>Heart of Kiran
>Oath of Ajani
>Yahenni's Expertise
Why are Wizards pushing superfriends so fucking hard? Don't they understand how terrible it is to play against that deck?
>Heart of Kiran
>Oath of Ajani
>Yahenni's Expertise
Why are Wizards pushing superfriends so fucking hard? Don't they understand how terrible it is to play against that deck?
Muh market research.
>Why are Wizards pushing a deck full of expensive Mythic cards that requires buying tons and tons of packs?
It's a mystery
I miss Hero's Downfall.
Every fucking deck is already filled with Mythics, they already won that fight.
>Aetherworks marvel might as well be called mythic threats: the deck.
Aetherworks marvel stopped being relevant almost immediately after the pro-tour though.
Really question, why are Wizards pushing all this SJW shit, its only going to help kill the game in the next couple of years.
I just want to enjoy my fantasy world free of real world racial and gender identity politics.
All 5e kobolds are now genderfluid and trans. Happy 2016!
>not debut massacre
They're severely creatively bankrupt, both when it comes to card design and the overall story/lore/art. There are a few good artists left, everyone else does fast food composition. The stories nowadays are utter preteen "lolz so random Lili!" garbage.
The company still does some things right but their overall philosophy gets worse every year, not better or even stagnant
I was willing to tolerate all that, but the sjw shit is too far.
How bad is the whole SJW pandering, I took a break after Khans, new job kept me busy. I heard it started with Fate Reforged
It's pretty bad.
Define pretty bad? Was the whole autistic plainswalker a Veeky Forums joke or real?
No it's not. There's a race in Kaladesh that's agender and use "they" as pronouns to describe themselves. Though I'm willing to give them a pass because they are made of the stuff that fuels the plane, but still.
> Implying there aren't a million fantasy franchises that consist entirely of white straight people.
Eh, an artificial race not having the traditional 2 gender structure isn't really SJW. That's just being a bit more odd than most fantasy races normally go.
Yeah it's pretty bad
>Trans cards
>Autistic cards
>Gay Cards
>Aetherborn and Karn is Non Binary even though ones an energy race and ones a fucking golem robot
>30-250 year olds warriors and wizards talk like 16 year old tumblr kids
>Lore makes Scooby Doo look like West World and the good guys always we and gay love is the key
>Also Chandra has an Indian mother but has snow white skin
>Also Chandra x Nissa is a thing
Yeah I can't wait till they fire Maro
So wizards is saying that we should harvest trannies for fuel?
Also, Narset has a special place of hatred for me, since they wrote "Autism" in the LITERAL most lazy, stereotypical way possible, Autists like that don't really exist after a certain age (Usually) It's either they've learned some social skills and can kinda blend, Or are just so far gone that no amount of teaching will help them
>Aetherborn and Karn is Non Binary even though ones an energy race and ones a fucking golem robot
That one kinda makes sense. Why should they be binary?
I can't wait Until the 20th
MaRo has nothing to do with the fluff, he doesn't even name the cards.
because the world is run by The Binary, and you either fit in the binary or are wrong.
Thats cute. I bet you think THE FUCKING LEAD DESGINER has no control over the fucking brand he leads.
I'm sure that George Lucas had no say on Jar Jar Binks
Kinda like real life
Joking aside though Wizards is making a BIIG mistake pandering to these people, These are people who's entire existence is dictated by the current trend, the second that Magic stops being the current "In" nerdy accessory (Which is all Vidya and Veeky Forumss are to these people) then their new customer base will leave en masse
I kinda feel like it's already starting to happen, since they're doing that thing where if you buy a box of kaladesh you get a pack with a guarenteed masterpiece? To me that SCREAMS "This shit ain't selling good"
Me too Brother
>We are going to build a Wall of Omens so big and strong, and make Nico Bolos pay for it
>Meanwhile Pence meets with Maro to introduce him to his Lighting Bolts
Sing it, friend. Free "masterpieces" that openly mock old, correct cards, while pandering to SJW filth... god at least these freaks stay out of FNM. I mean, the black guys at least know to stay out, but if these perverts keep it hidden, how can we keep it safe?
>MFW this is real
Eat a dick. If it's a European setting, they're gonna be white. Khans had a majority of Asians.
Name one.
Nowadays you can have all-asian fiction, all-black fiction, all-"latino" fiction (latino/hispanic isn't a fucking race, fucking cunts), but you can't have all-white fiction because that's literally hitler.
Except one of the only named ones is constantly refered to as she and lesbian.
