>measuring in fiat
Measuring in fiat
I can't buy korean prostitutes with bitcoin
I'm sure you could if you asked.
I'm done arguing with you delusional retards.
Just go back to /r/bitcoin and stay there.
Really? Some of them have the QR code tattooed and everything
I own ARK... measuring it in satoshis is just too painful
I measure in LINK, this way all my coins are always mooning.
yeah I mesure every gains with Fiat. why shouldn't I? you know bitcoins value is dictated by fiat right?
Exactly, that's why you only ensure btc in fiat, everything else, sats.
why did you post a picture of yourself OP?
why would you measure one unstable thing with another?
it's like measuring something's height when the meter keeps changing in size
makes sense to measure in fiat because it's stable
>reddit spacing
R/btc is that way
more traps pls
people have different investment goals. some want BTC because they envision a glorious new BTC future. others just want more fiat so they can buy some furniture or whatever. live and let live.
>March 2018
>btc hits 50k
>buttcoin faggots start endless threads
>meanwhile, req and link both are above $2, omg is $70, and ark is $50
>hur durp ackumulate satoshiz
>a year later, all those alts mentioned moon harder while btc is either crushed by wall st, replaced by btc cash, or just bleeds out because it's shit tech so now it's $7500
>accumulate satoshis......
reddit didn't invest the Enter key buddy
>invest in bitcoin
>my sats stay the same
>failure at crypto investing
Not an argument
yes, we know you despise the normies because some chad beat you up in high school.
heh, thats how we know youre new to crypto. the reason people measure in sats is because of how literally easy it is to make tons of money in. being up USD is so easy, that measuring against sats is an easier way to see if youre making more money than just holding bitcoin (if youre not, should just hold bitcoin and forget about trading)
duh. lmao.
>Buy fuckwitcoin from fuckwitcoin's lone dev
>you are the lone bagholder and he doesn't want to buy it back
>there is literally zero volume
>bitcoin price goes up 10%
>"Wow, fuckwitcoin has gone up 10%, what a great buy"
You are measuring against the reserve currency and the reserve currency is BTC. You are gauging whether your purchase is winning or losing against the thing you made your purchase with, which is BTC. The fact that you sold BTC to buy fuckwitcoin means that is the meaningful measure of whether buying your coin was a good decision or not.
Get it in your heads you fucking deluded normie newfag retard faggots.
they wont. they'll trade their shit from 1btc to 1 sat and somehow think they are in the green.
You cant argue with this level of stupid
>shitcoin worth 50% more satoshis
>bitcoin worth 100% less usd
>"wow I'm making so much money!"
>he unironically measures in BTC
>he actually holds any BTC
>his goal with crypto is to buy more BTC
Holy shit I thought it was just a meme, is Veeky Forums this stupid?
only gen-x biz is this retarded, they are basically boomers
when they start doing shorts on the CME futures, btc will be dead
>opportunity cost is how you should measure your investments
Can we stop with this meme?
You don't measure the value of IBM and Apple stock with Amazon stock
fucking kys retarded newfag
>is Veeky Forums this stupid?