I'm having trouble finding where I should buy Horace Heresy / 30k figures at without spending top dollar.
Is this line of figures just meant to be a limited edition expensive boutique set or something?
I'm having trouble finding where I should buy Horace Heresy / 30k figures at without spending top dollar.
Is this line of figures just meant to be a limited edition expensive boutique set or something?
recasters or second hand on ebay.
is recasting really viable? Are they detectable?
the GW plastic kits are cheap and basically give you an army in a box, sans tanks
the forgeworld stuff is considerably more expensive if only because forgeworld doesn't have the same kind of worldwide service, so you have to ship it over from bongistan or huff chinese bootlegs
but an all plastic army is viable so you don't really need to go resin unless you really like the look
If you are experienced you can spot them by direct confrontation.(or at least sdo they say). 30k is super exclusive stuff and it is supposed to cost this much.(keep in mind there is no way it's worth that much, yes detail is nice,but FW prices are crazy).If you don't want to spend that much or go recast, the best ways are second hand as he said or Betrayal at calth and prospero burns which give you far better value.
I'd like to go recast I think, but I don't know where to find good ones
Luck of the draw really.
Once painted it will generally pass casual look.
With great difficulty.
Best bet is to pick up one of each of GW's HH box's. You'll just short of all the marines you could need (Depending on what style you are playing) And 5 of both termies. Note, your stuck with a boring model of a Chaplin, Dread & Praetor, A specific set of characters, as well as custodes& sisters. You can normally trade or sell them for the price of another dread or something similar. outside of some vehicles and upgrades (heavy weapons outside the few missles, crap load of Heavy bolters. legion specific stuff, extra termie weapons, ect.) you don't really need forge world.
oh shit, i just realized i painted my chaos marines "wrong" for years. Why the fack is the backside of the shoulderpad white?
People claim they can tell if a model is recasted.
Are they just bullshitting nerds or do they really have some way of telling?
There's a way too tell if your army is recast. Inevitably some of your recasts are going to be sub Forge World level and when they get their hands on it they'll be able to tell.
However they're are more recast fags than you think. Only autistic communists will freak out. They're in American fucks so don't give a shit about their Lenin worshipping asses.
Pretty easy if they aren't painted. Painted figs are harder to tell depending on the modeling work done, but can be noticeable depending on the recast.
Im pretty sure it doesn't matter, that kind of thing can vary between warbands and chapters of the legion. And 40k-era Death Guard are rotting inside out and their armor is an awfully smudgy blend of the most putrid rusts, whites, browns and greens imaginable. Do you really think guys with intestines falling out of the bulletholes in their armor care about making sure their uniforms from ten thousand years ago are correct?
How are they able to tell if a model is painted? What are the signifiers?
Which Legion are you playing, OP? The standard Chaos Space Marine and Raptors box have Chaosified Mark IV and Mark V, if you are playing Sons of Horus or Word Bearers you could use those bits and say you are a Siege of Terra era army.
Calm down mate, it probably depends on the legion.
The crispness of and errors in the casting.
Because it's Ceramite with decorative metal trim.
Subtler missing details get exaggerated--maybe a recess is missing, or the hand is a bit off, or the eyes are bulging. Little things.
I haven't started collecting yet. I was partial to Deathguard but I'm not sold on em yet.
Kind of a side note, could I use Mark IV power armor legs to make my own Plague Marines for 40k? Will that upset anyone or break any GW rules?
How would using plastics to convert your guys upset people?
Like if I took them to a GW event if they would tell me they couldn't be used, or if someone at a game store said that they were older power armor and I had to take a penalty to armor saves or something
is this with all recast sellers or is it pretty much all of them?
>Like if I took them to a GW event if they would tell me they couldn't be used
If it's explicitly a conversion using GW bits, and the "plague marines" look different than regular space marines, it probably won't be an issue.
>if someone at a game store said that they were older power armor and I had to take a penalty to armor saves or something
That's not only incredibly autistic, there is also no rule for it. And the lightest astartes power armor is Mark VI, not Mark IV, so it wouldn't even be justifiable.
Even the best will have a bad run.
Bought 2 Sicarians from the same guy. One vastly superior to the other.
Why the fuck do you care? If you're too fucking poor for FW resin just buy recasts and don't give a shit if people can tell. Why go the extra mile to be a double scumbag and try to pass them off as real? Own up to your shit, faggot.
Didn't have enough gold to cover the backs. He also didn't have enough white to cover his rear armor in the back of the legs.
Personally, since Mk III armor is just extra armor on top of Mk II, I find it cool to have unpainted Mk II with painted Mk III plates on the front, but in 99.9% of official art and photos, Mk III is painted front and back, so don't pay too much attention to that artwork even if it's in the official 30K rulebooks.
I'm not trying to sell painted models or anything like that, I'd just rather not cause some scene at a gamestore or be unable to ever take my stuff to a GW event. I'm new to WH so I don't know how serious this shit is.
Who gives a shit, they won't allow you to bring them, but they won't fucking know until some asshole eyeballs your models with a fucking jeweler's loupe.
IF you do get called out, and that's a big if that will probably never happen, just admit they're recast, or if you're going to lie about it, say you didn't get them from FW and bought them third party and don't know if they're legit or not.
Worst case scenario you get a round loss or get disqualified from the tournament. Recasts aren't fucking bricks of cocaine, stop acting so shifty about them.
There's a certain gook whose product is of equal quality and superior materials to fw. His customer service is top notch and prices extremely affordable.
The downside is that he's been quite clear that his contact info is not to be shared with anyone, only by referal from a trusted buyer can you get access to him.
Other than him, all recaster are hit and miss. For the most part, you'll get stuff 80+% identical to FW.
is he known as Z?
How the hell do you get a recaster's email? I've seriously had an easier time buying steroids than recasts.
Nope, he's not any of the commonly known ones.
I was pretty happy with WarDream. The cast quality is the best out of all the recasters I used (others being Z, CCoN, Miranda Irene, and 3d-prints on Shapeways)
If you don't want to pay for Horus Heresy models, you're probably not the sort of person who would enjoy the Horus Heresy in the first place.
It's also dirt cheap with Calth and Prospero 50% off.
>Calth and Prospero 50% off.