"Cъ нaми Бoгъ"-edition
Old thread: pastebin.com
"Cъ нaми Бoгъ"-edition
Old thread: pastebin.com
I know there's a bigger version of this. Would anyone kindly post it, if they have it? Please?
>White Bishop
Used to be a White Knight kind of guy, but I figure I don't want to go somewhere far awar instantly. With the powers I've chosen, it'll be much more fun to take my time. I can rejuvenate myself too, so I have plenty of time to stop and smell the flowers, so to speak.
>Black King
I can already change their bodies, why not change their minds too? Walk the earth as a healer, a shaper, and a therapist.
Not to say I'm completely altruistic. I fully intend to take what I want, when I want. But I think the good I'll do will outweigh me occasionally making myself a traveling companion
I made one a bit like that.
I need a fresh look on what I'm making.
Is my choice of fonts and backgrounds okay? Is this readable? Should I change anything?
I think your introduction text should be centered, too much free space in the top right. A picture there wouldn't go amiss if you want to keep the text where it is
The font is perfectly readable to me and the color is appealing. Although the green font on the green box is a bit hard to read.
Want to get into making cyoas, give me an idea
Fantasy shop CYOA. Selling items near a dungeon to adventurers to get rich, or get something else.
Choose where you will set up, what you sell, what services you can offer, add some low key lewd stuff, etc.
You are given the opportunity to achieve power at a price. You are to choose one of 10 disgusting real world parasites and become infected with it. Upon surviving the parasite, you gain power proportional to the lethality or pain of said parasite. A tapeworm may give you mild regenerative powers, where as malaria would grant you hemomancy
You have to cure it on your own, any third party intervention will render the parasite berserk and you will die painfully
Funny how often people make this post and how they never make any of the CYOAs that were suggested.
Make a CYOA shitposting CYOA: Including options like this, bait about raping Angel and so forth.
Outfit your F40PH to be the baddest motherfucker on the rails!
Select armaments, engine type (cannabalize that Turbotrain for its jet engine!), is it conventional rail or has it been outfitted for the suspended monorail?)
What sort of cars do you pull? Are there special cars geanted from certain factions?
Make a crew page with waifu options for best results
A fetish dungeon master CYOA. Give us options about what kind of kinks and fetishes we'll have, and the qualities of our slave/s.
shamefully reposting for grammatical revision
I think it looks fine!
Could you explain that picture?
Spanish civil war cyoa. Choose or make your own side, get some companions and troops and start fucking shit up
what is there to explain?
slan is cool
Slan is a member of the God Hand, the leaders of the Apostles and the biggest bads officially revealed so far.
Unlike her fellows, Slan has taken something of a personal interest in Guts. She finds him interesting (and sexy.) Everyone else in that image is a member of Guts' current crew.
>It's actually 1.06
You did that on purpose didn't you user.
I'll post the next version of the companion PDF tonight just to make up for him user.
Ah, I never watched Beserk. Slan seems great.
She gets off on watching people suffer and the reason she loves Guts is because she wants to see him suffer even more.
Also a sadomasochist who sexually enjoys having her body torn to bits by his sword.
So, Veeky Forums, how many CYOAs you made so far?
6, 8 if you count the ones I made ironically. 9 if you include the one I made a year ago but never managed to complete or make good.
Currently making my first one.
One shitpost and a quarter-dozen nonstarters
I got a weak spot for evil sexy girls like that. But poor Guts, he does suffer a lot from what I've heard. If only she would genuinely care about someone then she'd be a perfect yandere.
70+, I think? It has been a while since I last counted.
Th-thanks Highlander Senpai
As always, blame the /d/ moderators and the fags who made a bunch of rollan CYOA posts in that brief window recently where they were allowed.
I'd take the white pawn and the black pawn.
Step 1: Create clones
Step 2: Send clones to perform tasks en masse
Step 3: Profit.
Before too long I should be outstripping even the white queen since There's 8 of me and I can increase my base stats as well as my skills.
