What would be the psychological stress to fight demons, eldritch abominations

What would be the psychological stress to fight demons, eldritch abominations
and the like?

Pretty severe. Depending on the setting it can be utterly terrifying(Berserk, for instance), or so spiritually jarring that you yourself will be corrupted unless you have enough willpower to actively resist it the entire time(Warhammer 40k). Or you might survive it but go insane because your human mind had to wrap itself around something beyond human understanding in order to defeat it(Lovecraft).

That depends really. Do they have some form of mind fuckery abilities? Because unless they can influence your mind directly i don't think it would actually be that bad, at least not any more than fighting anything else. It might actually be less of a strain mentally since they are clearly evil and you don't have to worry about guilt at all.



Gee I don't know
What do you think Guts?

Something no Human could realistically handle.

We always talk shit about stuff not being scary but if you saw a lowly reanimated Skeleton/Corpse in real life 100% of Humans would shit their pants and become catatonic with dread. Not even speaking of Daemons.

I bet some people can handle the shock

Your pic is a pretty good example of the end result.

Take the stress that soldiers that sit in a warzone of years.

Then put the stress from untreated mental illnesses on top of that.

After all, people with severe mental illnesses are familiar with how much things like hearing voices, hallucinations, etc. fuck up your life.

Because that's what fighting demons for years will be like. Stress from fighting. And stress from things that should not be.

You have nothing to back up your post. You wouldn't just go catatonic. Realistically you'd kick into fight or flight.

You still probably would go catatonic after the adrenaline from fight or flight had subsided.

Walked into an armed robbery in a store, staring down the barrel of a gun. I just stood there like a sack of potatoes - didn't do shit, didn't say shit until the cops arrived.

And that was just some redneck shits with guns. Not even really scary beyond the firearms.

Frankly, they don't need when we can just go into seizures after observing a pattern of light.

Most likely flight since people lose their shit over noises in a dark house. Have you ever seen those scare videos? At best a person punch's someone scaring them before running.
>Now imagine this comes around the corner.

What is it?

No idea and that's what makes it scary.

post moar these are neat

I don't have a lot left but I can post a few before bed.





and i'm done for now.

I disagree, humans are far more sturdy than you imagine.

One of the main horrors from war is that you're killing other people, humans have an incredible capacity for empathy, the fact that a soldier knows he's killing other living, breathing schlubs like him.
And why it was easier to murder a cunt in the past, since it wasn't a fellow schlub you were murdering, it was that bastard from the next village over, who is probably planning to rape your fields, burn your women and kill then houses, the goat fucking bastard.

People didn't get fucked up over hunting Mammoths, or Tigers, they get fucked up over fighting other people and fighting the living embodiment of evil itself, which is so foul that even its ball sweat taints the earth, so nay'er more will flowers grow 'pon spots it trickles down on would be something people wouldn't torment themselves over on an emotional level.
It is very difficult to dehumanize another human being.
It is very, very difficult to humanize the inhuman in such a way that people feel guilty over what they do to it.

>It is very difficult to dehumanize another human being.

I think you're overestimating the human capacity for empathy. We've been genociding the fuck out of each other over personal taste in self-help books for millennia, and most of us have slept like babies.

Though I guess that just supports your overall point that adventurers probably wouldn't be all that fucked up.

>It is very difficult to dehumanize another human being.

Disagree wholeheartedly.

See: SJWs.

We're doing fine.

>Jester singing Eye of the Tiger
Love it

Alright, correction, its easy to dehumanize other human beings as concepts.
It is however difficult to be handed a weapon and told 'kill this fucker', SJWs are all talk, if you put one in a room with a rich old white guy and a cricket bat, nothing would happen.
Even the ones that say kill all white men.

Fairly certain that's infrahumanization actually. But you are correct in that we do dehumanize other groups. Doesn't mean he's not right. Even if you dehumanize someone it's still more emotionally draining to kill them than say a chicken.

>i'm an untrained average joe moron
>walked into an armed robbery and to the absolute surprise of no one i froze up
>therefore all people are like me and will freeze up in a dangerous situation

dehumanization is easy as fuck
the military has it down to a science

They have it down to a science and PTSD is still a big thing, that's my point.
You ever hear of anyone getting PTSD from killing a moose? After all, Moose are bigger than humans, can be nasty as fuck and dangerous as all shit.

But they're not human.
Demons would come under the same category. It'd be easier to face an actual, physical demon than another person, because they're not people, never have been people, never will be people, you're entirely justified in doing whatever you damn well fancy to a demon.
You don't need to dehumanize them, because they're not human and so one of the main sources of trauma (second only to seeing shit happen to people on your side) is gone.

