Age of Sigmar General ! /aos/

Still waiting for Tzeentch Edition


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First for president Kroak

Build that wall

How well made is the FW GUO?
I'd rather avoid the GW one, and franking i'm not skilled enough to make a decent conversion from the Glottkin set

no need for a decent conversion, just use the glottkin without rider like everybody.

FW is hit or miss. sometimes awful sometimes perfect. Use a bright light to see through the resin if there's any problem, they send you whatever piece has too much bubble for free.

the gun because the commander is a rat and can just climb where he wants, look at the screaming bell or the game Vermintide

>it's just a wall of Carnosaurs with oldbloods


Kurnoth Hunter Scythes
Marauder Shields
Why should I take 10 models in a unit when I can get 30 for the same price?

I like to think it is the people who never shut up about swordsmasters and white lions in the WHFB threads that talk about the first one.

You forgot to mention that any discussion about building a strong list is automatically WAAC and that means you're a horrible person.

>Use a bright light to see through the resin if there's any problem
Neat tip, thanks

Are Start Collecting boxes worth it?
Shooting into melee seems overpowered.
Can you use all weapon profiles on the warscroll?
Where are the Grand Alliance books? Can't find them in the OP.

I kinda get that second one. I don't agree with it, but I sort of understand it.

here we go

you play chaos i guess

Dwarfs actually. My army is built around holding things in place with shields so they can be shot to shit.

As I said, I don't agree with it, I don't think it is overpowered, but I can understand why people think it is.
It is less of something completely stupid, more of an not-entirely unreasonable opinion.

I do think when they update the rules there should be some form of penalty (even if it just counts as being in cover for the shooting phase) if the shooters have to make a LoS through their own allies.

That way you don't get punished for good positioning, yet armies that don't have much to help deal with it get a slightly better chance.

To be fair you should only be able to shoot into melee if you don't go through your own units

Start collecting boxes are massive deals. Just make sure youre getting stuff you actually want, like if you dont want ardboys and gore gruntas dont get the ironjaws one, but thats pretty obvious.

Thing is the "Best" Sc for the money is Seraphon

I see plenty of people comming here that are looking for the best bang for the bucks instead of what they want to play.

They buy 2 SC Seraphon and then come here just to be told "you need a steagadon, bastilladon, 2 box of skinks etc."

This is why most of the second hand unopened SC are lizardmen/Seraphon.

Bow or flamethrower on the stegadon?


because you think that people who want to start play want to start with top tournament level lists for some reason.
Or at least people telling people waht to buy seem to think that

2 SC seraphon boxes gives you a fun 1,500 pt list. Especially if you are playing the casaul games that people should and they let you do some proxying.

If you want a carnosaur ypu just buy the SC box and sell the rest, because its the same price. Thats why the other crap pops up on ebay.

shit didnt realize we went to the new thread.

what do you guys think? also another thing is that I think drycha model is so badass

i tought it was for aos ??
once more they turned an aos model i to 40k.

Kurnoth Hunters x 3 (180)

Gryffhound tail?

*Gryph Hound

ffs, I'm stupid

Colors make me think Tzeentch, but I'd be so down for a Gryphhound box.

Ogroid Thamaturge.

its not the Tzeentch ogre.
I hope its a Tzeentch armored minotaur squad so we have an answer to heavy hitters like Bloodcrusher and blightkings

>tfw no Minotaur demons for FW chaos dorf army

But why

because most people speak about Chaos dorfs and how super cool they are but nobody actually buy them.

Source : that neckbeard group in the flgs that always talk about starting a chaos dwarf army since 2010

Yea, the SC! Boxes are great, but again apparently $85 for a box is too much, but a playset of $50 cards is perfectly fine.

I'm legit starting one in February when I get my tax refund back, or sooner depending on how quick I get it back the refund.

Nearly always bolt thrower. You dont need that much halp clearing hordes if you play right.

Wooo, "fun" lists. When someone asks for advice what kind of shitbag would give bad advice?

Sc seraphon is only good if you want the carnosaur, otherwise buy guard and a bastilodon, because youll end up doing that anyway and probably rarely using the warriors or knights.

Better advice = less wastage. A good starting point is always the one with less waste.

The patterning on it is the interesting bit, very few things have the striped tail, so it might very well be gryph hounds. We are looking at a dwarff release next though.