9 (not counting previous versions before remakes) and 2 half CYOAs that were never finished.
Forgot to link.
You are the whiniest motherfucker in this thread. You specifically looked through an entire thread for the sake of finding ONE post saying it doesn't like a fetish CYOA among all the people talking about how they enjoyed it and posted their builds. That's some impressive fucking cognitive dissonance and cherry picking your your part. You can't even post PDFs on your shit board, dumbass. It wouldn't go there even if your thread WAS allowed.
3 small ones, currently working on a significantly bigger one. I'll be posting an alpha soon.
Started 3, almost finished with one.
I would've finished a week or two ago with another one, but the holidays mucked up my schedule more than I thought they would.
Over 70. It's been a while since I counted.
yays, I did it on purposé. I posted it with intend to trick you in particular, "00 dubs" Anonymous. And you fell for my well planned trap.
Toxoplasmosis gondi.
Wolbachia that gives you the power to make people into QT girls and infertile dickgirls, but affects you.
Girls that get spontaneously pregnant.
Man that's sort of a weird and baseless reaction but I can see why my post might've seemed like that. I just saw that post much earlier in the morning and wanted to bitch about /d/ again.
My point is that regularposters who don't want /d/posters here are in almost complete agreement with the /d/posters. It is a shame that fetish shit has to coexist with other stuff.
Then of course there's the larger, completely unrelated complaint that any large, popular content tends to dominate the thread for a while. That's more or less an unsolvable problem unless the content becomes so overwhelming that it deserves a new thread.
I'm working on something similar to that right now.
Nobody cares. You're a whiny bitch. Nobody wants to hear you bitch and whine. That's all you fucking do. Grow up.
Remove the hermaphrodite part and I want this added.
I want to hear him bitch and whine you stupid cunt. Get over yourself, you don't decide what content people post as long as it isn't offtopic and isn't blatant shitposting like you.
Hmm I expected something more lighter but I it looks alright. Looking forward to it.
>I want to hear him bitch and whine
Either you're him and are displaying that you're incapable of defending yourself or you're being a contrarian for shits and giggles. Both are equally possible in this thread.
Fascist Girl is everything I want.
This has been a really popular request for some reason very recently.
I hope that either there's a wide variety of dungeon stat arrays or we have some choices that give us a limited ability to change the stats up or down a bit. Looking good so far.
I do. I love it when the tsundere boys argue.
I hate people like you who feel they have a right to police what people say in a thread just because you have the emotional tolerance of a tangerine.
He isn't being needlessly rude, he isn't acting hostile towards others for the sake of it.
You are. Your posts are actively contributing towards lowering the quality of this thread because you can't stand people not sharing your opinion. Fuck off.
>I want to hear him bitch and whine
this is getting hot
How you choose to sell yourself and what wares you sell will affect how much danger you're in, how popular you are, and what kind of competition you'll face.
>How you choose to sell yourself
Oooh, is it going to be that~ sort of cyoa?
Yeah. I like imagining they're two /cm/ boys.
I want to watch them make out.
Unfortunately not, though there is a slave selling option and an option for mediating bounties if you're interested in illicit dealings.
Not sure if I should add an option for operating a whore house, since it's supposed to be about dungeons but then again after being in a dark dangerous place for several weeks I imagine anyone would want to stick their dick in something that won't bite it off.
You're not being policed. You're being a whiny bitch and told to stop. You have a real problem with authority huh? To the point where you imagine your peers telling you off to somehow be an authority figure.
>He isn't being needlessly rude.
Dragging up a single post from a day ago to whine about in an attempt to bitch about his completely unrelated personal views involving another board's moderation policies is pretty fucking rude.
Hello everyone. I've been working on this for a little while and I'd really appreciate feedback of any kind. I think it needs more, but I;m not sure what. It's mostly lore at the moment.