Easy for a short time, but eventually the PTSD kicks in

Jesus why do people think everyone is so fragile. Seeing a zombie is about .00001% as scary as say, a WW2 firefight. Its difficult to understand or rationalize, but it simply isnt that threatening and literally everyone who has seen movies is familiar with the concept.

Being unable to reproduce with normal females out of fear they might be Succubi, reseeing images of women taking the Demonic D, and etc.

Being able to get an erection from slaying Demons and seeing justice done.

This is why we have Paladin Sexual Helplines.

Your sentence structure is awful.
And given that "demons" and "eldritch abominations" encapsulate so many different kinds of monsters and ideas that the terms are meaningless these days you're going to have to narrow down what you're on about to something more concrete, because right now I could give literally any answer and it would be correct.

Does he actually say this when you camp? Do I really have another reason to take a Jester out with the party?

Everybody is riding that lovecraft dick yo

It IS easier for some slobs to just tell someone "you are crazy now" or "now you are insane" rather then develop actual writing skills I suppose.


Bullshit, if you can handle an acid trip, you can handle a demon. If people can survive a thumbprint of LSD, humans can handle one bitch ass demon

>sees a demon
>doesn't immediately go RIP AND TEAR on its ass with the closest shotgun
You're just a low-t pussy and probably a hillary voter.

>user you must kill the demons
>y tho
>because they wanna kill you, now use this and that

You just adapt and learn to kill demons because you have an intrinsic survival instinct. It just becomes nothing more than merely another step to your survival. If you see something alien and your first instinct isn't "is there a way to kill/fuck this thing?" then you're a pussy.

It's by Keith Tompson I think, it's an amalgamation of dead things from Chernobyl come back to life

Bugfucker sighted.

Keep raging. We need frontliners like you while the real driving forces of civilization harness the suffering you feed demons with to power our spacecraft. Your pride and subsequent agony fills our gas tank.

>You will never be a badass Witch Hunter and be so stern and cold that you kill without hesitation

Why even live senpai

>Premature aging due to being in demonic presence draining life energy
>Lingering depression from demonic energy
>Burns without having touched flames
>Sympathy for evil behavior

If you raise a child right they could be.

>when I'm killing demons
The only suffering I'll have is from my dick getting too hard

humans are built to adapt to various stresses. if fighting demons for a while, people would grow acclimated to the horrors. the trouble though is de-acclimating. that's why people come home with PTSD from warzones. they've adapted to the battlefield, but now those instincts are no longer necessary in a peaceful environment, and you see them in a different light.

so people would ultimately be fine fighting demons and abominations and seeing the most horrific horrors daily. but if you try to bring them back to a peaceful idyllic village, their new instincts are going to cause them a lot of problems

It's one of his camping skills. It's literally called Tiger's Eye.


Since the demons would touch the minds of the soldiers a variety of impossible realities from different planes would coalesce in the mind like a cancer. You could have it be so severe that holy magic gives them migraines because of the taint in their heads. Also you could have demon war 1 be over and there are pockets of demons popping up from vets who blew their brains out, freeing the tiny demon babies inside.

On the topic of Demons and fighting them, can a Christfag please school me in why the Morning Star and his 1/3 of all the Host of Heaven were defeated and cast down, rather than killed/destroyed/annihilated/unmade?

I don't even know, but I think it was some shit about them not having physical form, so they technically can't be destroyed or some shit. That or some thing the G-man said about never destroying them.

That's only partially true. The folks doing the more hands-on parts of the genocide have always suffered more than the folks rationalizing it from on high.

She seems nice.

And PTSD is treatable if the soldiers go in for treatment. I sat there as a doc got up and explained to us that if we actually got treatment PTSD is managable. It's just most soldiers don't want to admit weakness due to social taboos and try to self medicate with alcohol instead. If you just admit it and go in for treatment early on they actually have a very good track record for treating it. Also, a large portion of PTSD is not about killing people, its about the prolonged periods of combat stress and their effects on the body.

I believe the myth stated that it was because Yahweh foretold that they would be defeated at the end of time taking all of mankind to heaven and leaving them in the empty universe eternally outside of his presence, and considering they were cast down to earth and not hell it's really odd people think Lucifer is lord of hell, also something about Yahweh and forgiveness it's really all a contradictory mess.


Definetly a redshirt whose going to be brutally killed off soon.

>It's just most soldiers don't want to admit weakness due to social taboos
There's legal repercussions too. I've got two lgs buddies who've expressed interest in getting help, but haven't for different reasons. One of them WILL lose custody of his son if he seeks treatment. He already barely won it, and his ex will absolutely appeal if he's mentally adjudicated. Considering that being there for his kid is about the only thing that keeps him stable, getting help would ruin him. The other has about 20k in guns he'd rather not lose, including his grandfather's heirloom WWII bringbacks.