Careful, that sounds like something a WAACfag would say.

it lets you get started for less investment than trying to go the guard and bastilodon route.
Make a 1500pt list with your 'less wastage' lists. Than look how much it costs.

You can make a list that works and lets you start playing much more easily than if you only buy tournament inclusions.

scythes are master race

Are you planning 1500 or 2000 ? what kind of list ?

>Dwarfs actually. My army is built around holding things in place with shields so they can be shot to shit.
I suppose the guns are standing behind the shields? Because if so, you don't have line of sight to whatever you're shooting at.

Not the same user, but surely any enemy that's taller than a dwarf (i.e. quite a lot of them) will be visible over the shield chumps?

Can I get some feed back on a 1500 list I'm making?
Khorn marked: demon price, halberd warriors
Tzeench marked: sword and board warriors

Fireglaives are there to guard hell cannon and crew and shoot for me.

Daemon Prince (160)
- General
- Flying with Axe
- Trait: Cunning Deceiver
- Artefact: Favour of the Gods

Infernal Guard Fireglaives x 10 (100)
- Battleline (Legion of Azgorh)
Chaos Warriors x 20 (360)
- Hand Weapon & Shield
- Battleline
Chaos Warshrine x 1 (200)
Chaos Warriors x 20 (360)
- Halberd & Shield
- Battleline

War Machines
Hellcannon (300)

Total: 1480/2000

I'm just looking at starting the Blackshard Warhost list for starters, just that set, the daemonsmith and maybe an iron engine and magmacannon

As said, but mostly for the REALLY big things. It would just be cheesy if you tried to say that for something like, humans or Elves which aren't much bigger. Shit that is like twice the height of a dwarf doesn't have a leg to stand on anyway.

Also, Thunderers have no downsides to moving and shooting, just worth keeping in mind.

Lastly, although the change I suggested would actually make me lose out a little, I feel it is fair enough to not bother me. I mean, I still have a few turns of shooting before they can get into close combat.

Aren't almost all daemonic units shared between the two though, what with the Chaos Gods being the same across both settings?


>Blackshard Warhost
You are doing your part boy, good luck

Is that a good thing or a bad thing senpai?

its a good thing if you actually buy this.
i was waiting an answer like "i'm buying a single squad of blackshard from chinaman"

I'm not familiar with Chinaman, but buying knockoffs that are resin just seems like a bad idea

China man buyer here

They are not that bad, honestly it's hit or miss with them I normally use it for models that are not longer being made by GW and EBay is asking 60 bucks for them, looking at you Hellcannon. Or terrain becuase fuck your GW I'm not paying 50 bucks for a fucking building.

But really they are not bad, they require a little more love, but nothing to bad.

Fuck off with your "tournament inclusions" shite. Once anyone starts playing theyll realise what units are bad and replace them.

Aos lets you start playing with whatever you want, but lets do some math:

2 SC boxes gets you:
2 dinosaurs
14 cavalry
20 warriors
For 130 euro.

My starting list would be two boxes of guard (45 each), an hero of your choice (between 12 and 20) and a monster of your choice (about 45).

That gets you:
30 guard
A monster
A hero
For about 150 euro.

See how buying seperately doesnt add that much to the cost but lends you more options and an overall stronger list. Like I said before, only buy the SC box if you really want the carnosaur, and you probably do, so youll end up with at least one eventually anyway, but telling people to blindly get the box is fucking stupid.

something about scythes being better than swords is wrong, math in pic.

everyone do yourselves a favor, open excel and copy this formula so you can find shit out on your own without shitposting.

this goes in G2: ="expected damage VS armor "&G6&" +"

this goes in G3: =$B$3*((7-$C$3)/6)*((7-$D$3)/6)*IF(G$6+$E$3>6,1,(1-((7-(G$6+$E$3))/6)))*$F$3

this goes in G4: =$B$4*((7-$C$4)/6)*((7-$D$4)/6)*IF(G$6+$E$4>6,1,(1-((7-(G$6+$E$4))/6)))*$F$4

fill in the rest then select G2, G3, and G4 and drag the formulas through column K.

you're welcome.

Unless in the case where almost everything in the box is good to take, I.E. Slaves to darkness, or the death box, like holy shit the death getting started, there is no reason not to buy that fucker.

And btw, both of those lists float around 1000 points anyway, so the differance in price per point is minor, except one is clearly stronger.

Yeh but thats my point, sc boxes require some thought before purchase, its a good deal if youre actually saving money, and if youre paying for something you dont want youre not saving money.

