How would you apply the highschool queen bee mentality to a BBEG?
How would you apply the highschool queen bee mentality to a BBEG?
I wouldn't.
>Shit thread
Is this on purpose.
Just by like making her literally bee a high school queen bee.
By having the BBEG be a literal Queen Bee?
The game is set in high school
>when you don't like the thread but you still think you should reply to let people know that you don't like the thread instead of just ignoring it
>when you think that making a thread means you're erecting a personal hugbox
If you don't want people calling you an idiot, you should try not being an idiot.
How mature
>Wants the world wrapped around their fingertips
>Likely sees most religions and gods as 'competition'
>Most likely doesn't rule as an actual Queen or with much of any secular power, their "power" comes from Charisma and knowing the right people
>Gets to such a point that anyone wanting to advance in their careers has to go through them.
>Possibly uses illusion magic to give them a near godly/divine "presence"
>Their word alone can start witch hunts and get people kicked out of town
Essentially imagine someone as vain as Cersei Lannister, but with the possible position/relationships of the "High Sparrow"
b) Thrallherd
c) mundane Machiavellian mortal
d) literal bee monstergirl
e) all of the above
>someone made fun of me
>it must have been the OP
Strange how you're still hanging out in a thread you don't like making upset noises.
Strange how you unwillingly admit that you're more interested in how shit this thread is rather than the shit of this thread.
Nice highhorse hypocrisy you got there.
>If someone doesnt come into the thread to tell people to stop liking what he doesnt like its a hugbox
So how is day to day live with your autism? Do you also walk into the supermarket and yell at people for not buying the products you like, you mongloid?
>She would be persuasive or magical in nature, eschewing overtly marital or brutish powers or abilities.
>She would have a large social presence and surround herself with yesmen and sycophantic hangers-on.
>She'd be all about getting people to love her or, at the very least, scare people into acting as if they loved her.
>She would take any act against her extremely personally, and would make her retaliation just as personal.
>Even if her evil plans involve the capture of countries or worlds, it's hearts and minds that she really craves.
No, you!
Watch the first Equestria Girls film.
That is literally your answer.
as much as its pony faggotry, its essentially spot on
Shes not even a teen user. Not even a teen.
talk about early bloomer
Just make her an entitled bitch who's had everything she wants her entire life and possesses the power to keep things that way.
She crushes the souls of peasant girls just because she can, demands loyalty and/or sex out of any knight she wants, she dresses and acts by whatever absurd standards she deems fit, and likely has a lot of vanity magic going on so that she's physically stunning by general standards.
Her underlings are servants and other noblewomen she bribes or bullies into playing her way, she throws a tantrum when she gets denied, and if she's particularly scandalous she might host orgies or other risqué parties.
Focus on the carrot/stick consequences that result from obeying/disobeying. Loyal lackeys are kept within the circle and allowed to exist in peace, if not prosperity. Dissidents are subjected to methodical psychological/physical torture intended to not only punish the rebel, but also to serve as an example to discourage others from likewise defying the Big Bad Bitch.
>How would you apply the highschool queen bee mentality to a BBEG?
This should be pretty easy: make her a literal queen making her a literal bee is possible too, if you're into monstergirls. From birth, she was given everything and had an entire kingdom at her beck and call, and she wants nothing less than the very best.
If the neighboring kingdom has a prettier palace, she ensures a "lone maniac" defiles some precious art.
If the neighboring kingdom has a prettier princess, she'll mysteriously trip and fall down a flight of stairs.
If she discovers a nice and quaint village within the borders of her own realm, she'll deport all the smelly peasants and make it her own private playground.
Basically, make her (the Republican caricature of) Marie-Antoinette, but also make her as competent as she is ruthless. In fact, make it so that the only reason the nobility tolerates her is because she gets the job done like nobody else. Of course, the knights would be pretty happy with a queen who declares war at the drop of a hat too.
>B-But the people
>B-but the economy
>B-but muh mass starvation
Do you think the queen cares? Do you really have the audacity to see yourself as anything other than a crude tool, desperately awaiting a chance to be directed by the queen's wise and infallible hands?
It also gives you a good excuse to use the 'evil counterparts' trope: you have a party, now the queen wants a party that's even better than yours in every way.
