Veeky Forums Drawthread: The Death of the Drawthread Edition

Last time, on Veeky Forums drawthread: Requesters:
>Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for.
>Hold off on additional requests after receiving a delivery from an artist, be mindful of the other requests that might deserve attention.
>Bump your request only after 24 hours has passed, you may bump once every 24 hours after the first.
>If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait a 2-3 threads or so to re-request it.
>Reminder that nobody is entitled to a delivery under any circumstances within these threads.
>Ignore the bait, you're better than this

Artists and Artists-to-Be:
>Feel free to drop your tumblrs/websites/commission/etc information, but:
>If you're dropping your commission info, consider filling a request beforehand instead of just advertising

Books and Tutorials:

Figure Drawing:

Beginners Guide to Drawing:

The w/ic/i art Guide:

Other urls found in this thread:

Reposting my request from previous thread, hope this is fine:

I need help with my character and his stand.
To give some info, the game is Pathfinder, Golarion, like you'd expect. The class is Kineticist with Avant Guard archetype which basically gives you a stand. The game we're also playing has to make flawed characters, mine is a petty, mute asshole who uses his guile and wit to overcome most obstacles while his stand is a hidden trump card he can summon at any time. Yet he also has a secret heart of gold and is a believer of 'tough love' philosophy, due to his backstory.

I just need a picture for the stand and I don't have much guidance besides this: it has to be humanoid, no facial features at all and a mix of mechanical-fey. Otherwise, go crazy.

I am looking for a very rough, simple human female wireframe (in your classic da Vinci spread-arm stance) with red overlays indicating amputations at these points. Seriously simple, if you spend more than ten minutes on this, you're overthinking it.

OR migrating and dropping anchor. Still loving what you're doing with this request, dude. Hope you lot had a Merry Christmas, by the way.

I would like to request a digital tracing of this glorious picture

anchoring wip for Jedi knight

Repostan. Requesting my Miraluka seer from my FaD game. Her outfit is very similar to this(basically stereotypical jedi robes), but with the hood down and her having long grey hair. Her lightsaber is also orange, thanks!

Repost inbound, thought I'd give a more detailed summary of the request to go with the reference image

Requesting art of a Stand user for a JoJo FATE game a guy I know is running. The user, Jon Bon Joestar, has a Giorno-esque body shape, hair similar to Joseph but slightly shorter, green eyes, and wears a purple suit with a white shirt, white shoes and a black tie with the name of his Stand embroidered on it in gold lettering. The Stand, 「BAD MEDICINE」, resembles an African medicine man with a build similar to Jon, stony skin and a golden mask with emeralds in the eye sockets.


Taking simple/unsettling requests

And any pre 90s song of your schoice

user above you here, Bad Medicine was 1988

Requesting a dog with a human face smoking a cigar while it waits under a lamp post

A skinless demon horse.

huh, what a coincidence.
i will try.
i will try


Doing god's work user

The original version by King Crimson can't be found on youtube and I prefer how Belew performs it alone compared to the live versions by King Crimson

A giant wasp walking over a beholder's unblinking eye

Reposting since new bread

Anons of draw bread what deliveries have you received or seen that has blown you away?


I got a lewd back when that was allowed, but it was a Greenmarine pic of awesome quality.

Posting broken?

One of my players got this:

>tfw no more (You)s

Goddamn it hiroshimoot

Anywho reposting in new bread

Requesting a burly knight dude.

>wearing the three pieces of armor in the top but the pieces of cloth in the chest piece are ragged like in the leg piece

>chest piece doesnt have the gold bits on it

>cloth pieces are colored a grayish blue

>helmet has a small crack near the eyes

>has a tabard of his familys house which is the bull from pic

>sword looks like artorias but in the style of the knights sword on the right with the extended hilt and chain covering it

Requesting a techpriest being scared by an iphone


This is probably the best delivery I've gotten.

Not mine, but this was pretty epic

Oh shit thats my nigga zion alexeil ive commissioned some lewds from him before. Didn't know he lurked these threads.

could always post it in aco or d and crosslink it

I really liked this one. But I've gotten a lot of nice deliveries so I can't really post them all without eating up a shitload of space.

