> There are hundreds of varieties of Slime, and each has its own biological niche. Carnivores, herbivore, omnivores, scavengers, man-eating monsters, and so on.
> Tamed Slimes are extremely useful, and there's a breed of Slime that can accomplish almost anything.
Make a fun setting, Veeky Forums!
I always thought it'd be fun to have a breed of slime that act as friendly little symbiotes. Like instead of a stopping to take a healing potion a pet slime could move across your body plugging up wounds or turning into a living cast to reset broken bones. inb4 this thread will be literally flooded with slime girl art before we know it
So I always liked this:
>non directional gravity and surfaces
Essentially the entire setting is within tunneled out caverns, nooks, and halls inside of a solid structure. This being a planetoid or otherwise. Perhaps some settlements are on the surface, but the majority being in caves is more interesting as it makes map making far more complex.
Two words:
Booze Ooze.
Dwarven stout brought to life as a slime. Alcohol constitutes a significant portion of its body, so much so that even slight contact with humanoids can intoxicate them.
>Brain Slime: A mostly sedentary species of slime which resembles a human brain in shape and color. The brain slime is the main body of a vast interconnected network of thin slime trails. These trails alert the slime to the presence of predators and prey. They are also conductive to electricity, allowing the slime to shock creatures which contact the trail. While detected prey is rapidly tracked down and engulfed, the brain slime protects itself from predation by shocking the offender with electricity.
Those are are awesome ideas, and now they're canon to the setting.
That's an awesome idea for the world's actual terrain, and it fits the slimes perfectly!
Pathfinder has both of these statted out in classic monsters revisited.
On the subject of slimes, I want to craft a splitting one made of positive energy, letting me suck on a tiny one to get fast healing.
Really? They're neat Slimes, and it would be a travesty to not include them! Good idea for a Slime!
That's what the settinf's shaping up to be, isn't it?
> To add to this, the underground world isn't in any ordinary planet, it's in what seems to be an infinite, evever-shifting labyrinth absolutely filled with loads of treasure, booby traps, ancient artifacts, both exotic and mundane environments and their hazards, thieving ruffians, and dangerous monsters. The labyrinth seems to change every so often, and branches if the maze often follown a certain architectural pattern and are made of a certain material, only to change completely without warning.
> Settlements are built in the rare spots where the labyrinth doesn't seem to change, and there's enough guy resources to sustain a large group of people for an extended amount of time.
How sentient and social and sexually active can slimes be?
There's a Slime for everything, so I suppose it all depends on the breed of Slime. You've got patrician taste in monstergirls user but please don't derail the thread with slimegirls.
How do you cook edible slimes?
Boil them into thick chowder?
Smoke them into gelatin-like jerky?
Combine with flour and bake to create nutritious breads?
> All of the above and more!
So, it's a slimepunk.
Thus we need goggles. Slime goggles (protect head from other slimes or whatever)
>Sling Slime: Inhabiting forests and jungles, this dark green species of slime spends its life in the canopy. Sling slimes make their way through the trees by swinging themselves along by their pseudopods, brachiating along vines and branches as some monkeys do. Sling slimes hunt in the trees, searching out prey in the form of insects. lizards, rodents, birds, and even smaller slimes.
>Fodder Slimes: Compared to other slime species, these ones grow their mass very rapidly and can sustain themselves on very little, usually causing them to be large in size. In a healthy, natural enviroment, they split off and share their mass with other friendly slimes or plants. They are generally docile and simple creatures, but have been known to become cocky if managing to become huge. Found in all but the coldest or driest enviroments.
>Liquid-Type Slimes: Due to how denseless these types of slimes are, they disguise themselves as puddles, or if they cooperative, as lakes of ordinary liquid. These can vary from water to acid to magma. There is many sub-types of liquid slimes, but a general rule is that the more dangerous the liquid that they are based off is, the more predatory and dangerous they are. It is said that there exists a rare water slime that heals your wounds upon digestion.