I think I can do that. Wild Talents:
Queen Bee (Queeneesha B. Jackson)
Point Total: 132
Stats (R:5, H: 10, W: 20)
Body: 2d
Coordination: 2d
Sense: 2d
Mind: 3d
Charm: 5d + 2d
Command: 5d +2d
Powers: 52 + 80 = 132
Hyperstat: Command 2d (6)
Hyperstat: Charm 2d (6)
Mesmerizing Beauty 4d (4) – (16)
Qualities: U.
Useful Extras and Flaws: Power Capacity (Mass) +2. Capacities: Mass, range.
Effect: You instantly entrance any living being capable of seeing any part of your body at range. Those entranced cannot take any actions.
Golden Wings 4d (6) (24)
Qualities: D U.
Defends capacities: Self.
Useful capacities: Speed.
Effect: Queenesha can conjure a pair of illusory golden insect wings.
Adding to this:
"High school" in its modern iteration is more or less an emotional power generator. A race of secretive, insect-like humanoids designed the educational system to produce as little productive enterprise as possible, instead focusing on creating the most emotionally unstable environment they could dream up.
These insect-like beings feed on human emotion, refining it in psychic pods to form what they call "elan," a viscous goo comprised of rarified emotional states.
Every high school is overseen by at least one of these insect beings, who possess a variety of powers fueled by elan. They may shapeshift, mesmerize onlookers, become invisible, and feed on raw, unrefined emotion. The popular cliques at any high school are almost always headed by one or more of the insect people, who shapeshift every few years to pose as new, irresistibly popular students.
Sigrid from Prequel works well.
>uses charm effects to become beloved of the entire town
>uses her unnatural charisma to get away with doing whatever she wants and amassing a small fortune
just scale her up and have her fuck over the PCs marginally (e.g., she charms them into giving her their possessions as shown here) and they'll go to the end of the earth to kill her.
>Do you also walk into the supermarket and yell at people for not buying the products you like
That sounds pretty fun actually
What kind of highschooler dresses like that?
She is not really a villain. More like very neutral.
She has however many villains who try to court her with gifts. Extraordinary gifts that cannot be gained through normal means. Stolen things, gifts made with forbidden magic, etc.
Run with the whole trope of "she is not so bad, the clique around her is".
Charisma spells in a bid for power.
High school teacher here.
Let's just say it's "heavily recommended" male teachers ask their female peers to deal with dress code concerns from female students.
>Male high school teacher
I'm so sorry. Wouldn't you rather have a job that doesn't automatically make you a rape suspect?
I do it for the kids. kek
But seriously. It's a fun job.
>But seriously. It's a fun job.
Hey, it's your funeral. Just forget that if Bubba ends up tearing up your boipuccy during your first night in the dog house, society doesn't consider it rape but comedy.
I'm part of the union. False accusations are taken very seriously, and the investigations are thorough. I'm covered.
Besides, I deliberately go out of my way to make myself as unappealing as possible to my students.
So they dress super slutty these days?
I like these ones.
Yes, maturing males can become erect, home. Children generally do not because they haven't developed.
Yes. Yoga pants are the fashion de jure, and they leave very little to the imagination. Low cut tops, loose-fitting dresses (loose in the sense that they can be easily shortened by tying a knot in the fabric) and so on.
I quietly pass on any dress code concerns to the female teacher across the hall from me. No sense opening myself up to that kind of garbage.
You know that he has to be accused and convicted first, right? I've worked with kids before and it can be a blast. Not with the non-white ones of course.
I wouldn't say non white but in predominately white communities.
I haven't really had any trouble with non-white students when I worked in the suburbs.
But even white kids start to be shitty in schools where they are the minority.
It's just something I noticed, and it was in an area with roughly half Whites. The White kids would be bretty good 9 times out of 10, while the others were shits 9 times out of 10. But that's just my experience.
>Besides, I deliberately go out of my way to make myself as unappealing as possible to my students.
tell me more
>But seriously. It's a fun job.
It's fun and games until somebody in your class loses an eye and you're held responsible even through there was no way you could have realistically prevented it.
