also should i still buy bitcoin at the price there going at or should i look at other cryptocurency like Ethereum ?
Have 2000 in saving for my first job and im 21 years old what should i invest it in
Eth is safe, but you wont see 10x anytime soon.
I would suggest buying ETN if youd like risk but high reward
passive income and it will moon in the next few weeks.
will we see in coming years?
No family? Able to take a big risk, for a big reward? Look at LINK chart over the last couple of days. I have been in red numbers with LINK for weeks, and today it's just about to turn green. I don't expect a big announcement before the end of the year, but I am pretty sure that this is going to do a 10x before the end of april 2018. Depends how patient you are.
should buy, never go down 670 ever
Cardano all the way. Buy now or wait for a dip to
get a gun a shoot yourself
First of all, great job. 2k saved at 21 when others are out splashing cash means you're ahead of the curve.
Go for safe until you get your feet wet. If you havent experienced any fomo/ pnds, you'll probably lose money.
If you've got no commitments, you can go big risk like someone here said and get some LINK. Throw a buy order at 1600 sats. Safe, it'll prob go lwoer but no one knows.
I think the king is gonna go on a run again, so maybe worth holding some btc atm.
Don't buy any pure shills, LINK being the exception, and only then. Its still manipulated heavily.
Best of luck. Biz is 90% shit atm, but the begging threads have been abolsihed. YOu can find gems here. If you're unsure of when to buy, dollar cost average your way in. Set yoru amount, buy in increments. You may lose out on profits, but you're being safer.
Basics like never ever ever buy a big green candle, unless the news is national worthy like a huge company confirmed partnership.
What he said. Ether just dipped. Get in now or your just investing in tears.
You are a poor person. Obsession with adult toys can hinder your chance to be wealthy
not really, you'll genuinely have more luck getting x10 on a random ICO.
and a bigger chance to lose most of it
eth is safe because its on coinbase. Same for ltc.
buy now or buy later when its cheaper or more expensive. It doesnt matter. What matters is that you hold it
anyone that doesn't say pic related is a shill or just hates money
Id rather have guaranteed 100-200% gains than gamble on a 1000% gain and lose half.
well why are you in crypto? To make 1000 bucks to to make hundreds of thousands?
I dont give a fuck about making a couple of hundred or a couple of thousand
Do you have emergency funds?
If you do split between eth and req. Use like 10% to learn how to day trade other coins
Veeky Forums is full of myopic frauds still correcting their own machine learning without reliable success and to take anyone's advice on ETH, LTC or BTC is not the thing to do as all markets fluctuate all the time. You don't want to make any decisions based on what the coin is suppose to be. That is stupid. Learn mathematical analysis. It's not a big joke like some people will have you believe. It's the only way you'll get a +90% of success unless you're copying someone with a solid portfolio who is going to be doing that himself or intuitively. Learn the Fibonacci triangulation, the basic shapes. There are probably simple articles on it. Also trust yourself to understand what you're reading. It's really not too hard and the reason it works is because pride is quantitative.
Ark. Delegated proof of stake gives you 10% each year, you don't need to have the software running.
Read up on VeChain if you're looking for 10x into Q1 2018.
If you want to play it safe, BCH or XMR. Stay the fuck away from BTC.