How do we fix them, Veeky Forums?
Removal of the testicles, like most canines.
There's nothing to fix mate.
>you never own a fixed shota elf-werewolf fuckboi
why even live?
Remove furries
Make them feral, like they fucking should be
Make this a fucking curse yet again, instead some bullshit a la WoD
Nah, needs to be a genetic disease. Best way to do it.
use them in low-magic settings, where superstitions are rampant but nobody has ever actually seen one. Because they kill and eat humans.
>ANOTHER shitty furfaggot thread after the last one was removed
How retarded are you?
>stop talking about thing's I don't like
take your sjw tier bitching back to /pol/
>everything I don't like is /pol/
The problem is that you degenerate fucking retards can't actually discuss werewolves without blatantly implying you want to fuck them.
You don't belong on Veeky Forums, fuck off.
Silver Bullet?
That does it, faggot, lube up your asshole because I'm coming over RIGHT NOW.
Make the change occur slowly, over time.
Young weres have minimal features, just sharp teeth and nails. As they get older the get more hairy and monstrous. This pleases all the furries.
This works. Also wolf's bane.
See? Just another excuse to have a furfag fetish thread.
Disgusting cretins.
>posts Trump
>whines about "furfags"
>bu-but I'm not /pol/ tho i swear
Huh. It'd actually be kind of fun to try and hide the features. Shaving your palms every few hours, pulling teeth out before the grow too large for your mouth.
Would make for some fun games.
The wolf is a separate thing to the person it comes from.
Think of it like training an actual wolf - not from birth, but as an adult. It's feral. It relies on its instincts and is liable to kill any threat it thinks it can handle.
It can, however, be trained. Not controlled, put in armor or made to talk - it's a wolf - but it can be made to accept that to survive, it needs to listen to the human voice in its head.
tl;dr Werewolves should play like a lesser form of Beastmaster.
take it to /pfg/ mate.
Infinity did it best
Products of an alien virus that attacks the fetus in pregnant women causing it to develop abnormally
Children born this way are ugly, hairy, very irritable and fairly stupid, and transform into bloodthirsty dogs when under a lot of stress
So they are sent in to fight and die like the disgusting animals they are, or to play in the dog-bowl to amuse regular people by dismembering eachother
They have slightly better chances in the USA and Caledonian sectorials because they receive more standard training and equipment, but to the russians they are garbage, and the french even have dedicated swat units to exterminate them
You're derailing the thread right now, champ.
What's wrong? So one dimensional in your cock-lust for Werewolves that you can't discuss them beyond wanting to fuck them?
This thread is pathetically shallow. It's all "Lol I want them with less hair cause that's what gets my dick hard!"
So like the Hulk with fur?
Also they don't rape, they slaughter. No magical realm with non-humans except for erp.
They don't need fixing. The idea that you can get bitten and wake up after a full moon covered in your family's blood is always going to be terrifying, and a huge wolf person is nasty monster to fight. They just work.
Looks like you have a few options:
>Ignore thread, close tab
>Contribute interesting ideas and improve thread content
>Continue whining about being told to stop shitting up the thread
I play mostly fantasy settings, so my favorite are when they are more associated with symbolism, and arcana, hurt my wolfsbane and silver, and I often use them in conjunction with druidic rituals and nature magic or an evil curse, rather than a physical virus.
This, there's nothing that needs fixing. Furfaggots just wanted an excuse to discuss their degeneracy.
So are there any decent systems centered around werewolves and other monsters that go bump in the night, besides WoD and its relatives?
I really love their models.
I suppose so. I don't like removing player agency by going 'you black out and when you wake up a fuckload of innocent people are dead'.
Players tend to take that shit better when I offer 'Okay, so you want to lead this kid back to the village, but you're in your wolf form, so you're going to have to make (relevant check) to keep the wolf in control.'
In the actual application of that scenario he kinda screwed it up, so the werewolf ended up grabbing the kid by the scruff of the neck and carrying them into the town square. This may or may not resulted in a mob.
>forgetting Prince Vseslav of Polotsk
>forgetting Bisclavret
>forgetting the Hounds of God
>forgetting the loup-garou
>forgetting that the silver bullet was introduced in a 1930's retelling of an 1800's German urban legend, and even up until Werewolf of London (1935) silver wasn't commonly mentioned
Oh fuck that's fantastic.
Werebears > Werewolves
Warwolf > Werebear.
Best in the business IMO
Dogfaces/warriors are amazing, too bad they rarely last longer than a turn or 2
Yeah, that was possibly the one and only time I tried a house rule that didn't go and fuck me over.
