This doesn't stir me up inside. Am I beyond redemption?

This doesn't stir me up inside. Am I beyond redemption?

Well there is a little girl in the middle which makes it more "fun family photo" than anything sexy


You can start by not posting shitty threads.

you should not be attracted to little girls user, that's pedophilia and it's illegal in most civilized countries.

Should I recognize any of those people, characters they are portraying, or location where the picture was taken?

I think they're dressed-up as Magic the Gathering characters.

That armor coloration is pretty neat. The decor on Chandra's shoulder pads is good too.

I mean, all in all, those are pretty solid costumes.

Solid costumes.

I highly doubt the little girl has any idea who they are though.

So booster packs are basically like a drug, and WOTC is trying to get little girls hooked on opening them right?

>white character portrayed by a white person
das rasist


Good way to fuck with shitty OPs

no, because normal humans don't respond positively to sjws

this is cute
what is SJW about it? The fact that one of them is brown? They're just cosplaying, don't get triggered

>little girls
>Not sexy

Actually the attraction itself isn't a crime anywhere, only acting on it.


All little girls are sexy, even the 3DPD ones.

The attraction is a thought crime

Hypothetically speaking, would getting a stiffy classify as "action on the attraction"?

Only if you show it or if you get it from looking at illegal material.

Stirred up in what way? I'm not stirred up either, but that's mostly the apathy