Can animals be evil aligned?
Can animals be evil aligned?
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In D&D, no. They are guided by nature itself, and as such are neither good nor evil as nature acts only to achieve balance. Most animals are not intelligent enough to make moral decisions, and even those that could perhaps have the rudimentary capability to perform simple judgement values are unable to defy the rules of nature, the instincts that control them and outline their existence.
There are, however, magical beasts that are good and evil, who take their natures from divinities that either seek harmony or absolute dominance.
Depends on their intelligence, dolphins are known to rape things and kangaroos tend to lure dogs near water then drown them despite not being a threat.
>and as such are neither good nor evil as nature acts only to achieve balance
So there can be no Good Dogs?
Depends on the setting.
>In D&D, no.
Depends on the ruleset.
Alignments are broad.
*where good dogs fit
Dogs aren't natural; they're manmade. While this obviously isn't D&D related, dogs also show several surprisingly human traits that they developed that are analagous to cognitive traits thought to be almost uniquely human such as metacognition (making decisions and inferences based on what they think another creature is thinking, namely humans).
These things exist so clearly yes.
This. Domesticated animals are all "good" aligned because they like and trust humans, and are all socialised to some extent.
If domesticated animals are Good is it an Evil act to kill and eat them?
>because they like and trust humans,
That's not what qualifies something as good, and more importantly their are plenty of examples of animals being reared to be vicious.
Boars are Always Chaotic Evil.
Fucking bastards.
No, but it is an evil act to be cruel to them or harvest more than we need. Da Joos have a commandment about only eating meat when you have a "especial craving" for your health and a bunch of other stuff about respecting animals and making their end as painless as possible which kosher dietary law / kashrut evolved from.
Yeah, but we do not really give moral agency to lesser animals because they're (moreso) ruled by nature than humans. Humans that are raised to be viscous normally have options to behave differently and escape their environment for a new one unless they live in some third world anus.
>Dogs aren't natural; they're manmade.
Wait, that implies there's dogs made by elves and dwarves.
Dogs made with the FINEST craftsdwarf/elfship.
Boars, rhinos, buffalo, and geese.
A chihuahua and a goose form a relationship based solely on hatefucking. The resulting offspring still carries only a fraction of the rage displayed on Veeky Forums on a daily basis.
>Aye, such a beautiful dog. Must be dwarven craftsmanship, no doubt about it.
Did man make dog in his image or was it the other way around?
Dogs are known to recognize facial expressions and body language cues that are exclusive to humans, and present their emotions in some ways that wolves, coyotes, and dingos do not. It's safe to say that human behavior has been inserted into your average dog's instincts.
Where were you when Rapehorse?
But that means they will disrupt human encampments even if they're peaceful. EVIL.
I did not know that about rhinos though. That's pretty awesome.
It's from a comedy movie, with that scene based on an old legend.
Chimps can be and are largely neutral evil
Dolphins are Chaotic neutral given flesh
It's actually interesting to imagine what kind of animal breeds different fantasy races would create.
MRI research shows that dogs have a region in the brain specialised specifically to understand human speech. Dog is a weird ass animal. Imagine a species of sentient aliens that evolved to be a good companion to it's masters.
little know fact but corgi's are actually dwarf made
I don't think animals are evil if they just follow instincts.
also allignments are fucking stupid, if questions like this occur more than once per game session: seek a better game.
Fucking primates are pretty much always chaotic evil aligned.
Nigga that's Thak, he was baller as fuck and managed to smack the shit out of an evil wizard like a complete pimp.
Conan even said he was his own home grown OG, how can you not like Thak.
As someone who has cats: yes.
Is this some sort of trick question?
go away evil dogger
go away evil dogger
Thak is a cool primate, but he was also kind of an asshole that took pleasure in scaring and killing. That kinda makes him evil.
>dwarf made dog
>sharp angles
>dwarfish runes instead of spots in the fur
>built like a shit brickhouse
I can see it.
Literally all geese must be genocided. Bastards.
go away evil dogger
Read the American short essay "A Bad Lion"
Not to modern, liberal, stay safe in urban environments people. They don't know the fear that a wolf may be able to slip close enough to the unfenced house to grab their toddler and eat him while the adults are busy with something for only a couple minutes before they realize the child has run off. They don't know the cunning of a fox slipping past their dogs to reach the hen house they keep to feed themselves. They have no idea of the horror of having no firearms and seeing a bear wander down towards the stream where their wife is down washing clothes.
Those safe and sound in their suburban domiciles cannot see the evil that is already there, just waiting for a chance to take anything they love.
You could say most of those weird monstrosities are engineered animal breeds. My setting explains bullettes as animals bred by dwarves for exacavation purposes
Nah, the depicted fight's in the wilderness, so it's probably one of the grey apes from "Iron Shadows in the Moon"
Cum in my pussy evil dogger
Edgy's ass, have you ever even been in the fucking woods? Even a small ass black bear (small being 250 lbs of annoyed ursine) is scary as fuck.
Evil isn't a wolf eating your toddler or a bear mauling your wife. Those things are awful and scary, but the animal is just doing it because an opportunity presented itself and it is taking advantage.
Geese are evil. They gain no advantage and present themselves to greater harm and loss simply to be destructive anti-social shits. A bear will kill you because it feels threatened or hungry. A goose will fly across a lake to attack you because it's an asshole.
>Can animals be evil aligned?
Seriously OP, have you ever met a goose?
well OP Orcs are usuall Chaotic Evil
That's a dog.
yeah i know. I wasn't refering to the picture
>tfw we are like elves in the eyes of dogs
>Nature is merciless, that must mean its evil!
if living in the country its so scary to you why not move to the city?
