Who here accidentally rekt friends with bad investment advice?
>recommended my friend to buy and hold Bat before Mercury released.
He never recovered
Who here accidentally rekt friends with bad investment advice?
>recommended my friend to buy and hold Bat before Mercury released.
He never recovered
>tell friend to buy BAT
>rekt him
Not a good friend op
Don’t feel guilty. A recommendation is just that, a recommendation. People should do their own research. I bet he just wanted a get rich for no effect scheme and was probably susceptible to getting rekt anyways.
Told some guy to not wait for a crash and buy Bitcoin at $2k. Also told him to buy monero at $40.
Fucker didn't listen.
Shilled confido at 1$
Shilled link at 50cents
Shilled powr at 80 cents
Been telling people to buy Eth since ~200 (after it dipped from $400). Easiest gains of my life
>telling a friend to buy anything but bitcoin
why? seriously asking.
"Of course. Crashing their gains was always part of my plan."
Is that a sam hyde frog?
That's really well drawn
>what’s going on big guy?
That sucks. Mines the opposite, begged friends to buy BTC at 7k. Then begged them to buy LTC at $95.
Almost never recommend coins just strategies. I did mention I felt ltc had the most room to grow of the coinbase coins the day before the moon. One of my buds just getting in dropped a grand on it so that worked out.
Around September time my 2 housemates asked me to help them get started in crypto. I shilled them TNT and they lost about 60%.
i told them all to invest but they never listened
well i dont rub it in tho
i think you're right
>recommended my friend to buy and hold ltc
He now earned more then me % wise
Exact same thing happened to me, he was really skeptical but did it anyway and got in right before it mooned. I was waiting for a SEPA transfer and missed out, ended up buying not far off the ATH. Good lesson though
>started crypto in May
>bought RDD at 8 sats, XVG at 14 sats, DGB at 124 sats
>everything moons like crazy first week of June
>tell all my friends to get into crypto, it's free money
>everyone buys in late June
>most of them sell low and lose money
I tell my friends to invest in crypto but I won't recommend anything except BTC.
I'm a full on linkie but I could never live with myself if lost my friends money. I did tell my brother to buy LINK and we got in pre-sibos.. so yeah never again. Although now he's a believer too.
Told a friend to buy a shitcoin. He went all in and the thing started to moon, however he called me nervous at 2AM telling me to buy right now even more. It was an ATH and he lost 2/3 of his total investment a few days later.
I convinced him to sell all and go to Bitcoin *just* before the jump from 10k to 18k and he is now recovered + 600 USD, so I feel pretty guilt free.