Not only are they safe-trans, they went to shove the safe-homo in there too for extra tumblr points.
They were never customers.
Magic stopped meeting growth rates at BFZ and hasn't recovered. People are not showing up to FNM because Standard is Mythic.dck shit. Casuals aren't buying as much packs because soccer moms at Wal Mart look at Tiro and Niggo of Meletis and pick a Pokemon deck instead.
Also people just LOVE the gatewatch
I swear to god, if they do what I think they're gonna do with that ship in the OP I'm gonna flip my shit
What do you think, new weather light or something?
I don't read lore because it has been trash for a decade, so as someone who actually plays the game it isn't even apparent.
Oh boo hoo the setting with brown people in it features brown people on some of the cards. Shit son anyone remember Mirage block?
The people who complain about it don't even play the game, and are genuinely just the lowest common denominator of underage pol autists trying to shit up every board with their bizarre newfag agenda.
There are a hundred and one things to complain about the direction Wizards has been taking magic but crying about how the lore violates your safe space is beyond retardation. I'd rather every card for the next eight sets be a polyattackhelicopterkin if it meant that WotC would print some standard legal cards that aren't trash and push formats that aren't god awful.
I don't know why people are so upset about that one. There's lizards in the real world that do that, I figured it was something like that. Not a thing that's done for identity or anything, but rather out of a utilitarian need.
Not that poster but that's my theory. They've got an Airship for Planeswalkers, and a Planar Bridge to fly it through.
Incoming Nu-Weatherlight Saga.
so you guys don't like transgender characters or gay characters?
Alesha history is very cool
The bros of meletis is ok
The lesbian couple of inistrad is also fine
I mean the non binary is shit because the aether born should just be genderless like most constructed beins.
For me the most fucked up thing is nissa turning into some generic elf druid (non racist as she was before), the ass pull victory against the eldrazi brothers, jacetice league and some other asspull shit they keep pushing.
It's not the weatherlight
It's the JACETICE Helicarrier
Wizards sure is smart to jump on a trend JUUUUST when everyone's getting sick to death of it
>meant to say nissa was racist and now she is not anymore and thats retarded for the character development
MaRo says "we need a plane where energy makes sense as a resource" or "we need a plane that lets us take advantage of well known trope x in genre y". Creative does everything else, fluffwise.
The Jacetice League's mere existence is nothing more than an asspull. Last I checked (Read: Cared), Chandra HATED both gideon and Jace, the feeling was mutual for both, Nissa didn't even KNOW any of these people, and Liliana was a self serving bitch who wasn't on good terms with jace either
Give it another 6 months and you'll see real change.
They pinned the fall of Standard on the rotation changes, soon they won't have anything left to blame other than their bad design choices.
He can still probably say to them at any point "Hey you, Cut that shit out"
I have a feeling they're already shaking given how well PC culture has gone over with the masses
So from what I can gather, BFZ block was shit that contributed little to Modern, had a below average draft, and even MaRo admitted that BFZ wasn't that great. At least that had those Expedition lands that were a fat chance to pull :/
It seems that Wizards or somebody responsible for the story direction wanted to jump on the superhero bandwagon and push not only the Gatewatch, but also planeswalkers further out front. Planeswalker decks replaced the almost equally worthless intro decks to put planeswalkers out front for both the current and new players.
It would be alarmist to say that MtG is dying, but the slump of Standard, combined with the oppressive price of Modern and the approaching death of Legacy and Vintage, is not going to help Wizards anytime soon.
While I am tolerant of mild and moderate appeals to tumblr and other left-leaning types, I have no patience for pandering. From what I'm seeing, Wizards hasn't gone full blown pandering, just annoying at worst, although you could argue that using unconventional pronouns is "pandering" by legitimizing fringe trans-identities that many people, including me, find to be questionable.
My definition of pandering would mean showing approval or support to vicious behavior or ideas. One example is feminists making every male character either uselessly incompetent or a villainous adversary. Another is strawmanning and demonizing political views, which was the cause of 2016 being an unfavorable year to many people.
It's basically the Blizzard cycle with World of Warcraft.
1. Create the best thing ever for it's category
2. Ruin it
3. Blame it's downfall on a ton of different things, completely avoiding responsibility
4. Eventually have to face up to your shit and fix it
We're at Stage 3 right now, I fully expect MTG will be in recovery stage by this time next year.
The characters and story don't fucking matter, I don't like it, but I can EASILY look past it to play a fun and good card game.