Same reason i was annoyed at the ironjaws battleforce, Its a big savings, but itd be way better if it didnt have a fucking giant in it.

The getting started are great if you are into just modeling and painting but if your trying to competitively build a list yeah your kinda hosed not to mention most units that are really good are a bitch to actually get.

Still gonna buy my Blackshard Warhost from FW, but for future reference on terrain and shit, what's this guy's seller name?

16 cav, with bits to make one into a scar veteren on cold one.
Warriors work as a screen.
Your estimate on the heroes is low if your limiting yourself to the heroes that people include in the lists anyways, except of course the skin priest which you can easily make out of the skink included in the SC box. Also low on the monster.
and the difference is about 300pts, which is pretty significant when you're looking at that point level.

>competitively build a list
>fuck off about tournament inclusions.
pick one.

go to yoyhammer (reddit)

Rule one of the sells my dude, I can not tell you.
But that guy is right, as the saying goes, I can show you the path, but you have to walk it yourself.

If you want to order from the china man, you must figure out the contact info yourself.

It's not hard.

>Khorne Daemon Prince with Cunning Deceiver

Does not compute.

Otherwise not a bad list but mixing Tzeentch and Khorne triggers my autism. Also 2 Hellcannons are better than 1. Expensive/difficult to get but trust me you want two, to really pressure your opponent.

how is 1.5 the average damage on 1d3 ?
you dun goof or i am stupid ?

Seems like youre outta luck then friend

Youll have to try attracting new people rather than trying to convert others

keep models 1" apart
shoot through the cracks

>1.5 is the average of D3
Yeah you're still a retard

Scythes are better, and it's not just because they have Rend-2

>you dun goof or i am stupid
im stupid its 2

I didnt consider the skink priest. But you can make one from the steg kit too if you wanted.

Oldblood, scar vet, sunblood and eternity warden are all less than 20. So is the skink starpriest.

Not low on the monster, basti and steg are 46e.

>pick one
Theres a difference between a competitive list and a good list. Were not talking about tournament winning, were talking about not getting shit on by an average player.

Realise the differance between a shit list, a good list, and a tournament list. If you want to talk tournament lists you take kroak and a vortex, but were not doing that were trying to establish the best starting path.

Lets get this clear:
-If you want to get some models and slap em on the board asap, get a single SC box.
-If you want a decent army, that you get the best effectiveness for you cash, go for my guard list rather than just blondly getting two sc boxes.
-At some point you will get a sc box for the carnosaur and you can get your screen warriors or the models for a niche formation.

yep I'm stupid. average of D3 is 2. makes scythes better vs 2+ armor. see pic.

I know it does mine to, but my goal was to use them as my meat shields, let them take the blessing from the shrine to reroll all saves and let them get charged, then have the helbards poke at them.

Yeah, he fucked up.
Nevermind the fact that the increased range and reduced pile-in can't be mathed out.


Are you the retard that whine about his math proving that the game is not balances?

Math is not everything. Kurnoths with swords are mathematically better against things with no save and worse against things with very good save. Well, guess what it is that you can destroy with basically everything else in your army and what instead you need dedicated tools?

Good luck fighting against a rerollable 2+ rend -1 ignoring saurus guard with swords. If you are taking swords you are trading the capability to seriously hurt very hard targets (that usually are things the enemy built the list around) for the great and important ability to kill 2 more zombies in a round.

Of course the swords are better for hitting shit than the scythes. That's what they were designed for.
What these anons who disagree with you (myself included) are trying to tell you is that the ability "Tanglethorn Thicket" becomes relevant if they are equipped with scythes, the range of which allows them to ignore the pile-in penalty (not to mention reach over enemy ranks). Since you've obviously read the warscroll, you should know what the benefit of that ability is and why it's useful.

the bit where you're being an ass is in thinking two SC doesn't also get you a decent army.
It's not as strong as the guard list, but it's also a decent army.

The only problem it really has is that it's components won't eventually get used in the tournament list, where the guard list will.

youre an idiot. look at this chartif VS 3+ or better armor then scythes are better. Average armor in the game is not >3+ so swords are better usually that's why everyone uses swords.

unless you know your facing that Waac faggot Seraphon shit army then why knee cap yourself with scythes.

are you that faggot who thinks that because dice are random that math is pointless? If so I feel bad for you.

