How do i turn this into 5k-10k in a few months? Probably won't get any genuine advice but who knows how generous I might be with advice that gets me nice profits.
Who are the best traders here?
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Literally just hold what you have and you will have at least 5k in a few months, you could have taken out .5 eth and moved it to litecoin but you would have as to have done it yesterday. Such is life.
Enough improvements on BTC, and enough exposure and fame to draw more normies in the coming months.
Slightly riskier, but with potential to moon?
Good concept, not just another thing claiming to be the next gen crypto, actual concept that anyone can understand. Even normies will.
The potential is just insane, but when the hype is going to come is pretty hard to predict.
I just made 350% profit in 10 days. If I can do it then you can as well.
Pro tip: dont buy coins that gets overshilled on biz
Pro tip : buy TenX NOW
By the way I forgot to mention I started with $900 last month but I've been passively following since the start of the year.
I was thinking about this but I'd want to wait for a bigger dip.
You think just holding what I have will get me 5k in a few months?
How much TRX do you think its worth it for a poor fag like me? I'm extremely averse to taking even a cent out of ETH.
have patience and wait for perfect trades. if you can't see them spend more time observing and learning.
Only best traders will be the ones that do good on margin, buying and holding is the easy mode, low risk low rewards.
God damn I'm sick of broke fucking faggots asking "how can I turn (measly sad faggot amount of money) into $38573958695756796???!!"
Fuck off and get a job so you have something to invest, that's how. Now holy shit FUCK OFF
Wrong. You should be buying and trading large cap coins for small gains waiting patiently for months for solid opportunities to go into, so you aren't left holding bags at a loss that you have to cash out first before you can reinvest and you miss the best opportunities.
>I'm extremely averse to taking even a cent out of ETH.
With good right.
If I were you I'd simply trade the ARK for either REQ or TRX and simply leave it at that.
The ETH is a solid x2, the REQ or TRX might do x10 in a few months or might not. You can also split evenly between REQ and TRX, but if your goal is 5k-10k there's no point risking more of your ETH.
I (ironically/unironically) call my course "Quantum Coin Flips: Or, How to Make Infinite Money"
don't be extremely adverse to anything. Every hour is a new list of opportunities and traps. Be willing to adapt and you will see more of both. You will only limit yourself if you get attached to certain coins, or dislike some for that matter. Except Ripple. Fuck Ripple. No matter what.
That takes no skills. This thread is about the best.
Sell ARK for DGB
The answer is literally in front of your eyes. Monero. All in. Go out a do your life, check back in July.
>check back in July
Not if you're in Guantanamo Bay by then.
the get rich quick scheme is to sell get rich quick schemes
Im going to do more research on TRX and REQ. They've been shilled so heavily here that I'm kind of skeptical.
Hahaha it's hilarious that you're so triggered by this. This is literally the point of trading crypto. Do you also go to restaurants and get mad at people for always ordering food? You're obviously a shit trader so this thread is not for you. Loooool
sell ARK
By not trading. Get in early and hold instead.
Take it from a guy who missed out on a lot of profits by trading. HODL YOU IDIOT
He's right in his annoyance.
"How do I turn x into y"? All the threads are the same, and they are asking how to make money. That is the topic of the board, so it's sort of dumb to make a thread just for you arbitrary "x" and "y" (in this case 2k and 1-k). Everyone here is doing the same thing (seeking and giving advice), but being less of a fag about it. Just fucking scroll around and research some of the projects you see and read some of the strats posted.
>Im going to do more research on TRX and REQ
Sounds good. Best of luck!
HODL. Delete Blockfolio and check on it in a few months.
Sell Ark and place an order for 1500 ven VEN at 0.0010500-0.001100 eth. Keep looking for other opportunities with the rest of your ether.
might wanna look at this
>buy TenX NOW
OP, why would I help you? If I tell you how to make money, everyone would do it, and my strat would nop longer work. so kill yourself and never make this thread again
buy raiblocks sir and held for 2 weeks but sell before the dump sir. big skill i make tons!
>2 protips
slow your roll pajeet
Dump your bags and go all-in on SALT.