/SWG/ Star Wars general: Burning rebels edition

Previous thread Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing and Star Wars: Armada Miniatures Games

Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG System (EotE/AoR/FaD)

Other Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Tabletop (Imperial Assault, Star Wars: Destiny and the Star Wars LCG)

Fantasy Flight Games Dice App (Works with X-Wing, Armada, the Star Wars RPG system and Imperial Assault)

Older Star Wars Tabletop (d6, d20/Saga, etc.)

Reference Materials & Misc. Resources

All Canon Novels and Comics (via /co/)

Just What IS Canon Anyways?

The Clone Wars Viewing Guide


Shipfag's hangar


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I declare this thread the official thread, as it was formed 50 seconds earlier than the other thread.

Wait what?
Someone made a thread almost exactly at same time i made this one?
The hell kinda hive mind are we on?

The Bilar kind.

Nwûl tash.
Dzwol shâsotkun.
Shâsotjontû châtsatul nu tyûk.
Tyûkjontû châtsatul nu midwan.
Midwanjontû châtsatul nu asha.
Ashajontû kotswinot itsu nuyak.
Wonoksh Qyâsik nun.

Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul,
ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.

Fucking Poles, stop shitposting in polish and shitpost in English!

Go to bed, Lovecraft.

Reminder that MechAnon updated the Ugly creator a few threads back.

more slams and jams when

I would like to learn more about these "Armour Maker tank tables" but, my googlefu is apparently weak.

I hope you both recognized the Sith Code in the Sith language and The One ring rhyme in the Black Speech Of Mordor.

Who wants to rate my Imperial Fleet?

Faction: Galactic Empire
Points: 400/400

Commander: Admiral Screed

Assault Objective: Precision Strike
Defense Objective: Contested Outpost
Navigation Objective: Minefields

[ flagship ] Victory II-Class Star Destroyer (85 points)
- Admiral Screed ( 26 points)
- Gunnery Team ( 7 points)
- Spinal Armament ( 9 points)
= 127 total ship cost

Gladiator I-Class Star Destroyer (56 points)
- Assault Proton Torpedoes ( 5 points)
= 61 total ship cost

Raider-I Class Corvette (44 points)
- Agent Kallus ( 3 points)
- Assault Proton Torpedoes ( 5 points)
= 52 total ship cost

Gozanti-class Cruisers (23 points)
- Vector ( 2 points)
- Boosted Comms ( 4 points)
- Bomber Command Center ( 8 points)
= 37 total ship cost

1 Major Rhymer ( 16 points)
1 TIE Advanced Squadron ( 12 points)
2 Firespray-31s ( 36 points)
1 IG-88 ( 21 points)
2 TIE Interceptor Squadrons ( 22 points)
2 TIE Fighter Squadrons ( 16 points)

I just rolled up this horrible contraption.

HornogaTIE Space Early Waring and Target-coordination System (SEWTS)
>Type: Support
>Fuselage: Hornet-Class Interceptor
>Wings: Dianoga-Class
>Engines: TIE
>Hull: 11 RU
>Shields: 35 SBD
>Hyperdrive: No Hyperdrive

>Fuselage Weapon: Dual Medium Ion Cannons
>Wing Support 1: Long-Range Sensors
>Wing Support 2: High-Powered Ship Scanner

>Production Extra: Targeting Computer
>Crew-Added Extra: Kill Markers
>Modification: Shoddy Armor
>Trait: Spaciuos Cockpit

Worse armor than a TIE, no hyperdrive and only a linked medium Ion for self-defense but damn it can coordinate and toss out those target locks like they are going out of style

Did a quick 4plebs search. Don't know if these are the current editions though

--Armour Tables V7.1--

--Armour Appendices V3.5.1--

--Armour Table Glossary--

--The Flier Guy's Plane Tables V0.3 and Helicopter Tables V0.2--

Do we have a shitty (camera?) scan of Friends Like these?

You are amazing. Thank you.

Finally went to see Rogue One with family and friends.

What was the point of the monster thing Saw used on the pilot?

Hammerhead for Armada when?

It was a bit fan service-y in some parts but I can let it up. I spent most of my time trying to spot Rebels references. Anyone else think it was purposely written to give as much hooks for other extended universe materials in the future? So many planets seen for only a brief moment...

The six year old with me went in wanting lightsabers, but I think the kid liked it regardless.

It reads minds dude listen to dialog.

There really wasn't a point, the whole Saw plotline seemed like something vestigial from an earlier script.

Gotta have a weird monster in a Star Wars monster, even if it just seems thrown in. Dianoga, wampa, rancor, the sea monsters in Episode I, the arena beasts, Grevious and the varactyl in Episode III, and the rathtars.

It made the fragmented opening half hour even more fragmented.

Also, I could only see tentacles dicks but maybe that's just me.