>Of course the swords are better for hitting shit than the scythes. That's what they were designed for.What these anons who disagree with you (myself included) are trying to tell you is that the ability "Tanglethorn Thicket" becomes relevant if they are equipped with scythes, the range of which allows them to ignore the pile-in penalty (not to mention reach over enemy ranks). Since you've obviously read the warscroll, you should know what the benefit of that ability is and why it's useful

what they need is a nerf because relative to everything else in the game they are too cheap for what they bring to the table. Denying that proves you are stupid.

But Scythes have rend -2

>bring kurnoths with swords
>entire enemy army ignores rend-1
>enemies flank you and you cant pile in to get all the kurnoths into range to attack
>cant run a squad of 6 to get extra value from mystic shield and ressurect spell

but... muh math!!!

Only morons use swords.

You have other sources of Rend-1 damage, and very few ways to get Rend-2 damage. Use the Scythes you fucktard

>You have other sources of Rend-1 damage, and very few ways to get Rend-2 damage. Use the Scythes you fucktard

denying math proves you are the worst kind of stupid. You probably think the earth is flat too.

I'm not denying that.
Why did you think I was denying that?

Holy shit, that's a really significant chunk of damage you are giving up there. I mean, wow, against shit-tier 6+save troops that might actually become relevant if you use your elite troops instead of dryads to fight hordes. It's probably safe to ignore the double bonus of the range advantage, too. Nobody will ever need that, right?

Nobody is denying the math you complete fucktard

We are saying there are reasons that can't be determined with a simple calculation that make scythes better

If you cant understand that then youre either retarded or just shitposting

Congratulations on creating a shitty new meme for this general thread.

Have you actually read anything I wrote?

Look at the fucking numbers. Sword Kurnoths do 1 more wound on average against their absolute best target. Against everything else they to between half a wound and a third of a wound. For that you trade both increased range (and so the ability to use the thicket at best) and the ability to fuck things that ignore -1 rend.

Math tells us you kill 3 more zombies on average each phase, that is undeniable. My question is: is an average of two more zombies dead each phase worth a reduced use of rerollable save and the ability to actually hurt extremely hard units instead of bouncing against their armor?

You put the range advantage and the pile-in interaction into a formula and get back to us, then we can talk.

>Congratulations on creating a shitty new meme for this general thread.

Some guy whining about how nobody understand math because math says that vulkyte berserkers are the best unit in the entire game is nothing new.

I have one unit of Kurnoth Hunters with swords alongside two units with scythes and bows. Do you know why I have them? Because the swords are fucking gorgeous. I am willing to accept reduced combat prowess in exchange for looking fabulous. I can't speak for others, but that is the only reason to use swords.
Otherwise swords are strictly worse unless you do nothing but fight chaff with them, and even then it's dubious under Tanglethorn Thicket.

>Mock Scythe posters at the start of the thread
>Yet another thread devolved into Scytheposting

Shit like this makes me ashamed to have liked the Sylvaneth since before they got their book.

Holy shit, what happened to (you)?

What is the state of AoS at the moment, is it a good time to get started?

I've been wanting to get into GW for a while and can finally do so but I'm not sure where to get started.

Have all the races been completely redone since fantasy or is that still ongoing?

get some kurnoth with scyhtes for heavy targets and get the drycha and dryads for shit tier target cleaning. also schytes look like ten times better on the model.

u should post this on 1d4chan tactics kurnouth honestly

Is there a decent army list builder?

Still ongoing. Tzeentch and probably Dorfs are the next two releases for AoS, after that there have been some rumors about the major elf rework.
Start by looking at the models you like. Then work from there.

Still going. GW has taken a break from AoS to focus on 40k for the past few months.
Knock yourself out.

>range advantage, too. Nobody will ever need that, right?

really? if they aren't maximizing their pile in then you win with hunters because they are some of the best damage soaking tanks point for point in the game. So no, its not really relevant.

Yes its a good time to come.
Buy some Sylvaneth and thanks us later.

Against any monster, hero or any single model unit that charged your Kurnoth you have a serious risk of having to choose between attacking with everyone or using thickets if you use swords. Using Scythes allow you to do both.

>Against any monster, hero or any single model unit that charged your Kurnoth you have a serious risk of having to choose between attacking with everyone or using thickets if you use swords. Using Scythes allow you to do both.

not positioning your units like a retard also allows you to do both. just saying.

Game is good fun, lore is trash, good time to come in and get your self set up.