Me and the player who ran as the werewolf had an in-character conversation between man and wolf near the end of the campaign which was pretty great.
Bruh, that's just a recolored gnoll.
I'll have to make a note to run something like that in the future.
What's wrong with gnolls?
Nothing, but they fill a different niche from werewolves.
Eh, I could see you using a werewolf as a red herring when the real monster is a gnoll in the wilds or something.
They're fine.
How they work should depend on the setting. As with basically everything.
A gnoll seems mundane next to a werewolf though
Van Hellsing werewolves are the best.
I've never seen a werewolves that looked better anywhere else.
They did look pretty cool. Visually the whole movie looked pretty good, and it was just campy enough to enjoy.
Why are you posting a daughter hater? Don't you see that his daughter begs for cock but he hates them too much to give them his?
Besides Dog Soldiers and other classics like Silver Bullet and the howling, what are some recommended werewolf movies? Something where they're actually terrifying instead of the pussified fodder they've become in Underworld.
That's not necessarily a bad twist though.
Taking advantage of werewolf paranoia in order to avoid retaliation would be a pretty clever plan for a pack of gnolls too small to actual raid a town.
>6.5 generations of inbreeding
ginger snaps is pretty fun.
Dunno about terrifying, but the first two Ginger Snaps movies are great. Bad moon is also pretty good.
Also, I thought Silver Bullet sucked
How should this even work? Whats the earliest a girl can have children? 11? He must be like 65+ when he fucks the last 11yr old in the line.
Adding to this - Ginger Snaps treatment.
So this shit is a one way ticket and sooner or later you don't turn back. Or you don't turn back at fucking all.
>Ginger Snaps
Definitely not for Ginger. And definitely not for Brigitte.
Ginger had tons of fun becoming an alpha bitch though
I enjoyed this pun
Make them feral and extremely dangerous. Fast, hits like a truck, and hard to kill.
So that I don't get greeted with that weebshit upon arrival to hel.
WoD-fag, leave
How about werewolf hunters?
>I didn't even read this thread
>Not even the fucking opening post
>But here I am, shitposting
Must be sad being you
GREATLY depends on the setting
>Posting some random fag
I like the way Dresden Files does it: magic can be used lots of different ways for the same effect.
>"true" werewolf - you cast a spell that turns you into a wolf and back again
>hexenwulf - you have a magic item that turns you into a wolf and back again
>lycanthrope - you channel a wolf spirit's instincts
>loup garou - you were cursed to transform into a lupine demon every full moon, and have no control over it, only hurt by inherited silver
Make sure you use silvered surgical tools, though, otherwise it'll just grow back.
>tumblr in the filename
Why couldn't the werewolf tell that the lady was a dude by smell?
He made sure to have sex with a girl first.
Or he bathed in Chanel No.5
How to fix them? Make them do Kung-Fu.
Not fetishize them
Not fetishize them
>Not liking the concept of the Nameless Hunter
>implying they need fixing
>OP is a wyrmling.png
>tfw I was considering reading these books
wew, looks a bit too edgy
IIRC he uses drugs to make them grow faster, and he doesn't age by virtue of having some mysterious blessing (he's the protagonist).
I always loved the idea of having a giant murdermachine trying to find its inner zen.
I mean rip and tear is quite effective, but if you can turn the worthless human body into a weapon through martial arts I don't wanna see what the Bruce Lee of werewolves could pull off.
There's something innately appealing to me about a giant murdermachine trying to find inner peace despite their bloodlust.
Build a time machine and somehow prevent them from gaining popularity in YA novels.
Agreed. It's part of why I liked Parthunax in TES
... and here we are, fucking over werewolves in a thread dedicated to fix their shitness
That's easy. All you need to do is publishing Twilight in mid 90s, right before White Wolf published Apocalypse.
Instantly werewolves are killed for entire generation, along with vampires.
The only bad thing about it is how this removes Ginger Snaps and Underworld from the picture, but that's acceptable sacrifice for the cause.
Alternatively, you make Harry Potter a smashing hit 5 years earlier and werewolves never catch up in mid 90s.
The werewolf from Hellsing Ultimate was rad as shit.
fuck no
Fuck, man, what are you even on?
Make them like TES Lycanthropes, but edge it up a bit.
>Transformations are tied more to your personality than to lunar cycles.
>You are afflicted with a hunger for slaughter, a bloodlust, that steadily grows and must be released eventually, forcing transformations.
>Only the strong willed can reign themselves in and keep conscious as a Werewolf in wolf-form. The weak willed degenerate into feral monsters that forget they are even human, and roam the woods constantly shifting skins.