I think Hiroshima thought that when people said "Shitposters just want to get (you)s", it meant he could end shitposting by removing (you)s from Veeky Forums

removing backlinking is the next step

Then we'll have to quote people, and the quotes will be in these big fuck-off boxes. And there will be a space for post signatures at the bottom of every post.
And we'll need usernames and profiles to post.

And suddenly 2^3chan becomes a lot more appealing.

unfortunately they don't have anything that resembles Veeky Forums

I mean, they have Veeky Forums

It's pretty dead but if we all left here it'd probably come back


Did the artist for this one leave their name?

then how the fuck am i suppose to track posts without my (you)s? i don't want to scroll through a 500+ post thread ;_;

Veeky Forums X tracks (you)s

Just downloaded that, but the [Update] button on threads is now gone. That shit is annoying, any way to get it back?

bottom left, there should be an update button, or also top right you can click the seconds counting down

I recommend disabling backlink in-lining, shit gives me a headache

Set it to automatic by default


I really liked this, mostly because it caught the feeling of the scene so perfectly.

RIP in peace, campaign

Veeky Forums X gave me a headache. The way of the future hurts, so I uninstalled it.

Reposting my request from the last thread. I'd like my AoR pilot in the cockpit of her Y-Wing.

Hmm... I'll break the streak of recents ones with some stuff from ages long pasts.

Basically a towering 6'9 shitbrick house in ostentatious engraved carapace/plate colored crimson. Bit of a techno/medieval look. Coat of arms is a Sword wrapped in blue roses engraved onto the chest. Has a big ass warhammer. Head is exposed. Curly red beard and hair. Macho brute, but flamboyant and affable.


Reposting because of the new thread

Requesting a human female rogue/sailor

She's the only child of a a man whose family has always been first mates for another family's shipping enterprise but as there is a taboo on female leaders on the open sea she was never that harsh education.

She's dressed in furs like the reference but with no head covering and she has a shield strapped to her back.

I'd already be pleased to have a drawing of her standing but if she could be trying to stand on a kayak and falling with her oar sent flying in the sky that would be great.


Requesting my Gnome Monk.

The idea for this character is pretty much that he's a cage fighter that participates in a bunch of underground arenas for fame and glory. When I told my DM that his outfit is Oni inspired he gave me the idea for a stage name "The Little Devil"


Sorry to say, no. And I didn't think to ask at the time or I probably would have comm'd them for stuff later.

i dealt with some uncharted territories here. Feel free to rerequest if you dont like it
i will try.

Creeps this is beautiful, I demand more of you

Shadow child

Oh shit, that was mine! And it was massively epic, can confirm. Sadly her campaign died after literally one session, and I picked up Rogue Trader instead.

Speaking of, still reposting my request for an image of my Rogue Trader. She has a forearm-mounted Inferno pistol and Exotic Weapons Training in Eldar Firepikes now, which means that the old image I had of her with her power sword and plasma pistol isn't the most accurate anymore.

All the information should be in the reference. Thanks!

I'd like to yet again request a drawing of an Inkei for a friend of mine who's going to be playing one soon.

An Inkei is a First Circle Demon of Metagoas (from Exalted) and appears to be a short, curvy female with albino skin made of solid enamel, pillowy lips, light-colored eyes and blonde hair. Her purpose is to attract and allure victims. To do so, she utilizes her curved body, carving their enamel "skin" to form alluring designs - she is hollow beneath the enamel skin. Out of any potential holes she may make come pheromones and incense, fumes to make her victims docile and agreeable. Then she extracts emotion, willpower and memories of the victim, her many long tongues and inherent charms keeping her victims addicted and senseless as she feeds from them - her many tongues are each a meter long.

Thank you in advance if you pick this up!

>pillowy lips
good fucking taste

Not drawing, but wow that sounds fucked up.

try /aco/'s shortstack threads.


Ah no way man. His version is good, but the King Crimson vocals create the perfect atmosphere for the song

This one. The campaign may have died after going to shit, but I got this awesome artwork out of it.

Holy shit, that might be the best I've ever seen.

Sorry to hear that all that work was for nothing in the end, I remember that request and the time it took you to get it

Oh, the campaign was still great. It was just a case of GM fatigue after a while, and the fun died off when he started running out of ideas.