The problem is the current game is neither fun nor good, and Mythic Rarity is at the center of that.
did you miss THIS card, that will be in standard non-masterwork?
The Demonizing of political views is likely due next block or the next, Those are Egypt theme and (Apparently) Aztec, Both are RIPE for pandering and I honestly don't think wizards' writers could write a story about those
The aztec one is probably gonna be about the beaceful Not!Aztecs getting invaded by the evil white man when in reality it was really just trading one tyrant for another, except the one you just got doesn't constantly sacrifice your family members to keep the sun moving
Comic books never learned. The thing is they aren't "pandering" it's literally just what the writers think.
Maro mentioned something about not even knowing what gremlins looked like until shortly before the PAX unveiling.
>Implying WotC will ever fix anything
I just hope they leave Legacy alone.
I worry that Not!Aztecs will get memed by designers to the point of being painfully unsubtle. I'm ok with memes if they are sparse and subtle. Accomplished Automaton was cute and reminded me of the "Don't Talk to Me or My Son" meme.
Oh boy.
Reminder that this happened, and WoTC is possibly figuring their shit out.
Nicol Bolas may actually MMGA with Amonkhet
The next block is worse. It's Egypt themed. That means that everyone native there is probably gonna have a sub saharan skin tone (Cause all africans have the same skin tone, right?) When even their own art doesn't Depict egyptians that dark. I'm not gonna complain if there are SOME Black black people, since the Egyptians did deals with the nubians since forever, but They're not gonna be able to restrain themselves
>When your NWO standard is a solid 3.6/10
>Any noninteger scores were rounded up
This tells me That there were a LOT of 2.5s and 3.5s. Also, the number of scores >8 was single digits, even with them cheating
Top. Kek.
3.6 is pretty generous.
Standard as a format rates at about a 2/10 in general.
>lack of diversity
i'm assuming he means: COPTERS IN EVERY T1 DECK!
>lack of answers for threats
so, we getting actual good removal in a few years? path to exile reprint in standard?
Looking at Ajani and Tezzeret I can't help but think they've started to realize people would rather have "Build Around" cards instead of boring "Always Good" cards.
Both the new Ajani and the new Tezzeret are so far removed from the Gideon design as humanly possible.
The new cancel at least shuts down Aetherworks
There's a good aggro answer in Yahenni's Expertise and a good Aetheworks answer in Disallow
If they print a good Walker answer the format might be good
MaRo has whined to death in blogatog about how the Weatherlight storyline didn't end how he wanted.
Guess the jew always gets what he wants, eventually.
Hi guys,
What do you all think of Frank Karsten's game theory approach to format building, an article he posted to Channel Fireball?
He makes a lot of excellent points about what makes an MTG standard great. Channel Fireball has an article every other day now it seems about "Why Standard is horrible"
What's funny if they are now starting to premiere Frontier decks over Standard.
Considering we know CFB and SCG have insider info and there's rumors the new CEO wants to get rid of the Pro Tour and make an entirely new digital product for the future of "pro" Magic, it doesn't surprise me to see them drop Standard like it's dead weight already.
At this point, sure. MTG is basically dead outside of Modern and EDH.
I would like to have a source for proof of their insider info. Because that would fucking kill the game. We've been feeding ourselves the boring line, "But it's for Standard" for years as an excuse for every stupid thing we observe. It seems completely retarded to kill demand for new product with the death of Standard.
Where is it that SCG and CFB have their insider information. Constantly in their videos they exclaim that Wizards does not "leak" through them unless it is for an official preview.
Dip in Lily's price despite no real reason to.
That doesn't prove anything though. It's not like a sudden drop, for all we know people just said fuck it, I'm not spending 120 dollars on a LOTV and stores had to start lowering prices.
y'know, despite all the shit he got, Sam Stoddard still thinks this is a good standard format
>What's funny if they are now starting to premiere Frontier decks over Standard.
yeah, I have no idea what to make of that. I talked with my store owner and he agreed that Frontier looked like shit and made no sense to invest in
>Sam Stoddard is payed to say this is a good standard format
Why would a robot be male or female? Why would an energy race that doesn't reproduce sexually be male or female?
Why am I bothering to reply in a thread that's half /pol/ and half whining in general?
>Autistic cards
Narset, one of the planeswalkers from Tarkir has a slight case of autism.
Honestly half of this thread shouldn't be whining because they made a card to reflect them. She's even WU, which has the most autistic of the MTG playerbase
>still thinking wizards panders to sjws
Need i remind you alesha was a fucking villan
The banning of zack jesse clearly came from hasbro.