>Being a werewolf is also a curse upon your soul, and must be fixed with soul magic. It also means that if you die and your lover isn't a lycan, you will never see them again because you go to a different after-life.
>Because most lycans typically lack the will to retain their personalities, they are oppressed and hunted. Even more tolerant regions will at least have Inquisitors checking up on a lycan registry to make sure they haven't degenerated.
>Mechanically, the lycan is tied heavily to the willpower stat, which effects how they will act when they transform, and how often they transform. A person with high willpower can resist frequent transformations and will typically just loose themselves to gorge upon a field of corpses or go hunting one night innawoods, a person with a low willpower will transform frequently, possibly daily, and attack the party potentially.
Also reminds me of the "Beast", i.e. the vampiric id in Vampire Masquerade.
I always found the idea of "'Human' looks at full moon, *Poof* yer' a furry now!" really stupid (in the same vein as garlic against Vampires and similar).
I liked the practical effects for the lycans in Underworld. Gotta give it that.
TES really does lycans the best, or at least the first games did. Skyrim really turned them into "just another worgen", although you can encounter feral werewolves who attack anything that moves. But lycanthropy shouldn't be some easy path, but a curse of the soul that is a blight upon your being. Some may seek it for the power it bestows, but most just won't have the ability to control it. And especially not those who WANT it. It should be something that a party paladin gets as a trial in the story, and overcomes. Either eventually curing themselves, or accepting the curse as a permanent challenge to face in life, eventually slaying the beast within like they cast down the monsters of the physical world.
American Werewolf In London is a classic for a reason
>transformations shouldn't be voluntary or controlled
>transformations shouldn't be comfortable or quick or convenient, they should hurt and it should take a few minutes
>person shouldn't magically have their clothes back on when they transform back into human form if the ripped apart earlier
>wolf mode should behave vastly different from normal person mode, wilder like berserk mode
>wolf mode should have some regenerative powers but not like Wolverine
>wolf mode shouldn't be more than 5 times stronger compared to normal person mode
>normal person shouldn't have total recall of what they did while in wolf mode, just a few blurry images, maybe even no recollection at all so they don't even know they're a werewolf
for instance that picture should be bullshit
For werewolves and hunters of their kind to work the werewolf needs to be an absolutely terrifying opponent and even taking down a single one takes a group of hunters who have thoroughly scouted and trapped the area they will be fighting the beast.
Taking down a werewolf singlehandedly is reserved soly for the tales of drunks and the myths of heroes
I agree with all of that except for >wolf mode shouldn't be more than 5 times stronger compared to normal person mode
I like my werewolves to be forces of nature and wrath that even a small organised village militia would have an immensely difficult if not downright impossible time dealing with a single creature encouraging the training and deployment of professional werewolf hunting parties.
this, when I played a werewolf, it would trigger my transformation at random, with the tenseness of the situation determining the DC value. It was something I had no control over, and I roleplayed with that in mind (trying to avoid stressful situations, removing myself from rooms when I felt too much tenseness [GM would give a minor clue for that])
Consider how much 5 times stronger is. We already have a beast that can easily jump from roof to roof. 5 times stronger than a normal person means he could easily toss grown men with one hand. Everything stronger than that is just overkill imo and takes away from the animal aspect and turns it into a demon.
A grizzly bear is over five times as strong as a highly physically active human.
A werewolf should be stronger than that IMO.
That may very well be, but personally I prefer my werewolves to be allrounders rather than strength machines. They are already vastly stronger than a normal human, they are very fast and agile, they can climb, they have far better senses, they are fairly smart and are able to solve problems like locked doors, traps, and other obstacles, they have claws and jaws so big it's not even funny. I don't think a werewolf needs to be able to onehand toss a horse carriage in addition to all that. If their strength becomes too unreasonable it creates a disconnect where they are seen as a different kind of threat which I don't want. But again, that's just my preference.
The werewolf curse tears your soul out from your human body and puts it into a literal wolf.
The curse is inflicted on people who can't control their base animal instincts like rapists, serial killers, and cannibals.
Everything else remains the same, everyone else finds your empty shell of a dead human body.
Good luck finding your humanity among other werewolves knowing everyone else is a murder/rapist too.
Unfortunately, still furry bait.
Mind you, I never said it's good.
I just pointed out it wouldn't be made in such case
>not playing a werewolf monk
My idea for the kind of werewolves that are in control is to basically make them like the pagan tribal germans/norse and celts
A bunch of crazy assholes who live in the woods, sacrifice people to their heathen gods, and sometimes invade civilization for loot and glory