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word bearers a shit

Someone's still salty that their favorite recruiting world is uninhabitable on the surface.

I don't understand this,
i miss something in the last couple hours i was away?

wait what?

Fags hoping their husbando returns from the dead to fuck up 40k with more boring 30k smegma

>word bearers couldn't crack it
>death star beast orks couldn't crack it
>hive fleet behemoth couldn't crack it
>honsou couldn't do it either
calth is pretty badass, all things considered

This thread is now dedicated to Bitzbox Cawl and his bitches. Long may he kick ass and take binary names.

How many warriors should I be looking at for 1k footslogging Crons?

its cool we got 499 more

the only good thing a word bearer is for is getting shelled them with loyalists

Three Squads should be good enough.

fuck bitches get T E C H N O L O G Y

>>honsou couldn't do it either
apparently that was all a faint.

Show me your game pics anons!!!

The black Templars on the fall of Cadia are from Trazyn's own collection and he also have a "giant of a man clad in barroque armour" in his collection, since primarchs are out of the equation, one of the few options are some very old ass crusade hero or Ra the custodes perhaps?

tl;dr Trazyn is joining the fight on Cadia by opening his vaults and letting his toys out to play, and people are going back to "Who's the baroque guy in armour?" and a lot of people are thinking it's Siggy.

So I'll ask here again since I didn't get any response really.

Is the Eradication Cohort worth buying? It has an Ironstrider, Kastelans, Sicarians, Electropriests, and some Kataphrons. I think I can snag it for about 120. Is this a good deal? I'll probably hock the priests later because they're garbage.

Meehhh I want to play but I can't for a week. It's killing meeeeee.

it+Start Collecting is only a few models away from a War Convo, so that's pretty cool.

I have none today, but I'll have plenty tomorrow.

Aw yis.

No, because electropriests are shit and not worth even as a gift.

>tl;dr Trazyn is joining the fight on Cadia
>necrons fighting for cadia
>clearly parrelling the order+death of smegmar
gw why this is too fucking stupid.
also why the fuck do we want the crippled templar king.


Considering even the Kastelans+Ironstrider+Servitors is like 120 by itself, I'm inclined to disagree. Besides, they might be fun in a low points game. Or maybe kill team.

>I was only pretending to have my armies destroyed, foolish loyalists!
Whatever you say.

>clearly parrelling the order+death of smegmar
it's basically EoT but without the eldar in the immediate picture

necrons were working against chaos in that too

what is tat terrain layout? is it all around the edges?

Question; the rulebook states that any wargear that obscures a vehicle confers a 5+ cover save to said vehicle, while in the IG codex it says camo netting is "6+". I'm kinda' behind on the times (last I played was in 5th), so does the Rulebook overide the codex because the latter is behind an edition or do I stick with the codex?

Here's an Aegis defense line that contributed nothing.

Guys really important question. Whats the height and width of a citadel pot?

Im at my old man's place and he has some stuff lying around so I'm going to spruce up my modelling area. I really want to build a little paint rack but don't have the dimensions for a pot.

Please help me anons, emperor's blessing on someone who can do this for me.

Xth for the 4-Armed-Emperor!

What the fuck are you on about now?

What units do you want, user? And do you want the regular paints, or should I include the texture paints and washes?

>Whatever you say.
>implying i'd take the side of the half breed in stead of relaying his statements.
decimate yourself loyalist
and that shit rock too

3v2 4500 points a side.

vostroyans? is it just a small section of your army or is it all your army?

About 1 3/4" Tall, and 1 1/4" Bottom

Necrons aren't fighting, he released part of his collection to pursue his own business and the imperial forces he released from his vaults will do the heavy lifting since the Cadians won't refuse reinforcements from black Templars and probably sister he kept hidden in some vaul

>TFW Trazyn steals Drach'nyen

width at the bottom is a little under 3.5cm
height's about 4.5cm

for the standard pot

Is Hellrain Brigade fun? Having guys drop out of the skies in waves to their deaths sounds like fun.

No mention of DE in the leak? What the hell GW!?

fixed it for you

More useless Aegis.

If you can get them dirty cheap go ahead, perhaps they'll change the priest when they release a full admech codex.

45 mm tall and 33 mm wide.

Do we have any new info about FoC?

The washes are but about 6cm high.

We already had Blood Angels + Necrons vs. Nids in Shield of Baal. This isn't shocking.

Just Trazyn being involved

Cammo netting gives +1 to the tank cover save and a 6+ on open ground it doesn't obscure it, which is great.

isn't he one of the more crazy necrons or do i have my lore wrong?

I really wanna play Necrons, but I really don't like their vehicles etc. Just their infantry. Can I do a pure infantry, no-vehicles-at-all list?

One day I'll have my own vostroyan army.

You could call him eccentric.

