Do generals even work for Traditional games? I mean there entire purpose does not seem to work around here and people keep saying their respective generals "Suck"so what is the deal?
Do generals even work for Traditional games...
Basically, the people who got together and got a mod in power to create /qst/ didn't like that people were enjoying quest threads.
Now that quest threads are banned on Veeky Forums, they need something else to dislike. Generals are a good target because they're not unified (just as quest thread OPs were not unified).
Generals are a Necessary evil, even as a fan I don't want to see 57 "r8 my 40k army guyz" or "wuts a gurps" threads clogging up the board
The 2 I have used got kinda ehhh
The 40k general is straight irredeemable trash.
The Infinity general have sticks of their asses most of the time
Generals are fine, I don't get what the problem is.
They always existed before the concept of 'general' threads were even a thing. People made a thread about a particular game and talked about it. It's literally what the board is fucking for.
I keep seeing all this shit on how the 40k general is bad is it the usual 40k hate or is it that bad?
The 40k general has had a string of super toxic posters who everyone hates who refuse to leave, but usually it dies down pretty soon, I think it's pretty good of a general except on days when stuff gets announced or released, people start raging over how it didn't cost half as much and didn't give you a blowjob when you opened the box
>нe дoвepяeт гeнepaлaм и дpyгим cтapшим oфицepaм
Штpaфбaт ждeт.
Generals are fine, and in my experience they work well for the board.
When I was learning GURPS, it was very convenient to be able to just drop into the general and get help quickly and reliably, as opposed to having to make a thread and hope someone who's willing to answer notices it.
I'm not going to say that all are good, or that all are bad, but my experience as an infrequent general user has been very positive. We shouldn't generalise[/spoile].
Generals are fine for shitty topics that nobody cares about. Trying to cram major things in the board into a general is stupid because 300+ reply threads get turned into 3 responses in the general if that.
The issue is pretty straightforward.
Before generals, if you had a question about, say, D&D rogues, you would post it on the board. People would see it and reply. The board was mostly full of threads about games.
With generals, if you have a question about D&D rogues, you post it in the D&D 5e general. It gets a couple of responses, hard to pick out from the general mess. The board as a whole is three general threads and 500 trash threads, because all the actual game topics go to the generals.
That's a generalization, but General threads add a tier of organization that the board could do without. The main board becomes /b/, and the general threads become subreddits. The crazy-ass melting pot of ideas and inspiration that is Veeky Forums at its best occurs less often.
i am a big fan of generals and i really don't understand people who think they shouldn't exist.In Veeky Forums in paritcular they are a necessity because we are split into four parts, boardgames,wargames,RPGs and cardgames. Many people have aslight interest in all arts, but many others don't, for example I have little interest in boardgames and RPGs,but i can always open a general of my topic and know i won't have to be drowned in threads i don't care about.Another pro about generals is, as others said that it concentrates discussions making slower threads easier to be seen. We have like 5 MTG threads right now,problably 7-10 warhammer threads and many (i have no idea how many, like 4 or 5?)DeD threads; imagine how many threads there would be without generals, if you wanted to talk about an obscure boardgame you would be archived in no time. More obscure games NEED generals to survive, i am interested in more alternative wargames and before /awg/ was a thing i was completely unable to talk about them(i mean completely, i tried making many threads and none spawned any decent discussion, some interested anons at best).
Now of course generals are shit and people in generals tend to take some trends and spam those,making discussion harder,but that's not the general's fault, every piece of discussion on Veeky Forums is shit for the same reasons.
i am and i see the issue you are describing,(i didn't before,so thank you),but i think if we get rid of generals we need to split the board,tere is no way any dscussion whatsoever doesn't get turned into fights between games or editions. I may agree that for example for 40k not having generals could be a good idea, but discussion of little topics would become impossible. Also if you take away a thread form the board everytime someone has a stupid question he could have easily googled(or even a good question)instead of just bumping a general you are effectively making "magic moments" harder by making more particular discussions disappear or rarer in favour of the "normal questions" which really belong to the general. Some solutions i can see are splitting the board up arbitrarily, making /atg/(something like alternative sports),making /tgg/(like Veeky Forums), or more simply people could avoid using the general for more meaningful question, nobody is preventing you from doing that.