Are you saying Orcs made geese?
To cats we are the village idiot.
Veeky Forums should make an Orclike race based on geese.
>scary as fuck.
Scary =/= evil user.
Said the urban city nerd.
You are literally retarded and/or never went outside.
>hurr durr nature is so evil and scary
No, you fucking autistic no-lifer. Nature is nature. The end.
So you're saying Skinwalkers are a force for good and that we should try to be their friends?
Skinwalkers aren't real, you retarded /x/ autist.
Eden if skin walkers were real, they are no more a "natural" creature than a vampire or a fey
Evil implies malice or at the very least some form of morality that defines what actions are good or bad. Nature isn't evil because nature has no morality. A wolf isn't looking to fuck you over, it's just looking for food and it may happen that you're the easiest meal available.
I remember one short story by some pretty well known writer whe a many speaks with the embodiment of Nature, and askes her why she torments him so: every place is too hot or cold or wet or humid, there's dangerous predators, stinging insects, diseases, and so on. Nature replies that she never at any point gave a single thought on either the suffering or wellbeing of man, and that he's a fool for assuming the world was designed with his comfort or discomfort in mind. Then he gets eaten by a lion. The lion was old and sick, but eating the man gave it enough strength to prolong its life slightly.
Judeo-Christian answer: Only man was given moral agency and free will.
Atheist answer: Only man's natural intelligence has the capacity for moral agency as defined by man. While some animals rarely display traits such as altruism (e.g. most Great Apes, some Corvids), they just don't have the necessary programming to be all moral all the time. Hell, few humans do, and they can self-program.
go evil dogger
Go away evil dogger
Cats exist so yes
Go away evil dogger.
Black bears are cowardly as fuck. You can drive one off by banging on a skillet and shouting at it.
>skinwalkers aren't real
That's just what a skinwalker would say.
>tfw the only times I was ever attacked by an animal were, surprise surprise, 2 ducks and a swan.
>be kid on vacation at the Lake District in England with parents
>Standing on shore/beach playing in the sand
>Swan sees me from like 300 feet away, makes a beeline for me and starts fucking chasing and snapping its bill at me until I fucked off the shore entirely.
>2 years ago on a small cattle farm helping friend out filming a commercial
>These 2 ducks just kept chasing the crew as a team, hissing loudly and snapping at them
>Anytime anyone tried to escape, they'd just give chase and bite ankles and shoes
>My job that day was relegated to standing guard and chasing off offending ducks, using a broom like a halberd
I love animals but holy shit I hate anything that looks, smells or acts like a duck.
My cat sure as hell is
The best way I can describe cats is a new alignment: Haughty Dumb. It's a big reason why I love them: Independent, proud and act like snooty royalty but the moment you point a laser or show them a cardboard box they just go full retard and all pretense goes out the window.
It's even more amusing that even big cats exhibit this behaviour.
Cats are just sort of stupid, and we mistake their silent apathy to the world as snobishness when in truth they're just either zoning out or too perplexed by the many things they can't understand to put in much effort. Then you have the curious cats that persist regardless, and it's then you see the true extent of their idiocy as they put it on full display for you.
Humans are evil animals
oh, you mean Satan's little helpers?
That's deep man
They're all good dogs, brent
go away evil dogger
go away evil dogger
Are they? Or are they simply no different from the others, born with the same vices and instincts as the rest of their kingdom?
Face it - life itself is a mistake. An aberration. It is in the very nature of all life to destroy.
The oxygen emissions of cyanobacteria polluted this world's original atmosphere. The roots of plants crack the ground and grind the rocks to powder. All animal life must consume and destroy other life to sustain itself.
Destroying mankind will solve nothing. The crime is Life. The sentence is Death.
Elves wouldn't breed a dog.
They'd go for cats. Self cleaning, aloof, pretty bastards.
So are the cats.
Dwarves would either have attack badgers or guard geese. Practical thinkers dwarves.
Pic is the inner thoughts of the average chihuahua
Crime against what? Do you think the ground cares when it gets cracked? Do you think the atmosphere cares when it's polluted?
Face it - concepts like "mistake" and "aberration" are things that can only exist in the mind of a lifeform like yourself.
>inb4 user claims to be undead
>Dwarf dog breeds
>St. Bernard
>Elf dog breeds
>Toy breeds
I remember reading that crabs can only feel hate and abhor all life. Even their own. That's where we get the word 'crabby' from. It's also where the word 'cancer' comes from.
Go away evil dogger
>venus fly trap kills bug
>plants are evil
>druids can only be evil aligned
>>plants are not evil
explain kudzu
This is the most tryhard cringey autistic written by someone who hasn't actually willingly spent an extended period of time in the wilderness shit ever.
But I said plants are evil senpai
also kudzu are just more evil, to the point of killing the lesser evil of other plants to fulfill their own goal
That's a pretty blanket statement though, my dude. In the Book of Vile Darkness there's a god of the feral wilds or some shit named Karaan, I think their clerics speciality is just turning people into were-animals, and other wild animal related shit.
It's possible, in real life and animal can go against it's nature and start killing animals (and people) for sport rather than defense or survival. when they do they are considered to have "gone rouge". animals that have close contact to humans are more susceptiple especially those who eat human food. This is the reason why wildlife parks absouluttelly forbid feeding the wildlife especially bears
Animals can go rouge though
God I hate nu-/pol/
ever hear the term "rouge bear