Well yeah but the doc isn't there to tell you about the legal troubles you are gonna have when you get back. The doc is there to tell you about how great treatment is and that you don't need to worry about ptsd if your not a dumb ass.

A mistwraith

Both of those friends can get help without legal trouble there is this thing called Doctor-Patient privilege for a reason. as long as the ex doesn't find out one will be fine, and the second unless the states laws state that he can't have guns with PTSD, he can get help as well.

Imagine spending years fighting monsters. Now imagine trying to spend time with your family and wondering if that weird thing they did is just a thing they developed while you were gone or a giveaway that a being from beyond space and time is wearing them as a skinsuit and will kill you in your sleep.

They have a disorder for that.

What if the knight was from a now deceased single mother, and worked at a call center?

Are the monsters we create stronger than the monsters nature creates?

It depends.

How big is it? Can you kick one to death if you get the drop on it, but risk getting overwhelmed by five of them at the end of a hallway? Or do they tower over an average man and shrug off small arms like paintballs?

Does it look like something out of your average monster manual, or is it a distorted mockery of ordinary biological structures? Is it a simple beast that acts on instinct and hunger, or is it intelligent and cruel in its actions?

How widespread are they? Are you going to see one solitary demon in your whole life and have the occasional nightmare, or are they a global pandemic? Can they reproduce? Do they parasitize humans to do so?

Does it communicate? Does it think? Is it something we can understand? Is it something we can predict?

Are we talking beefy dog-sized fuckers that run around mindlessly tearing faces off when they get in someone's pet door? Or slender, man-sized aberrations that hover silently in front of you for a few seconds before taking your hand as a trophy? Or monstrosities the size of a football stadium that float slowly over the horizon, spraying mutagenic mist that causes cancerous tumors to burst forth from its victims and form mushroom-like networks across the city?

How well trained are the humans? Are they suburban teenagers, a local peasant militia, a well-trained army unit? Have they encountered the supernatural before? How often? Too often to not be paranoid? Have they watched their friends die? Be tortured? Be eaten alive?

Can we kill it? If not, can we stop it? If not, can we avoid it? If not, can we flee it? If not, can we survive it?

Basically, the bigger, tougher, more dangerous, more sadistic, more numerous, more incomprehensible, and further from "normal" they are, as well as the less equipped the person is to deal with this shit, the more damaging it should be to the psyche. PTSD, paranoia, panic attacks, depression, acute psychotic episodes, and dissociation are all good consequences.




Stress? None
You would just get called edgy

Wow, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
You don't need to kill other humans to get ptsd, people get it from things like car accidents, it's really any sufficiently stressful situation and that threshold varies in a way that we don't yet understand with little connection to cultural concepts of "strength" and "weakness".

If faced with an actual demon some people might go catatonic. Not everyone, but people do in fact do that in real life in horrible disasters and accidents and terrifying situations. Heck, there's that guy who had a heart attack when a lion jumped in their car and dragged out the person they were with.

Wew, you're retarded.
PTSD is not being "adapted to the battlefield". Aside from the fact that it can be caused by things other than battlefields, it hampers people and their functionality and can trigger them to freak out with unreasonable reactions and even delusions, it's hardly the honed useful battlefield "instincts" that you imagine.

>You don't need to kill other humans to get ptsd, people get it from things like car accidents, it's really any sufficiently stressful situation and that threshold varies in a way that we don't yet understand with little connection to cultural concepts of "strength" and "weakness".

Exactly. PTSD has nothing to do with killing other people. Mental problems that arise from killing other people turn into guilt complexes.

PTSD is what happens when you're in an extreme state of fear for your own life for a very long time.

>PTSD is what happens when you're in an extreme state of fear for your own life for a very long time.

And having to deal with invisible enemies that may or may not around you right at this moment, that may or may not be possessing your neighbours, friends and family right now, that may or may not be possessing YOU right now...

That will FUCK you up. At least a soldier during the Iraq insurgency would know there are no IED's and no ambushes in the US army base. When you fight demons, NO PLACE is safe. You will be in a warzone 24/7, 30/31 days a month, 12 months a year.

>PTSD is what happens when you're in an extreme state of fear for your own life for a very long time.
Or a very short but traumatic time.
We really don't understand the underlying mechanisms at this point and are just focused on our best attempts at treatment.

After you kill one it should be relatively alright.

Yes. That's true.

But all evidence points to PTSD being an absolute certainty when you put a soldier in a modern battlefield.

Every soldier will develop PTSD. The only difference between soldiers will be how fast or slow they develop it (will it be months, years or decades?) and how bad the symptoms will be.

