Character Art Thread: Grizzled Edition

Grizzled bastards. Will try and answer requests for anything else as well.







Requesting kings (dwarven kings in particular but any will do).


Requesting people that really don't want to be in the middle of the shit they're in.








Request young, inexperienced male bards.

Oh, and I'll dump a few random pieces of art I have!

Ignore the typo.



Does 5e or Pathfinder allow playing with a single sword? Ive always been curious but I havent thought to look into it till now

Yep. 5e Dueling allows for a +2 damage roll with the weapon


Working on a homebrew campaign and would really appreciate any of these :
Apocalyptic-looking knights or soldiers
Romans of any kind
Cyberpunk robots in casual clothing
Interiors of any kind
Apocalyptic or western towns
Wastelands of obsidian or molten metal

In return for this heavy list take one of my favorite arts


This guy's pretty grizzled. Can I get some witches? Especially elves, and I like both crone and beauty.


Underrated post



That's both grizzled and Grizzly'd.


I'm looking for some White haired pale humans. No elves please.

I'm going to dump a few.


Requestin Dragon blooded humans! Anything with draconic features either subtle or overt.



Dwarven kings? I got quite a few of those.






>Error: You must wait 2 minutes 55 seconds before posting a duplicate reply.

How about I just add bullshit text at the end.





Any half plate warriors with a halberd? Human as possible if you can

there's an entire fighter archetype thats based around dueling.



>How about I just add bullshit text at the end.
that's how majority of Veeky Forums operates, regardless whether posting images or not


Thanks for the dump user. Much appreciated.

Been wanting to play this one as a Void Kineticist, but shitters keep blanket banning the occult classes, like any of them even come close to a wizard in power, let alone even being good.

Is Void 1pp? I thought that was from Legendary Kineticists. Can't say that I've been following Occult closely, what with the blanket banning, and all. Is it any good?

Void is 1pp, yeah. It's decent as far as kineticists go. Just remember not to take Negative Blast as your first option because undead will ruin your life.

Anyone got any grizzled older lady warriors/barbarians?

Posting an assortment of things


I have a cute blacksmith lady.







Igor Sid is such a great artist hitting that perfect wedge between realism and fantasy.

Does anybody have any good oni art?

Pathfinder Swashbuckler is what youre looking for. Or maybe magus, onehanded sword and magic

Does anyone have some, er, female lizardfolk? Or ones that could pass as female? Preferably if they're in robes like a caster.



















With Pathfinder's Path of War you can get the ability to get +2 shield bonus to AC and +1d6 damage when fighting with a single weapon in one hand. Most GM's allow Path of War as far as I've seen