We never saw the result of it's use. Saw didn't trust him, he never said anything to the not space taliban again after that point. It means he can only speak the truth, but there was no point for it to be in the movie was my point.

That would make sense: they spent the money making the thing so they used it.

I've heard someone theorize that Saw's monster was reshot to replace a torture scene.

Honestly, I think it's a result of Lucasfilm trying to have a consistent canon across multiple mediums, they keep integrating characters like Saw as major elements in multiple narratives to build unity - but it pulls away from works as a standalone.

Five bucks says an original draft or even original shooting of that screen was the Partisans actually torturing the guy for information which either test screens or executives didn't like, so they made it weird space stuff instead.

>Type: Interceptor
>Fuselage: Preybird
>Wings: Z-95 Headhunter + one TIE/LN wing
>Engines: Quadjumper
>Hull: 10 RU
>Shields: 15 SBD
>Hyperdrive: No Hyperdrive

>Fuselage Weapon: Composite-Beam Laser Cannon
>Wing Weapons: Triple Blaster

>Production Extra: Targeting Computer
>Crew-Added Extra: Countermeasures
>Modification: Additional Single Wing
>Trait: Tweaked Engines & Reliable

This is part with Z-Ceptor when it comes to being a mashed-up piece of thrash. And don't ask me how they drive the damn Comp-beam. That thing must drain every last iota of energy from the shields and most of the engine power

Where else was he in?

Dang it, guess that would have been too much for its rating.

Would have made why the Alliance ditched Saw more clear.

Assuming you mean Saw, he was introduced in the Clone Wars cartoon, featured in the Catalyst novel, was mentioned in a couple other novels, and will be in Rebels season 3.

>A single TIE/ln wing, in addition to Headhunter wings
>Quad engines
What the fuck is this unholy abomination

Why would they cut out a torture scene? It wouldn't be the first time someone got tortured in star wars.

Torture makes the most sense, they were trying to draw some Vader parallels with Saw with robot limbs and breathing machine, they just chickened out of full torture because they couldn't copy Vader's floating dentist disco ball.

Ratings. It could have bumped them to an r instead of pg13 which is what they are shooting for

It's already pretty clear why they ditched him with his guys taking in people with sacks over their heads and chucking explosives all over the place in dense civilian areas.

Nazgûl is a Persian girl's name.

>iranian dudes literally ride Nazguls
This explains a lot about Iran.

>Nazgul means shy rose in farsi and kurdish
tfw you speak farsi and have no idea nazguls are shy roses waiting to be plucke

So it was the dark riders who did 9/11! I FUCKING KNEW IT!

although come to think of it it's more Naz-gool so it means more closely "shy flower". Pronounced completely differently than a Nazgûl, sadly.

It's n-not like I w-want you to wear the One Ring, Frodo-Senpai...

Get on that shit, Monster Musume fan artists.


Did another one for funsies and it spat out something almost worthy of Raith Sienar himself

>Type: Gunship
>Fuselage: NovaSword
>Wings: Manta-class
>Engines: T-65 X-Wing
>Hull: 1~10: 13 RU
>Shields: 37 SBD
>Hyperdrive: No Hyperdrive

>Fuselage Weapon: Light Turbolaser
>Wing Weapons 1: Medium Laser Cannon
>Wing Weapons 2: Concussion Missile Launcher
>Turret Weapon: Triple Blaster

>Production Extra: Life Support System
>Crew-Added Extra: +2 extra Modifications
>Modification 1: Jury-Rigged Deflector Shielding
>Modification 2: Half-Strength Engines
>Modification 3: Extra Armor
>Trait: Infamous

So in short, a gunship that reroutes shield and engine power into running a fixed light turbolaser. To make up for the drop in shield power someone has haphazardly bolted extra armor plates to it. My guess on why it is infamous would be that it's seen as a flying deathtrap by its pilots and incandescent death on wings by anyone on the wrong end of the turbolaser

For all your anarcho-LotR meme needs.

Let's stop goofing around and discuss something that matters.

Zeta-class Cargo Shuttles. And how rad these neo space turtles are.

>Those fins
Man, indoor parking must be a hassle.

Yeah, a lot of stuff mentions how the folding wings improve hangar floor space efficiency, but you gotta make the damn things taller on ships and covered ground hangars to fuckin compensate.

Role: Bomber
Fuselage: R-41 Starchaser
Wings: ETA-2
Engines: Vaksai
Hull Rating: 30RU
Shield Rating: 27SPD
Hyperdrive: None
Weapons: (F)Autoblaster, Adv Proton Torps
Production Extra: Accuracy Corrector
Crew-Added Extra: Kill Markers
Modification: Jury-Rigged Deflector Shielding
Trait: Famous

Somehow this thing killed something and got famous.

Can anyone who knows rate this thing? How bad is it?