I was being non-serious but honestly it is called the oldest profession for a reason. Vaguely-historical fantasy settings aren't known for their realism but if they were then whorehouses would be a pretty big deal especially in areas of conflict like war zones and dungeons. It'd probably detract from your overall CYOA to focus on anything lewd (since most things tend to go hard in one way or the other on that topic) but you might just have it as another product category and let people fluff it how they want.
>slave selling
You have me interested. How much detail will go into this? The ability to buy, sell, and trade sex slaves would be interesting.
>How much detail will go into this?
Probably not a lot to be honest, since it needs to be a single branch of the whole set of things that can be sold as a dungeon merchant. There are already quite a few slave selling cyoas out there if you really want to scratch that itch though.
>There are already quite a few slave selling cyoas out there if you really want to scratch that itch though.
Post some? I haven't seen any slave selling cyoas recently.
The CYOA I never knew I wanted.
The build I made was basically Emperor Ganishka.
I would pay money to lock you two in a room with a bed bed with rose petals on top and there's a mirror I can look through from the other side
13 so far, with more on the way.
>If only she would genuinely care about someone
If that was even remotely a possibility then she wouldn't be a member of the God Hand.
Capitalist girl for sure.
Enemy descriptions, possibly missions. More lore about the final battle.
Communist girl. She's not racist and she isn't going to dump you for chad.
>Aspect of Virtue
>Apotropaic Weapon
>Spacial Distortion
>Telepathic Connection
>Infused Weapon
>Inspiring Presence
>Motif Bearing: Angels
>Incomplete Severance
Pretty edgy, but I'm here to torture and destroy the work of other apostles. No anguish like that of those who gave up so much, and are still brought low. I guess most of what I do is drum up support for myself by appearing as a martyr and leading little crusades or inquisitions against other apostles.
I'd been trying to find this one for so damn long it's not even funny. Turns out all I had to do was search for "squid waifu" rather than "inkling waifu".
I am not a clever man.
Almost ten or so. Hopefully my next one is finished soon.
4 and for the first time ever someone actually opened a thread with one of them. I also got one that's 80% done in my head; I basically just need to write it down and style it, which is the hard and boring part.
You're retarded and your grievances don't matter. It is hilarious to watch you try to assert yourself with such ass-backwards values. Go ahead and accuse me of being the same person, or of being insincere. I don't care and it doesn't change how sad and fucked up you are.
You don't repost your own CYOAs do you user? I mean, you're not THAT PATHETIC, right?
Squid Loli Waifu is the obvious choice here.
Never thought I'd want squid pussy so much.
As rated by fucking who?
your mom
I pick nothing. They all suck.
Thanks. Any thoughts on the layout and descriptions of each Guardian?
>Yer dumb
Stunning debate, user.
Nope. If someone describes one of mine I'll post the name for him and maybe the CYOA.
I feel like if you need to post it yourself, no one cared enough about it to post it.
I just wish i could bring friends.
Not everything has to be a debate. Sometimes it feels good to call a spade a spade and be done with it.
What do you all use to make them?
Ghost Skeleton
Top Hat
Flight, Time Travel
Spooky Tomb
Kelly Goldstein
>CIA becomes your dad
It would be cool with a supportive family. I'd take just a dad.
Why would you pick the materialistic slut?
See >pastebin
Q: I want to make a CYOA. How?
A: You start with an idea, or crib a setting from your favorite book/game/chinese cartoon. It's usually best to start out small. Keep your big ideas in reserve until you have the skill to actualize them properly.
Q: What do I need?
A: You're going to need an image editor or DTP program. Paint or Word will suffice, but better looking CYOAs require better software.
I'm sorry to say that your stream of mindless insults is just solidifying your whiny bitch status.
Fascism has no downside other than the word being weird to write
>is her own person
>has a cute voice
>speaks her mind rather than hinting at what she wants
Because materialism isn't inherently a problem, I'm an excellent provider, and I don't confuse flirting with sluttiness. If she's as bad as all that, I'll leave her. I still don't want either of the other two.
The best part of this CYOA is that you get one of the choices for free.