>go to /s/
>cant jackoff because they post nothing but tumblr tier shit
>come to Veeky Forums
>cum buckets
Go to /s/
>can't jackoff
>can't checkout
>can't jack off
>can't cash out
>can’t jack off
>can’t solve oracle problem
I'm jackin' it right now.
keep posting them donouts, user
Jacking off is not a good deed
Degenerate scum itt
>>come to Veeky Forums
>>cum buckets
All the asian qts and money you make
This is way too accurate.
That anne leeze chick people keep posting in particular... Fuck. Had to go to the archives to see the whole album.
Friendly reminder that jacking off makes you retarded, unproductive and depressed.
Who is that?
Otherwise If you don't cum in the end
holy FUCK
Well I'll be damned
I find this gif mesmerising and im not even an ass man.
I literally beat off almost everyday and fuck my gf twice a day. Like clockwork. You guys are just low test
>Inb4 normie with gf
That's a big Bitcoin bubble
Veeky Forums has a unique taste compared to /s/. While /s/ focuses on common girls (especially used goods) with most likely boring pictures of asses and tits. Veeky Forums fetish focuses on unused goods getting corrupted due to prostitution, cuckoldry, and sluts getting pumped by old rich men. We mostly fap to pits and navel.
i disagree with your hypothesis. I think the reason the girls Veeky Forums post are more enticing is because it is a blue board. Now, this may sound absurd but hear me out, foremostly, being a blue board forces Veeky Forums to be more creative and so instead of a bland image of some naked cunt with decebt tits and arse but nothing you havent seen 2million times before there might be a girl holding a seemingly innocuous item in a lewd way or somesuch which lends novelty to the image and makes it more engaging. Furthermore, since simply having tits cant be relied upon since they cant be shown the images will typically be of a higher quality to remain appealing. These can apply to any blue board.
I would also present the idea that a clothed woman is more enticing than a naked woman because of the mystery associated and the fact that a womans cunt is simply never going to be perfect but if shes clothed then it might be and one is free to imagine whatever they find the most appealing. So a woman who might, in reality, only have an 8/10 body can appear as a 10/10 by hiding her flaws.
However, this is all tremendously autistic and id never utter a word of it outside of a transient cambodian goose stepping agora.
It's all about trade, brother. The rarer the specimen, the better the result.
when is it gonna burst?
wtf is this
nice ass sempai
bubble butt is best bubble
mostly this, but its also because successful Veeky Forumsnessmen have high inhibition and selective taste. Add that to the fact that you come here for serious reasons and you've got the perfect recipe. Nothing makes a thought quite as enticing as trying NOT to think about it
ass sweat gross
Stop posting my wife.
Veeky Forums-approved fetishes
Not even posting best girl
>want to post hot girls on Veeky Forums
>remember pajeet is looking
freezes me in my tracks everytime
I come to Veeky Forums to jerk off, yeah, but not to the pictures of women, but to my raising cryptos. Thots are nowhere near as exciting as to making money.
this, you're not making real money if you never came buckets looking at those green candles. I myself jerked off at least twice during the run up to 10k sats pre-sibos for LINK.
Who ran over her fingers?
Because girls on Veeky Forums are apparently 10/10
>come to Veeky Forums
>cum buckets
Obviously you hodl btc and xmr. Thats why I cum every time I'm on here.