Would you rather they used xer as pronouns instead
There is literaly nothing wrong with what you just described
>Khan Narset of the Jeskai Way was a master martial artist, sage and scholar with a great destiny on Tarkir. [1] She seemed to be afflicted by either a minor form of ADHD or wanderlust as she found it hard to concentrate on a single matter. She certainly processed information and input differently than a lot of other people. [2] She had "seen" imaginary worlds in her childhood that returned in visions while she meditated.
Doesn't sound like autism
>what is Arthurian Myth
>what is Dragonlance
>what is who gives a shit it's just a card game
honestly if you are still playing standard at this point you should have a bullet put through your skull. the standard of today is the most cancerous it has ever been and shows no signs of getting better
>Yup, Cawblade was a much better standard than this.
"Singular They" has been around since before Shakespeare. It's literally been around since before half the current english language was invented.
Yahenni is constantly referred to as "They" and is definitely not "lesbian" though he thinks Nissa is pretty.
And Gonti is a mob boss that hates everyone. You're just making shit up.
They're made by refining fuel as a by-product. Imagine if burning gas made life instead of smog.
>I didn't play through Zen-Som Cawblade with the mandatory 4 Jaces
No, they're saying that trannies are pollution caused by relying on Big Oil.
Alesha wasn't a villain, but then really none of the "old Khans" were evil, just dudes and ladies fighting for survival against dragons.
Though really, there's nothing wrong with Alesha wanting to emulate her grandma who was famous for splitting dragon skulls while wearing armored skirts. Who cares?
>they were never customers
This. The telephone pole screamers demanding that magic be more culturally sensitive never had any intention of playing - they saw a safe space for straight white males and knew they needed to tear it down.
Shit's recoverable but we need people to actually tell WotC why their shit is shit.
People view Alesha as a villain for actively choosing to follow Kolaghan instead of dying a warrior's death and honoring the ways of the Mardu.
It doesn't help that Wizards only listens to their reddit as the community voice and I have heard that there it is a white knight echo chamber where the SJW mods ban people for being against Wizards inclusiveness.
I heard that you have to have an LBGTQQWTF poster with at least four mental health prescriptions vouch for you in order for WOTC staff to even see your posts
>Trans cards
was honestly very well used with the theme of wanting to be yourself
>Autistic cards
was Narset ever officially confirmed to be the autism token char? Because the quiet outsider really isn't anything new to fantasy
>Gay Cards
pushed but I thought it was a nice nod to the statues card
>Aetherborn and Karn is Non Binary even though ones an energy race and ones a fucking golem robot
this is just tumblr wanting to read what they want to read. Energy ghosts and robots don't really have a gender so yeah I guess that makes them nonbinary
>30-250 year olds warriors and wizards talk like 16 year old tumblr kids
shitty writing isn't really pandering, it's just shitty writing. Also not really anything new to mtg lore
>Lore makes Scooby Doo look like West World and the good guys always we and gay love is the key
see above
>Also Chandra has an Indian mother but has snow white skin
I think she was adopted
>Also Chandra x Nissa is a thing
I think it's just one writer pushing xir agenda but I really hope they don't follow through on this
Fight harder user, some people who play MTG still aren't hardcore devoted SJWs!
the thing i dont get is that the whole SJW crowd is like 1% of the magic player base
you're gonna have a hard life if you keep actively trying to be angry about petty things
They're also incredibly loud, which is why they manage to get people fired over insignificant things. A hundred angry people out of a million is nothing but a hundred angry emails is pretty imposing
If you give them an inch, they will take a mile. Only give ground if it actually offers something to people who are not tumblr. Tumblr has a tendency to take good things and turn them into self-righteous hatred.
The thing is that there are plenty of veteran liberal MtG players. Some of them support the fanaticism of SJWs not because they genuinely believe it, but because they (1) think they should due to pressures such as negging from the "virtuous crowd" to support this (2) are more afraid of the backlash of that "virtuous crowd" than the playerbase (3) and some are willing to go too far if it means that progress can be made, which they are mistaken because when extremist worldviews are pushed in, opposing extremist worldviews also get pushed in, and moderate worldviews get pushed out.
So I want to believe you user on the whole tumblr is just inserting their own shit, but WotC official came out and said these things, that's where I have an issue. They are feeding this fire.
As for Chandra her father is one of the three only white people in the plain the other two being a major villain of course, god forbid we get an evil Indian