Then Veeky Forums will become /v/ where people who actually play traditional games goes to /tgg/ and Veeky Forums becomes an even larger shitposting central this time with a traditional games look.
Generals are a cancer across the entirety of the website. Use a regular forum if you want a discussion that is up all the time. The entire point of Veeky Forums is ephemeral quick threads, and generals have killed that,
Generals don't work for anything. They defeat the entire point of posting on Veeky Forums, that thread side when there's nothing to talk about. Thread organically being made and surviving if people were actually interested in the topic was real benefit of the chan format, even bigger than anonymity.
This, pretty much.
The not muh board fags are not unique to one issue.
>Things should survive if they get enough posters or hold interest long enough
Apparently not, given recent meta-board hubbub.
Nuts, I didn't notice this before I posted .
There's also the fact that generals exhaust all discussion and then become breeding grounds for meme-spouting fucks. From what I can tell, no Veeky Forums general has got quite as bad as the Gravity Falls, Game of Throne or Boku no Small Horse generals, but the general format acts to encourage and retain shitposters on all boards.
>there entire purpose does not seem to work around here
In what way?
Generals are required because the number of posters on the board here to play or talk about games is smaller than ever.
Every time I pop into a non general thread, it is 100% shitposters and metafags.
The one general here that I participate in literally just goes away when there's nothing to talk about. It's up now, but it was completely gone for at least a couple weeks before the current thread.
People who complain about generals here should visit another board sometime, the generals here are amazing quality compared to the average Veeky Forums thread.
I don't really like general threads, but unlike video games and anime there is not enough new content that gets made for traditional games to really make policing of a no-generals policy possible.
>Apparently not, given recent meta-board hubbub.
What do you mean? I haven't been following /qa/
Whining from questfags butthurt at the fact that they got their shit moved to a containment board because they were taking Veeky Forums over.
This is the like fourth or fifth salty questfag thread in a 5 day span.
Generals are invariably a cesspool of tripfags and stale memes. Veeky Forums is the best board so of course we have the best generals, but you can't polish a turd.
>people keep saying their respective generals "Suck"
Imagine thinking "man, I wish I could hang out with more people like me, I'm awesome." And then you're taken to a building full of autistic faggots, and you're like "this isn't what asked for."
But it was. It was exactly what you asked for.
Seems like most people support having them back on Veeky Forums.
/40krpg/ is pretty good, if not ferverous at times
Well said.
L5R general? Because that really seems to be the pattern for it.
Not really. What should happen is Quests should be allowed across Veeky Forums. That will never happen because the /a/utists hate their shitty animu harem quests and demanded that they be pushed here and they can scream louder than nearly any other board.
Generals have uses, that being to discuss topics or answer questions that aren't worth starting a thread over. The problem is they quickly become circlejerks of namefags and tripfags that discuss the same topics over and over again, rather than the actual thing they're good for.
To bad it kinda dies even if its the only good place to talk 40k lore
do you want 60 40k threads a day? i dont, generals are fine
Im not a questfag
I made this thread since 40k general was once again baited by some /pol/ shit and if it isant /pol/ memes its some equally retarded. discussion that isant even the usual 40k autism.
This. Head of /fvgt/ OP here. In Thread Zero there was lengthy discussion on the existence of Generals. They are, as said, a necessary evil. If you were to get rid of Generals, you would need to.eliminate them, not move them. Because that's straight up impossible without mod intervention, whom don't give a fuck and prefer to keep things as is, the real solution is to motivate people to view the first page more and join other random threads by posting actual content. The Creation Table threads, that was good. Fading Embers and Love and Krieg(those are ours) that's good as well. We can't get rid of shitposting, but we can post better content to drown it out.
From the sound of it is that why people still make 40k threads outside of it? Since the general is so autistic that people dont even discuss 40k?
The quest bitchers have troubles with reality. They managed to see quests "taking over" the board, (because they can't add or even count) and they think everyone who finds their shit stupid is a "butthurt questfag."
If questfags weren't so easily trolled it might not have gotten so bad. The fact that most rice paper is thicker than their skins made it too easy to create shitstorms.
Its people getting together to talk about [thing], you fucking retard.
Yes, it works.
Does anyone love a Table top game but hate the general here?
For me it has to be Infinity.
What's wrong whit the Infinity general here?