>Besides, I deliberately go out of my way to make myself as unappealing as possible to my students.
This explains so much.
>Just make her an entitled bitch who's had everything she wants her entire life and possesses the power to keep things that way.
She crushes the souls of peasant girls just because she can
>She dresses and acts by whatever absurd standards she deems fit
>She throws a tantrum when she gets denied
Queen bees are alpha stacies, Hilldog is a beta cuck
I shop at Goodwill and I buy decent but clearly used clothing; dorky ties, slightly too large slacks, dated collared shirts, and so on. I'm bubbly and cheerful to a fault - my students know that no matter what they do I'll annoy the shit out of them for doing it. I don't have be the "tough teacher" because the students will go out of their way to do what I ask just to avoid being around me.
Basically, I'm That Guy for 6 hours a day and it works beautifully.
my nigga.
Princess is more a plain old spoiled brat than a queen bee. She doesn't become powerful through force of personality; she becomes powerful because of her wealth and technology that lets her fight mostly on par with the Powerpuff Girls. Remember, her original goal was not to rule the city/world, but to become a Powerpuff Girl.
This is pretty much on the ball, along with . Whether or not she's efficient is not the point, but the queen bee essentially demands a cult of personality around them. Any slight against them is taken very personally, and they desire influence more than anything.
Make her a raging buttfuck slut.
Like, have her walk around in tight ass-hugging outfits that show off her cheeks and have her slut-strut everywhere and twerk in public, and if she meets your eyes she outright tells you to drive in balls deep as hard as you can while pulling her hair to make her feel like she's being publically anally raped until she comes like a fucking freight train.
You think that's bad, try being a male elementary school teacher.
Thats about the equivalent of being a catholic priest. Whether you are or aren't a pedophile, someone is bound to call you one.
What about college professors?
Do they still get to bang slooty girls looking to bump up their grades, or has the feminist numale cuck whiteguilt zeitgeist ruined it for them too?
Thats technically never been allowed, but its not exactly like its illegal. At worst, its fraud, and the guy yelling at you is secretly like "Nice"
I'm pretty sure that's either a violation of some sort of arcane sexual harrassment rule or falls under bribery.
I'm pretty sure with how arcane some laws get, you can find a rule to boot a professor for doing any damn thing at all if you look hard enough.
The catch is that as long as there's no accusation there's no need for legal action. And people in academia will generally cover each other's back, partially because of camaraderie, partially because they don't want their history looked into too thoroughly.
I know, it's great, isn't it?
Actually it's because no one wants to harm the schools name because that fucks everyone over. Professor Pervert diddling a student (consensually of course) is dealt with in-house via private admonishment, transfer to administration, or "retirement" because most people don't want to have their workplace known as "that college with the student fuckers." Bad for enrollment, bad for prestige, bad for funding.
While those girls are pretty good I'd argue that the best highschool girls are the dorky insecure ones that go around in frumpy unassuming clothes, and when you get them out of those rags they turn out to be bombshells and sex goddesses
College professors are usually told to leave the door wide open whenever female students are in their offices, just in case.
Then there are the horror stories of students at basically every level deciding they don't like you, and concocting sexual misconduct rumours that stay with your name for years after they're proven false.
/h/ might have just the thing for you
Chaotic Evil makes an appearance
>revolution intensifies
The pain... Don't remind me of the wait... It's like reading Berserk all over again.
>It also gives you a good excuse to use the 'evil counterparts' trope: you have a party, now the queen wants a party that's even better than yours in every way.
Oh, shit! I like this. I like this a lot.
>it's another episode of the same guy getting mad at the term BBEG
Just give up already. You've been fighting this battle for more than a fucking year and you're not making any progress
muh brothers from another mother
Future teacher in Germany of all places here, thank you for the hint, it's appreciated.
Monsters and Other Childish Things.
Campaign takes place in high school, and the players are all outcasts of some variety. Maybe they joke st moved here and don't fit in with any of the existing cliques, maybe they're a huge nerd that no one wants to hang around, or something else entirely. Either way, they end up becoming friends, and that's when she comes in. Miss popular, the rich girl with a constant mob of goons following her everywhere. She's pretty, she's got great grades, her father's absolutely loaded, and she also has a monster. Said monster has an ability that essentially brainwashes people, making them idolize her, but it doesn't work on other people with monsters.