Excessive vertical space is pretty much a defining feature of Imperial architecture though. I suspect it's all tied in to having a 100% skyscraper-dwelling society on Coruscant as the core of the Empire.

Would those things even fit in the hangar doors of an ISD-II or MC80?

Fill in the wing gaps and it looks like the Lambdas chubby sister


well it has decent hull armor, ok shields, autoblaster with accuracy corrector and proton torps.

It's pretty much choose between "Hold X to win" or "Fire-and-forget".

So it's a retard proof torpedo bus?

thats what we did with Sherman tanks in WWII. Evidently its easier to store taller things than wider things.

It's the same reason carrier planes wings fold inward (Tomcat) or up (pic related) for storage IRL. Star Wars was borrowing from the US Navy on that one.

Against anything that isn't proper military units? Yes. Could be a good pirate fighter for raiding outer rim colonies or hijacking lightly defended convoys

Yeah, but nothing says "Hey, we're bad people" than a good ol' round of torture.

Somehow I don't think the height of the Sherman had much to do with storage concerns, compared to making things like the drive shaft and fighting compartment fit in there.

Aren't ISDs able to load AT-ATs or at least the vessels to get them on the ground? Because if thats the case then i don't see why not they would be able to fit one of those.

If you looked at the design philosophy one of the driving concerns of the sherman was shipping it en masse overseas. The uniformity of the tight shoulders allowed it to be stored side-by-side more easily.

My sense of that ship's scale is probably off. I haven't seen R1 due to travel and other matters, and completely forgot that the ISD-II has a large hangar on its underside.

Also, aren't AT-ATs capable of kneeling? I always thought they kept the legs folded while inactive to allow for easier storage and quicker troop loading.

Mix that with the Upsilon-class and you have the DS-20 Dropship from I.M.P.S. 2: Norca System

Yeah, you could fit a couple Zetas in there. I think the film shows them going to/from an ISD-I's ventral bay also.

Ie "don't have shit poking out" instead of "let's increase the target silhouette just to make them easier to have standing around".

So I got some Christmas cash and I am trying to figure out what to spend it on. My friends already have fully stocked fleets in Armada so that seems pointless, is the Rebellion board game any good or would Imperial Assault/X-wing be a better choice?

How would you attach the TIE Defender wings to a LAAT/i? Trying to visualize the most weapon overloaded ugly I can.

X-Wing has too many ships and a stagnant meta but can be really cheap to get into and is the most popular FFG game. Nobody plays Imperial Assault.

>stagnant meta
>meta signficantly changed literally the last major tournament.
beyond that, large scale meta only matters if you play at big tournaments.
For most people only the local meta matters, and how good that is depends on your area.

One Defender wing at the end of each LAAT wing, one defender wing replacing each ball turret near the doors

>8 cannons from the Defender wings
>Two cannons on the "nose" of the LAAT
>Two missile launchers
>Two of those spherical cannons on the wings (they're turrets on the lego model but I think in canon they're pilot controlled?)

12 laser cannons in total, two missile launchers. paint it imperial black and grey and I'd fly it


What's the space elf race in FFG?

No tribute to carrie in OP. Sad.

>Defenders and Palp
Imps don't have anything else actually competitive, Rebels can barely play other lists even in local metas and Scum just barely has a second list they can play.

The entire two waves upcoming are useless so yes, stagnant.

protectorate Mind-link
quad-y wings
Defenders with Palp is actually pretty damn new, because that didn't exist before the titles.

Also, before that all of those were being shoved off by triple U-boat.

Don't make statements about stagnant meta when only looking at half of the meta from the last couple of months. I know this might surprise you, but most non-video games with metas, don't change faster than a few times a year.

I mean if she's getting cremated...

why would that matter?

>The entire two waves upcoming are useless so yes

Oh man, you are so fucking wrong. People are gonna do stupid shit with Quads and make you mad with Upsilon combos - and this is just preview theorizing. It takes time for people to cotton on to some combos and ideas, like Mindlink and other situations.

You're just like all the other shitty whiners in the XWM community, talking about how everything is DOA or OP and FFG just needs to reboot the whole thing already, like your one mind is big enough to encapsulate the entirety of a new wave when added to all previous waves and know like the fucking chess computer the ideal outcome.

Four G1-As won a goddamn regional. Shit is crazy right now.

A couple months is pretty significant when the game has multiple new releases every couple of months.

Ideally the meta should manage to change even between releases as the game is complex enough to not be completely figured out, but that's not the case. With wave 10 being worthless we're stuck with our triangle until at least the next wave.

Come on user it's not a very complicated joke.

>Upsilon and Quads
Yeah I'll see you in six months when those are both still unplayable.

I forgot to mention I was going by the ugly generator, so bringing defender wings means no LAAT wings.