Because the symptoms range from relative mild events like crying like a baby while drinking at the pub with friends to killing off your entire family in a psychotic breakdown.

Well, war is hell.
So hell would be double-hell, maybe, I guess, or maybe double-war?

Tell me the average person would come out of fighting necromorphs IRL totally fine.

You fucking retard, PTSD isn't caused by killing people.

It is caused by constant fear of losing your life for a long and/or intensive period of time.

How difficult do you think it would be to kill an apostle from an emotional point of view?

Apostles are basically demons that were once human after all, could you bring yourself to kill a non-hostile apostle that was just doing whatever?

>the military has it down to a science
Which is why I do not show any sympathy to soldiers. If you don't see people in other lands as human, I don't have to see you as human.

Might as well off yourself once you're done.

I tell you, it'd be a hell of a lot easier than killing a regular human who didn't also happen to be a fucking demon.

You can go fuck yourself. Just fucking kill yourself you self righteous hypocritical piece of shit.

>non-hostile apostle
Do we forget how they became apostles in the first place?

They're each guilty of something terrible. Sure, Christ forgives, but Christ doesn't exist in that setting.

No it wouldn't be. Because humans are a lot easier to kill than demons.

And that difficulty in how to kill demons, automatically feeds back into the mental illnesses you'll acquire hunting them.

The more difficult the task, the longer you'll be in fear of your life. Which gives you more stress, which heightens the chances of acquiring PTSD, which in turn makes you even more susceptible to more mental illnesses.

>Apostles are basically demons that were once human after all, could you bring yourself to kill a non-hostile apostle that was just doing whatever?
Their whatever is always, always something terrible.

Apostles really are a bad example for fighting demons, since they're physical entities that act more like how vampires and werewolves in stories work.

Demon hunting is typically shown to be all about chasing invisible entities and trying to convince others that you're actually trying to hunt demons and you don't just tie up and torture innocent people.

Depends on the enemy really

Fighting something like orcs or elves? You wouldn't bat an eye, just aim and shoot and watch them fall. Get some therapy if you need it but other than that no problem

Fighting something like liches and the undead? I can see how some people would be shaken up a bit and need some time to recover, maybe a few suicides here or there due to the sheer horror factor.

Fighting something like Stereotypical demons? That is to say hoofed and horns red skin and tridents? Probably worse than killing elves but not as bad as killing undead, since most people are already pretty much accustomed to the thought that demons need to go to hell anyway.

Now, if we're talking about something that infringes on our physical instincts of fear, something like necromorphs from dead space or apostles from berserk, I think that's where people end up massively fucked up in the head. These are things that go beyond our emotional state and social ideals. From an instinctual point of view these things are fucked up and scary.

Then you enter eldritch things which explicitly state that just looking at them will fuck you up.

Apostles revert back to their human form whenever they die, this often leaves gutts standing in the center of carnage and townspeople and guards screaming bloody mary while he tries to explain/get away.

In fact Guts even had to kill a crowd of kids and then vomited after taking a little girl hostage so he could escape from angry townspeople.

>Demon hunting is typically shown to be all about chasing invisible entities and trying to convince others that you're actually trying to hunt demons and you don't just tie up and torture innocent people.
Not really.

And usually sacrificed something truly important to them to become the awful monsters they are.

It's a rough job, but someone's gotta do it.

I bet you're the guy who got bullied a lot and was too scared to break your bully's teeth.

Have you ever read classic horror literature or seen any classic horror cinema?

>posts some lowest common denominator cashgrab AAA shite game art

Good call bud, good call.

>classic literature/film
lowest common denominator is typical. No one reads anymore, everyone has bad taste, deal with it

Aye, and it was almost always a fucking person.

What if it all went to shit, Veeky Forums, and all the portals opened up.

What kind of defences would we have? What kind of guns and weapons would be useful against abominations?

Please feed my occultboner

You do realise that there's a huge amount of fantastical fiction that has been produced before big budget cocksucking suit-goons discovered that teen nerds with too much money were a viable target for trash fantasy?

Do you even know how many stories about demons and demon hunters exist?


Just pray to the horrors, and hope you'll be eaten first.

>eldritch abomination
Fucking nonsense. "Ooh tentacles and other fish/plant-like qualities, how truly fucking terrifying!"

Lovecraftian shit is only scary if you're some faggot Christcuck who lived in the 20s.

No you retard. The real stress from fighting eldritch abominations is that you cannot fight them.

They are smarter than you, wiser than you, stronger than you, faster than you, have better technology, and they have achieved a superior state of being, from immortality all the way to invincibility.

Whatever you do, you cannot harm them. And they can harm you.

The horror does not lie in what they are, the horror lies in the futility of your actions.

You fucking retarded HFY faggot.