I think your slime setting should use salt as currency.
We need a predator that fucks slimes of all kinds up
Salt Elemental
Does it just have to be a conventional big thing that eats a smaller thing predator or can it be something else? Like a virus. Or bunch team of little things teaming up against a bigger thing?
What does salt do to slimes in real life? Is it basically the same thing as a terrestrial snail being exposed to salt?
Maybe something like a mosquito swarm that sucks those little buggers up, takes it back to the hive for............something
>in real life
Does that matter? You decide what it does in slime setting.
To add a bit of spice to this, what about a slime variant that is physically really weak but can manipulate other creatures, or possibly take over a host body like some sort of brain slug?
Or a breed of slime that does the thing in most fiction where it breaks off into smaller pieces ad infinitum, but the pieces that break off all act as pieces of one hive mind that and reform and seperate at will.
>It's been a millennium or two since the apocalypse, who really knows?
>something destroyed the world--might have been big bombs, could've been solar flares, maybe everyone just left and stuff went to shit! doesn't matter now.
>not too much organic life around these days, some plants, some nice forests been comin round in the past two or three centuries. we've got the odd mutated animal, some squat underground fellows, some nice lizard people, and bugs. a lot of bugs.
>we've got some wonderful robot buddies as well. when whoever was around before left, they never bothered to turn off the factories. so, they've been working for however long now on whatever it is they used to make.
>i, myself, am what we started calling a husk. guess whatever kicked us off the world messed me up good. my body's still around after all these years, if a bit degraded. i more or less wander the world, looking for a good time.
>some folks have taken to some hobbies to keep the boredom away. gladiator fights are popular, 'specially with us husks and the robots. husks just need to sew on some new body parts with one of them robot surgeons and we're good, and robots just need new parts. so, if we lose, we go to the hospital, if we win, we had a good time. win-win there.
>then there's the scavengers. they wander the old ruins, lookin' for whatever. some of the husks look for body parts, and then keep sewin em right on. some of us are just big ol' piles of bones and bodies. a bit weird, but whatever, yanno?
>some of the organic guys feel like makin new civilizations. they've got some nice towns spread about.
>and that's about all there is to this here world. here's to another millennium or two!
I want to know. I never said it was important.
I don't want the slimes to get hurt.
>Come in good Sir knight and welcome to my Slime Emporium!
>Why we have all sorts of slimes for your leisure...or pleasure.
>Over here is the kitchen where we mould slime jellies, boil slime stews and sear slime steak all for your enjoyment.
>Or the cocktail room where our master bartenders skillfully whisk colourful slimes into all sorts of concoctions!
>"What's behind that red curtain?"
>Ah, well those rooms are for our...'special' customers.
Do monstrously huge slimes exist?
The answer is the same though. They're fictional slimes in fictional slime setting, you decide how they react.
Are there cute Slime pets?
>some of the husks look for body parts, and then keep sewin em right on. some of us are just big ol' piles of bones and bodies. a bit weird, but whatever, yanno?
OP says "fun setting", bub.
>Everyone is secretly a skeleton piloting a meat robot.
>God stopped paying attention a few thousand years in.
>Now all the skeletons are getting new technology crazy fucking fast. Some skeletons want to go to space but other skeletons try to keep the status quo in check for as many years as possible in order to maintain a steady stream of skellymonies.
>The whole thing is on a tiny rock in a giant spooky dark abyss
>You play as a random skeleton and your goal is to forget that skeletons can't go anywhere without their meat robots.
Wouldn't that be like us using acid as currency?
I saw a comic on the internet where these heroic skeletons hack apart a living human to free the skeleton that was trapped inside.
>fun setting
>basically Slime Rancher
Well, you got the fun part right.
I always wanted to run a setting similar to Armello. PCs from different clans of woodland critters going on adventures to save a kingdom. With lots of whimsical fantasy elements.
Isn't that basically real life?
More cute slimes, for inspiration.