She's also a control freak, and can't stand the idea of anybody not immediately bowing to her. Thus the party becomes her enemy, and the campaign continues from there.
>How would you apply the highschool queen bee mentality to a BBEG?
She wants to be the center of attention at all times. It doesn't matter if it's good attention or bad attention. Naturally, good attention is better, but bad attention is fine too, and a lot easier to get. She's constantly competing with others for attention. She's got the emotional maturity of a child, and gets mad at people over petty things, like how the King of Francilea got a bigger birthday present than her and her life is ruined. She's really two-faced and backstabby. Her whole life revolves around placating her ego by having lots of followers and being admired and complimented.
Maybe she's a sorceress, and in her mind she's THE best sorceress in the world, and anyone who's better than her, well she has to put them in their place. To anyone who follows her, she's the nicest person in the world to, well, at least superficially, but she doesn't actively try to harm them, though she doesn't care much for them at all. Anyone who doesn't follow her, she's superficially nice to, but secretly tries to destroy.
Something like that.
>in Germany of all places here
What are you implying, bro?
That he's gonna be wearing baggy clothes anyway. To fit that ballistic jacket underneath.
I get the feeling fa/tg/uys had some pretty weird highschool experiences
Read it, seemed like a pretty vanilla hentai, but the OP in that thread apparently didn't post part of it or something. No idea what you're talking about.
Good, it's best you don't know. Seek no more of it.
A lot of shit about Marie-Antoinette was made up, things like her stuffing her face even prior to her execution.
However, she did actually have an entire mock village she would sometimes visit, sometimes together with her favorite thinker Rousseau. She wanted to know how the peasants live, without actually getting within reach of smelly, impoverished lepers. So she ended up thinking peasant life was really cosy.
I guess she wasn't as much a horrible person, but the monarchy was just a horrible institution. Had she somehow been exiled rather than executed, I'm sure she'd end up a swell person. But then again, exile always carries the risk of her (or her husband, or both) hiring an army of mercenaries and/or getting support from foreign monarchs.
So a ditzy bimbo?
So have nega-party show up in a party bus screaming "FUCKING DORKS"?
>roll for hurt feelings
>enter thread expecting smut and bullshit
>get some neat villain ideas
I fucking love Veeky Forums.
Psh, you'll be fine. At least in Germany there are avenues to move low-performing students out of higher education (not to mention higher pay.)
For some reason vocational schooling is taboo in the US, so the kids who desperately need an outlet in welding, plumbing, carpentry, or automotive repair get shafted and end up being behavior problems in class.
>these days
I'm stealing this for my supers campaign. Time to threaten one PC's sidekick...
This is a pretty solid one. Just drop the season 2 change, and...
Well, everything has to be in its proper place.
>the PCs confront Satsuki BBEG for the first time
>the GM stands on his chair and yells at them
fund it
Except actually fairly intelligent if sheltered since she was born and married to royalty.
>"I look for traps"
>You roll a 17
>She stands on her chair and haughtily looks down on you
>"You don't see anything"
>Her face stoic, unchanging.
>"Uh... alright. I enter the r-"
I'm seeing a lot of spoiled princess/extreme attention whore concepts throne about, with motivations mostly fed by bad character and neuroses.
But consider the possibility that this behaviour isn't just petty selfishness. It's what she must do to remain in power.
The stereotypical highschool queen bee isn't popular because she rules the school, she rules the school because she's popular. Everything she does is to maintain and grow her status, like a warlord maintains and grows his forces.
That princess getting more presents? An upstart on her way to dethrone her, better nip that in the butt before she amasses enough admirerers for it to hurt her reputation when she does it.
Refuting her advances? Signalling her undesirability to the entire realm with behaviour that must be made an example of.
God help the woman voted hottest piece of ass by a magic mirror, that pretender is going DOWN.
Then there are the weapons she uses, yeah you can go for the standard evil queen, but wouldn't it be more queen bee-y to use admirers and whisperers to get her way, with little to no official power?
>The party unloads attacks while she's screaming.
First thing any murderhobo party would do