Dear Biz, please rate. Am I make it? inb4 OP is faggot
Dear Biz, please rate. Am I make it? inb4 OP is faggot
OP is a faggot
no, you won't
>sitting on 80k savings
>"investing" in crypto
why do people even do that
OP is a faggot
Whats with all the shitcoins? Just invest in in the top 10 and youll make far more stable gains
Wait....that's me too. What's wrong with that?
I have over 80k now, mostly from crypto, but what should I be investing it in then?
With any amount of money like that you'd be absolutely retarded to buy anything but ETH.
With any amount of money greater than that you'd be retarded to have it in crypto at all.
.....why? As I said above I have about the exact same money as OP. There are non-LARPing millionaires here with that much in crypto. So I'm confused. I want to become one of them.
How much of your actual savings is 80K?
I would only have such an amount in crypto if I owned a house worth 1M and a solid 200K/year job.
I turned about $3000 in crypto this year into about $80,000 now. But only about $8,000 of that is actually in crypto and the other $72,000 or so is just sitting as cash in the exchange. This allows me to basically just arbitrage and buy dips with like $10,000 only of that remaining 72k and then just sell 2 or 3% higher, for big coins like ETH and BTC only. Occasionally I'll send $1000 or $2000 over to another exchange to buy a smaller cap coin as well. But it's mostly arbitrage. I figured if I'm making more than just a few percentage points per month on my $72k 'savings' in the exchange, then it's better than I would get out of some index fund and certainly better than the bank.
I was fired from my 75k per year job and will be starting an easier, 36k per year job soon. Yeah. But with this portfolio in crypto it hasn't been uncommon for me to make a few thousand per month.
Also I'm well aware that the bull market we're experiencing in this market isn't permanent. I'm still risking relatively small amounts relative to my entire portfolio.
I'm also just 21 so I'm not sure how to invest this money outside of crypto if I'm being honest. Everything else just seems to lack liquidity or be too much of a bubble or too risky, whereas with this market I can follow and understand it and even then only use a rather small part of my portfolio.
Okay, you seem to know what you're doing, although getting fired from your job sounds a bit ominous.
It does feel a bit dangerous to have so much money just sitting in the exchange though.
Go all in on xrb idiot
Well the money is in Gdax and a foreign exchange, so it's mostly FDIC insured.
>I turned about $3000 in crypto this year into about $80,000 now
>the other $72,000 or so is just sitting as cash in the exchange
How is someone who is so smart with their money equally as stupid with it?
Get that shit out of the exchange now before you become a headline
Bitgrail is working again.
When it's raining gold, put out the fucking buckets man. I'm all in until I'm a multimillionaire.
I'd rather crash and burn then watch from the sidelines as I continue wagecucking indefinitely.
Why xrb and xby?
OP back, sorry was pooping. I started with 15.5k in sept, now we here. Don't tell me how to invest where to invest my money if it's outside of crypto when I'm already in gain city. Looking to 10x this by end of Q2 next year. So now that you have context, what do I do user?
What do you mean?
Gdax and Gemini are both FDIC insured. It's about as safe as a bank. Also I make a solid 5% per month in arbitrage without exaggeration (but I'm not delusional enough to think this will last forever), and at $72k or so thats a little over 3k per month.
What's the problem? Like why should I get it out of exchanges? I thought there were lots of people on Veeky Forums with 100k+ in this and even over $1 million for some.
XRB is a monster riding a hype train that I don't believe is over. I'm going to sell when it appreciates another 30% maybe. XBY is ether 2.0 and I think will continue to jump as more fags learn about it
Exactly... The skeptics and people that are too afraid to seize this opportunity are the ones that will stay poor. Hedged risk is the way to make it in this market. If you aren't going to make aggressive decisions that go against the grain of what everyone else is doing, you aren't going to take advantage of the potential gains in the most bull market we may ever experience in our lifetime.
What are your favorite of the top ten. I was thinking about selling my QSP and OMG to jump back in to ripple. What are your top 5 picks, in order, in the top 10?