghini.
>hiding balances
pretty strong, could use one or two small market cap moonshots
Sorry bud, you're not gonna make it.
Solid but boring, Get a couple spicy shitcoins in there for the potential 100x gainz
R8 and advice appreciated. Looking at maybe 1k to throw in every month.
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Why hold ERC-20 tokens but no ETH? Buy some ETH, it is the least likely to fall if there is a crash since there are way too many tokens that rely on it. Literally too big to fail
>all inned on Monero at .16 at start of Star Wars last night
>Out at .18 just as credits rolled
Got paid like $600 to watch a movie
what wallets are you using
I want to diversify but I haven't moved out of cuckbase and MEW yet
Still waiting for my Ledger Nano S to arrive... until then I just use MEW.
How long until I get dumped on boys
which coin am I going to need to exit first
If you're gonna hold the big three at least even it out more or hold more eth. Eth is the most solid of the big three
Get some alts
Ark, omg, link are good choices for mid to long term holding
If I was you I'd sell some btc/ltc, put some of the proceeds into eth and the rest into one or two alts
Checking this out and it seems neat, thanks
Crypto is LITERALLY a once-in-a-lifetime chance to get rich doing next to nothing and you're in for $200. Your portfolio could 10x and you'd have enough for what? A used car? Few months of rent? fuck nigga, do what you want I guess
What mobile app u niggas using to trade between coins to build ur portfolio btw?
any tips?
More like once in a decade. The next big bubble will be robotics, but there is still a lot of research that needs to be completed before it really takes off.
Started at 855$ a week ago
fukken l33t breh
nolink = not gonna make it
This is literally me, only TRX instead of ADA because I don't believe in a mostly premined coin in hands of literal yakuza
I'm American and those commas are confusing me
Feels good not getting JUST’d today
its always good to have the backing of the mafia. be it Colombian, Mexican or in this case, Ricer.
All in boyz
divest BTC, market cap too high to actually make more money in the short run
buy REQ
Do you know what all-in means?
Please sell that stuff and go all in on btc because the investing meme is for normies. Btc is going up - alts ho down, btc stabilizes, alts go up. The only use of alts is making more btc, dont fall for the hodl meme in alts
They don't back the coin.
They just want to cash out on the losers who invest in it.
I've cashed out a bit for the time being
Nah all in on ETC
You actually own less than 1 (one) REQ?
Why? The transaction costs of getting such an amount are larger than the maximum profit you'll get with it.
ugh I keep fucking up, bought 7 LTC at 80 two weeks ago and then ran off to go chase alts.
Is there any chance this shit will boom? I'm 1300 $ in and only made 400 =\
Very nice, pick up EOS in January and youre going to the moon
Cut out IOTA for now, too early stage, its not going to move for quite some time (apart from small bump from wallet this month). Consider more REQ (colossus) or EOS (dawn 3)!
only btc??? u wot
not bad m80
cant complain, buy EOS before january
2 much BTC
Wish me luck guys, going balls deep
I traded it and was left with that amount
>hides 50 REQ
Was all in on Vertcoin then Monaco the last few weeks. Am way up and now only in BTC. Any suggestions on my next move?
What do you mean too much BTC
I daytrade and flip but I always sleep in BTC
we all gun make it
>buying REQ at ATH when you’ve had literal weeks to buy below ICO price.
you to deserve to get REQT
whats wrong with hiding balances?
you might miss out on some Korean bull action that way, no?
Poorish here r8. Probably over diversified.
yeah i wasnt paying attention to it, but i think its worth a lot more than what its at now,
only 160M mkt cap, for a coin like this? with colossus on release, i honestly wont be surprised if it reaches 500M mkt cap before end of month...
Any tips? Could maybe do with some riskier options but can never decide and I'm scared
i started 2 weeks ago and im at 8000 from the same money. step up ur game
like i said dude I jump in and out, but always try to secure my gains at the end of the day
i've gone from 13 to 3 BTC from holding shit from the summer that never recovered (OMG, NEO, ZRX)
i know better now
req and xrb
How...? Like what did you invest in?
dont stress, were all gonna make it
is good advice, but make sure you stay true to your own risk tolerance!!!
look into sub,req,rlc,sc
all look promising
i invested 1000 in iota at a dollar, sold at 5, bought 1000 xrb at a dollar, is up to 3. planning on getting some req today.
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same! i rode IOTA from 1 - 4, hopped on to EOS from 4.1-8.6, jumped all into REQ, hoping to continue this direction
I've $5000 to dump into a coin. Sell me your bags
let me rephrase that. i sold half of my iota. i am holding 450 right now, incase it gets to ten. my only issue is that i havent really diversified yet.
ah i cut my IOTA losses, i feel like they dont really have any announcements coming (thing early EOS days when it didnt rly move)...
if u still HODLING some, consider selling at Wallet release for the small bump.. buy back in like FEB and u will do well amigo, hold REQ in short term and EOS in Jan
r8 me m8s
well no matter the price i still make a profit, as i bought at 1 dollar.
no shit ur gonna make a profit
just a smaller one
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i cashed out most of my iota. what coins should i put the last 450 into?
This! Went from 3 to 1 btc holding shitcoins. Alts are here to make more btc.
you probably wont make very much off a portfolio this small
150 profit on trx and 30 on LRC already
Halp I want REQ what should I do.
drop that LTC shit
Dump your XRP, it already mooned and strong correction starting soon.
buy some
R8 anons
Xrp> eth > req?
Xrp>btc> req?
I don’t want to be a wage slave anymore
Pls rate. Started with about 2k, vtc has done well, got in at less than a dollar and LTC at 50 a piece
Pls rate. Started with around 2k.
In AUD. Put about 16k in over the past couple months starting July. Too much diversification?
I want to make my portfolio have a higher risk/reward ratio. Advice?
Started 1 week ago. Lost money cause of Coinbase (moved on Binance), small transactions/fees, not making up my mind about my core hodlings.
(500 € invested, should've made 150-200 if I started right I was in the red but at least I'm back at 530 now and it should keep growing steadily between 20-30 a day if all of this continues -which I'm not sure about, the situation seems pretty special but I know nothing-)
I also plan to bet on some Gimli coin cause I'm convinced the idea can work but I'm afraid I'm already too diversified for so little money.
Finally cashed out a bit. Feels good.
I've been thinking about this lately. I am college NEET not working. I could easily take off school for a while and pick up a full time job and wage slave for a year. I put all my savings into REQ and made 80% in like 3 days. Seems like magic. I'm just worried crypto as a whole will pop.
I'm aware It's pretty retarded to go 100% BTC but whatever