Hey maybe after cadia falls they could get a plastic update

>We already had Blood Angels + Necrons vs. Nids in Shield of Baal. This isn't shocking.
god i hate that but the point is
>chaos is streaming out of the "north"
they ar ebeing held back by imperial humans backed by a bracer provided by the "death" faction (the shield in the north, the pylons in cadia which are being damamged)
Death faction brings back old characters.
elves fuck up
Rhana Dandra happens
chaos wins because daddy issues.
I would not be surprised if that happened

But was there terrain away from the edge of the table?

another question, what are the dimensions of that ass?

I know what You mean, however i love the monoliths and stalkers.

i have a horde necron army with 3 stalkers and a monolith backing them up.

looks fucking awesome on the field.

More like a kleptomaniac Necron Lord.

That's a nice line you're holding there user. How's mine?

I have about 40 painted riflemen, 16 weapon specialists, 9 weapon teams and more officers than I care for.
The UNpainted vostroyans that I have are numberless.

Meh. It's easy to find parallels when you pushing hard to try to find them.

Thanks anons.

Thats still a lot of vostroyans they metal or recasts?

Yea, getting Troops is pretty good on top of stealth. Sadly, using Dreadclaws is hard because anything that goes in them to use the assault vehicle is expensive.

It's honestly not a power game thing. If I wanted a non-Chaos Warband that were followers of Servetar, it's very difficult to run a Murder Talon.

>chaos wins because daddy issues.
I think they learned their lesson with the end times. And storm of chaos before that. And the Eye of Terror campaign before that.

The lesson being "there are more fanboys of the other factions than of chaos". I wouldn't be surprised if chaos wins through the power of shit writing, but I also wouldn't be surprised if chaos is simply used as the punching bag for everyone else to do cool and interesting things, and ultimately left broken and beaten at the doorstep.


We were playing on an 8x4'
Our flgs takes turns placing terrain. We let the Tau player get most of the terrain for his squishies, hence why it lookd like there's a hab-block slum over there.

Not that I'm personally complaining but this thread is supposed to be SFW.

Or, shit, even the age of sigmarines campaign event, where the good guys solidly came in first across the board.

Rules say 6x4
Game ruined

All metal.
Most of them aquired through cheeky eBay sniping.

>Most of them aquired through cheeky eBay sniping.
You mother fucker

Genestealers is my bet

I mean the campaign is called fall of cadia
I wouldn't put it passed gw to have abby fuck up some how but at the very least cadia is gettign fucked

I want to start an opposing force for my Ultramarines which i painted up about 2years ago. I rarely play so the models must be fun to paint. The SM force is mostly infantry, terminators, and a landraider.

I am thinking of getting the chaos half of a dark vengeance set and see if i enjoy converting a nurgle army. If its fun i think i want to add some FW recast renegade militia. I would love to start out with making two 750 point armies. The DA box gives me 420 points, so i need 330 points of militia. Can i fit in a platoon?

If you guys have any other suggestions i am glad to hear it. I dont mind spending some money but i dont want to go overboard and hate wasting money on droppods and rhinos which i dont enjoy moddeling or painting

Thank you for explaining it seemed very lop sided and i thought it was just going to be gun line vs gun lines all game.

Thats insane sounds like a great vigilance on your part to keep eyes open for models


That was because Order has more armies than everyone combined. Notice that results are exponential to the amounts of armies in each faction.

Oh wait I'm retarded
should it be taken that camo netting is completely unrelated and the rulebook is referring more to something like smoke launchers?

My crater hiding game winners. Beakies bring power and 6's.

Yeah, and they've got to hype up that faggot for his inevitable plastic model.

who knows, I've certainly been disappointed with GW before




Cheers man.

Kill Team with a sneaky Tattersoul

Hey anons, is there any bit that should be left off before/after painting? I'm about to build my first space marine models and I don't want to screw it up.

I know to leave off the arm with the bolter on it, but what else?

Already posted on older threads.

sorry for the unpainted terrain


should have just gotten a game mat eh

Which order are your girls?

playing against genestealer cult tomorrow and was thinking about bringing this list


The 3D plastic tiles are great because they're modular and have actual depth and terrain built into it, but you can't beat the game mat for value, storage, ease of use, and most importantly, quiet smooth dice rolling.

My army is based on desert anyway so it's no loss for me to use a desert game mat.

Best scenario would be Cadia falling and chaos flooding the Imperium, Abaddon is marching to Terra but as chaos spreads itself thin treason breaks their ranks allowing the Imperium to defend the thousand fronts that Chaos has opened all over the galaxy.

New status quo that is same as the old one, everything's more apocalyptic as the end is here and all factions are thrown in the storm of chaos seeking to take advantage of a weakened Imperium. Nothing changes but it opens up new storylines for the future.

What did you use to make that list?


>Imperium pulls out all available resources and forces from the eatern fringe and then some more
>Tau gets to jump start 4th sphere expansion and be a reasonably big to be of some relevance