But your idea sounds rad. Imitating the original standard LAAT paint job, grey for the previously white areas and black for the red and green areas. Maybe cut the Defender wings on the wings in half, mount each half on opposing sides of the LAAT wing, sorta like an ARC-170. Could see it used by some old EU or pre FO Imperial Remnants. Maybe some alternate uses for the cargo hull, changing its role to capitalize more on all that forward firepower than as a troop transport, or maybe just keep the transport capability for added versatility.

>4 ABY
>running a Gladiator without including the Demolisher title

Other than that, I have no clue. I'm still really new to Armada. It is picking up steam at my LGS, though, and we're starting to prepare for a Corellian Conflict campaign.

Seriously, though, Demolisher is phenomenal.

Well, first off, is retarded.

Rebellion is a fun game, but it can take 2-3 hours to play.

X-Wing is quick and easy to learn, has a ton of variety, and a huge community. It can be daunting for someone just coming in with all the ships and upgrades.

IA is also fun and easy to learn, plus it has the campaign and skirmish games to learn. Not a huge community, but if you play with friends you're good.

it did fucking change you asshat.
It just didn't completely remove the old meta.

>wave 10 worthless
oh, the classic doomsayer overly ambitious prediction.
Can you put a email address out so I can actual send you a video of me laughing when you're proven wrong.

Shit, I thought I was done with this BS when I got out of MtG, but nope clearly 4channer will be this stupid about anything.

If you play with friends any game is fun, don't convince people to buy shitty games.

>Nobody plays Imperial Assault.
It's no X-Wing, but it's fairly well played at my LGS.

If your friends play Armada, why would getting Armada be pointless?

>If you play with friends any game is fun, don't convince people to buy shitty games.
>uses number of players as equivalent to quality
Shouldn't you be playing Yugioh?

Oh I know Demolisher is great. I'm just not quite sure what to drop to fit it in.

Just got back from Rogue One. It was a hell of a film, and I can't help but feel that it may be the best Star Wars since RoTJ.

I'm also really happy that they returned to the milsurp and "used future" aesthetic.

Agent Kallus and Spinal Armament. Kallus depends on your opponent bringing unique squadrons and your Raider being at close range so it can attack them. If you're lucky, Spinal Armament gets you maybe 6 extra red dice over the course of a game, but spread out between 6 different attacks. If Demolisher gets you 2 side arc shots that you otherwise wouldn't have gotten, that's 8 extra black dice. Even if it just gets you 1 extra attack, that's 4 black dice concentrated into a single shot, in a list with Screed and Assault Proton Torps.

That also leaves you with 2 points to spare, either to put into a cheap upgrade or as an initiative bid.

Oh yeah a bunch of shitty sublists appeared once total and despite the many people attempting to copy them not a single person has been able to recreate the anomaly.

Now the meta is totally different and every player is playing a unique list and FFG has become the greatest company of all time.

Except that's not the case and everyone plays one of three lists and the game is managed by a company that has not been able to keep a date for three years and splits high powered cards among worthless expansions to keep the money train rolling.

Thanks user. I've had the game for a while now, but I don't get the chance to play often. Still fine tuning my list.

Type: Bomber
Fuselage: LAATI 2x
Wings: TIE Defender 2x
Engines: Y-Wing 2x
Hull Rating: 40 RU
Shield Rating: 40 SBD
Hyperdrive: Something
Weapons: 6 Light Turbolasers, 2 Quad-Lasers Cannons, 6 Proton Torpedo Launchers, Adv Homing Proton Torps
Production Extra: SLAM Drive
Crew-Added Extra: +2 extra Modifications
Modifications: Additional Fuselage, Additional Wing Pair, Additional Engine
Trait: Distinctive, Heavily Armed 2x

Playing around with this generator can get some crazy thinsg. I thought about using four LAATI fuselages, but figured it needed something to power it.

Writefag, I found this shitty fanfic that tries to frame Kylo Ren and the First Order as Republicans, but as a good thing. I'll find the link soon.

If your ass is here Kodo get in the damn IRC Game.

Wait, Actions are that big? Definitely unofficial since I'm seeing 100m in the old WEG books according to the Wook.

The Interceptor Frigates from EaW and FoC do seem to be about that big though.

Get at that. Quest is seemingly gone baby gone, but I'm drunk enough to try at a classic Pain Train review

Rogue One talk: Who all was fully erect when The hammerhead did it's job?

Does anyone have a PDF of the Rogue One novelization?

That scene was boss. Are those Hammerheads supposed to be remakes of the Old Republic-era ships from a company trying to cash in on their nostalgia, or are they literally the same ships as the Endar Spire?

The latter. They appear in Rebels, and while not new, they're not the same model as the KotOR era Hammerheads.

I think it's just recanonization. The Endar Spire is just a legend now.