And like I said, I was delighted just to get this picture.

Sorry for the you, but does she wear clothes at all? And if she is naked, does she even have actual anatomy? (pusspuss & nipples etc) I don't know much about Exalted, I'm curious

Requesting a Rifts RPG wilderness scout wearing Bushman style fully environmentally sealed body armor and armed with a C-10S Laser Sniper rifle with scope and a bipod. Goggles up on helmet, mask/respirator hanging off to one side. A ghillie suit or camo cape is optional. The character is a proficinet woodsman and sniper with suitable fieldcraft and field expedient camouflage skills.

Green Woodland Camouflage patterns such as US Woodland or Swedish M90 pattern armor would be cool, something suitable for northern US/Southern Canada.
But camo is a lot of work. Thanks for considering my request!

Do you guys have a booru by any chance?


you still here buddy?

Love your drawings, user. I'd like you to draw Magna of Illusion by Blue Oyster Cult.
You could do any part you want, but what really stands out for me is the image of a mad old captain and his dog bursting through the door and presenting his granddaughter with the stolen mirror.

If you arent feeling it then I think the 7 Diz-busters would be fun.


Roll was too good for these threads.

Haha WOO! thanks!

And now he's dead.

there's no visual references except for the typical demonette anatomy

Thank you, that's all I wanted to know.

Actual OR here. No clothes, because she's a demon. And I had to double-check with my friend who homebrewed them, but yes. They do have anatomy. Full anatomy. They don't *only* use their tongues to keep their victims distracted, as it turns out.

Also apparently they have a tongue in each orifice. So...


Really? Who is it?

Not much of an artist, but I thought I try... It's not done yet, but I need to sleep. Tell me what you think, if you care enough for it or if you want me to scrap it so someone else can pick it up. Also I can't into anatomy. Good night.

>Not much of an artist, but I thought I try...
You are now mate, that looks really good.

It turned into a big request, but I'd love to see my halfling cavalier and her noble steed, Chomper the Donkey

by far the best thing i have gotten, still love it

Requesting Pic related but with Magnus The Red on accordion, Ahriman on trumpet and a random sorcerer on keyboard.

was this drawn with a mouse


now this is heresy

Of all of the rumors I've seen thrown around here that one's the cutest.

I dont know, its more of cute or atleast lovely. Atleast they look like they love each other. Mloob nac evol, right?

Wonder who those 40K characters supposed to be? Or are those just generic random characters?

eldeer is the elf probably, always been a whore for human cock

No its not 'cause I remembered seeing that request and the OR saying its Idranel with her human lover. (Not a knwon character, just a generic guy she boinked with) And if I remembered that was supposed to be based on a fapfic.

Rolled 1 (1d14)

Rolling for a request.

I'd like to request a married couple: a male elf and a human woman who's elderly, like 70s or late 60s.

The pic of the guy in the left is what the male elf husband looks like and the same type of clothes he'd be wearing. And the pic of the woman and her clothes in the right is what elderly human wife would be wearing.

And both the elf husband and human wife are holding a photo of themselves some years ago where the human wife was much younger. And both the elf husband and human wife would be smiling to the screen: POV style if that's what it's called.

Anchors aweigh!

Requesting my orc fighter pilot for an upcoming shadowrun game from any merciful drawfags

Im looking for him to be standing in front of his fighter like the rcaf pilot in pic related, dressed in the flight suit in the top left holding his helmet in his hand. His fighter is basically everything in the bottom left, but there's one angle in the top left of that image that I think will work well. Top right is his metahuman look, but I want him to have aspects of ryan down in the corner, and with ryan's confident half-smirk. No hair though.

If you want to stick a roundel on there, I guess the UCAS would have a red star in the middle of a normal RCAF/RAF roundel, or maybe a maple leaf inside of the USAF roundel. No need to do it, just thought it would look interesting.

Cheers to whoever is enticed.


>humanoid, no facial features at all and a mix of mechanical-fey
Am I reading this right?
Is this the total request?
Certainly doable, just like to be sure before I start.

A stand is what you put sheet music on or where you sell lemonade from.