Other urls found in this thread:
you aren't funny, stop making these threads
A little because that's what I imagine they look and sound like
How is it not funny? Maybe you’re not funny.
They're kinda funny
but they are funny, you're just severely autistic
nocoiner detected
I think they are funny.
huuhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHhhhh BITCOINC SASH ROGER VERHhhhhhhhhhhhsaaaaaaffff HEHEHHE
It’s probably because I’m sleep deprived but I’m having a good laugh.
Good work, OP.
yu awnt dat fnyy stp magn des frads
They are funny.
not fune retadr
bitcone 100k by christman
we all to making it frends
heiiiiooo hellrrrlro frenddddo bugggtt corns mbehgb
fukken saved
Smard gondragts
Someone has the one with the bull and the bear?
I want it, and how are those wojaks called? Disabled wojaks?
fucking kek can somebody post the original middle far right tardjack?
hahaha not sure what to call, jack reeees? i didnt also save the originals but i laugh when every time new ones are post. more disabled wojak biz!!
Is this the LINK bagholder support group?
Boo fucking hoo.
guyh or bolgd